NekoMouser |
A search for Weapon of the Deity didn't turn anything up, so here's my take on it.
According to the text on page 8, under the heading "Weapon and Armor Proficiency", a Cleric receives proficiency with all simple weapons, and is also proficient with the favored weapon of their deity.
As noted on the table of Deities of the Pathfinder Chronicles on page 10, this is desperately unbalanced. It gets even more broken if you check out the reprinted table on page 7 of the Rise of the Runelords Players Guide.
While some receive exotic weapons proficiencies and others receive special new weapons (and Clerics of Abadar get a blanket proficiency in all crossbows or something...I wonder if that includes repeating varieties?), others get "freebies" they already have. In the case of Pharasma and Nethys, the weapons proficiencies are possessed by every class in the game. And what's up with Clerics of Irori? Do they pick up Improved Unarmed Strike, or do they just have hands like the rest of the PCs?
No dis intended to the dagger or the quarterstaff. They're good weapons. Nor am I against having proficiency in a deities favored weapon available to clerics. i think it's a great idea in principle. But if you are going to give away a free weapon proficiency (feat equivalent), then by all means give it away equally to all Clerics. Dagger, Crossbow and quarterstaff are largely useless "freebies": every Cleric receives these anyway. Give them all something equivalent or don't give it to any of them.