A couple of NPC's to use in playtest

Alpha Release 1 General Discussion

Scarab Sages

I made a couple of characters to use in playtesting and I wanted to share.
(Less work for someone else.)

One is a Dex warrior type
One is a defender/healer that has some Choas build in.
(You never know exactly what your to hit and AC might be each battle.)

Naltolt Sklar
(needs some equpiment)


Naltolt Sklar, Tribal Protector CR 9
Male Shoanti Fighter 6/Rogue 2/Swordsage 1
CG Medium
Init +5; Senses Perception +12

AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 18

(armor +8, deflection, Dex +4, natural, size, etc. alphabetical)

hp XX (8+2d8+6d10+30)

Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +4

Defensive Abilities Moment of Perfect Mind, Shadow Jaunt

Spd 30 ft.

Melee Unarmed Strike +13 (1d8+6 20/X2 +3d6 sneak attack) and

Scimitar +12 (1d6+5 18–20/×2 +3d6 sneak attack)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks Fan the Flames, Fire Repost, Assassin's Stance

Before Combat Naltolt will have his Assassin's Stance active.

During Combat Naltolt will try to get his opponents to surrender using trips, disarming them, or grapples. He will usually fight cautiously if they won't surrender. (Combat expertise) If those don't work he will use his other attacks.

Morale If he is losing, he will make a tactical retreat. If that isn't possible, he will see if he can surrender then try to escape later on.

Str 12, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10

Base Atk +7; Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) 11

Feats Agile Manuevers, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Scorpion Style, Shadow Blade, Superior Unarmed Strike, Totem Spirit-Sklar Quah, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +18, Climb +13, Concentration +15, Deception +12, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +16, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +14, Perception +12, Ride +16, Stealth +XX, Survival +12, Swim +16, Use Magical Device +12

Languages Common, Shoanti, Varisian, Chelaxian, Halfling, Elven, Dwarven

Combat Gear Mithral Chainmail +2; Other Gear gear not used in combat

Special Ability (Ex/Sp/Su) Armor Training (Medium, +1), Evasion, Weapon Training (Close +1), Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Rogue Talent (Weapon Focus), Quick to act +1, Discipline focus (Weapon focus)
Maneuvers Fire Repost* (Su), Fan the Flames (Su), Burning Blade (Su), Mountain Hammer, Shadow Jaunt*, Moment of Perfect Mind*
Stances: Assassin's Stance
*Readied Maneuver

Naltolt takes his job of caravan guard very seriously but can easily be distracted by pretty women. He thinks he is good with women, even if that is not the case, he keeps a good humor about it though. He will not use his scimitar for the most part, it's for show to make him look more impressive.

Feat sources
Agile Manuevers: Pathfinder Alpha
Combat Expertise: Pathfinder Alpha
Combat Reflexes: Pathfinder Alpha
Improved Disarm: Pathfinder Alpha
Improved Grapple: Pathfinder Alpha
Improved Trip: Pathfinder Alpha
Improved Unarmed Strike: PHB
Scorpion Style: Pathfinder Alpha
Shadow Blade: Tome of Battle
Superior Unarmed Strike: Tome of Battle
Totem Spirit-Sklar Quah: Rise of the Rune Lords
Weapon Finesse: PHB

Favored class: fighter
Built on 32 pt buy

Geggin Lesh
(needs spells and some equipment)


Geggin Lesh, Hand of Gorum CR 8
Male Varisian Cleric 4/Crusader 4
CN Medium
Init +1; Senses

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17

(armor +7, Dex +1)

hp XX (10+4d8+3d10+12)

Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +9

Defensive Abilities Maneuvers, Spells, Chaos Devotion

Spd 30 ft.

Melee Greatsword +9 (2d6+2 19–20/×2)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks Maneuvers, Spells, Chaos Devotion

Before Combat Keeps a wary eye out for trouble.

During Combat Geggin will go after the most dangerous target and keep himself close to any allies in case he needs to heal them.

Morale Geggin will protect his allies as much as possible. If there is a retreat he will be last.

Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12

Base Atk +7; Combat Maneuver Bonus (CMB) 10/14

Feats Chaos Devotion, Defensive Combat Training, Harrowed, Touch of Healing, White Raven Defense
Skills Acrobatics +12, Appraise +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +13, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +12, Martial Lore +11, Spellcraft +13
Languages Common, Varisian, Shoanti, Chelaxian, Thassilonian, Celestial, Abyssal

Combat Gear Mithral Chainmail +2; Other Gear needs more gear

Special Ability (Ex/Sp/Su) Domain powers (Su), Furious Counterstrike (Ex), Indomitable Soul (Ex), Orisons (Sp), Steely Resolve 10 (Ex), Turn Undead (Su), Zealous Surge (Ex)
Maneuvers Leading the Attack*, Crusaders Strike*, Vanguard Strike*, Douse the Flames, Stone Bones*, Revitalizing Strike*
Stances: Bolstering Voice*, Martial Spirit
*Readied Maneuver

Geggin looks for, and punishes, those who are going too far, and distorting, Gorum's words, using them to their own ends. He enjoys doing manly things, not for others, just for himself.

Feat sources
Chaos Devotion: Complete Champion
Defensive Combat Training: Pathfinder Alpha
Harrowed: Curse of the Crimson Throne
Touch of Healing: Complete Champion
White Raven Defense: Tome of Battle

Favored class: crusader
Built on 32 pt buy

The Exchange

Why not stick with something core to test a core product? Or at least stay away from the 'Tome of Broken' for the playtest. These characters aren't really a good benchmark for testing.

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:

Why not stick with something core to test a core product? Or at least stay away from the 'Tome of Broken' for the playtest. These characters aren't really a good benchmark for testing.

I strongly agree.

Scarab Sages

These characters aren't really a good benchmark for testing. [citation needed]

Just because you don't like the characters does not mean they are not good for play testing.
We want to see how any char would work, right?
It's supposed to be compatible with the old/current stuff.
How do you know if it works if you don't try it?

The Exchange

fray wrote:

These characters aren't really a good benchmark for testing. [citation needed]

Just because you don't like the characters does not mean they are not good for play testing.
We want to see how any char would work, right?
It's supposed to be compatible with the old/current stuff.
How do you know if it works if you don't try it?

Because Tome of Battle doesn't work with 3.5 very well. It was made as a pre-test to 4E stuff. It has been banned from many tables because of ridiculous stuff like a gnome punching his way through a thick stone wall because he can bypass DR. In my game groups we have a phrase we use to describe every far-out game-breaking action we have....we say "TOB has a maneuver to do that!".

Then the 1 guy in the group that likes TOB says "actually there is.." and proceeds to name the stance or manuever and the requirements to get it.

Scarab Sages

Fake Healer wrote:
Because Tome of Battle doesn't work with 3.5 very well. [citation needed]

It's your opinion.

It happens to work well in the games I have played with it.
That is a funny story about the '1 guy'... hehehe

fray wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
Because Tome of Battle doesn't work with 3.5 very well. [citation needed]

It's your opinion.

It happens to work well in the games I have played with it.
That is a funny story about the '1 guy'... hehehe

I understand that a lot of people are fond of the book. I bought it, and found some use for it as well, though I didn't, in the end, like using the classes straight up for my campaigns. That having been said, listen to the "You may already be playing 4th edition" podcast of the D&D Podcast.

Rich Baker cites that several things in the Tome of Battle probably don't work quite as well as they should, and that they were in many ways trying to introduce 4th edition concepts into 3.5, and that the two don't mesh too well in all cases. But it gave 3.5 players a "taste" of what martial power characters would do in 4th edition.

Mind you, Rich didn't say that it was completely broken, but he did say that it wasn't quite as fine tuned and well integrated as it might have been.

Two things:

The first is that the ToB classes, while in some cases quirky, don't break the game. While they make the core fighter look sad (Warblade especially), they don't overpower the barbarians or casters of the game. In fact, I'd be curious how the Pathfinder Fighter fares next to them.

That being said: For playtest purposes, I think that characters using Pathfinder rules would be a bit more useful. While using classes from other products is certainly great for testing how well Pathfinder 'plays nice' with 3.5 products, they'll probably see less use than, say, a pure fighter or cleric.

Scarab Sages

Fake Healer wrote:
... ridiculous stuff like a gnome punching his way through a thick stone wall

Speaking of ridiculous... have you seen a gnome Binder with Zagan bound?

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