I loot the pouch, what's in it?


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Sovereign Court

Off a goblin.

You find 3 silver. Boring.

You find a few silver coins, a scrap of cloth holding a molding peice of cheese, and what appears to be a polished mouse skull.

SterlingEdge wrote:
...what appears to be a polished mouse skull.

Oh, thanks! I was wondering where that went! *Munch munch munch*

...off a commoner

You find 5 copper pieces, a pair of old worn-down dice, and a simple eating knife.

Dark Archive

Cheap but weighty pouch, feels like lots of clattering loot!

Inside - 3 copper and 12 polished rocks, as well as a folded up square of cloth with alternating white and red squares. Six of the rocks are white, six are reddish. Looks like some sort of primitive checker board.

Shadow Lodge

A bent and rusty pair of pliers, a small awl and a crude hammer. Also inside are six teeth of various humanoids (mostly molars) stained with blood at their bases and a necklace with another 14 blood-stained teeth strung together on a piece of (cat?) gut.


off a kender (using http://www.kencyclopedia.com/kender/pouches/randomDisplay.cfm)
1. Deck of cards (with cards missing)
2. big horn of deaf making
3. Kender cloak of strange deceptive effects unknown to any non-kender
4. Intelligent (CN) dagger
5. Philipshead Screwdriver

...Off a lizardfolk

  • A smaller pouch, with a little snake egg, some spices, and a disc with an egg on it, probably a little shrine to Semuanya.
  • A few coins.
  • A little carving of a crocodile of some sort.

  • A dirty, mud covered star saphire.

    A telescope.

    A battered ring of three wishes with one of the stones broken off from rough treatment.

    Lucky pouch.

    Off a psychotic cultist...

    You find 37 silver pieces, a masterwork dagger with a serrated edge, and a bloodstone and onyx unholy symbol of a god that you don't recognize.

    Heh. There's a chart like this in GM Gems. :P

    Sovereign Court

    Lilith wrote:
    Heh. There's a chart like this in GM Gems. :P

    Opened mine this morning before work, I havn't had a chance to look yet. Im just trying to get some ideas for my home game. Ive pulled the bit o cheese and mouse skull 3 times in the past 3 months.

    BTB, Start copying for GM Gems 2.

    Liberty's Edge

    The following was looted off a random passerby.

    • 20 pieces of silver
    • 1 Book(How to Tie Fifty Different Knots, and Their Various Uses)
    • 50 feet of silk rope
    • 1 Ballgag
    • 1 dagger, with suspiciously shaped grip and pommel
    • 5 breath mints
    • 1 Thank You card, unsigned

    In pouch of recently defeated foe:

    3cp, 16 gp, 1 pp
    A small spool of thread with 2 bone sewing needles
    A ring set with a black pearl
    A well creased letter from their love and their children asking them when they'll be able to make it home next.

    ArchLich wrote:
    A well creased letter from their love and their children asking them when they'll be able to make it home next.


    The Exchange

    Lilith wrote:
    Heh. There's a chart like this in GM Gems. :P

    I should be getting that here today or tomorrow(damn the slow Postal service!).

    The Exchange

    Cato Novus wrote:

    The following was looted off a random passerby.

    • 20 pieces of silver
    • 1 Book(How to Tie Fifty Different Knots, and Their Various Uses)
    • 50 feet of silk rope
    • 1 Ballgag
    • 1 dagger, with suspiciously shaped grip and pommel
    • 5 breath mints
    • 1 Thank You card, unsigned

    GIVE ME BACK MY POUCH!!! Ummm..I mean....my friend's pouch.....

    Dark Archive

    SterlingEdge wrote:

    Off a goblin.

    You find 3 silver. Boring.

    You find a few silver coins, a scrap of cloth holding a molding peice of cheese, and what appears to be a polished mouse skull.

    Off a dead man's corpse who's face is twisted in misery, pain and horror:

    A mummified monkey's paw.

    Make three wishes.

    Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

    You've been following smoke on the horizon for the better part of two hours. When you finally arrive at the source, you find a merchant's wagon overturned and smoking in the fading daylight. The obese merchant lays dead, throat gruesomely slashed, with his lifeless head resting against one of the wagon wheels. His two guards are dead nearby as well, one disemboweled, the other with his neck badly broken and corpse resting approximately 30 feet from the main stage of carnage.

    Inside the merchant's furs, you find a concealed pouch containing the following:

    33 gp

    19 sp

    A locket with platinum filigree that contains the picture of a young, blonde-haired girl.

    A small idol of queer design, made of some strange wood and red-black feathers of unknown origin, depicting an odd half-man, half-beast creature. Upon turning the idol over, you drop it in shock, as the idol's humanoid face looks exactly like you.

    baron arem heshvaun wrote:
    A mummified monkey's paw.

    Doctor Lucky?

    {what's in the pouch...}

    ... abou' tree-fitty... that's when I notice the pouch came off this corpse that was sixty feet tall... dammit Loch Ness Monster!?!

    Dark Archive

    Large pouch.

    Inside are three small wooden boxes (matchbox sized) lashed together with string. In the first box is powdered sandalwood incense, in the second is a dead dragonfly that has been lacquered, and in the third is tightly packed lemongrass, freshly cut. Six eagle feathers on a cord are wrapped in a round cloth that is blue around the edges and has a stylized sun in the center. 14 SP and 2 CP jingle at the bottom of the pouch.

    [The one with the teeth and the awl and the pliers? Shuddersomely awesome!]

    Cato Novus wrote:

    The following was looted off a random passerby.

    • 20 pieces of silver
    • 1 Book(How to Tie Fifty Different Knots, and Their Various Uses)
    • 50 feet of silk rope
    • 1 Ballgag
    • 1 dagger, with suspiciously shaped grip and pommel
    • 5 breath mints
    • 1 Thank You card, unsigned

    Taken from Eliot Spitzer

    Liberty's Edge

    A passed out werewolf wearing nothing but a t-shirt that says, "LOOT MY POUCH!!!"--

    A pouch taken from an unremarkable man contains hundreds of fingernails. Inscribed on each fingernail is a letter. Perhaps they spell out something if they are arranged correctly.

    Liberty's Edge

    Bill Lumberg wrote:
    Cato Novus wrote:

    The following was looted off a random passerby.

    • 20 pieces of silver
    • 1 Book(How to Tie Fifty Different Knots, and Their Various Uses)
    • 50 feet of silk rope
    • 1 Ballgag
    • 1 dagger, with suspiciously shaped grip and pommel
    • 5 breath mints
    • 1 Thank You card, unsigned
    Taken from Eliot Spitzer

    Okay, now I'm lost.

    Scarab Sages

    one membership card for Sandpoint Ninja School Girl Academy

    By my wife, off a dwarven warrior priest:

    Some rune carved-gemstones
    A holy symbol
    A burnt out ioun stone with continual flame cast upon it

    Scarab Sages

    Cato Novus wrote:

  • 5 breath mints
  • MENTOS!!!

    Sovereign Court

    Off an orc.

    In a moderate size pouch you find a small red bag containing a small gold lockbox (DC 15 open locks to open, filled with 2 doses of a illicit substance) . Also in the big bag you find 8 silver and a spare loincloth in need of washing.

    Scarab Sages

    Off of a Derro Savant...

    20 gp
    3 pp
    5 onyxes (worth 50gp apiece)
    1 pair of fingercuffs with barbs on the inside
    2 scalp from a mountain dwarf (including beard braids)
    3 smoked batwings for elevensies

    Off Kolmokmurk from D0

    - An empty vial that reeks of rotten meat and death (Spellcraft DC 18 to realize it was a potion of animate dead)
    - A ruined spell component pouch filled with half-eaten components, rat droppings, and a short cold iron rod (a variant metamagic component that, when used, lets the caster cast a Silent and Still detect magic; worth 275 gp)
    - The preserved remains of a tiny monstrous spider.

    Scarab Sages

    Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

    Inside the stomach pouch of a dire alligator

    22 cp
    13 gp
    Torn red and blue overalls
    A hammer
    A finely severed hand, slightly digested, still gripping 4 adamantine nails
    A vellum scroll pouch, with a resignation letter inside, stating that "Creating wood docks for swamp land owners is too dangerous."

    Modera wrote:
    A vellum scroll pouch, with a resignation letter inside, stating that "Creating wood docks for swamp land owners is too dangerous."


    Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
    Cato Novus wrote:
    Bill Lumberg wrote:
    Taken from Eliot Spitzer
    Okay, now I'm lost.

    Governer of New York State, currently embroiled in a scandal. Alleged to have hired a call girl.

    Dark Archive

    In a sealed black silken pouch with gold tassels.

    14 golden coins, shaped like scarab beetles.

    One of them is a Scarab of Death.

    Liberty's Edge

    Half a dozen small figures crafted from wood and painstakingly painted. (5-10 GP due to craftsmanship)

    Dice carved from bone, slowly turning yellow with age. (4 SP)

    A battered Harrow deck wrapped in a small swatch of silk. (1 GP)

    A necklace strung with copper coins from various nations. (6 SP)

    A necklace strung with dried tongues. (1-3 CP if you can find someone who wants it)

    Bones from a great many small animals. (maybe he was a necromancer?)

    A small vial of tempered glass filled with a blue liquid (a single shot of particularly strong liquor, worth 25 GP)

    Kassil wrote:
    A small vial of tempered glass filled with a blue liquid (a single shot of particularly strong liquor, worth 25 GP)

    Romulan Ale?

    Jon Brazer Enterprises

    Off a random person:

    3 rubies, a emerald, and a diamond

    and a piece of paper with the names of every member of your party and three others. Two of the other names have a line drawn through them. Gather information 10 DC reveals that those two crossed off names are of people in the city you are in and they both died of heart attacks in the past 24 hours.

    In the pouch... I found myself. Newly freed, I hit the shelf.

    Liberty's Edge

    Rhavin wrote:
    Kassil wrote:
    A small vial of tempered glass filled with a blue liquid (a single shot of particularly strong liquor, worth 25 GP)
    Romulan Ale?

    I dunno. I only saw Romulan Ale for sale at a tourist trap in Vegas. I was picturing a much stronger shade of blue. Maybe something made by the derro from that luminous blue mold/moss stuff.

    Sun dried testicles with a dash of curry powder and salt.

    Scarab Sages

    Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
    Kassil wrote:
    Rhavin wrote:
    Kassil wrote:
    A small vial of tempered glass filled with a blue liquid (a single shot of particularly strong liquor, worth 25 GP)
    Romulan Ale?
    I dunno. I only saw Romulan Ale for sale at a tourist trap in Vegas. I was picturing a much stronger shade of blue. Maybe something made by the derro from that luminous blue mold/moss stuff.


    The recipe that I've found for Romulan Ale is as follows:

    1 Oz Lemonade
    1 Oz Blue Curacao
    1 Oz Vodka
    1 Oz Cointreau

    Kinda tastes decent as long as the vodka is good quality.


    Liberty's Edge

    Kruelaid wrote:
    Sun dried testicles with a dash of curry powder and salt.

    So, would that make the pouch you got them out of a nutsack?

    A toothy maw bites off your hand! No Save!

    Modera wrote:

    The recipe that I've found for Romulan Ale is as follows:

    1 Oz Lemonade
    1 Oz Blue Curacao
    1 Oz Vodka
    1 Oz Cointreau

    Kinda tastes decent as long as the vodka is good quality.


    Although I gave up alcohol just for kicks back in 2002, here's the Electric Lemonade recipe for TGI Fridays. A bartender gave it up to me.

    Use 7-up
    Blue Curacao
    Absolute Citron
    Whiskey sour mix

    It's quite blue, and quite lemony.

    Sovereign Court

    Off the long dead corpse of a human.

    A large decayed brown pouch, through some of the holes you can see glints of gold. In the pouch is a gold timepeice (Pocket watch), a couple gold bracelets and a pearl necklace.


    Off the foppish young gentleman:

    A lengthy of hand-tatted lace of fair quality, suitable for trimming a woman or foppish man's clothing (5 gp)

    A packet of twenty silk ribbons, assorted colors, each a foot long (1 sp each, 3 gp total)

    A silver ring stamped with the words "St. Dymphna's Fair" (5 sp)

    Off of a random dead adventurer.

    Nothing. It's actually a bag of devouring.

    pocketknife; 2 sp; one piece of charcoal; and a steel key wrapped in a note.

    The note states:
    "The three factions are to meet.
    The Czar requests your attendance.

    Sovereign Court

    Off a badly mangled human corpse, the local scavengers seem to have torn most of the body to threads. You find a pouch.

    5 silver pieces, 12 copper pieces.

    1 wooden ring with leaves carved into it. (1GP)

    a strand of wooden beads that seems to be a necklace of sorts. Each intricately carved. (3GP for all beads)

    3 small wood carving tools.

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