Kruel PBP Playtest Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Dark Archive

Hey Kruelaid! You read Fritz Leiber?

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Ah, Sheelba of the Eyeless Face and Ningauble of the Seven Eyes. He did have some great characters.

Radavel wrote:
Hey Kruelaid! You read Fritz Leiber?

Extensively. Rabidly. That was all about 20+ years ago, though.

Dark Archive

You have any Fafhrd and Gray Mouser books?

Radavel wrote:
You have any Fafhrd and Gray Mouser books?

Not here in China. You looking?

Dark Archive

Looking for Swords against Deviltry and Swords and Ice Magic. I have the other four books.

BTW, did I warn you guys about my Grimtooth fetish?

Male Human 17thFighter
Kruelaid wrote:
BTW, did I warn you guys about my Grimtooth fetish?

Wow your gonna show us pictures of you naked and caught up in traps!

Dark Archive

I really am going to sleep now so quit making all this excitement. I mean it. :D

I made a thread for us to record loot, claim it, cost it, and whatnot.


Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Can Ebay or Amazon aid you? I was lucky enough to find all the books of the Twain in 2nd hand book shops in my late teens, them and a load of Moorcock. The supplpy of such seems to have dried up now 12, 13 years later.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

Hey Kruel, I wanna keep my dude as a conjurer type of caster but I can't rapid summon with a sorcerer. As a wizard I gave up familiar for the ability. If I take the Arcane bloodline for a sorcerer I gain a bonded item/familiar at first level. Can I give that up for the Rapid Summoning?

Fake Healer wrote:
Hey Kruel, I wanna keep my dude as a conjurer type of caster but I can't rapid summon with a sorcerer. As a wizard I gave up familiar for the ability. If I take the Arcane bloodline for a sorcerer I gain a bonded item/familiar at first level. Can I give that up for the Rapid Summoning?

Go for it.

I love you

F@++ that's touching.

Male Human Sorceror 3 EXP-3450

Aref is now a sorcerer. Arcane Bloodline. Etc....

Male Human 17thFighter

We went up a level?

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
Tobus Neth wrote:
We went up a level?

No, I made Aref as a wizard with the thought that once Alpha 2 came out I would change him to sorcerer. Alpha 2 is out so I retconned him. Instead of wizard2 he is sorcerer2.

Detect magic at will.

Bohdan was just asking about trying that on the pile of bodies.

I just shecked the XP list and everyone should be at 2600 XP total.

1000 XP more to the next level.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
Kruelaid wrote:

Detect magic at will.

Bohdan was just asking about trying that on the pile of bodies.

On it.

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

Detect magic at will.

Bohdan was just asking about trying that on the pile of bodies.

On it.


Dark Archive

Anyone downloaded the Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer already?


FH, the language of Qadira is Kelish, not Qadiran.

Now we know. Also, the writings on the walls in the temple is Kelish.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
Kruelaid wrote:


FH, the language of Qadira is Kelish, not Qadiran.

Now we know. Also, the writings on the walls in the temple is Kelish.

Got it. Changing that now.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

Hey, Mr. Shiny, Kruelaid said that the leather armor is some type of armor for arcanists when I inquired about donning it. He also suggested that we try to decide who gets it. How do you wanna do it?

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:
Hey, Mr. Shiny, Kruelaid said that the leather armor is some type of armor for arcanists when I inquired about donning it. He also suggested that we try to decide who gets it. How do you wanna do it?

Take it. Rackham's not a magic-item glutton like Seann is.

The spellbook's looking pretty attractive, though.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
Hey, Mr. Shiny, Kruelaid said that the leather armor is some type of armor for arcanists when I inquired about donning it. He also suggested that we try to decide who gets it. How do you wanna do it?

Take it. Rackham's not a magic-item glutton like Seann is.

The spellbook's looking pretty attractive, though.

Cool. I am Sorcerer, the book is all you! You might to try the other ring also...;P

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
Hey, Mr. Shiny, Kruelaid said that the leather armor is some type of armor for arcanists when I inquired about donning it. He also suggested that we try to decide who gets it. How do you wanna do it?

Take it. Rackham's not a magic-item glutton like Seann is.

The spellbook's looking pretty attractive, though.

Cool. I am Sorcerer, the book is all you! You might to try the other ring also...;P

Meh. Someone else can have the ring.

I lifted the spellbook from a 3rd level PC here on the boards....

It was made with love.

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:

I lifted the spellbook from a 3rd level PC here on the boards....

It was made with love.



Which PC?

From Patrick Curtin's Planescape game. Zigel za Elric.

Writing up a spellbook when I've got all this other crap is no fun, and it wouldn't be a realistic spellbook.

This one had that organic feel and I liked the ice theme.

BTW, our game thread is almost at 1000 posts. Booyah!

For those of you looking at page 232 of you MM, don't worry, he's toned down... well... sort of.

Everyone should be at 3200 XP total.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Maths + pithy banter + brutal takedown - emotionally affecting expiration = teh awesome.

Liberty's Edge

FabesMinis wrote:
Maths + pithy banter + brutal takedown - emotionally affecting expiration = teh awesome.

Is that bad?

Male Human 17thFighter

starting tomorrow 05/10-05/26 me and the old lady will be going away up to Maine for our real honeymoon. See Heathy Discussion thread for further details.

I'm sure your DMPC Ryor with the best possible intentions-i.e ganged raped by Book and boys no doubt.

Anyway I'll try to post to tonite alot of packing and running around to do still.

no worries

Let me have a look... Male it would seem Giant Dwarf... yup Geek 8/Jock 4 (Am. Football)

Sorry about the absence, family and friends requested some of my time and the weather has been on full summer mode for about a week now (77+ F/ 25+ C), so that has stolen some of my time.
Ready to move on now. :-)

GentleGiant wrote:

Sorry about the absence, family and friends requested some of my time and the weather has been on full summer mode for about a week now (77+ F/ 25+ C), so that has stolen some of my time.

Ready to move on now. :-)

Ok. It may move a little slower until FH and Tobus are back but I'll give her a little shove tomorrow.

In the event any of you knowledgeable folk know that scorpions are viviparous (live-bearing) arachnids... too bad. This one lays eggs. Why? It just looked way cooler to have the egg clusters on the map.

Dark Archive

Can you evil mutant scorpion?!

Hey Kruelaid! The software you're using to make the maps is it a free download or you have to buy it?

Radavel wrote:

Can you evil mutant scorpion?!

Hey Kruelaid! The software you're using to make the maps is it a free download or you have to buy it?

I bought it. You can use GIMP, too, though, and it's free.

I don't think it's the software that matters, although you'll get a different look from different programs. What matters is putting in the hours to learn the secrets.


I learned off an illegal version of Illustrator 10 a couple of years ago, and picked up a used copy of 11 at a second hand software store in Vancouver... You might have some trouble finding one in Manila, though. A used copy of 11 is probably about 250 USD, although the price variations are REALLY crazy...

Dark Archive

Thanks for the advise.
Wanted to spice up the pbps I'm running.

I think I'll erase my illicit advice now that you've read it...


Dark Archive

Go for it. :D


In the States and Canada a used software pack like the one above is usually a lot cheaper in a brick and mortar used software store. My Creative Suite version of Photoshop was only 75 Canadian dollars and Illustrator was 150.

There are a lot of used copies of stuff like that floating around in Vancouver, where are lot of people are using them professionally and can finance an upgrade to CS2 and CS3.

Dark Archive

My problem with some of the sellers listed in Amazon is that they won't ship to the Philippines. Though I'll try if this particular seller would.

Radavel wrote:
My problem with some of the sellers listed in Amazon is that they won't ship to the Philippines. Though I'll try if this particular seller would.

I would also suggest biding you time. Sometimes a really low price appears... plus there's eBay.

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