Warforged Goblin |

After my PCs cut through nearly every encounter during my last session, I've decided to raise the stakes a bit and beef the throne-sitting boss of the ogres up a bit.
I'm thinking of giving Barl the skeletal minion variant necromancer and the animated skeletal remains of the chatty stone giant bodyguard, if for nothing else to give the party more targets than just Barl and the remaining bodyguard. A favored tactic of my PCs' is to silence a pebble, give it to the barbarian/ranger, and watch as the spellcaster screams silently. So I'm decided to return the favor by giving Barl some oils of silence which he'll pour onto the boulders that his living bodyguard will toss at the party. I've also swapped some of his feats, making him much more the caster than "fighter/mage".
Any other suggestions?

Mary Yamato |
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I had a group of ogres preparing a feast for him: after all, what's the point of being King if you just sit on your cold throne all day alone? They didn't trouble the PCs much but they did add action and color.
Also, note that his bodyguard's HP are a typo: should be 117, I think.
The encounter area is large, which will help reduce the Silence problem. The bodyguards (and optional ogres) should try to engage early, to leave Barl some room for manuver.
(It was an anticlimax for my group too, but Fort Rannick was strong enough that the player didn't seem to care.)