The Cap's Alpha Test


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Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3
The 'Cap wrote:
The Boy, Anher, tells you that the vicious guard dog is in the room behind the locked double doors. He tells you of the rooms on the top floor where the younger lamms are employed to make slurry, feeding rotting fish into a grinder, and other unseemly chores. He doesn't know anything about the lower floor, saying that any of the children that go down there are lowered down on a chain by giggles, and are never seen again. He does caution you that the docks are slippery. (when on them you'll need to roll balance checks)

Arius says to Anher, "Thanks. We'll help you and your friends get free of Lamm, just like Rags here said."

Stroking his chin, Arius turns to Rags. "Do you remember this dog from before you escaped? If it knows your smell, you might be able to get close enough to pick the lock without it sounding the alarm. Once the door is open, I can send it to slumberland. What do you think?"

"Or perhaps.... Lady Anju, do you have some druidic method of calming animals, preferably one that works through a door?"

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Arius Pelgane wrote:
The 'Cap wrote:
The Boy, Anher, tells you that the vicious guard dog is in the room behind the locked double doors. He tells you of the rooms on the top floor where the younger lamms are employed to make slurry, feeding rotting fish into a grinder, and other unseemly chores. He doesn't know anything about the lower floor, saying that any of the children that go down there are lowered down on a chain by giggles, and are never seen again. He does caution you that the docks are slippery. (when on them you'll need to roll balance checks)

Arius says to Anher, "Thanks. We'll help you and your friends get free of Lamm, just like Rags here said."

Stroking his chin, Arius turns to Rags. "Do you remember this dog from before you escaped? If it knows your smell, you might be able to get close enough to pick the lock without it sounding the alarm. Once the door is open, I can send it to slumberland. What do you think?"

"Or perhaps.... Lady Anju, do you have some druidic method of calming animals, preferably one that works through a door?"

"I've always been very good with animals despite the fact that I was lacking in an animal campanion until recently. I would much rather try to subdue the beast than to kill it."

I have an enchant animal ability but I'm not sure if it works through a door.

you can use handle animal but not wild empathy. "To use wild empathy, the druid and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions."

M Human Cavalier /1st

"Good, If they are all here that means we can finish this tonight. The sand doesn't stop in the glass friends, if we intend to do this before the young ones are back I suggest we move now. I would think the beast is corrupted along with its master, I recall mention of it being vicious enough to threaten the young as well." He glanced about the streets no one had noticed them yet, that he could tell he wanted to move before it wasn't true anymore. If no one else would issue commands, he would. " Ok, Rags, Rumil lets get the chain and locks undone. after that get clear of the dog, I will stand in the way if it springs I want to be what it goes after, Anju, If you can, calm him, if you can't Arius, let him sleep. once he is dealt with Branahm Guarn, Tikaani and I will move into the room, The four of you will support us and watch where and if any one runs. we disperse of the trouble in that room and move to the next, we do so quickly and as quietly as we can, until the bottom floor is secure. Our main goal is of course Lamm. After we clear the bottom floor we secure the 2nd floor and that boat back there if we need to, after that I think we should see what is down the hole...Agreed?"

It was the military morning and the well organized raids that he was applying to this situation... hopefully it went as rarely did.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3
Ox wrote:

Arius nods, "I think that the plan seems sound. I'll ready my magic for when the doors open in case the dog can't be calmed."

He turns to the boy. "Anher, if you know where Lamm's henchmen usually are in the building, please tell us. We'll be better able to handle them."

"Aye, the plan should work just fine..."
Rumil puts his sap away and draws his thinblade and slinks back across the street with Rags all the while scanning the streets around him

"Sounds good to me. The less commotion we cause the better. We need to get this done as quickly and quietly as possible."

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid

ok, so the plan is for me to use my tame animal skill right?

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

"Anju you may wish to save any magics for the gator. I don't think you will have much luck with the dog. He has been made as mean as sin itself.Rags says he turns to Anhar " Once trouble starts I want you to get as many lambs as you can to help the little ones out. You go to Old Town and you find the halfling Berwyn at the Dusty Tome you tell him Rags sent you and he will see you are all safe and fed he is like an uncle to me. All those who have family we will help them find um, and any who don't can join my and Berwyn's family. Rags moves with Rumil across to the locked doors pulling out his picks he goes to work on the lock (1d20+10=24)

You open the lock easily into a room with a single desk sitting in the middle of this room, a moldy chair pushed up against the far side. A small pile of ratty furs and straw is heaped under the table. Thats all you have time to take in before you hear the deep growl from under the desk, and watch as the Dog jumps onto the desk.

everyone roll initiative and any attacks for your first round - see the ooc board

Anju starts making animal noises at the dog, and as it starts to slow its growling, Rumil stabs it in the back, the blade coming through the front of the beast's chest. The dog begins to yelp, but even that is cut short by the wolf clamping its jaws over it's throat and pulling it off the table, killing it. from the room to the left you hear "You Chasing 'nother rat in there, Bloo? Git 'im boy"

Rumil motion to the party to hold up at the front entrance. Rumil moves silently (1d20+9=10) past the desk to the door that he heard the man speaking from listens at the door to see if anyone is coming towards the main room. perception check (1d20+7=10). Rumil motion to Rags to check the other door on the other side of the room.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid

Anju looks down at the dead dog lying on the ground.

She whispers "I don't like to kill beasts unnecessarily but I suppose it was the best option for the circumstance."

Rumil wrote:
Rumil motion to the party to hold up at the front entrance. Rumil moves silently (1d20+9=10) past the desk to the door that he heard the man speaking from listens at the door to see if anyone is coming towards the main room. perception check (1d20+7=10). Rumil motion to Rags to check the other door on the other side of the room.

You hear two adult voices at the door, they seems to be yelling Anher looks at you and mouths "hookshanks"

Rumil holds up two fingers to the party and points at the door, then motions for everyone to be quiet as he looks over towards Rags to see if he hears anyone from his door.

How does everyone want to proceed from here my door, Rag's or one of the other doors?

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3
Rumil wrote:
Rumil holds up two fingers to the party and points at the door, then motions for everyone to be quiet as he looks over towards Rags to see if he hears anyone from his door.

Arius points toward Rumil's door and mouths the word "sleep" while tapping his spell component pouch.

Rumil nods and mouths the word "Hold on" while motioning with his hand. then looks over at Rags and motions for Rags to check his door and the others while Rumil stays next the door with his hand on the door knob

Cap can I tell if the door is locked with turning the knob?

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox didn't even have a chance to move before the elf and the wolf dispatched of the dog, the men in the other room hadn't even know they were there, he looked at the door and staed still, the fact that he hadn't been running around in his armomr might have what kept them un aware. he simply got ready to charge the door and meet whatever came out of it. He wouldn't leave the others to do all the work.

Rumil wrote:

Cap can I tell if the door is locked with turning the knob?

The Door is unlocked. next bigger post will be around 6pm EST tonight - I'll check a few times today to answer any further questions

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

Rags quietly moves to the other door Stealth (1d20+8=14)he puts his ear to the door listening Perception (1d20+4=11). He waits dagger in hand looking to his companions as to the next move.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid

Anju quietly examines the room for anything that might be of use to the group

Spot Check(1d20+6=18)

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3
Rumil wrote:

Rumil nods and mouths the word "Hold on" while motioning with his hand. then looks over at Rags and motions for Rags to check his door and the others while Rumil stays next the door with his hand on the door knob

Arius tenses, readying his Sleep spell.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

Anju - the desk is empty and most of the room is just furniture.

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

Rags waves his hand to get everyones attention. He holds up a single finger emphasizing one he points at the door. He then points to himself with his dagger and moves back against the wall. He then motions his dagger across his throat and points at the door again nodding to everyone to continue with the plan ready to pounce on Yargin or whoever may come through the door if they are not a lamb.

Rumil nods to Rags, pulls his hood on his cloak over his head and leans against wall beside his door with his thinblade at the ready, turns the door knob and opens the door. Rumil then moves into the next room along the right wall 10ft as silent and as much in the shadows as possible.Stealth Check (1d20+9=29)

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3
Rumil wrote:

Rumil nods to Rags, pulls his hood on his cloak over his head and leans against wall beside his door with his thinblade at the ready, turns the door knob and opens the door. Rumil then moves into the next room along the right wall...

Muttering a quick prayer to Sarenrae, Arius starts to cast Sleep.

...preferably centering it slightly to the left where it won't hit Rumil.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

I take it rags is delaying waiting for the person in the other room next is ari

As rumil opens the door, you all see about a dosen children, all filthy, using pitchforks to move old,rotting fish into a funnel built into the floor. in the center of the room are a gnome and human, both ordering the children around and threatening to feed them to the dog.

Arius murmurs his slow song just loud enough for those inside to hear him, as he walks into the room pointing off to the left of the room. 10 of the children and the gnome fall asleep on their feet and collapse to the ground.

The Human sellsword looks around confused - totally missing the fact that there are 2 more people in the room and an open door to the other room.

M Human Cavalier /1st

Seeing that everyone went to sleep except for the man and Rumil and Rags are all too ready to slit the mans throat, Ox rushes past Arius and Swings his shield harshly at the man's face attempt to render him unconscious as the others,its not quite magic but it can get the job done, it is hardly a mercy that he gives the thug, but it beats a knife in the throat. Seeing the status of the children he would have a hard time caring if one of the two finished the job when he wasn't looking. So far so good, he had a feeling that this was going to go well enough.

Attack with heavy wood shield 1d6+4 1d20+5[17,5]=(22)Roll link


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3
Ox wrote:

Seeing that everyone went to sleep except for the man and Rumil and Rags are all too ready to slit the mans throat, Ox rushes past Arius and Swings his shield harshly at the man's face attempt to render him unconscious as the others,its not quite magic but it can get the job done, it is hardly a mercy that he gives the thug, but it beats a knife in the throat. Seeing the status of the children he would have a hard time caring if one of the two finished the job when he wasn't looking. So far so good, he had a feeling that this was going to go well enough.

Attack with heavy wood shield 1d6+4 1d20+5[17,5]=(22)Roll link

Rumil takes a step towards the merc and lets out a hiss of pain as he strains his leg one dex damage at which point the man turns around and lets out a short-lived shout before Ox barges in and bowls him over with his shield, knocking him out.


you hear the short shout and a bang from the other fight and then you hear 'what was that - better go check the incompetent' and the sound of boots coming towards the door.

Anyone still in the room with the dog body:

the door opens and Yargin steps out, muttering to himself. He doesn't notice Rags behind the door as he walks out, but as he looks up at the group half in the room his back stiffens. This is when Rags strikes from behind him, but grossly misjudges the distance and finds that his aim is to the left of Yargin's head - his momentum taking his extended arm over Yargin's shoulder, far enough that Rag's side is touching Yargin's back

(you still go before he does, so its no big deal, also which weapon were you attacking with?)

Anju Then takes a baseball bat-like swing with her staff which misses, but it pulls her around, and hits Yargim on the back swing

I believe your second attack should hit, I'm at work so an't check his AC. I'll also include a semi-altered map with the pictures, showing where the people I know are.

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

" Yargin! you filthy dog your days of torturing kids are through! Your all going to pay you bastard!"Rags says with venom. It is easy to see the hate in the boy's eyes. To hear it in his voice. Rags leaves no doubt how he feels about these people.

Malin 'Rags' Vosja wrote:
" Yargin! you filthy dog your days of torturing kids are through! Your all going to pay you bastard!"Rags says with venom. It is easy to see the hate in the boy's eyes. To hear it in his voice. Rags leaves no doubt how he feels about these people.

Yargin holds his hand to his injured face, looks at the blood on it and shrieks in fear, trying to dodge back into the room he just left anju and rags get attacks of opportunity. if he survives these: he turns as he gets to the other door - pointing a stick at Rags from which a green liquid shoots. The acid hits rags on the shoulder, burning him slightly 3hp damage I'm going to try to find the pic of Yargin as the avatar, as my PDF is having issues Gaurn follows him into the room and points, and you can see Yargin cringe in pain, swearing profusely on your maps, this is the room with the door to the outside


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

Rag's arm sweeps down as Yargin steps away creating a line of red down his arm. He makes it to the door and just gets it open before the cleric steps next to him.

meanwhile Rumil stabs his target through the throat and watches him bleed out.

rags - arius - ox- rumil -Yargin - anju- the 2 clerics


Hookshanks has Studded Leather Armor, a Kukri, disguise kit, and key on him

Rags runs around the room to Yargim, and slashes his acoss the chest viciously. His eyes go wide at the sight of so much of his own blood and he turns to run, just as he is hit by Arius' spell - his eyes roll into the back of his head and he collapses.

As you all look around you see the areas around you as if for the first time.

more for Rumil and Ox :

The stink in this room, a mixture of fish and sweat, is enough to make the eyes water. To the east, a large wooden trough holds a hideous mound of half-rancid fish, seaweed, and
brine. Filthy seawater and fish blood stain the floor around this trough. A pair of wooden chutes lead from this trough through holes in the northern wall into a larger room to the east. From here the children who are still awake flee. The eldest picks up one of the younger sleeping boys and carries him in a fireman's carry, all of them go out the main entrance and into the streets, using the slippery surface of the dock to expedite their retreat. To the west, a desk and chair sit in one corner while a tall cabinet sits in the other.

for Rags, Arious and the Clerics

A wooden desk sits in one corner of this room. The table is heaped with dozens of slate boards covered with chalk scrawls, while to the east a cabinet slouches against the wall and the door Yargin was trying to exit lies. To the south, a few moldy boards have been nailed over another door that presumably leads outside.

Anju - you can see both but not in such great detail.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3
The 'Cap wrote:
Rags runs around the room to Yargim, and slashes his acoss the chest viciously. His eyes go wide at the sight of so much of his own blood and he turns to run, just as he is hit by Arius' spell - his eyes roll into the back of his head and he collapses.

"It's short-duration! We need to make sure that he's out!"

War hammer still in hand, Branahm stands ready in case the fight has attracted more of Lamm's thugs.

Pseudo-Branahm wrote:
War hammer still in hand, Branahm stands ready in case the fight has attracted more of Lamm's thugs.

the wolf, and Arius, Rags and Rumil (whose name i always feel that I'm spelling wrong)

you hear yelling from the other side of the door, and the unmistakable sound of something heavy shattering wood- accompanied by a young woman's scared shriek coming from the big room adjacent to the ones you are both in room A8


even though it is very muffled, the you recognize that shriek....

Rumil graps the Kukri, disguise kit, and key off of Hookshanks and puts all except the key in his backpack. Examines key and then shows key to Arius and Rags

"Lookie what I found on Hookshanks" Rumil whispers

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

Rags runs to the banging and screaming ready to help whoever is being hurt. He seems almost more like a feral animal then a young man ever since he has entered this place. As he runs h draws an extra dagger ready to throw if needed.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Malin 'Rags' Vosja wrote:
Rags runs to the banging and screaming ready to help whoever is being hurt. He seems almost more like a feral animal then a young man ever since he has entered this place. As he runs h draws an extra dagger ready to throw if needed.

Anju follows after Rags after hearing the screams motioning for the others to follow

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Branahm, it's Alika! We must get in!"

Arius reaches for his spell component pouch and follows his companions.

Rumil wrote:
"Lookie what I found on Hookshanks" Rumil whispers

Arius nods distractedly in response to Rumil's voice; he's obviously focusing on some sort of magic for when the door opens.

Good work, Rumil, but Arius is more focused on his sister than your interesting key right now--unless the door is locked.

Branahm's fist whitens around the haft of his war hammer. He mutters a prayer to Torag as he rushes toward the door.

If the door is locked, he'll try to smash it open. Otherwise, he'll follow Rags into the room.

is the sound of something heavy shattering wood the door? if not then

Rumil opens the door at the top of the stairs to A8 and seeing the banister slides down all the while taking in the scene and trying to spot the source of the screaming/yelling/breaking of wood

Acrobatics check for sliding down the banister, Acrobatics check for soft landing (1d20+9=20, 1d20+9=12)

Perception check (1d20+7=10)

Once on the ground Rumil levels his thinblade at the source of the yelling

"Lets play." Rumil says to the yelling man

lucky you got a 20 on that first oneas you jump through the door and on to the railing, you notice that the railing is the wood you heard breaking... about 1/2 way down is a half orc, standing over a young woman. His face is scarred and he only has one eye. His flail is still stuck into the wood of the railing. the moment before hitting the end of the flail as you slide down the banister, you flip over the orc and land on his blind side. He starts giggling at you and says "ooooh, little elf come to save the girl? How cute! *giggles more* I wonder how you'd taste in Slurry - bet the fisherfolk wouldn't know the difference!"

Rumil you go first, you're still on his blind side so you get sneak attack damage if you hit

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Rumil wrote:

is the sound of something heavy shattering wood the door? if not then

Rumil opens the door at the top of the stairs to A8 and seeing the banister slides down all the while taking in the scene and trying to spot the source of the screaming/yelling/breaking of wood

Acrobatics check for sliding down the banister, Acrobatics check for soft landing (1d20+9=20, 1d20+9=12)

Perception check (1d20+7=10)

Once on the ground Rumil levels his thinblade at the source of the yelling

"Lets play." Rumil says to the yelling man

"Oh Rumil, you're so agile" *swoon*

sorry, just had to do that haha!

Rumil grins roguishly at Anju and blows a kiss her way.

for my adoring fans ;p

The orc dances away from both blows, yanks his flail from the wood and laughs. "Is that the worst you can do?" and swings it at head height at braham I don't have his sheet on me, but he hits AC of 17 for 10 damage before backpeddling so his back is against the wall where the set of stairs from A6 meets the floor.

Braham- Giggles -rumil - arius - Guarn -anju - rags - ox

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox followed Rumil up the stairs and is now looking down on the uneven scene, the half orc is out nummbered and it is clear that branhm is furious and Rumil is much more agile than he was exhibitining moments ago. for the moment he observes the scene, after realizing that the children are all to happy to abandon their masters he pulls his longsword. He breifly wonders if the orc has a chance for now he watches from his vantage point for others that might attack the goup.

The 'Cap wrote:
The orc dances away from both blows, yanks his flail from the wood and laughs. "Is that the worst you can do?" and swings it at head height at Branahm.

Branahm is too slow to dodge in time, but he manages to deflect the blow with his shield so that it hits his shoulder rather than his skull. There's a nasty crunch, but the priest still stands.

If we're starting the order, Branahm will step between the orc and his sister and fight defensively (+2 AC to AC 19, -4 to hit).

Branahm ignores the orc's taunt and steps to block his path to the girl. "You cannot hope to overcome us. Surrender now, and you may live."

Branahm takes a defensive stance, clearly trying to buy time for his companions to assist him. He swings at the orc.

Defensive strike (1d20-2=11, 1d8+2=9)

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