The Cap's Alpha Test


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Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Arius Pelgane wrote:

After casting the spell, Arius relays Elizabeth's instructions. Assuming that his companions are willing to go, Arius and Branahm will cautiously approach the carthouse, trying to avoid making a lot of noise.

Anju takes the leash off Tikaani and follows the others cautiously.

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Once everyone was together, Keth whispered "2 men, bag with something in it size. Room is slaughterhouse, steel your stomachs. doors to left, left center and far left. I go in quick hoping not to fight, but ready should we have to...Ill make my way across to block the nearest door to them quick and hard, so none can escape."

"whoever can speak well, engage them to make them pause...while I move. Ready? Lets go...."

Once the plan is understood, Keth will wait for Elizabeth to open the door, then with Shield and Spear up he will rush into the room, staying away from the men if possible and move as quick as he can past them to stand in front of the door closest to the two men, shield and spear held at the ready.

If I have to incur an attack of opportunity, so be it, but my thoughts are I should be able to bypass the two men and make it to the other door without running, moveing surely and steadily to block exit. The party speaker can follow right after me and begin talking the minute he enters to split attention...assure them that we arent here to kill, but to talk.

Branahm nods, touches his mouth, and points to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth, do you want to do the talking? Arius and Branahm can Aid Another, but I believe that your base Diplomacy modifier is higher.

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2
Keth Longstrider wrote:

"I go in quick hoping not to fight, but ready should we have to...Ill make my way across to block the nearest door to them quick and hard, so none can escape."

"whoever can speak well, engage them to make them pause...while I move. Ready? Lets go...."

Elizabeth shakes her head at Keth's suggestion. She whispers to them, "Keth three doors is too many for you to try and protect. It would be too easy for one of them to slip by you. Instead, I suggest that I enter alone, while the rest of you wait out here in hiding. I will engage them in a discourse as you suggest and try to lure them out here into the Cart House where we can better contain them and where it is less likely that they will be able to summon help. Keth, I suggest you and Garth behind each of the doors, which I will open both of, and Arius and Branahm in the cart. Once they are out here, then close the doors behind them and step out. Anju, you and your wolf shall wait in the yard out there and come in to assist if they put up a fight. How does that sound?"

If everyone agrees, then while they all get into position, Elizabeth moves away from the doors and slowly waves her hands over her body while whispering quietly to herself. Once done, she makes sure everyone is out of sight, then pulls both doors open and strides into the room, stopping just inside the threshold.
"Good evening gentlemen. It is a fine night. Much too fine to be working late. What brings you in to work when you should be at home with your families? I noticed your light on and was wondering if I was able to purchase some meat for a function that I am attending in an hour? My normal butcher is closed and someone suggested your esteemed establishment. I wanted something fresh and was wondering if there was anything good out here in the yard that I may accquire?"

Diplomacy Check. (1d20+9=29)
Activated Mage Armour before opening door. Lasts for 1 hour.

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth paused at Elizabeths words, It might work...but was more perilous than his plan...he nodded and moved to the side behind the door where he would be able to hide his large form easier and crouched, spear ready...listening for any sounds of danger for Elizabeth...if there was even a squeak he would go to her aide...

ok, sounds shaky, but alright...but, Anju dont go in the yard, stay behind the cart...there's another door out to the yard, and it wouldnt do for you to be seen there...

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Arius and Branahm take up a position behind the cart, trying to be as quiet as possible.

...assuming that they can have decent cover from view behind the cart. Otherwise, they're in the cart.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Keth Longstrider wrote:
ok, sounds shaky, but alright...but, Anju dont go in the yard, stay behind the cart...there's another door out to the yard, and it wouldnt do for you to be seen there...

I agree, I would like to keep myself hidden as mush as possible.

Anju and Tikaani will stay crouched down behind the cart waiting for a signal to move foward.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3
Elizabeth Danflor wrote:

"Good evening gentlemen. It is a fine night. Much too fine to be working late. What brings you in to work when you should be at home with your families? I noticed your light on and was wondering if I was able to purchase some meat for a function that I am attending in an hour? My normal butcher is closed and someone suggested your esteemed establishment. I wanted something fresh and was wondering if there was anything good out here in the yard that I may accquire?"

The butchers look at you and smirk. The one who was intructing unfolds his arms as he responds: "We just be cutting up tomorrow's fare, but the choice-y bits won't be ready to be handed out for at least two more hours. We arn't supposed to give anything away until tomorrow, but 'fer someone as beautiful as yourself, we might make an exception... If you come back in two hours I'll have a small bag prepared for you, free of charge."

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Arius Pelgane wrote:

Arius and Branahm take up a position behind the cart, trying to be as quiet as possible.

...assuming that they can have decent cover from view behind the cart. Otherwise, they're in the cart. [/QUOTE

Anju signals to Arius that she will go out first if they need to run out quickly.

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
"If you come back in two hours I'll have a small bag prepared for you, free of charge."

"I think I will just wait out here in the wagon then. I am not supposed to be there for another couple of hours, have to arrive fashionably late you know. I don't really have anything else to do." She gives them a wink and a smile. "And I couldn't let you do it for free, I'd have to at least give you something in return. Two strapping men such as yourselves surely need some kind of recompense." She turns and walks slowly and seductively back into the Cart House, making sure to put some extra sway into her hips.

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2

She heads back through the doors and perches herself on the back of the wagon with her legs crossed seductively. After a short while of waiting, a scowl crosses her face and she jumps back down to have a look inside the room. The men are still working, joking with each other as they go about their business. Fuming, she slams the doors closed and starts to stalk around the Cart House, muttering to herself and seemingly ignoring the others "how dare they turn me down. Filthy pigs. I offered them more than they could have ever imagined and they continue to butcher cattle. Oh, I was willing to play nice, but now they have asked for it."
Mind made up, she stalks over to where Keth is standing behind the door and hisses "right. Your Plan. Now. Those dogs are going to pay dearly." With that, she draws Caress menacingly and stalks over to the door. She puts her hand on the handle and then turns to the others, giving them all a 'hurry up' stare, as she prepares to pull open the door.

Branahm stifles a sigh and moves toward the door. He does not draw his weapon.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Arius follows his brother. He does not draw his weapon, but has his hand very close to his bag of spell components.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Elizabeth Danflor wrote:

She heads back through the doors and perches herself on the back of the wagon with her legs crossed seductively. After a short while of waiting, a scowl crosses her face and she jumps back down to have a look inside the room. The men are still working, joking with each other as they go about their business. Fuming, she slams the doors closed and starts to stalk around the Cart House, muttering to herself and seemingly ignoring the others "how dare they turn me down. Filthy pigs. I offered them more than they could have ever imagined and they continue to butcher cattle. Oh, I was willing to play nice, but now they have asked for it."

Mind made up, she stalks over to where Keth is standing behind the door and hisses "right. Your Plan. Now. Those dogs are going to pay dearly." With that, she draws Caress menacingly and stalks over to the door. She puts her hand on the handle and then turns to the others, giving them all a 'hurry up' stare, as she prepares to pull open the door.

Anju whispers to Arius, "What just happened?"

Anju follows the two brothers' cue, drawing her staff and creeping foward.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"I'm not sure, but I think that we're going to begin another attempt at negotiation. Or a melee."

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth had watched Elizabeth walk seductively from the room and go sit by the car....and watched her gradually get angrier and angrier and then she jumped up and stormed back to The Ranger pulling out her blade...He stifled a laugh and readied his spear...nodding for her to open the door once the party had left the area of the cart and prepared to rush in on his heels...he looked from Arius to Anju to Elizabeth and then spear in hand shield up, he ran into the room knowing the others would be fresh on his heels, he ran past the butchers, and got in between them and the closest door, in such a manner that they couldnt run in a straight line to any door without evoking an attack from him. In a gutteral voice he said in a very dangerous manner..."Stop what you are doing and talk with us!"


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

is this about right? during the time she waited and Keth was distracted by Liz one guard left with the sack. The remaining guard brandishes his Butcher's knife and laughs at you, cracking his knuckles you think a deep voice he looks at Keth and a nice rearhe glances at Elizabeth are going to distract me!

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Is this about right?

Looks good to me, although the other might not be so grouped around the doorway. What about Garth? Is he not playing anymore?

"Oh there's more to me than what you can see. But I'm afraid that's something that you'll never find out now, will you?" She says the last part with a sneer as she waves Caress in front of her hypnotically, so as to try and distract him from the others.

Arius was walking behind Branahm. Otherwise, it looks fine.

"Stay your hands for a moment, all of you. We have a proposition for Verik Vancaskerkin from Field Marshal Kroft, and we need to speak with him. We have no wish to shed your blood. Indeed, from what I've heard, I share some of your concerns about what is happening to our city."

Diplomacy (1d20+6=22)

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Surely you can see that the current impasse with the Guard is unlikely to end well. We would like to discuss alternatives."

Diplomacy (Aid Another for Branahm) (1d20+5=10)

Looks like Arius lacks the common touch....


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3
Elizabeth Danflor wrote:
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Is this about right?

Looks good to me, although the other might not be so grouped around the doorway. What about Garth? Is he not playing anymore?

Garth's player hasn't posted anywhere on the boards in almost a month including any of his 4 PbPs, so for now I'm going to assume that he's having computer issues

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth knows hes not a good speaker,so he just stands at the ready, shield up, and spear pointed guardedly at the Soldier turned butcher.

Arius and Anju:

You hear muffled conversation ..I thought...the side...on the


You hear at least 2 people coming down the hall, arguing (the right door behind Keth) "What do you mean a patron came in? I thought I told you to lock that side door when you're working especially when preparing special cuts, what if it had happened with 'im on the table? and what does it matter that she was hot - she shouldn't have been there!

Bramaham and Keth

you are too preoccupied by the cleaver the man is wielding to hear anything

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Perhaps your companions should show themselves. It's too late for any imprudent attempt at a surprise attack."

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2

Elizabeth c o c k s her head to the side and pauses, then hisses at Keth, "door behind you. Two men coming. Be ready, I'll help."
To the others she says, "be ready. Anju, you and the wolf take this guy." She nods her head at the man before you. "Arius, Branham get ready for some company."
She then takes a 5' Step closer to Keth and the door.

Stupid censoring program.

at this point if people want to roll their own initiative they can Acquiescing to Arius' request, the man with the Cleaver yells out Hey guys, these lovely people would like to meet you! no surprise round

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Elizabeth Danflor wrote:

Elizabeth c o c k s her head to the side and pauses, then hisses at Keth, "door behind you. Two men coming. Be ready, I'll help."

To the others she says, "be ready. Anju, you and the wolf take this guy." She nods her head at the man before you. "Arius, Branham get ready for some company."
She then takes a 5' Step closer to Keth and the door.

Stupid censoring program.

"It appears that a fight is unavoidable."

Anju readies to engage the cleaver-wielding butcher.

Initiative Roll. (1d20+5) -> [11+5] = (16)

Haha, I was wondering what that was. You can't say that in D&D I guess =p

Anju wrote:

"It appears that a fight is unavoidable."

Anju readies to engage the cleaver-wielding butcher.

Initiative Roll. (1d20+5) -> [11+5] = (16)

Initiative Roll. (1d20+4) -> [9+4] = (13)

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2

Initiative. (1d20+4=7)

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Initiative (1d20+1=6)

Spoil a surprise? That'll teach me.

Initiative (1d20=15)

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth doesnt take his eyes from the man with the cleaver, saying loudly enough for the ones in the hall to hear It doesnt have to end in Death, we came for a peaceable solution, but if you force our hand.... He hefts his spear, readying it for combat and stares hard at the man....

+2 Initiative...cant roll at work. Shortspear +5 (+4- thrown) D6+3 20/X2 - should it be needed.

init list is going up on the ooc thread momentarily and the guard's +4 init helped them a lot

The man takes a 5 foot step towards Keth and swings the cleaver hits Ac 19 for 5 damage. About this time his friends* Open the middle set of double doors firing crossbows. One shot goes wide over Keth's head and the other goes wide of Liz.

*Two men came through the doors. One is the man with the sideburns Liz saw earlier, the other is a Smaller man, whose Chainmail doesn't quite fit right.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid

Anju swings her staff at the man with the cleaver

One end...
Attack With Staff 1. (1d20+5) -> [10+5] = (15)

...if it hits
Staff Damage 1. (1d6) -> [1] = (1)

other end...
Attack With Staff 2. (1d20+5) -> [12+5] = (17)

...if that hits
Staff Damage 2. (1d6) -> [6] = (6)

Branahm draws forth his holy symbol and invokes the power of Torag. All of his companions suddenly feel more confident.

Branahm casts Bless, so all of his companions have a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves against fear for the next 20 rounds.

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth sneers at the Soldier with the Meat Cleaver and holds his shield up tight side stepping around the bench 5 feet to his left rear so it is between him and the soldier and thrusts his spear at the warrior turned butcher +5 normal, +1 for Bless, +2 for Favored Enemy (1d20+8=19). if it hits: +3 damage for normal, +2 for favored enemy (1d6+5=6)


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

Anju's Stave makes contact with the 'butcher', pushing him back onto Keth's spear. Impaled, the guard twitches once before making for the door his allies had just burst from flavor only - his next action he's retreating though

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Seeing the fear on the 'butchers' face Keth growls loudly and snaps off "We can stop this anytime" and then he jerks his head to the two with the crossbows "We dont want this! We just want to talk!"

sorry, I forgot to convert his HP when I did his stats

Tikaani runs after the fleeing butcher and tries to trip him to stop his escape...

Grapple Check for Trip. (1d20+1) -> [13+1] = (14)

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2

Elizabeth notes the crossbow bolt go wide and smiles evilly at the man who shot at her. She throws her hand out in from of her and a Dart of Acid streaks from her hand towards him.
Acid Dart (Ranged Touch Attack). (1d20+4=21)
Acid Dart Damage. (1d6=5)

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Arius begins incanting a spell.

He'll cast Sleep (DC 16), which should take effect at the beginning of next round if his concentration is not disrupted. He's going to try to target it to catch Verik solo if possible.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3
Arius Pelgane wrote:

Arius begins incanting a spell.

He'll cast Sleep (DC 16), which should take effect at the beginning of next round if his concentration is not disrupted. He's going to try to target it to catch Verik solo if possible.

verik himself isn't here yet

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Thanks for clarifying. The crossbow guys, then.

Takaani tries to trip the cleaver wielding guard, the guard jumps above the attempt. While everyone is concentrating on the cleaver-weilder, Liz's bolt hits the leftmost guard in the shoulder, causing him to drop his crossbow. The cleaver tries to run past Keth (Takaani Keth and Anju get AOO) The man that was hit by Liz's acid dart the man with sideburns she spoke to earlier pulls a warhammer and charges her with it (hit for 4 damage) The other one fires his crossbow again at Keth missing narrowly.

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2

Snarling at the man's audacity to strike at her, she takes a swing at him with Caress. "You dare strike me worm. Feel my Fury!"
Attack on Sideburns with Caress. (1d20+2=22)
Confirm Critical Hit. (1d20+2=8)
Damage. (1d4=4) That should be 5 Damage. I forgot to add in her +1 STR Bonus.

Remember she still has almost an hour of Mage Armour active.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3
Elizabeth Danflor wrote:

Remember she still has almost an hour of Mage Armour active.

he got a 19 rolled, plus 4, plus weapon focus

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
he got a 19 rolled, plus 4, plus weapon focus

That's cool. You're the DM and he can hit me with a 1 and a butter knife if you want him to. ;)

I was just reminding you because I had forgotten until that point. =)

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

As the Man with the cleaver pulled back from the spear thrust and pivoted on his feet, Keth had shouted to end this, The man had taken a step out towards his comrades firing crossbows, the wolf nipping at his heels, Keth twisted to his left, bringing the short spear up and then slamming the blunt end into the mans kidneys as he passed. +5 normal, +1 for Bless, +2 for Favored Enemy (1d20+8=12), [url=]if it hits: +3 damage for normal, +2 for favored enemy (1d6+5=6) (1d6+5=9)[/url

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
The 'Cap wrote:
Takaani tries to trip the cleaver wielding guard, the guard jumps above the attempt. While everyone is concentrating on the cleaver-weilder, Liz's bolt hits the leftmost guard in the shoulder, causing him to drop his crossbow. The cleaver tries to run past Keth (Takaani Keth and Anju get AOO) The man that was hit by Liz's acid dart the man with sideburns she spoke to earlier pulls a warhammer and charges her with it (hit for 4 damage) The other one fires his crossbow again at Keth missing narrowly.

Anju takes advantage of the Cleaver Man's retreat by cracking him on the back of the head with her staff.

Attack With Staff (1d20+5) -> [7+5] = (12)

...if it hits
Staff Damage 1. (1d6) -> [4] = (4)

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