"Crescendo" Combat Feats (Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack; Cleave, Great Cleave, et al)

Alpha Release 1 General Discussion

The Exchange

I've termed these "crescendo" feats due to their escalating effect, round-by-round, but I admit this post is a mixture of confusion and praise.

First praise-- the Cleave/Great Cleave crescendo is a nice conversion of an otherwise barely used feat set (and very similar to 4th ed's Cleave ;)).

The shield bash "hit vs. miss" impacting the outcome is clever and logical, creating a chance of risk but rewarding success.

The "Targeting" tree is potent, but the 1/3 round nature of these attacks (especially Pinpoint Targeting) seems appropriate for power balance.

"Overhand Chop" feats rewards persistent two-handed attacks (berserker style) that fits the barbarian style nicely, I think.

(Others are good as well, but these stand out to me).

Confusion-- So, why can we only Spring Attack once every 3 rounds? I like the chance to Mobility and Dodge-- more streamlined-- but even alternating between the two of them is straining at my logic. Is the individual spending one round hopping in one spot to avoid attacks (Dodge) so that the following round he can dart away without suffering AoO (Mobility). If so, then how does the avoidance of AoO then contribute to being able to move in to an enemy, strike, and move away?

If it were me, I'd keep the requirement progression (Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack), but made Dodge the trigger for both Mobility and Spring Attack.

Dodge--> Mobility: Player boosts AC then moves past any enemy without an Attack of Opp.

Dodge--> Spring Attack: Player boosts AC and can then target a foe for a strike (one attack), while focusing on avoiding their attacks (no AoO), and searching for an avenue for retreat (move again).

The expense to the player is that they can now no longer avoid AoO from every foe, due to their focus on the one, but Spring Attack becomes a feasible maneuver every other round.

Just my thoughts.

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