What's your GM intro?

GM Discussion

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Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jayson MF Kip wrote:

"Hey, I'm Jeff. Now, the Royals lost last night, so I might be a little bloodthirsty and/or revenge-minded. Apologies in advance."

"You see more Vescavors."

#oKCtober #HopeSpringsEternal #funsponge

You might be pleased to know that mother nature is raining on the parade downtown.

(While the new cat I adopted on Wednesday is orange and black, I resisted the temptation to name her "Madison". She's "Eve" to her friends; All-Hallows Eve if we're being formal)

Lantern Lodge 5/5

John Francis wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:

"Hey, I'm Jeff. Now, the Royals lost last night, so I might be a little bloodthirsty and/or revenge-minded. Apologies in advance."

"You see more Vescavors."

#oKCtober #HopeSpringsEternal #funsponge

You might be pleased to know that mother nature is raining on the parade downtown.

(While the new cat I adopted on Wednesday is orange and black, I resisted the temptation to name her "Madison". She's "Eve" to her friends; All-Hallows Eve if we're being formal)

With all fairness, if you're going to lose in the World Series, might as well be to the best pitching performance since Christy Freaking Mathewson in 1905(!).

Spring Training, March 1. #HopeSpringsEternal

See you next year.


I play this and grin.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

If it is a New group

"Hi my name is Lucas Servideo, I don't kill player characters, these do" I toss down a large bag of dice on the tables. "all right let's get started."

Shadow Lodge 3/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I usually have everything set up ahead of time and at most cons I am also cosplaying... so am frequently in a strange costume (this next con will be dressed as The Emperor from Mulan) so I introduce myself... and explain the costume... I usually give some spiel about rules vs role play... I will give more creedence to role play especially for RAW vs RAI although I know RAW very well... I explain that I still make plenty of mistakes (mostly due to TSR flashbacks) and will enjoy input and generally take players word for something to keep flow going. I also roll public unless specific reason demands otherwise. I then like to do an in chaeacter introductio and move on from there

Dark Archive

"What's that? Only 293 HP and 50 AC? Tsk Tsk, should've brought more prestige"

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5

Shasfowd wrote:
"What's that? Only 293 HP and 50 AC? Tsk Tsk, should've brought more prestige"

I had that problem in Eyes of the Ten. Good thing I am level 14 now and have many HPs.


mostly just this

5/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

"Hi, I'm Wiggles. If you have any questions, please ask. Kindly fill out these initiative cards for me and tell me about any shenanigans your characters are particularly fond of so that I'm not caught completely off guard."

"Also, I'm not likely to know every rule in the history of ever, so I'll make a ruling quickly and we'll move on. If at any point someone's character is in danger of dying, I will absolutely pause the game and double check on that ruling. If you believe I am wrong, either let me know, or kindly reach into the suitcase full of books behind me, pull out the appropriate resource, and show me. I am human, and mistakes happen more often than I care to admit."

This is always followed by an outro after the game:

"Well, I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. If there's anything anyone would rather I did better, bigger, smaller, more, less, or different, please let me know. If you're uncomfortable telling me to my face, I have papers you can write it on, if it helps. I won't judge you."

Lantern Lodge 5/5

"So, it has come to this."

"So, we meet again."


"I've traveled forward in time from the year 1983 to be here today."

Silver Crusade 4/5

Jayson MF Kip wrote:

"I've traveled forward in time from the year 1983 to be here today."

You traveled forward from 1983 to be here, too? So did I! The trip only took 31 years.

5/5 5/55/5


Grand Lodge 4/5

Fromper wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:

"I've traveled forward in time from the year 1983 to be here today."
You traveled forward from 1983 to be here, too? So did I! The trip only took 31 years.

I approve of this message.

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