Strangest Characters On the Boards...

Off-Topic Discussions

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Here's the place to say who you think is the strangest on these boards. My list:
Heathansson('Beaver Cleaver'? I'll show him!).
Tobus Neth.
and Larry Lichman.

Liberty's Edge

The Jade
Kobold Cleaver

~checks my to be bumped off list~

Kobold Cleaver

~thinks~ Nope. That is it!

Liberty's Edge

define strange

what about Paul whatzhizname from awhile back, who stirred up all that shite - you know, the guy who couldn't differentiate the game from reality?

Liberty's Edge


Heathansson wrote:


Liberty's Edge

James Keegan wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

I was thinking about the French Foreign Legion, but Camus will do too.

Camus can do, but Sartre is smartre!


'cept he hasn't been here a while.

And you too Shiny. Aberzombie, Neth, Beeler, Logue: freaks.

IMHO, Heathansson pushes the envelope on strange, the word just doesn't do him justice.

And there are a lot more of you whom I have not had the pleasure of weirding with.

James Keegan wrote:
Camus can do, but Sartre is smartre!

And Keegan, Kobold CLeaver.

To tell you the truth, finding the strangest poster among Paizo's regulars is kind of like looking for apples in box of apples.

Liberty's Edge

I'm really rather normal.

Well, how is this for strange (since we are on the subject of apples).

I do not like apples in the least bit. However, Apple sauce, apple juice, apple pie, and even cut apples on salad I like. But plain old apples, no thanks.


Kruelaid wrote:


'cept he hasn't been here a while.

And you too Shiny. Aberzombie, Neth, Beeler, Logue: freaks.

Nice! I got a mention! I was waiting with baited breath!

While I'm on the Paizo guys: Gary and Cosmo.

And Pett. He's like the creepy uncle who doesn't talk to the kids and has locked rooms in his house.

Mike seems a little troubled with his ninja obsession; the kind of guy who talks to (and does other things to) anime schoolgirl sculptures while he's playing online games.

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson’s a cool guy. He comes up with some good insights. His strangeness lies only in his seeming 24 hour posting schedule (which is easily explained), and his urban dictionary inspired vocabulary, which is seemingly at odds with his grognard persona. People who don’t understand his level of coolness think he’s strange.

Sharoth’s not that strange … well, apart from the apple thing and his strange obsession with Heathy.

Tobus Neth seems pretty random at times. I suspect there’s method to the madness.

Aberzombie and Larry Lichman seem like pretty straight up members of the undead community. Nothing to outrageous there.

The Jade is a cool guy. Guys want to be him, girls want to be with him. Some guys probably want to be with him too. Some want to be around him, hoping that some of the girls who want to be with him will be willing to settle…

Kruelaid’s not that strange. He’s a Canadian who lives in China, but let’s not hold that against him, m’okay?

Kobold Cleaver comes across as strange. Sometimes it seems like he tries pretty hard to be strange…

Beeler’s not strange. His mind works in different ways to mere mortals, but once you get it, he’s not strange … until the next time he throws you for a loop.

Paul Whatshisname was a troll.

Yellowdingo’s out there. I haven’t quite figured him out yet.

Shiny, I suspect, is stranger in real life than here. But he’s open enough that he’s pretty easy to understand; not strange in context.

Logue is a sicko pervert, but what a mind! But what’s not to love? C’mon, which of us is not secretly up for some of the action Logue revels in? If no one ever found about it … wouldn’t you just ….? At least he’s honest.

And then there's Mothman.

Liberty's Edge

Gary is more brilliant than most of us can possibly fathom.

Cosmo is quick. And quirky. Strange, but within reach of normalcy.

Pett’s a Brit. ‘Nuff said.

Mike. Well, ok, I’m a little concerned about the gnome obsession. The ninjas I get. The Japanese anime schoolgirls I get (in the privacy of my own home).

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:
And then there's Mothman.

I just have far too much time on my hands and nowhere else to go.

Liberty's Edge

Mothman wrote:

Heathansson’s a cool guy. He comes up with some good insights. His strangeness lies only in his seeming 24 hour posting schedule (which is easily explained), and his urban dictionary inspired vocabulary, which is seemingly at odds with his grognard persona. People who don’t understand his level of coolness think he’s strange.

My great grandaddy was a honda tindalos.

So, I post in the curves of time.

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:
Mothman wrote:

Heathansson’s a cool guy. He comes up with some good insights. His strangeness lies only in his seeming 24 hour posting schedule (which is easily explained), and his urban dictionary inspired vocabulary, which is seemingly at odds with his grognard persona. People who don’t understand his level of coolness think he’s strange.

My great grandaddy was a honda tindalos.

So, I post in the curves of time.

I thought it was the angles?

Well going literally in the sense of gaming (player) characters, I think you'd have to give Tristan Lidu, Guy Humual's Alias of The Lidu Diaries an honourable mention.

Mothman wrote:

Sharoth’s not that strange … well, apart from the apple thing and his strange obsession with Heathy.

I am not obsessed with Heathy! ~quickly hides my "Death to Heathy and KC" shrine~

Liberty's Edge

Aso, Kruelaid's Dark Sun halfling,
and Radik Aurel, Eldritch Mr. Shiny's...psychopathic gladiator/iron maiden fan will give them a run for their money.
Shoot, the whole p.c.(p.) group is ready for Arkham Asylum.

Mothman wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Mothman wrote:

Heathansson’s a cool guy. He comes up with some good insights. His strangeness lies only in his seeming 24 hour posting schedule (which is easily explained), and his urban dictionary inspired vocabulary, which is seemingly at odds with his grognard persona. People who don’t understand his level of coolness think he’s strange.

My great grandaddy was a honda tindalos.

So, I post in the curves of time.
I thought it was the angles?

He typed honda; I thought that those things were supposed to be all curves these days on account of air resistance?

Liberty's Edge

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Mothman wrote:

Heathansson’s a cool guy. He comes up with some good insights. His strangeness lies only in his seeming 24 hour posting schedule (which is easily explained), and his urban dictionary inspired vocabulary, which is seemingly at odds with his grognard persona. People who don’t understand his level of coolness think he’s strange.

My great grandaddy was a honda tindalos.

So, I post in the curves of time.
I thought it was the angles?
He typed honda; I thought that those things were supposed to be all curves these days on account of air resistance?

non-Euclidian m.p.g.

Liberty's Edge

Sharoth wrote:
Mothman wrote:

Sharoth’s not that strange … well, apart from the apple thing and his strange obsession with Heathy.

I am not obsessed with Heathy! ~quickly hides my "Death to Heathy and KC" shrine~


I think that Eddie Haskell's a goon. My brother Wally says it's because he practices.

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:

Aso, Kruelaid's Dark Sun halfling,

and Radik Aurel, Eldritch Mr. Shiny's...psychopathic gladiator/iron maiden fan will give them a run for their money.
Shoot, the whole p.c.(p.) group is ready for Arkham Asylum.

I reckon Shiny's characters would probably round out at least half the slots in a top ten strangest player characters list.

I don't think any of you(who posted or were mentioned in the posts)are strange. Now Tensor...any one who says there here an these boards for the sex? That is strange.

I bid Mothman spend a little time with the yearbook committee in my high school and the student's union at the university in which I am currently employed so that he may normalize his concept of normal.

Australians, after all, just don't get many chances to be around normal people.

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:

Australians, after all, just don't get many chances to be around normal people.

You're not wrong there mate.


Mothman wrote:
Paul Whatshisname was a troll.

Not a troll. Billzabub actually described him quite accurately. A likeable guy that does things in his private time that are best described as "D&D crazy". Ya know, like hunting down evil cultists after dark with his sword and Chinese throwing stars and perfectly normal stuff like that. :/

Liberty's Edge

Steve Greer wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Paul Whatshisname was a troll.
Not a troll. Billzabub actually described him quite accurately. A likeable guy that does things in his private time that are best described as "D&D crazy". Ya know, like hunting down evil cultists after dark with his sword and Chinese throwing stars and perfectly normal stuff like that. :/

Ah, forgive me Steve; I spoke off the cuff, and misrembered the details of that thread. Now I remember who we're talking about!

Steve Greer wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Paul Whatshisname was a troll.
Not a troll. Billzabub actually described him quite accurately. A likeable guy that does things in his private time that are best described as "D&D crazy". Ya know, like hunting down evil cultists after dark with his sword and Chinese throwing stars and perfectly normal stuff like that. :/

Ok I admit thats a little strange. Everyone knows its MY job to hunt down evil cultists. That is why I am Secret-Turchin-Man...because I do secret things, like hunt down cultists in secret. Secretly. So no one will evre know.


secretturchinman wrote:

That is why I am Secret-Turchin-Man...because I do secret things, like hunt down cultists in secret. Secretly. So no one will evre know.

Oh. I thought it was Secrettur-Chin-Man. Because from the picture, I can't see whether you have one. You definitely have one of the most secrettust chins here. Maybe it's a sea crettur? An urchin crettur? For a chin? We don't know. Part of the mystery.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Weirdest "who's your favorite" thread yet!

Daigle wrote:
Weirdest "who's your favorite" thread yet!

Heathy is NOT my favorite! ~picks up a chain saw~ Except in pieces! ~grins~

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Sharoth wrote:
Daigle wrote:
Weirdest "who's your favorite" thread yet!

Heathy is NOT my favorite! ~picks up a chain saw~ Except in pieces! ~grins~

Whatever. Your "I love Heathy" closet has been blown wide open. Just step on out. ;)

Scarab Sages

I feel so special. If only Vomit Guy were here....

Daigle wrote:
Weirdest "who's your favorite" thread yet!

And Daigle. A strange, strange man.

Liberty's Edge

Mothman wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

Australians, after all, just don't get many chances to be around normal people.
You're not wrong there mate.

I gotta go there.

secretturchinman wrote:
I don't think any of you(who posted or were mentioned in the posts)are strange. Now Tensor...any one who says there here an these boards for the sex? That is strange.

Oh yeah, and secretturchinman. He's yelled 'SAMMICH' far too many times. It's disturbing.

And Vomit Guy. Good thing he's dead now.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

The Jade

And a few more votes for the Jade, please. Brilliantly strange.

What?! There's a conspiracy!

Scarab Sages

Kruelaid wrote:
To tell you the truth, finding the strangest poster among Paizo's regulars is kind of like looking for apples in box of apples.


<spit pips>
Huh? Whuzzat!?
Who's there?

Get your own damn apples!

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

I miss Vomit Guy.

*lights a candle in remembrance*

Kobold Cleaver comes across as a little strange (animal noises in a certain post come to mind), but I suspect he's the most well-adjusted of us all.

Dead Horse wrote:

He ain't dead. I had lunch with Vomit Guy yesterday.

Really? Did anything come up?

Get it? Anything come up . . . vomit guy? Get it? Oh, nevermind.

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