Zombie Boots |

Just wondering if anyone else has killed Big D and when.Just curious if my group was the first to finish the Path......We killed Big D on the 12th of January 2008...........
How long does it take to do most of the campaign? I'm trying to get a general feel of how fast the "Average" group goes through each chapater.
p.s.Not even close, I'm on Tides of Dread.

Curaigh |

We are only 1/2 way through the SWW (though I did run War of the Wielded as part of BwG). I am interested in hearing how far everyone is, even if it is not the end.
Oh yeah 6-8 sessions (once a week) for an adventure, alternating campaigns between adventures. Between this and SCAP I will be busy until 5E comes out *grin*

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we started playing the month There is no Honor came out (October '06, i think) and have been playing pretty much every other week from then.
there's been more than a few "one-shot" weekends or missed games due to vacations/holidays etc. so we've probably averaged 1.5 games of the STAP/month since then.
so, about 18 months to get to adventure 11, almost to 12
-the hamster
(been averaging about 2.5 sessions / adventure)

P.H. Dungeon |

We started the campaign late April, and we are currently working through "Into the Maw". We regularly (about 3 weeks on 1 off on average). Our game sessions are generally about 4-5 hours. We are about to do our 36th game session, so we are averaging about 4 sessions per adventure. If you want to check out the details, see "canuk runs savage tide" in the campaign journals. I hope to wrap the AP up in by my wedding, which is mid July.

Hired Sword |

Professor Frankln Von Wolfstien wrote:Just wondering if anyone else has killed Big D and when.Just curious if my group was the first to finish the Path......We killed Big D on the 12th of January 2008...........How long does it take to do most of the campaign? I'm trying to get a general feel of how fast the "Average" group goes through each chapater.
Not even close, I'm on Tides of Dread.
We started Aug 07, about ready to start our 12-13th session and we are at the beginning of Tides of Dread.

ronin |

We are currently in the Enemies of My Enemy. I decided to throw in parts of the Bastion of Broken Souls to get the group some more XP since there are six PCs in the party. We have 1 or 2 sessions left in that and probably 2 more once we get back to EoME.
We play every week just about for around 7-8 hours a session. We started just about a year ago and I'm hoping to time it right so we can have the final battle with Demogorgon be our big finale for 3rd edition. I also hope to get the party up to 21st or 22nd level since this is as high as we've experienced with this edition.
So I suppose we are looking at sometime in May to finish up the campaign. I still need to wrap my head around letting the group kill Demogorgon. He's been my favorite demon lord ever since I started playing. I still have some time to work on it though so hopefully I'll get it straight soon.
Wish me luck.

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I'm not entirely sure but I think we're almost finished CoBI and we've been playing every other weekend (give or take) from November 06. WE blown through a couple of adventures (like the BWG which we finished in two sessions) but we've crawled through some of the others (like TLD which took nearly 3 months). If we were playing every week I figure we'd be close to done by now.

vikingson |

we are entering EoE, after an extended and re-worked WoD, but the group in a way is loosing interest, which affects the speed of progress.
basically, they are feeling like tehy are playing something that was not meant to be, possibly changing the established order of one huge part of the universe, and massive disbelief is creeping in. I estimate about 3 more months, if we keep going

Sben |

We're slow: After 35 sessions, theoretically every two weeks but in reality something less than that, we're almost done with "Tides of Dread". Our sessions average a little less than four hours in length. I suspect we won't finish before my wife and I have a second child, effectively ending my DMing. We have no idea if we'll find a natural stopping point (e.g. the end of "City of Broken Idols") or find a replacement DM (perhaps one of the players whose PC will have died fighting Khala); we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Fenalik |

We started the campaing one year ago, in the beginning of March´07, and my players are sailing towards Divided´s Ire now (last tuesday we started Into the Maw!). We had playing almost every week (we only fail two or three weeks in a year), with sessions of 4 hours aprox. We had some troubles in the campaing: my players skipped an entire chapter (Here There Be Monsters) when they impeded the sinking of the Sea Wyvern with a wisely chosen "Raise from the Deep" spell, and forced me to expand Tides of Dread to compensate the level and XP unbalance; and we had a quasi-TPK in the assault of Taboo Temple in City of Broken Idols (only one PC survived). Until that point the party was well cohesionated and we had many memorable role playing situations between players characters that had forged strong relationships, between themselves, Lavinia and other PNCs. But after the TPK, that aspect of the game had decayed, because the PCs are new, less motivated in the plot of the campaing, and they had focused to create "walking combos" more than personalities. That circumstance, and the "high level play" problems had make the last sessions a bit boring, but I hope that the involucration of the PCs in the Abyssal politics brings new interest in the game...I wish a great finale!!
Cheers!! ;)