Last Seen at Kerrigan's Keep


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Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Yin blushes very faintly as she catches the gist of Larjen's whisper to Falcon from the tone and the Shoanti's stammering. "I.. well, we're here to talk to you about plants actually. I was wondering if any Sassone leaf has been through the keep and Falcon suggested that you might be able to help with that."

Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:
TheSoldier wrote:
"Well, the auction will be soon ...," says the soldier with a grin. "The horse is probably in the stables. If you'd like to look at it, I think we have time."

Sir Manfred thinks; Clearly, this man suspects nothing of my interest.

Aloud he says; "Well, if we have nothing better to do, let's go see."

The guard escorts you to the stables, all the time talking up the horse, praising its strength, health, and size.

When you arrive at the stables, there are a number of men gathered around the stall in question chatting animatedly about the horse. The guard interrupts them quickly "This is ... a new guard. Just arrived today. He's interested in the horse," he says.

Perception DC 15


He winks as he says this and seems to be having a bit of a laugh.

The crowd grins as one but says nothing.

Then you see the horse. It is a bit large for a light warhorse and quite healthy looking. The coat is a shiny grey bordering on a metallic silver and the mane has the look of spun gold. It is, indeed, a beautiful horse.

Handle Animal DC 5


The horse seems very healthy.

Handle Animal DC 12


The horse seems a bit twitchy.

Handle Animal DC 15


The horse has some scars on its haunches that suggest it has been whipped too hard.

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
Yin blushes very faintly as she catches the gist of Larjen's whisper to Falcon from the tone and the Shoanti's stammering. "I.. well, we're here to talk to you about plants actually. I was wondering if any Sassone leaf has been through the keep and Falcon suggested that you might be able to help with that."

"Sassone leaf? Is someone sick? Not much use for that unless you are trying to kill a parasite or kill a person," says Larjen. His eyes go wide when he says that and then he exclaims "Falcon! I won't have anything to do with something like that. Poison Falcon? What are you doing. Think about it man. Your father won't live forever! Give it time."

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

"Sassone leaf? Is someone sick? Not much use for that unless you are trying to kill a parasite or kill a person," says Larjen. His eyes go wide when he says that and then he exclaims "Falcon! I won't have anything to do with something like that. Poison Falcon? What are you doing. Think about it man. Your father won't live forever! Give it time."

Falcon seems more shocked than amused at Larjen's outburst but decides to confide in him despite Larjen's flightiness: "We're looking for a poisoner, not a poison. Where would someone find Sassone leaf?"

Falcon Warchild wrote:

Falcon seems more shocked than amused at Larjen's outburst but decides to confide in him despite Larjen's flightiness: "We're looking for a poisoner, not a poison. Where would someone find Sassone leaf?"

"Oh. Sorry," says Larjen. "Not around here I'd think. Doesn't grow north of the Storval rise. It has some medicinal use but only as a last resort. You could get some in Kaer Maga perhaps."

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Yin places a gentle hand on Falcon's arm at Larjen's exclaimation, knowing all too well how hard it could sometimes be to be even vaguely suspected or accused of something without good cause.

"Thankyou, and sorry my enquiry was a little too ambiguous" She tells Larjen with an apologetic smile.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Perception: (1d20-1=19)

Sir Manfred notices the wink and is mystified.

Handle Animal: (1d20+8=16)

"That is a handsome animal!" Exclaimes Sir Manfred. Going around the side, he stops, noticeing something on the horses flanks. Leaning in for a closer look, he traces out the markings. "Are those scars, whipmarks? Whoever did this is undeserving of such a magificent animal!"

The men seem a little less amused. There's tension in the air but it isn't directed towards Manfred per se. "Best not tuh speak ill, o' the dead," mumbles one.

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
"Thankyou, and sorry my enquiry was a little too ambiguous" She tells Larjen with an apologetic smile.

"So, Lady Yin," says Falcon, "Where to next?"

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"I guess we need to find someone who'll be able to recognise foreign substances better than I can or be able to work out an alcohol based on scent." Yin suggests "That or seeing if any firm believers in Erastil are around" She adds thoughtfully.

"Oh, and really I'm not a Lady of any description! Just Yin is fine"

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
"Oh, and really I'm not a Lady of any description! Just Yin is fine"

"The Lady was for Larjen's benefit. I didn't like the way ... well ... anyhow. As for followers of Erastil, the clergy of the Keep is dedicated to Irori. (Father relied on Irori when he stopped drinking and my earlier childhood was spent in a Irorian monastery until the war ended.) I'm sure there are some followers of Erastil but I don't know of them."

Falcon and Yin exit the inn. A crowd is beginning to gather in the central market place. Orlan is being introduced to people by an busy Wain Sarpis.

"So? To 'The Old Mess' or do we wait for the auction to start?"

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Yin gives a small smile "I've been calling a lot of the shots so far and I'm the one who's supposed to be helping you in your investigations" She replies with a shake of her head "Which do you think we should do?"

Male Human Fighter (2)

At the stables, a young man comes to take the horse.

"Excuse me, would you move please?
"I've been ordered to get this 'orse.

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
Yin gives a small smile "I've been calling a lot of the shots so far and I'm the one who's supposed to be helping you in your investigations" She replies with a shake of her head "Which do you think we should do?"

"I have convinced my father that the unarmed combat methods of the Shoanti and the monks of Irori are appropriate to policing of the Keep. That doesn't make me a detective. ... You mentioned finding out more about the alcohol on the floor. Perhaps you should meet the dear sweet woman who is able to see Larjen's assets but overlook his ... ahem ... ass," Falcon indicates 'The Old Mess'.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"I'm really not a detective either, just a wanderer, but I' appy to help while I'm here" Yin responds with a thoughtful expression "but yes, heading to the old mess works" She agrees with a light laugh at Falcon's comment about Larjan's rear.

Yin and Falcon enter 'The Old Mess'. A halfling woman, whom Yintarah met before but now knows to be Larjen's wife, rushes over. She really is a lovely woman ... or she would be if she wasn't hollaring at Yin.

"You again! You're back!! Now listen up. No more of that nonsense. If I need any help lighting the candles I'll get a chair. ... And how is it that somebody who can make fire with her hands doesn't know that alcohol is flamable?!!"

"Yintarah?" asks Falcon trying not to laugh. "Are you the one who almost set fire to 'The Old Mess' last month?"

During the first posts it was suggested that the group had made themselves somewhat unwelcome in 'The Old Mess' and that was one of the reasons they were happy to get a commission with Orlan. Hope you don't mind Yin being blamed again ;-)

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3

I've been quite busy in real-life of late. I've been following along, but until the auction, there doesn't seem much else for Orlan to do at the moment. He is intending to bid on Badder's things, if for no other reason than the hope of using them to somehow understand the mystery surrounding his death and the interest his patrons have in Rellios. I forget the exact details of everything Klyndak wanted me to sell. But I seem to recall several fist-sized gemstones or something to that effect. Ought to be quite dramatic when he produces those for payment.

Orlan wrote:
I've been quite busy in real-life of late. I've been following along, but until the auction, there doesn't seem much else for Orlan to do at the moment. He is intending to bid on Badder's things, if for no other reason than the hope of using them to somehow understand the mystery surrounding his death and the interest his patrons have in Rellios. I forget the exact details of everything Klyndak wanted me to sell. But I seem to recall several fist-sized gemstones or something to that effect. Ought to be quite dramatic when he produces those for payment.

The auction will be starting soon, I think. I'll try to find out from Klyndak what goods were sent.

Male Human Fighter (2)

As Kornelius Rowel, takes the horse out of the stall, most of the men give him a wide berth. As soon as it is out of the stall, the horse rears up and looks like it might make a break for it.

"Whoa you! Where do you think yer goin'?" asks Kornelius to the horse. Despite his best efforts, he can't calm the horse down.

Kornelius Rowel II is played by my son btw.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

As the horse is led out of the stall, Sir Manfred calls out, "I say, where are you taking this horse?"
As the horse rears up, Sir Manfred leaps forward to try to calm it down.

Handle Animal (1d20+7=18)

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Yin gives a bright apologetic smile "It's wonderful to see you again too" She responds "Accidents do happen when spellcasters get bored but don't worry I've learnt more finesse with my spells, far more accurate. Besides, I won't be getting bored, I have Falcon for company"

Male Human Fighter (2)
Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:

As the horse is led out of the stall, Sir Manfred calls out, "I say, where are you taking this horse?"

As the horse rears up, Sir Manfred leaps forward to try to calm it down.

Handle Animal (1d20+7=18)

"Thank you for stopping de horse,kind gentleman."

"I've been ordered to bring the horse to de auction."

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
Yin gives a bright apologetic smile "It's wonderful to see you again too" She responds "Accidents do happen when spellcasters get bored but don't worry I've learnt more finesse with my spells, far more accurate. Besides, I won't be getting bored, I have Falcon for company"

Lillan Hilltown smiles at that and says "And what of the uptight one who accused me of 'besmirching your honour' and the handsome lookin' half-elf with the chip on his shoulder. Are they going to be makin' an appearance today?"

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"Manny's around, still as certain as ever that I have the makings of a Lady with honour to be besmirched" Yin replies with a little smile "And Kam... he decided it was time to move on. With his elven blood I always knew we'd probably outgrow one another and have to go our seperate ways, I just didn't think it would be so soon" She adds honestly and a little sadly "It's like having to say goodbye to a sibling or something.."

"Too bad. The half-elf was a good one. Didn't talk too much. I'm not a fan of men who talk too much, ya know," Lillan glances toward the corridor leading to the inn as she says this. "Anyhow, you here for lunch? Pull up a bench. The place is desserted with everyone waiting for the auction to start. It will get busy after it is done though."

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred replies while soothing the horse, "Auction? What auction? Is he to be sold then?"

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"Do we have time for lunch?" Yin asks Falcon hopefully with a bright grin "We shouldn't be working on empty stomachs afterall"

Male Human Fighter (2)
Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:
Sir Manfred replies while soothing the horse, "Auction? What auction? Is he to be sold then?"

"You haven't heard!?"

"And, yeah he is to be sold at an auction in de market."

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
"Do we have time for lunch?" Yin asks Falcon hopefully with a bright grin "We shouldn't be working on empty stomachs afterall"

"Good idea. Let's get something quick and go over what we know."

"We know that Badder was stabbed quite expertly ... we know that he had something purple on his fingers ..."

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"Purple-ish tinge to the fingers that has an acidic smell, expertly placed wound, Sassone leaf residue around the wound" she starts to run through the clues found aloud "A pool of alchohol near where his hand was. A straw shape a little like those Erastil dolls near the window. Then there's the fact he was still clothed, armoured in fact"

Shaking her head a little she gives a sigh "Do we want to try to work out what the alcohol was or chase the Sassone leaf? Or shall we try something different?"

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:

"Purple-ish tinge to the fingers that has an acidic smell, expertly placed wound, Sassone leaf residue around the wound" she starts to run through the clues found aloud "A pool of alchohol near where his hand was. A straw shape a little like those Erastil dolls near the window. Then there's the fact he was still clothed, armoured in fact"

Shaking her head a little she gives a sigh "Do we want to try to work out what the alcohol was or chase the Sassone leaf? Or shall we try something different?"

"What would an investigator do?"

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

"Right now? Well, I suppose I had better follow along to make sure the horse gets there alright..." Sir Manfred gazes admiringly at the horse as he mentally calculates his meagre coinage. He would need at least 20 times what he had to get an Average specimen, much less this one.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"I really don't know, I guess they'd follow the lead they deemed most important. Maybe we should see what else we can uncover here at the Keep before looking around further afield for Sassone suppliers. So we need someone to help us identify the substances in the room or we need to start questioning people to see if anyone saw Badder yesterday, try to guage who saw him last.." Yin suggests sounding very unsure

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
"I really don't know, I guess they'd follow the lead they deemed most important. Maybe we should see what else we can uncover here at the Keep before looking around further afield for Sassone suppliers. So we need someone to help us identify the substances in the room or we need to start questioning people to see if anyone saw Badder yesterday, try to guage who saw him last.." Yin suggests sounding very unsure

"Those sound like good ideas. Would a cleric be any use in identifying the poisons? We know that Badder arrived back at the Keep late yesterday evening. Maybe some of his watch could tell us where he went afterwards."



Considering you had no transportation, I'm going to suggest that with the help of Yin, Manfred, and Kamris, Orlan took the following:

Masterwork dwarven battleaxe head
3 large tapestries depicting the Shoanti wars (75 gp each)
masterwork thieves tools
demonic idol 200 gp
1 masterwork two-bladed sword
1 masterwork dire flail
1 masterwork gnome hooked hammer
1 masterwork spiked chain
1 masterwork suit of spiked scail mail
2 masterwork spiked small steel shields.
10x50gp garnets from well
1 drow paperweight (2000gp)
6x25gp bloodstones

And left the following behind:
1 silk lined coffin, empty (value unknown) (used to carry weapons)
41 spears
10 longswords
10 large wooden shields
8 bolts of silk from Tian Xia (worth 50 gp each)
10 casks Cheliaxian wine (worth 15 gp each)
5 crates salt (25 gp each)
5 suits of chainmail

When you arrived at the Keep, the following items were turned over to you:
2 Draft horses -- Tankard and another
Twenty jugs of aged dwarven wine (found underwater but well-sealed, piled onto the barge, travelled downstream with the cannibals, and now in the fort).
1 Large Barge

Male Human Fighter (2)

"He (The Horse) is quite handsome."
"I'm Kornelius Rowel The II by the way."
"I work as a guard for the Merchant's Guild."
"But...who are you ,kind gentleman?"

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

"I am S..." Sir Manfred grits his teeth;"...just call me... Manny. I'm a new guard."

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

"Quite possibly, I'm really not an expert on alchemical substances, I just know a bit from the book I picked up to help teach myself to make more vials alchemists fire to save myself some money.." Yin confesses with a weak smile "And even if a cleric can't help with the poison they may be able to confirm or deny the straw's connection to Erastil"

"Good, then it is settled. We'll go see my old tutor. He should be in the chapel."

Your stew arrives. Stew is the only thing being served today.

A trumpet blasts.

"Burp," says Falcon. "I mean ... I mean that is probably our trumpeteer ... the auction must be starting."

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We have some sad news. Some very sad news. A member of the guard of the Keep, our home, ... A captain of the guard no less, has passed away. He will be missed," says Wain Sarpis. Many people in the crowd look around suspiciously as if to see who might possibly miss Badder.

"He will be missed because ... because ..." Sarpis seems to be searching here. "Because of his enthusiasm for life. As you know, Captain Badder was a man of great energy ... it showed in his love of argument, combat, drinking, and gambling. That energy will be missed."

The crowd shrugs in what could pass for agreement.

"So, while it is sad that we have lost a frie... a colleague ..."

A voice in the crowd that could belong to Sirap Hilltown mutters in a passable imitation of Wain Sarpis' self-congratulatory drawl "... At least he had the good sense to die on Market Day."

Whatever Wain Sarpis was going to finish with is drowned out in a laughter that mocks both Badder and Sarpis at once.

Sarpis seems lost for a moment so he decides to give someone else the stage: "We also have an interesting occassion. The man ... er, dwarf ... beside me comes from a foray into the Mindspin Mountains where he led a band of stout and hardy men to reclaim an ancient kingdom. That's right! And today, perhaps, he will honour us with a speech and let us know what the residents of Kerrigan's Keep might expect of our new neighbours!"

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"We also have an interesting occassion. The man ... er, dwarf ... beside me comes from a foray into the Mindspin Mountains where he led a band of stout and hardy men to reclaim an ancient kingdom. That's right! And today, perhaps, he will honour us with a speech and let us know what the residents of Kerrigan's Keep might expect of our new neighbours!"

Orlan's mouth falls open at this turn of events. He'd certainly not prepared any speech. He'd just come for the auction and the hopes of setting up a trade relationship with the keep's merchants.

"Hunh!" he tugs his beard for a moment and then mounts whatever passes for a stage in the marketplace. He surveys the crowd for a moment unsure of the reception he might receive.

"Sure'n I be glad ta see so many o' yuh fine folk gathered here," Orlan announces with a booming voice, "I be Orlan Hammerfoe...cousin ta King Klyndak o' the Foehammer Spires in the Mindspin Mountains. Muh kin have returned ta these lands in an effort ta reclaim our legacy...passed down from one generation ta the next. We be aimin' ta live our lives as yer neighbors and friends, mutually defendin' our respective lands from those that would do us harm. And ta trade with one another and secure the resources o' the land fer everyone's benefit."

"It be our hope ta live in harmony with yuh fine folks," he continues, "And ta send some o' our own wares, crafted from the forges o' our forefathers, ta be sold here in yer markets. We also be hopin' that these tradegoods might be enticin' more merchants to make their way here ta Kerrigan's Keep as the single best place ta meet with us. And hopefully, that means they'll all be comin' ta sample yer own wares, stay awhile, and spend their coin in yer fair town."

"Other than that," he explains, "I also be here ta bid in the auction. And if'n any o' yuh can beat muh offers, I'll be buyin' yuh a drink at Master Hilltown's establishment."

Orlan gives a satisfied nod and steps down, turning the ceremony over to Sarpis...

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Yin gives a bright smile at hearing the trumpet sound "He is getting better" She remarks playfully "It sounds a little less burplike than last time I heard him blow his horn" she adds with a grin before starting to dig into her food.

The range of reactions from the crowd vary but the older ones see the merit in an upstart dwarven kingdom. Whether it succeeds or fails, it will bring business through the keep.

Sarpis smiles broadly at Orlan's challenge to the group to outbid him thinking this could work out well.

"You've heard the ambassador from the spires -- outbid him and he will buy you a drink. And you know what Lord Kerrigan says about the law against public drunkeness: 'It doesn't apply to dwarves because who can tell?". The crowd doesn't laugh as hard as Sarpis hopes either because they've heard this one too often or because it just isn't funny.

"Well, why don't we get right to business then. Captain Badder, as you know, had a great love for horses," an uncomfortable silence punctuated by a sharp cough follows this, "and he bought only the finest riding gear for his. The first item to be auctioned today ..."

Sarpis begins to auction off a military saddle.

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
Yin gives a bright smile at hearing the trumpet sound "He is getting better" She remarks playfully "It sounds a little less burplike than last time I heard him blow his horn" she adds with a grin before starting to dig into her food.

Falcon digs into his food as the noise of the crowd increases as the auction commences.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred trailed along after the horse and it's entourage, scarsely listening to his guard escort anymore.
That horse is to be auctioned; I could bid on it! But even as he thought it, he realized he could but afford a bare bones saddle at most, much less such a magnificent warhorse. But that is a horse that could make a knight famous! But no, where could he keep such a mount in the towers they would be returning to?

On and on his thoughts spun as they made their way towards the auction...

"Don't be shy gentlemen, your credit is good! The bank will cover all bids by denizens of the Keep."


Unless you want, I'm not going to roleplay the auction. Possessions will be sold for 50+3d20% of their player's handbook rate. Tell me which items you are interested in and I will calculate the final bid.

11 obscene statuettes (20gp value each)
Riding saddle
leather barding
engraved goblet (150 gp value)
Light warhorse -- beautiful, healthy, but tempermental

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"Don't be shy gentlemen, your credit is good! The bank will cover all bids by denizens of the Keep."

"Aye...and what the bank don't be coverin'...I surely will be winnin' on those bids," Orlan smiles.

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Unless you want, I'm not going to roleplay the auction. Possessions will be sold for 50+3d20% of their player's handbook rate. Tell me which items you are interested in and I will calculate the final bid.

11 obscene statuettes (20gp value each)
Riding saddle
leather barding
engraved goblet (150 gp value)
Light warhorse -- beautiful, healthy, but tempermental

Orlan will make sure to examine each item. If something piques his interest as a possible clue as to Badder's employers, he'll bid on it. The statuettes don't sound like they would. The engraved goblet, however, sounds like it might depending on what the engraving depicts or says. Other than that, Orlan will most certainly buy the warhorse as a gift for Manfred's service to King Klyndak...and the riding saddle, as well. He'll make a go of acquiring the leather barding, but only if he can get it at a reasonable price. Presumably, I've got enough in trade goods and resale value on the treasure we brought with us from the Spires to cover all that.



These are the final bids for the goods in the auction. Beat these and you can have them.

The eleven obscene statuettes go for about 16 gp a piece, a little less than what they are worth.
Riding saddle -- 8 gp 5 sp
leather barding -- 34 gp
engraved goblet (150 gp value) -- 160 gp
Light warhorse -- beautiful, healthy, but tempermental 100 gp

The engraved goblet, which Wain Sarpis presents wrapped in silk, gets the most attention. When Sarpis unwraps it, he looks a bit disgusted at it for some reason. While there are a few early bids, one customer is quite persistent -- the man appears to be a hunter or woodsman of some sort.



As you and Kornelius bring the horse to market, you catch the tail end of Orlan's speech which was something about 'buying drinks' for people. This got a nice cheer from the crowd.

Some lesser functionaries from the Merchant's Guild have you bring the horse closer to the stands. Despite the curiousity of the crowd about the horse, most stay back and those who don't are hauled back by their cautious friends.

Surveying the crowd, you see mostly soldiers. Some rough and tumble Korvosan men who are dressed as smiths, shopkeeps, and other stable professions. Many of these men stand with Shoanti women of close to the same age and with their young children.

Many of the younger Keep soldiers, Korvosan by birth, look to be a nasty lot. You saw some of them on the spires but they do not recognize you.

You see a dwarven man standing beside a stall of woodcrafts. He's eyeing the crowd as carefully as you are. You hear someone call him by the name 'Gengar'.

A priest of Irori stands and chats, though not particularly amiably, with a distracted man dressed in what would be peasant, hunter's clothes were they not so clean. The 'hunter' seems intently focussed on the auction.



Falcon begins to talk about himself during lunch. He makes a joke to the effect that his name was a 'clerical error'. He was an orphan of what he calls 'the incident at Falcon River' but that you vaguely recall being called 'the Falcon River Massacre'. He says that he was sent into the care of the clerics of Irori with many other children and listed as 'Falcon R., War child' where his name should have been written. The lawful priests later decided that this error could not be undone and that that would be his name.

He asks you many questions about your upbringing and experiences. He is particularly interested in your experience of being a Shoanti amongst non-Shoanti.

After the lunch, you walk out into a crowd milling about an auction. You can see Orlan standing uncomfortably by the improvised stage. Manfred is standing with another young soldier beside a beautiful but fidgetty horse. There's something about this horse that seems familiar ... oh, yeah, he reminds you of yourself.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4


Yin listens to every word Falcon has to say about himself, obviously enthralled by his tale of how he received his name and became the man he is. As they eat she's equally forthcoming with her background, life amongst the Shoanti, and away, even going as far as to admit that she sometimes misses the tribe fiercely as she often feels utterly alone without them. A feeling that has only grown in the short time since she and Kamris parted ways.

To avoid the talk over food getting too depressing she soon shifts to happier subjects, the discovery of arcane gifts, her adventures to date, although not her future, whilst she'd be keen to hear what Falcon's plans for his future are, she sorely lacks in any concrete ones of her own.

As she and Falcon head out to the auction a grin comes to her face at seeing the beautiful horse. Half tempted to consider bidding herself it's only Manfred's eager proximity to the equine that helps change her mind. "Be right back!" She tells Falcon, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before bounding over to Manfred.


A very full money pouch is deposited in Manfred's hand and Yin gives the young knight a grin. "This should help if you decide to bid" She announces certainly with a smile at the horse. "Good luck!" She adds before scampering off through the crowds again and back to Falcon.

Yin's 83gp that she's been carrying around for ages. Probably not quite enough to put Manny to apoint he could win but puts him a hell of a lot closer. He'll just need to beg/borrow/steal a bit more ;)

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