Blackdirge |

Hi all,
As a d20 publisher, I have a lot of decisions to make in the next 4-6 months. Will I be an exclusive 4E publisher? Or will I continue to publish 3.5E material alongside the new edition? It’s a tough question, and Paizo’s recent decision has certainly made the question more interesting. So, since Paizo probably has the largest group of people sticking with 3.5, I was wondering if some of you might answer a few general questions for me.
- Has Paizo’s recent decision to continue to support the existing OGL affected your buying habits in regards to d20 products?
- Are you now more likely to continue to buy 3rd-party d20 material?
- With WoTC no longer supporting 3.5, will you be looking for different types of d20 supplements than you did previously? For example, are you now more interested in plug-and-play material (monsters, templates, prestige classes, etc.) rather than campaign settings, race books, and alternate rules.
Thanks for your input.

gurps |

yes, I bought/buy more of the older d20 books to complete my collection before the new stuff comes.
Of course - I did it the last years and will continue to do so the next months/years. 3.5/Pathfinder only, not 4.0, of course. Before the decision, I thought about stop buying at all.
I have a nearly complete collection of the larger publishers - so, every new book should fill in a hole in the collection - f.i.: as there are already more than 14 monster collections in my shelves, a new one would be quite uninteresting.
I would not be interested in JAFW (just another fantasy world) "like tolkien, just the orcs are pink" - already have Kalamar, Eberron, FR, Scarred Lands and much more for 3.5 - and a LOT others for other systems.
So what would I buy? Adventures and Campaigns, if they are different than the usual "you meet in a bar, than enter the dungeon" stuff. (think about the Paizo campaigns here - or the drwo war campaing from mongoose or the enemy withing from wfrp or something like that).
And if they are extremely well done. Full color is fine, but an expert layout and good art is more important. Best argument for a safe buy: intelligent and "different" plots - I bought a lot old and bad made d20 adventures which have an extremely good story. (Thanks to all reviewers!)
I prefer adventures/campaign which are written gm-friendly. The superb kalamar series shows how this is made.
I would love a campaign book with a - for instance - desert campaign, with one part adventure, one part source and one part background - so made, that I can use it in the deserts of my campaing worlds.

Paul Worthen RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

- Has Paizo’s recent decision to continue to support the existing OGL affected your buying habits in regards to d20 products?
Yes - I was on the fence about continuing to buy 3.5 products over the next few months, but now I'm definitely going to keep picking them up. - Are you now more likely to continue to buy 3rd-party d20 material?
Yes - I was picking up stuff almost exclusively from WotC, but since they'll no longer be supporting the 3.5 ruleset, I'm going to expand my sources. - With WoTC no longer supporting 3.5, will you be looking for different types of d20 supplements than you did previously?
To be honest, I pick up anything that I find intersting. I steal stuff from various campaign settings, I do a lot of homebrew stuff, and I like dropping adventures into whatever setting I happen to be interested in at the moment.

Kirth Gersen |

Has Paizo’s recent decision to continue to support the existing OGL affected your buying habits in regards to d20 products?
Well, they're not really sticking with the OGL rules as written; their new system is half 3.5, half 4e, from what I can see. I might keep subscribing to Paizo products, but it will mean conversion work for me no matter how I look at it; a number of aspects of their new system don't mesh well, and are decidedly non-backward-compatible. I figure, if everyone is going off in a different direction, I might as well design my own game system and be done with it.
Are you now more likely to continue to buy 3rd-party d20 material?
Unfortunately, no.
With WoTC no longer supporting 3.5, will you be looking for different types of d20 supplements than you did previously? For example, are you now more interested in plug-and-play material (monsters, templates, prestige classes, etc.) rather than campaign settings, race books, and alternate rules.Adventures and alternate rules are always my favorites. Settings, I never purchase at all.

The Real Troll |

Hi all,
As a d20 publisher, I have a lot of decisions to make in the next 4-6 months. Will I be an exclusive 4E publisher? Or will I continue to publish 3.5E material alongside the new edition? It’s a tough question, and Paizo’s recent decision has certainly made the question more interesting. So, since Paizo probably has the largest group of people sticking with 3.5, I was wondering if some of you might answer a few general questions for me.
- Has Paizo’s recent decision to continue to support the existing OGL affected your buying habits in regards to d20 products?
- Are you now more likely to continue to buy 3rd-party d20 material?
- With WoTC no longer supporting 3.5, will you be looking for different types of d20 supplements than you did previously? For example, are you now more interested in plug-and-play material (monsters, templates, prestige classes, etc.) rather than campaign settings, race books, and alternate rules.
Thanks for your input.BD
Who the heck are you?

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Has Paizo’s recent decision to continue to support the existing OGL affected your buying habits in regards to d20 products?
Not yet, but I look to pick up as many older 3e stuff as I can find cheap when I have the money.
Are you now more likely to continue to buy 3rd-party d20 material?
Provided the quality is there and the product appeals to me - yes.
With WoTC no longer supporting 3.5, will you be looking for different types of d20 supplements than you did previously? For example, are you now more interested in plug-and-play material (monsters, templates, prestige classes, etc.) rather than campaign settings, race books, and alternate rules.
I like books that can help me tell stories more effectively. WotC's books have not really appealed to me for some time, with a few exceptions. I expect I will want much of the same now as I did a month ago. I am interested actually in seeing what other companies will be able to do with the Pathfinder system as I don't really want too many worlds at one time. I stuck with Kalamar for several years and intend to support Golarion for the foreseeable future.

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Blackdirge, you know I'm a loyal fan of 3rd party material in general and your stuff in particular! I am only one buyer...but I will not be spending any money on 4e products. I will keep buying 3.5 and Pathfinder RPG stuff!
And yes, Paizo's decision played a huge part in this decision since I probably would have been more amiable to dabbling if they went 4e.

tallforadwarf |

Hi all,
Thanks for your input.
I am very unlikely to buy 'plug-and-play' stuff - I have more classes/prestige classes/monsters/templates etc. than I'll ever use. However plug-and-play is welcome if it is used within a larger context. The best books give three pages of fluff, before saying "and the people of this weird and wonderful realm all have the following template" etc.
Of course - this is all IMHO - and I alone am not able to keep an RPG publisher afloat! ;D Thank you for taking the time to ask us, the gaming public, what we want and best of luck whatever you decide!

Cintra Bristol |

If you create rules that are OGL and that Paizo ends up using in some of their products, I'm more likely to take a look at your product. (For example, their recent use of several creature templates from Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary.)
But I realize you can't control whether Paizo takes an interest in anything OGL you might create.
About the only other thing I'd be terribly interested in would be a monster book with 3.5 and 4E versions of the same creatures; I'd be very interested in that sort of product, as I expect to be playing both PRPG and 4E for a while, and/or converting Pathfinder to 4E, depending on what my group ends up going for.
EDIT: I took a look at your profile, then your site, after posting the above. If at some point you add the 4E versions to the Animal Archives products (so they include both 3.5 and 4E), I'd be interested. (I know, you were asking about interest in 3.5, but that's where your question led me...)

Tony Hooper |

Hi all,
As a d20 publisher, I have a lot of decisions to make in the next 4-6 months. Will I be an exclusive 4E publisher? Or will I continue to publish 3.5E material alongside the new edition? It’s a tough question, and Paizo’s recent decision has certainly made the question more interesting. So, since Paizo probably has the largest group of people sticking with 3.5, I was wondering if some of you might answer a few general questions for me.
- Has Paizo’s recent decision to continue to support the existing OGL affected your buying habits in regards to d20 products?
- Are you now more likely to continue to buy 3rd-party d20 material?
- With WoTC no longer supporting 3.5, will you be looking for different types of d20 supplements than you did previously? For example, are you now more interested in plug-and-play material (monsters, templates, prestige classes, etc.) rather than campaign settings, race books, and alternate rules.
Thanks for your input.BD
No. I was going to continue with 3.5 as long as stuff was made.
Yes. As WOTC won't be making it.
Plug in cities. What I mean by this is fully fleshed cities that can be dropped into any campaign world. With Heraldry, traditions, prestige classes, unique gods and/or critters. And full of well developed NPCs.
The cities books could be done based on the alignments, and then on races. (I imagine a LE city would have a legal system that redefines "red tape").

Blackdirge |

Blackdirge, you know I'm a loyal fan of 3rd party material in general and your stuff in particular! I am only one buyer...but I will not be spending any money on 4e products. I will keep buying 3.5 and Pathfinder RPG stuff!
And yes, Paizo's decision played a huge part in this decision since I probably would have been more amiable to dabbling if they went 4e.
Well, DF, it looks more and more likely with each passing day that I'll be publishing at least some 3.5 material. How much, I'm not sure.
What I've read on these boards, and, of course, Paizo's recent decision, seem to indicate that there will be a solid core of 3.5 gamers. If that's the case, then I might consider dual-statted products for stuff like monsters and templates.
Thanks to everyone for the input so far.

Blackdirge |

About the only other thing I'd be terribly interested in would be a monster book with 3.5 and 4E versions of the same creatures; I'd be very interested in that sort of product, as I expect to be playing both PRPG and 4E for a while, and/or converting Pathfinder to 4E, depending on what my group ends up going for.
If I do end up doing 3.5 material, this is the kind of product I'll most likely do. A couple of my lines would be fairly easy to convert this way.

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Hi all,
- Has Paizo’s recent decision to continue to support the existing OGL affected your buying habits in regards to d20 products?
- Are you now more likely to continue to buy 3rd-party d20 material?
- With WoTC no longer supporting 3.5, will you be looking for different types of d20 supplements than you did previously? For example, are you now more interested in plug-and-play material (monsters, templates, prestige classes, etc.) rather than campaign settings, race books, and alternate rules.
Thanks for your input.BD
No, well only in since tehy are publishing 3/x compatible stuff, i'll continue my subscriptions
Yes, if it's new and catches my eye. I'm very satisfied with Secrets of Pact Magic, and Untapped potential for example, but the slayers guides still hold no interest for me.
Interested in new takes on old critters. Give me Hobgoblins I can respect, a functional medusa society etc. and those kind of supliments get my attention.