Last Seen at Kerrigan's Keep


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Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"I'm Yintarah Fireweaver, I'm helping Falcon Warchild investigate something" Yin replies with a small smile at the sudden questioning "But yes, Manny and I know each other" She adds with a grin in the knight's direction "Then again I know a lot of people"

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Hurriedly, Sir Manfred scrambles over to the perpetrator of this massacre, puts out any fires there may be on his clothes, and makes sure he is securely bound and gagged. After that, he will attend to the wounded as best he can.

I think Orlan would do the obvious thing here. Should we wait for him or does someone want to play his character?

Falcon, looking sheepish, says, "Make sure the ropes are tight and take away whatever the was in his hand."

By now, guards and denizens of the keep have filled the wide street. People are demanding answers and seeking out loved ones.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Shifting a little closer Yin takes hold of Falcon's hand and gives it a small squeeze. "So, am I taking this one away to try to question him or helping in the calming people down?" She asks curiously, happy to take his lead considering it was mostly her actions that lead to this huge scene.

Male Human Fighter (2)

"I'll help to put this 'guy' some where," says Kornelius.
"But first tell me what happened, please."

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3

As Manfred binds the charred priest, Orlan takes up the evil holy symbol of Asmodeus. Holding it up to the sky, he squints at it for a moment, then drops it on one of the nearby flagstones. He draws a throwing hammer from his belt and mutters a swift prayer to Torag. Brining the weapon down on the five-pointed star, he unleashes a wave of positive energy in a divine blessing from Torag to undo the heinous priest's crime.

"More souls ta protect, Lord Torag! Let evil be undone!" he shouts.

Orlan's positive energy channeling result... (1d6 = 2)
I believe that should at least stabilize everyone, as any magical healing can achieve that. As long as no one died by reaching -10 hp straight off the negative energy attack, they'll live.

Even after calling up the blessing, Orlan continues to rain down angry blows on the priest's holy symbol. He intermixes an occasional acid dart to warp and twist and unmake the terrible artifact. To anyone that asks, he indicates, "I be makin' sure no one ever uses this thing ta focus Asmodeus' will ever again."

Kornelius, Falcon, and a few of the other guards, grab the priest and drag him to the inner bailey. "I'd hoped to keep my father out of this, but that will be impossible now," says Falcon. Throwing a wink to Yin, he adds: "Let's just hope he doesn't use this priest for bait."

Orlan's positive energy washes over the crowd. Those who were in the most obvious agony seem relieved. A few even manage to open their eyes. Several, hurt but conscious, look at Orlan with respect and admiration.

"Thank you," says one, followed by another. Soon, Orlan is surrounded by grateful men and women.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"Thank you," says one, followed by another. Soon, Orlan is surrounded by grateful men and women.

"Hunh!" Orlan gives his stereotypical grunt of acknowledgement. "Sure'n Torag the Protector be needed in these parts," he announces loudly, "And we dwarves o' the Hammerfoe clan'll be glad ta bring his blessin's ta these mountains as well. Now let's be gettin' these poor folks off'n the streets and inta the care o' whatever healers be in Kerrigan's Keep. And can someone help me find muh stuff? I was carryin' a bunch o' gear I purchased around here somewhere..."

Orlan proceeds to collect his things, encourage the townsfolk to help any of the unconscious folks back to their homes, and then heads back to his room so he can prepare a message for Janderhoff as Klyndak requested. He leaves Yin and Manfred to handle the priest's interrogation and any follow-up conversation with Lord Kerrigan himself.

"If'n yuh need me, yuh be knowin' where ta find me," he instructs them, "But someone's gotta get the things done we were sent ta accomplish. I'll be handlin' those affairs while yuh investigate the matter o' Captain Badder, this priest, and whatever connection they be havin' ta our Rellios friend back at the Spires."

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Giving a small nod at Orlan's words, Yin follows on in the direction the priest was taken. Unsure if they need her help in interrogation or not she decides she may as well offer to help, besides now she has more time to deceipher the murderer's infernal scribblings.

Falcon and Kornelius take the priest to the inner bailey and clear out one of the guard rooms. They remove most of his clothes and ensure he doesn't have any unholy symbols or weapons. Then, they wake him.

"We are running out of patience. You will speak now," says Falcon, leaving off the 'or else'.

The man remains silent.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"Would you like me to help here or to read over the things in his bag in a little more depth?" Yin asks, feeling a little at a loss in the situation, she's never had to help any form of guard in the past.

The man blanches at Yintarah's question to Falcon. He begins to talk and does not stop, "Wait. Okay. Listen. The bag. Those papers. Mine. You want to know something ... ask. The bag is mine. Those papers are mine. Kill me but burn the papers. I'll answer your questions. ..."

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"What would be so bad about me looking over the papers?" Yin questions, suddenly all the more tempted to have a look in the bag either way to quench her curiousity.

"I will answer your questions if you do not," the man answers. He seems genuinely afraid.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"Fine, start talking" Yin starts, all the time her mind quickly digestig all of the information so far, making educated guesses as to the contents of the bag. "So, what is.. was.. your relationship with Badder? Why'd you kill him? How does this relate to Rellios? Who's Dell Granger? Are you working for yourself or under the orders of someone else?" She harries him with the first questions to come to mind.

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
"Fine, start talking" Yin starts, all the time her mind quickly digestig all of the information so far, making educated guesses as to the contents of the bag. "So, what is.. was.. your relationship with Badder? Why'd you kill him? How does this relate to Rellios? Who's Dell Granger? Are you working for yourself or under the orders of someone else?" She harries him with the first questions to come to mind.

"This 'Rellios' is a fool. He stole from some very powerful people. The Red Mantis. The Cerulean Society. The Lawgivers. They are all after him. I heard rumour in Kaer Maga that he may have come this way. Badder said he thought he knew where the elf went and promised to find out. We ... we had a misunderstanding over the price that information was worth and I ... made it impossible for him to renegotiate our contract."

"I have two weeks to return with the gem he stole from the twin blades. He will not be forgiven if we do not get it to him. His family, his tutor, the blacksmith who crafted the blades, and the wizard who enchanted them will be killed."

"I know little more than that. Tell him that I have two weeks to return the stolen gem."


This could have made an exciting adventure for Rellios ... a trip to Korvosa to uncover a plot involving royal intrigue, nasty bad guys, and even involving a trip to the 'grey district' at night. Yummm. Instead, it will probably suffice to explain his departure from the spires. If he ever does re-emerge, he can try to save his adopted family by solving the rest of this mystery.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
This could have made an exciting adventure for Rellios ... a trip to Korvosa to uncover a plot involving royal intrigue, nasty bad guys, and even involving a trip to the 'grey district' at night. Yummm. Instead, it will probably suffice to explain his departure from the spires. If he ever does re-emerge, he can try to save his adopted family by solving the rest of this mystery.

Um...isn't Rellios still in the Foray group? Or were you thinking of Kamris departing us?

Rellios seems to have gone silent. The Foray group has just had a long frustrating day of clearing kobolds out of a level of the spire. Poor bastards. The sneaky little things kept hitting and running away. Still, they did outsmart me on the traps I had set up by setting fire to the place ... even without Yintarah there.

As things stand now, if you guys wanted to wrap things up here, that could be easy enough to do.

Male Human Fighter (2)

"Yintarah, who's Rellios? I've never heard of him." asks Kornelius curiously.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

After securing the prisoner, Sir Manfred helps Lord Orlan gather his packages and hopes earnestly that his undercover job was over now. He knew now that the skills needed to do it well were not his. He couldn't focus, he kept thinking about riding his new horse "Trouble", perhaps in a tourney...

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

While Sir Manfred helps Lord Orlan with his packages, he suddenly remembers something. After depositing his burden he picks up his lance and seeks out Kornelius Rowell II. When he finds him, he taps his lance against Kornelius' shield.

Sir Manfred grins; "Thought you had forgotten your promise to joust with me? As it happens I have a decent horse now and I wish to pass lances with someone before I head out into the wilderness again."

Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:

While Sir Manfred helps Lord Orlan with his packages, he suddenly remembers something. After depositing his burden he picks up his lance and seeks out Kornelius Rowell II. When he finds him, he taps his lance against Kornelius' shield.

Sir Manfred grins; "Thought you had forgotten your promise to joust with me? As it happens I have a decent horse now and I wish to pass lances with someone before I head out into the wilderness again."


My joust rules:
1. Both riders charge.
2. Attack role as normal for a charge (+2 attack role, with -2 to your AC. Lances do double damage on a charge). Lances break at 15 points of damage.
3. If hit, opponent must make a Ride Check (DC=5+Damage Dealt) to stay mounted. 5 ranks in handle animal = +2 on ride check.
4. If both are dismounted, melee combat follows.
5. If dismounted, Ride Check (DC15) or 1d6 damage.

Player Options (must be indicated in invisible castle roll):
a.) Aim at helm: -8 to attack but Ride Check (DC15+damage dealt).
b.) Crouch defensively: -4 attack +4 to ride check

Kornelius will happily accept your friendly challenge, I'm sure, as soon as he finishes his homework.

"Yintarah, do you have any more questions for this man?"

"We can keep him here in our cellars. Turning him over to Korvosan law would be bad for morale ... most of our soldiers have been at odds with Korvosan law at some point."

Later ...

"Yintarah, do you wish to return to the Mindspins? What would take you back there. If you need adventure, father has been looking for some people he can trust to clear the Caves of Chaos. Perhaps, Manfred and maybe you and Kornelius could help?"

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Yin looks thoughtful as she's asked if she has any more questions. "I have a great many questions for him, but it would take hours I'm sure. To fully learn someone's motives is a difficult task." She pauses and chews her lower lip for a moment before giving a firm nod of her head "I think I have all I need for now. Besides I think his contact would be able to tell us a little more than the information he has to offer, it's often best to get as close to the source of things as possible."


Yin gives a sigh and a small shrug "I went out there for adventure, and to travel more with Kamris so now I guess I'm at a loss for where to go next. I'll need to mak sure a messages sent for Rellios but feel no need to deliver it myself." Looking thoughtful she soon smiles warmly at Falcon "I could see myself staying here at least a little longer"

Male Human Fighter (2)
Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:

While Sir Manfred helps Lord Orlan with his packages, he suddenly remembers something. After depositing his burden he picks up his lance and seeks out Kornelius Rowell II. When he finds him, he taps his lance against Kornelius' shield.

Sir Manfred grins; "Thought you had forgotten your promise to joust with me? As it happens I have a decent horse now and I wish to pass lances with someone before I head out into the wilderness again."

"Sure, Manny."

"I would be delighted to cross lances with you."
"How about tommorow?"



As Orlan goes about his business, he finds himself welcomed in every shop he goes into. Many of the customers remember him or have heard of him by now.

When he enters a leather goods store, a Shoanti woman is standing with her back to the door, talking to a scarred and beefy Korvosan man, "But you've always said that you couldn't do fine work and keep up with the day to day demands of the Keep. Just think about it," says the woman. The man starts to respond but then sees Orlan. He leaps over a low sawhorse upon which a half finished saddle was sitting and charges across the store at Orlan with a long, sharp awl in his hands: "You ...!"

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:

Besides I think his contact would be able to tell us a little more than the information he has to offer, it's often best to get as close to the source of things as possible."


Yin gives a sigh and a small shrug "I went out there for adventure, and to travel more with Kamris so now I guess I'm at a loss for where to go next. I'll need to mak sure a messages sent for Rellios but feel no need to deliver it myself." Looking thoughtful she soon smiles warmly at Falcon "I could see myself staying here at least a little longer"

Falcon seems confused by Yin's response. "So ... you will stay for a few more days but his contact ... Are you going to Korvosa or Kaer Maga or whereever his contact is then?"



For the joust, make three attacks with a lance, rolling for damage as per the rules above.
Also, make three ride checks to see if you keep on your horse should Kornelius hit you.
If neither of you hits in three rounds, we'll try again.

It doesn't take long for word to spread that Manfred and Kornelius Rowel the caravan guard are planning a friendly joust.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:


As Orlan goes about his business, he finds himself welcomed in every shop he goes into. Many of the customers remember him or have heard of him by now.

When he enters a leather goods store, a Shoanti woman is standing with her back to the door, talking to a scarred and beefy Korvosan man, "But you've always said that you couldn't do fine work and keep up with the day to day demands of the Keep. Just think about it," says the woman. The man starts to respond but then sees Orlan. He leaps over a low sawhorse upon which a half finished saddle was sitting and charges across the store at Orlan with a long, sharp awl in his hands: "You ...!"


Orlan stands his ground as he observes the frenzied fellow bearing down on him. One hand tugs at his beard, but it hides the fact that his other is reached behind it to clasp the handle of one of his throwing hammers in case he needs to defend himself.

"Hunh!" the dwarf responds, "Yuh be havin' a problem with the likes o' me in yer store fer some reason, fella? Muh coin be as good as anyone's..."

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred couldn't help but grin as he dropped the tip of his lance and started Trouble in a charge towards Kornelius...

Nothing fancy here, he's tall in the saddle and aiming for his opponents shield...

3 Lance charge attacks: (1d20+8=10, 1d20+8=15, 1d20+8=14)

Lance damage: (1d8+3+1d8+3=16, 1d8+3+1d8+3=19, 1d8+3+1d8+3=15) (Lance breaks in each case)

3 Ride checks (to keep mounted if hit): (1d20+7=23, 1d20+7=17, 1d20+7=26)

3 Ride checks (to land right if dismounted): (1d20+7=27, 1d20+7=21, 1d20+7=9)

3 Damage if dismounted and land wrong: (1d6=5, 1d6=1, 1d6=1)

Orlan wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:


** spoiler omitted **


** spoiler omitted **


The man looks startled and then notices the awl in his hand. The woman turns and beams at Orlan. He recognizes her as the woman stabbed by the wicked priest.

Dropping the awl, and then almost as quickly dropping to his knee, the leather worker says "You ... I thank you ... My Abodah, my love, tells me you saved her life twice today, which means you have saved me as well. ... Forgive me that I have no proper way to thank you."

Then he looks down at your scuffed and scraped boots. "I will find a way to thank you ... though it be not enough."

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4
Falcon Warchild wrote:
Falcon seems confused by Yin's response. "So ... you will stay for a few more days but his contact ... Are you going to Korvosa or Kaer Maga or whereever his contact is then?"

Yin gives a small mysterious smile and the slightest of shrugs. "Wherever feels most important or exciting after I've spent a little time here getting to know the people of the Keep a bit better"

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

The man looks startled and then notices the awl in his hand. The woman turns and beams at Orlan. He recognizes her as the woman stabbed by the wicked priest.

Dropping the awl, and then almost as quickly dropping to his knee, the leather worker says "You ... I thank you ... My Abodah, my love, tells me you saved her life twice today, which means you have saved me as well. ... Forgive me that I have no proper way to thank you."

Then he looks down at your scuffed and scraped boots. "I will find a way to thank you ... though it be not enough."

For DM:

"Ah! I...urrr...see," Orlan relaxes and releases the haft of his hammer. He still tugs on his beard, however...proving more uncomfortable with this turn of events than he would've been with simply defending himself.

"Ummm...happy I was ta act as the instrument o' Torag the Lord-Protector," he rumbles, "And lucky ta be in the right place at the right time."

He peers past the man at the Shoanti woman and nods respectfully. "Nobody deserves ta be fallin' victim ta the likes o' that evil follower o' the Deceiver, Asmodeus," he explains, "Those who would sacrifice innocent lives ta forward their evil schemes deserve a proper smitin'...and with the man turned over ta Lord Kerrigan, I be hopin' his justice will be provin' swift indeed."

He pats the leather-worker on the shoulder and urges him to get up before Orlan feels any more embarrassment. "My name be Lord Orlan Hammerfoe, cousin and chief representative o' King Klyndak, newly-returned ta the Foehammer Spires in the mountains." He politely asks their names and files them away for future reference. Then his thoughts turn to business again.

"Yer store attracted muh interest," Orlan explains, looking down at his boots, "It be no secret that muh adventurous ways be takin' a toll on muh footwear. After sellin' a variety o' dwarven wares, I earned enough coin ta purchase some new ones. And I be hopin' maybe yuh could craft somethin' ta me likin'...and a better fit fer a dwarf's feet? Perhaps a bit o' water-proofin' as well, considerin' a river almost claimed me in the mountains awhile back?"

"In addition," he goes on, "I can't help but be noticin' yer other fine leatherwork there on the wall. As yuh may know from muh speech in the marketplace today, I've joined with the local merchant's guild and intend ta start bringin' dwarven metalwork here ta sell in Kerrigan's Keep and hopefully beyond ta Kaer Maga and even down to Janderhoff and Korvosa eventually. Some o' our wares require affixin' metal ta it fer armor or shield or a fine leather scabbard fer a weapon o' masterful dwarven craftmanship. So I be wonderin' if perhaps we could be doin' mutual business with one another? If'n yuh could collaborate with our smiths on producin' fine leather accompaniements, I be sure'n that might enhance both our products. Would that be somethin' that might interest yuh, perhaps?"

Untrained Diplomacy check... (1d20 = 11)

Male Human Fighter (2)

Lance CHARGE! attacks:
Lance CHARGE!! (1d20+8=20, 1d20+8=23, 1d20+8=15)

Lance DAMAGE!! (2d8+8=20, 2d8+8=24, 2d8+8=19)

Ride (1d20+7=16, 1d20+7=15, 1d20+7=13)

This is the day after Market Day. The Road is lined with wagons and tents as the Keep becomes on market day an active trading post for much of the surrounding countryside. Goods brought up from South of the Storval Rise are traded and sold and wagons return South with Shoanti produced goods.

The news of a joust has created a great deal of excitement.

Not being used to jousts, little has been established in the way of formalities. Manfred and Kornelius are led to opposite ends of a stretch of road. They are given wooden lances. The crowd hoots and hollars and then a flag is dropped.

The riders charge down the dusty road, sun shining off shield and armour ... As they crash together, Manfred's lance goes astray but Kornelius' hits home. Manfred is not unseated but takes 15 points of nonlethal damage.

Remaining on their horses, Manfred and Kornelius ride to the opposite ends of the stretch of road, turn and ride back towards each other again. The crowd falls silent and only the thunder of hooves can be heard until they crash together.

Both riders hit and the blows are hard enough to knock them back off their horses.
15 points of damage each.

No one thought of this eventuality and they were not given wooden swords or blunt weapons. The rules of jousting would normally have you beat each other into submission.

Manfred also takes damage from his fall ... 5 damage?

Initiative rolls and actions please.

Both Kornelius and Manfred have taken serious beatings.

Male Human Fighter (2)

"Shall we call it a draw?"



"Perhaps a bit o' water-proofin' as well, considerin' a river almost claimed me in the mountains awhile back?"

"Well, that explains the damage to the leather and the ... slight odor. It is a small thing but I would like to thank you. Don't talk of purchasing. Let me thank you the only way a poor craftsman can."

"So I be wonderin' if perhaps we could be doin' mutual business with one another? If'n yuh could collaborate with our smiths on producin' fine leather accompaniements, I be sure'n that might enhance both our products. Would that be somethin' that might interest yuh, perhaps?"

He shoots a glance at his wife at this point, who has raised her eyebrows and smiled, "My Abodah has already suggested as much. Or, we've been talking about the possibilities. ... My name is Jacard ... and you've met Abodah."

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:


He shoots a glance at his wife at this point, who has raised her eyebrows and smiled, "My Abodah has already suggested as much. Or, we've been talking about the possibilities. ... My name is Jacard ... and you've met Abodah."

For DM:

"Hunh!" Orlan smiles, "Well, it be good knowin' me words have already gone spreadin' across the Keep, then. When Lord Kerrigan suggested I talk with the local guild master, I knew we dwarves would be needin' ta establish formal relations with the merchants here. But I be more inclined ta develop personal partnerships with individual businesses and people such as yerselves where possible. Let's have a look at yer wares and such. And maybe we can be talkin' about the possibilities while yuh measure me fer a new pair o' boots."

Orlan proceeds to lay out whatever business plans seem reasonable for connecting Jacard's leather goods with the dwarves' metal-crafting. He leaves them with the impression that they're not quite ready to start any actual collaboration they're still awaiting more dwarves to journey up from Janderhoff and join them at the Spires. But all in all, he intends to visit other shops in Kerrigan's Keep to ask about similar arrangements. And hopefully, with the good word spreading about his actions in the marketplace and to save the people from the evil priest of Asmodeus, Orlan had better milk this situational bonus for all its worth right now. ;-)

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Climbing painfully to his feet, Sir Manfred calls out to Kornelius.
"One last pass? We each have one lance remaining and I would hate to waste them."



Orlan is able to nurture some goodwill and set up various arrangements with the merchants. Pretty much whereever he goes, he is recognized and welcomed.

Did you have anything you wanted to purchase or shall we discuss that later in the Foray thread after your return?



If you have any other questions for Arat (the priest) ask them. Falcon asks you to bring Orlan and Manfred for dinner after the joust.



I'm not sure what Kornelius wants to do with the third run. I'll ask him tomorrow.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Yin intends to ask as much as she can of the priest. Asking who his contact is, how he knows him. What makes them so sure Rellios is the one that commited the crime, what else he knows about Rellios. Who he works for, why Asmodeus - surely that's not a sane choice of deity. General chatting about magic and where he's from, because it's Yin and she likes learning things. More information on his interactions wth Badder..

And most importantly trying to work out more about the papers in his bag she'll try to glean clues from him as to what they are and if that fails she'll offer to 'go burn them' and probably have a sneaky peek at them.

She's also happy to go find Manny & Orlan once she's done.

Male Human Fighter (2)

Kornelius plants his lance in the ground.
"I surrender," he says.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:


Did you have anything you wanted to purchase or shall we discuss that later in the Foray thread after your return?

For DM:

I know Klyndak specifically wanted enough supplies to last them for a long time at the Spires, as well as tools and what-not both for our use and any dwarves who eventually journey up from Janderhoff to join us. Maybe some mules or other sure-footed mountain ponies to haul everything. Anything else can wait until the Foray thread, I think...

Orlan: Got it.



You learn more from the man, although he is reluctant to give up too much information. He still seems to think that you might release him to make the journey to Korvosa to meet Dell Granger if you think it is in Rellios best interest. He's trying to convince you that everyone Rellios knows will die unless he turns over a stolen gem to this man to return.

As for the why and wherefor of it, Arat of Asmodeus doesn't know much. He takes money to pursue those who have violated contracts made with his wicked employers. He isn't always told why. What he does know, is that Rellios is believed to have stolen a magically enhanced gem from one of two blades -- 'the twins'. Whoever his contact Dell Granger works for wants the gem back ... badly.

Male Human 3rd Fighter

Okay, let's get everyone on the same day now.

Yin and Orlan have kept themselves busy in the Keep, Yin with her investigation and Orlan with his purchasing. Manfred has gotten to know 'Trouble' a little better and the joust has become the talk of the Keep.

From their spot on the hill, Yin and Orlan watch Manfred shatter lances not once, but twice with a local caravan guard in the employ of the Merchant's Guild. The second time, both riders fall from the horse and Kornelius, the guard, barely able to stand, surrenders rather than risk another pass.

As you watch, Lord Kerrigan, flanked by a couple of guards approaches. "Lord Orlan," he says, "I hope you will bring your royal cousin to visit us soon. We could forge a better bond. Also, the priest has asked whether you would stay until tomorrow. Several people has expressed to him a greater interest in the teaching of Torag and tomorrow is Sunday. ... Oh, and a dwarf by the name of Gengar Whittlewood has agreed to carry your letter to Janderhoff."

Taking Yin aside, Kerrigan asks: "Yin," he continues, "Let me know your intentions. I have work enough for one with an adventurous spirit. My son says you can be trusted with ... missions both delicate and dangerous."

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Lord Kerrigan wrote:
...Lord Kerrigan, flanked by a couple of guards approaches. "Lord Orlan," he says, "I hope you will bring your royal cousin to visit us soon. We could forge a better bond. Also, the priest has asked whether you would stay until tomorrow. Several people have expressed to him a greater interest in the teachings of Torag and tomorrow is Sunday....Oh, and a dwarf by the name of Gengar Whittlewood has agreed to carry your letter to Janderhoff."

"Hunh...Gengar?" Orlan huffs, "A Whittlewood? What kinda dwarven clan be the Whittlewoods? Gimme a Giantcrusher, Orevein, or Evenstone any day. But I reckon a Whittlewood'll suffice if'n that's our only option. And soon as he stirs our cousins ta be joinin' us at the Spires, I'm sure'n King Klyndak will make arrangements fer a more formal visit with yer Lordship."

"As fer yer priest's invitation...Hunh!" the burly dwarf considers the best way to extend the goodwill he's fostered at Kerrigan's Keep for a moment. At the same time he worries over the need for a quick return to ensure Klyndak still maintains their hold over the Foehammer Spires. "Well, I reckon one more day won't hurt our schedule none," he concedes, "An' though I'm not the wisest o' Torag's devoted, I suppose I can be sharin' a might more o' his ways with yer people."

Not sure where we'll go with you want to play out the next day or are we just going to gloss over Orlan's time at the temple on Sunday?

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4
Lord Kerrigan wrote:
Taking Yin aside, Kerrigan asks: "Yin," he continues, "Let me know your intentions. I have work enough for one with an adventurous spirit. My son says you can be trusted with ... missions both delicate and dangerous."

Yin gives a gentle smile. "Truth be told I was hoping to spend some time getting to know your son a little better, but if there's a pressing delicate and dangerous task to be done then I'm always up for a little excitement and adventure!"

Orlan: No need to roleplay out the Sunday. As far as I'm concerned, you have finished your business at the Keep. Perhaps, it is time to ask your companions if they are returning with you.

Male Human 3rd Fighter
Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
Lord Kerrigan wrote:
Taking Yin aside, Kerrigan asks: "Yin," he continues, "Let me know your intentions. I have work enough for one with an adventurous spirit. My son says you can be trusted with ... missions both delicate and dangerous."
Yin gives a gentle smile. "Truth be told I was hoping to spend some time getting to know your son a little better, but if there's a pressing delicate and dangerous task to be done then I'm always up for a little excitement and adventure!"

"Pressing? No, not pressing. In fact, it is a mission better undertaken slowly and over time," Kerrigan looks around cautiously. "I would like some adventurers to explore the Caves of Chaos in the hills behind the Keep and report back to me. I would like this to be done discreetly. Any treasure found, of course, would belong to those who undertook the mission. If this appeals to you, you could invite Manfred to join you ... he seems like a capable lad."

Kerrigan winces as Manfred is thrown from his horse.

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