Gnome Traits - page 5

Races & Classes

Scarab Sages

The rules specifically mention a tie to the fey. I was wondering what people thought of adding this to the gnome's racial traits

Fey-touched - Gnomes can sense the presence of cold iron within 15 ft. If the gnome would succeed on a DC 15 Perception (scent-based) check by taking 10, then the gnome is aware of the presence of any cold iron with this distance, but not the size, number of sources or direction of each source. A gnome that is aware of cold iron suffers a -2 penalty on any skill check requiring concentration or interaction with others and can only concentrate on any given subject (including a spell) for a number of rounds equal to their Intelligence modifier -1 (minimum 1 round including the round that they begin concentrating). Lastly, they are considered fey or humanoid for the purpose of whether or not a spell affects them.

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