DM Genie for SCAP

Shackled City Adventure Path

Hey all,

I've recently been using DM Genie with SCAP. Currently, I have all of Zenith Trajectory inputted along with the maps, the creatures, and links to music (using RPGSoundMixer). Anyone else using DM Genie or RPGSoundMixer with their campaign? Any suggestions or interested in sharing DM Genie files?

Is this data that you are entering from the magazines (3.0 edition rules) or from the hardcover book (3.5 edition rules)?

I am currently running this campaign from the hardcover, and have entered data supporting the first three chapters (Life's Bazaar, Drakthar's Way, and Flood Season).

I wouldn't mind exchanging data between us if you are doing the hardcover version also. The party is finishing up Flood Season, so having data supporting the next portion of the book would sure be helpful to me.

The text is from the magazines; however, I cross referenced everything with my hardcover. The stat blocks (creatures) are from 3.5. Since it is geared to my campaign (and thus has notes for my campaign in it), you will likely have to edit. I also leave out what I consider useless, but interesting, drivel (like "the workbenches in this room were used thousands of years ago to make steel pins"). I can always grab the hardcover if someone really needs to know that info.

My data is pretty much only the creatures and items in the locations, as well as the maps of the locations. Little or no text was entered by myself; I still read/reference from the book itself for the room descriptions.

My e-mail address is: rw_weimer AT hotmail DOT com. Let's work some data exchange details.

Scarab Sages

I would also love to get data for DM Genie. I've been working on getting the OCR from the magazines. Please contact me at josiahknight AT gmail DOT com. I'd be happy to share what I enter as well.

Richard kindly gave me the work he's done putting the first three chapaters into DMGenie - very good of him. I'm using it at the moment.

However I'm considering switching to using RPTools Init Tool instead as DMGenie is basically overkill for what I'm trying to achive (just a combat/initiative tracker) so I might move over soon.

Am in discussions with someone on the RPTools forum about this. If I get it up and running I'll post here (on a new thread) as an alternate option for online/computer gaming with SCAP.

Blakey wrote:

However I'm considering switching to using RPTools Init Tool instead as DMGenie is basically overkill for what I'm trying to achive (just a combat/initiative tracker) so I might move over soon.

Am in discussions with someone on the RPTools forum about this. If I get it up and running I'll post here (on a new thread) as an alternate option for online/computer gaming with SCAP.

I've been using InitTool for my SCAP game for a year (and MapTool for about six months). It has worked well. The only issues I have with the latest development release are:

  • It requires Java 1.6, and the Mac's Java VM is still at 1.5, so I'm running it in VMware, which is a little processor intensive (virtualizing Windows and then the Windows Java VM).

  • The new database and calculation features (e.g., InitTool uses Dex, armor, natural armor, size, etc. to calculate AC) are really cool, but that means you've got to enter all that stuff when you add a creature, or AC/etc. aren't calculated properly.
Other than those minor quibbles, InitTool rocks, especially with the dev version's ability to keep track of damage and healing.

Unfortunately, I don't often have time to create encounter groups ahead of time, so I don't have cool save files with all the baddies already entered. I will strive to do this, and maybe we can share files. I intend to ask Erik Mona about this, since I'd also like to provide MapTool maps that I've already marked up with the topology tool for vision.

My group is currently dealing with the cryohydra in chapter four, so hopefully I can be of some help to you. I'll look for your posts over on the RPTools forum...


How did you use InitTool if you didn't save groups off before hand? Did you create encounters on the fly by adding a creature in for each creature in the encounter and just hand coding their Init modifier?

If so, how did you find doing that? Was it okay?

If not, what other approach did you take?

So far I'm still running Chapter One so am happily using Richard's DMGenie info converted to Init Tool (which is dead easy to do by adding a custom button to DMGenie and then copying some output it generates into group files).


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