More Equipment please.

Alpha Release 1 General Discussion

Dark Archive

I've always felt that the 3.x equipment section could use a makeover. I mean look at it, it's pages and pages of description padding and a few measly tables. I want more varied armor and weapons, you've already started this nicely in the Pathfinder APs. And most definitely more equipment, at least in tables. You can skip the page filler, I know what a crowbar does thanks. }: )
Ya I know this is more of a Beta thing I guess, but really it doesn't take that long to compile and add widgets.

What? No more comments on these things?

Here's one weapon I've never seen stated before:

The Falchata is an old weapon from north-afrika. It's a mix of a cleaver and a sword and looks slightly like an oversized kukri, but with a straight back of the blade. Though it looks like a heavy sword with an inward curve at the lower edge and and outward curve at the upper edge, it's actually used more like an axe or machete. It's said to be a fearsome weapon that could easily slash through any armor.

Falchata: Exotic weapon, one handed; 1d8 slashing, 19-20/x3, 6lb.

Sharp as a sword, devestating as an axe, but lower in damage than the similar exotic weapons bastard sword and waraxe.

The Fighting Knife is essentially the light weapon version of the scimitar, or the curved version of the short sword.

Fighting Knife: Martial weapon, light; 1d4 slashing, 18-20/x2, 2lb.

I've recently seen a weapon with almost exactly the same stats some days ago somewhere, but it had a throwing rage of 10 ft., though I don't think that would really work with such a quite large and curved weapon.

Scarab Sages

Is it like the falx?

No, that's something else:

I thought of this ^^

Liberty's Edge

I already have Falx as a martial weapon, it's two-handed, 1d8/x4

So there were really sword-staffs that worked? I have to think which culture might use them in my homebrew setting. ^^

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I actually would like to see more "page filler" on lots of the adventuring gear type equipment. First of all, while we may know what a crowbar does, will a 10 year old who's just picked up the book know? I learned a lot of stuff when I started gaming, so keeping in basic descriptions would be good. Even long time players don't always know what a piton is, much less a crampon.

In addition, I want to see game uses described for all of this equipment. I like that the crowbar description states that it gives a +2 bonus to opening stuck or locked portals and chests. I'd like to see more of this kind of descriptions on lots of general equipment. Not just that a 10' pole can be used for prodding for traps, but exactly how that affects traps, search checks for finding traps, etc. I'd like to see that a tent provides a +2 bonus to survial checks or fort checks when in cold weather and camped in the tent, etc.

Liberty's Edge

Neithan wrote:
So there were really sword-staffs that worked? I have to think which culture might use them in my homebrew setting. ^^

The Falx is a cool weapon, not really a sword-staff as much as a very early version of a greatsword, with a really long hilt. They tore through Roman shields like tin foil.

JoelF847 wrote:
First of all, while we may know what a crowbar does, will a 10 year old who's just picked up the book know? I learned a lot of stuff when I started gaming, so keeping in basic descriptions would be good. Even long time players don't always know what a piton is, much less a crampon.

It's espacially helpful when english isn't your native language. You can know everything about an item but it still won't help you in any way, if you don't know it's english name. ^^

A lot of strange sounding things become obvious after reading the description. Who would have guessed a cheeta is a large feline?

Scarab Sages

Ah, I see what you mean.
The item in my link also takes its name from the same source (Latin for sickle).

Dark Archive

JoelF847 wrote:

I actually would like to see more "page filler" on lots of the adventuring gear type equipment. First of all, while we may know what a crowbar does, will a 10 year old who's just picked up the book know? I learned a lot of stuff when I started gaming, so keeping in basic descriptions would be good. Even long time players don't always know what a piton is, much less a crampon.

In addition, I want to see game uses described for all of this equipment. I like that the crowbar description states that it gives a +2 bonus to opening stuck or locked portals and chests. I'd like to see more of this kind of descriptions on lots of general equipment. Not just that a 10' pole can be used for prodding for traps, but exactly how that affects traps, search checks for finding traps, etc. I'd like to see that a tent provides a +2 bonus to survial checks or fort checks when in cold weather and camped in the tent, etc.

Hmmm ok how about pictures? I could live with nice pictures. Worth a thousand words and all. I'd like to be able to say, wow, nice crowbar.

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