Kobold Catgirl |

Kobold Cleaver wrote:Did you say something my minion? O nevermind. Now, lead this warparty of snorks to victory!Grr! For that, my master the Kraken God says you must die!
He isn't really my master. But I need backup against the snorks. Eventually I'll become more mighty than he and kill him.
You know what? I change my mind. ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY JABBERJAW!!!

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I decided to be a spammeister and re-post here:
Why isn't Cap'n Razor getting his fair share of votes?What's The Squid got? 10 arms? Cap'n Razor has 1000 arms! All Armed!
What's The Shark got? Hunger? Cap'n Razor has the hunger of a fleet of dead men, denied their rightful plunder!
The terror of his fleet...
His Keen Ghostly Blade...
The otherworldly *squawk* of his spectral parrot...You can't get away in the dark of the night,
As his fleet comes ashore with his undead crew,
There's a gleam in his eye o'er his Death's-Head grin,
As he binds up your sword and runs his main-gauche through..
YehHis crew all swore they would serve past the grave,
When it 'peared that they all would the gallows face,
The thump that you hear in the dead of the night,
Is the nearing peg-leg of Jacob Raz..
orThe preceding may not be based on the actual unpublished Capatain Jacob Razor
Brought to you by the Committee to elect Captain Razor"My name is Jacob Razor, and I plunder this message."

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Scribbling Rambler wrote:He's got an eye on the competition, and more than A ghost of a chance. His opponents may have a lead, but Jacob's more fleet. And his parrot is the real Macaw.STOP IT!!! ENOUGH PUNS!!! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!!
Does that mean that we can count on your vote for Jacob Razor?

Kobold Catgirl |

Kobold Cleaver wrote:Does that mean that we can count on your vote for Jacob Razor?Scribbling Rambler wrote:He's got an eye on the competition, and more than A ghost of a chance. His opponents may have a lead, but Jacob's more fleet. And his parrot is the real Macaw.STOP IT!!! ENOUGH PUNS!!! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!!
Does he like snorks?

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Scribbling Rambler wrote:Does he like snorks?Kobold Cleaver wrote:Does that mean that we can count on your vote for Jacob Razor?Scribbling Rambler wrote:He's got an eye on the competition, and more than A ghost of a chance. His opponents may have a lead, but Jacob's more fleet. And his parrot is the real Macaw.STOP IT!!! ENOUGH PUNS!!! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!!
Jacob Razor only likes dead Snorks!
Maybe the occasional undead Snork.

Kobold Catgirl |

Jabberjaw th SharkGodAvatar wrote:Jacob Razor has a Snork Village in an aquarium in his galley. He makes them sing little Christmas Carols.Lies!
Blasphemy!Those are sea chanties!
Well, with the amount of posts he's got...hmm...yeah, I think I can kill him without too much trouble. Fireball.

Kobold Catgirl |

Jabberjaw th SharkGodAvatar wrote:First, though, before I cast my vote: What is your opinion of those despicable creatures, the allies of smrfs, known as 'snrks'?A tentnical in every pot! Now, when do I kiss th' babbys?!?!?
Great. Very funny, Teter. Now FIX IT!!!

The Jade |

Trey wrote:YOU BE QUIET!!!Kobold Cleaver wrote:Best screen cap of the day. :DMothman wrote:Hey KC, check the great smrf experiment thread. You're gonna laugh.NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! IT CANNOT BE!!!! I AM GOING TO KILL THAT TETER!!!!!
Well we found our APRIL FOOLS TRICK!
Kobold is a smurf kobold! Check out his avatar just above.

Kobold Catgirl |

Kobold Cleaver wrote:Trey wrote:YOU BE QUIET!!!Kobold Cleaver wrote:Best screen cap of the day. :DMothman wrote:Hey KC, check the great smrf experiment thread. You're gonna laugh.NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! IT CANNOT BE!!!! I AM GOING TO KILL THAT TETER!!!!!Well we found our APRIL FOOLS TRICK!
Kobold is a smrf kobold! Check out his avatar just above.

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Scribbling Rambler wrote:Yes! A loophole! Smf! Thank you!Hey Scribe! JR is still sitting at 92 votes. If we don't see improvement in the next cuppla hours we'll have to crank up the pun propaganda again!
KC: who'sacutelittlekoboldsmf? Yee-ees! You are! You're acutlelittlekoboldsmf!

Kobold Catgirl |

Kobold Cleaver wrote:oopsScribbling Rambler wrote:Yes! A loophole! Smf! Thank you!Hey Scribe! JR is still sitting at 92 votes. If we don't see improvement in the next cuppla hours we'll have to crank up the pun propaganda again!
KC: who'sacutelittlekoboldsmf? Yee-ees! You are! You're acutlelittlekoboldsmf!

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

The Jade wrote:SHUT UP!!!Kobold Cleaver wrote:Trey wrote:YOU BE QUIET!!!Kobold Cleaver wrote:Best screen cap of the day. :DMothman wrote:Hey KC, check the great smrf experiment thread. You're gonna laugh.NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! IT CANNOT BE!!!! I AM GOING TO KILL THAT TETER!!!!!Well we found our APRIL FOOLS TRICK!
Kobold is a smrf kobold! Check out his avatar just above.
Omigods, that's awesome.