detritus |

What class or role are you going to try first?
I play in two different groups that will be converting to 4th edition, and in my groups no one ever wants to play a magic user of any kind or rogue, so I almost always fall into one or the other.
So I am going to jump right in and play one of each of the leader classes, the warlord and the cleric.

Bluenose |
What class or role are you going to try first?
I play in two different groups that will be converting to 4th edition, and in my groups no one ever wants to play a magic user of any kind or rogue, so I almost always fall into one or the other.
So I am going to jump right in and play one of each of the leader classes, the warlord and the cleric.
The first campaign my group plays I'm going to be the DM, so I don't get to make that choice :-(. If we carry on playing it, which means if it's a good fun game, then I'll probably want to try out a Wizard. I'd like to try out the warlord, but I suspect one of the other players has his eyes on the class - at least he's talked about them quite a lot. Alternatively, a speciality wizard class that could do something generalist wizards can't could be fun and would remind me of the Illusionist characters I played in 1st edition days.

Jason Grubiak |

I don't know if I'm going to switch or not, but I have been wanting to play a character like the Warlord class in D&D for ages. I've tried to do something similar with Bard builds, but no dice. so this will probably be my first class to try out.
Well for 3rd edition may I suggest the Marshal. From what I read about Warlords they are 4th edition versions of Marshals.
The Marshal is in the miniatures Handbook and probably also in one of the Complete *** books but Im unsure wich one.
As for me..I dont plan on converting. If thers a 4th edition game I'm invited into i will give it a whirl. I personally like spellcasters so I'd end up playing a Wizard or Warlock.
As far as race I'd be any race that is classic, no Dragonborn or Teiflings for me. If the MM really does deliver the goods as far as using Gnomes as PCs I'd chose that just on principle.

Derek Poppink |

I don't know if I'm going to switch or not, but I have been wanting to play a character like the Warlord class in D&D for ages. I've tried to do something similar with Bard builds, but no dice. so this will probably be my first class to try out.
I hear you. It was possible to make an uber-buffing bard in 3.5 (with the help of Complete Adventurer, the Eberron Campaign Setting, and the Book of Exalted Deeds), but they were still very squishy. The Miniatures Handbook Marshal wasn't that great either, so I'm interested to see how the Warlord looks.
My first character will probably be a converted human Warlock (my current character in an Eberron campaign). He's also squishy, so I hope there is still a Leadership-like feat in 4e. I've tried to build a good defender cohort for him in 3.5, but the Knight class didn't quite cut it.

detritus |

On your 3.5 warlock, you can use your money on ac and con enhancing items, and depending on your level spiderclimb, fly, and entropic warding kept me going pretty well.
I would really love to play a Paladin or Rogue in 4th edition, but as I said previously I am usually stuck playing the healer, and occasionaly get to start a wizard but am forced to switch to healer just so the group can survive.
We are always fighter heavy :( and have a terrible dm who will not work with that.

Kruelaid |

I think I'll peruse the rules first, but probably a human fighter because I like the sound of the new material and I have a fondness for the class on account of personal reasons. And like cwm, because it was my first. Red box born, 'Helmut' managed to not die and retire in Greyhawk despite my brother's attempts to bury him.

detritus |

Glad to hear someone is wanting to play a fighter. In my second group we are forcing the DM's son to play a fighter since he is only in 4th grade and gets wild. We house ruled in 3.5 whenever he went nuts at the table his character went berserk, because we always made him play a barbarian.
Currently our group(s) make up are going to be.
1st group
Half-Elf Paladin (assuming half elf is in, it has been in most of the play tests)
Elf Rogue
Tiefling Wizard
Dwarf or Goblin Cleric (me)
2nd group
Dragonborn Paladin
Dragonborn Fighter
Human Rogue
Eladrin Wizard
Halfing Ranger
Dwarf Warlord (me)

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If the group I play in converts I'll probably try a Warlock. I tried to give one a try in 3.5 but it didn't work with the group I was playing with.
Same here. If my group bothers to try 4E, I think I'll try a Warlock. I'm playing one in our occasional evil campaign, and he really works nicely.

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What class or role are you going to try first?
I play in two different groups that will be converting to 4th edition, and in my groups no one ever wants to play a magic user of any kind or rogue, so I almost always fall into one or the other.
So I am going to jump right in and play one of each of the leader classes, the warlord and the cleric.
I'm big on summoners, necromancers, druids and clerics. I'll have to see in a year or so when they reintroduce some of that stuff if any of it appeals to me.
I don't know nearly enough about the new classes, like Warlord, to know if they'll appeal to me. A lot of the new mechanics seem really math-y, with conditions changing round by round as different abilities come into play for one action (or granting additional actions, etc.), and I'm not sure whether or not I want to deal with that quite yet. I don't do math gracefully under pressure, and prefer having everything prepped on little sheets beforehand for the convenience of my tiny mathaphobic brain, because it slows down play if I have to adjust things on the fly round-by-round.

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I lean toward rogue. They are my favorite non-spellcasting 3e class and I am burned out on spellcasters due to DMing (why is every BBEG a caster?!?!).
Edit: probably human. I don't like dragonborn, I like the old build-your-own-demonic-look tieflings better than the 4e version, and elves always have and always will suck regardless of edition. A dwarf or halfing wouldn't be terrible though.

Rhothaerill |

If we switch mid-campaign then I'm the DM. If we decide to wait until the campaign is done then one of the others will be DMing so I can play.
I've been thinking about playing a cleric or a rogue (perhaps a rogue cleric :D), but I don't know yet. It depends on the rest of the group. I'm the most experienced player of the group so I'll probably take whatever is left over after they choose.

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Dwarven Fighter.
It was my first character in the original edition. It was my first character in AD&D. I skipped 2E. It was my first character in 3E.
Actually, almost all of that applies to me too. In fact, I predict that when I sit down to create my first character, I will start out to make a human warlord, and end up with a dwarf fighter. My brother makes fun of me all the time for always ending up with a dwarf fighter.

R-type |

I'm going to make a human wizard as my first character. Just thats what I'm used to playing and it'll help me learn the rules fast hopefully. :)
Warlock seems quite appealing as well. I like how its sort of a hybrid of the old 3.5 Binder and Warlock classes -it could be really cool and fun to play, race wise I'd go Elf/Eladrin (whichever would be moonelf in the forgotten realms)-but only if 4th ed Warlocks get to be 'fey powered' instead of the fiendish flavour usually associated with the class?

detritus |

Warlock seems quite appealing as well. I like how its sort of a hybrid of the old 3.5 Binder and Warlock classes -it could be really cool and fun to play, race wise I'd go Elf/Eladrin (whichever would be moonelf in the forgotten realms)-but only if 4th ed Warlocks get to be 'fey powered' instead of the fiendish flavour usually associated with the class?
Fey is one of the sources of the pacts that Warlocks get, if any of the things I have read is correct. There are four, and I apologize that I cannot remember all of them.
One of the play testers I think mentioned they were playing a Fey fact Warlock.

detritus |

Not alot of people have commented that they will for sure play. But that is ok, they may change their mind later. I do like that we have had at least one person for each class that does say at least each one has some interest to them.
As far as roles go we had 3 leaders, 6 strikers, 2 controllers, and 4 defenders. Not a bad grouping if you ask me.
Thanks for all the replies.

Nepalman |
I'm really torn. I love spellcasters and I'm being drawn to an Eladrin Wizard. However, I think a Paladin of Ioun would rock!
... And I really really want to play a Tiefling Wizard. I had a character once named Malefactor the mad. He was neither evil, or mad, but he came from a conservitive village that labelled him both. His attitude was, judge me on my actions, not on my apperence, or reputation! ...Yeah, he would be an awesome Tiefling Wizard.

MeanDM |

What class or role are you going to try first?
I think I will try either a fighter or a warlord. I will also look carefully at a rogue. I always liked the concept, and 3.x got it closest to what I wanted so far, but I hated the requirement of always having to max open lock, disable device, search and spot no matter what my character concept. Maybe it will be better in this edition?
As to race, I think a dwarf for the fighter or warlord, or maybe a dragonborn... yeah, I know, they are pretty unpopular, but I am dragonborn-curious. Maybe a human, goblin or elf for the rogue.

MeanDM |

Dwarven Fighter.
It was my first character in the original edition. It was my first character in AD&D. I skipped 2E. It was my first character in 3E.
Funny, my first red box character was a fighter. Converted to a human paladin for AD&D, 2nd edition, and converted for nostalgia's sake to 3d as well, although I hadn't played him for years.

Grimcleaver |

I think I'll probably have to go with a dragonborn. I like the backstory for them, that they are inheritors of a fragmented spark of draconic essence from the dragon god. It gives them a neat spin that I think would be fun to try out.
Likewise I'm thinking warlock. I love those classes, like the cleric or the old specialist wizards, that let you tinker with what flavor you are. I like the idea of him having pacted with the fae. That could be fun.
Granted that's just off the top of my head right now. Give me the core book and a few months to think it over and I'll probably do something completely different.
Also, like most folks, I'll most likely be doing the running of games.

AZRogue |

Human or Tiefling Fighter. I really want to play around with the various ability differences that come with using different weapon types.
But I'll be DMing one of the games. I'm not sure who's game will start first. Work, plus the shifting schedules of five adults, plus family/other responsibilities, means that we'll only be playing once every two weeks, most likely.

Sir Kaikillah |

As of today, I want to play a dwarf wizard. I want to explore the magic system.
But if the party needs a striker, then I would like to play a tiefling worlock.
If the need is for a tank, then I'm going with a dragonborn paladin. I've been critical of the dragonborn (Common, magically wipe away a known nation to fit the dragonborn nation in forgotten realms!!! Please, I can do that as an amateur DM), but it's new, I know I'll try it. Also, I'm a power gamer at heart, the dragonborn paladin seems like a power gaming combo.
For a leader, I would play a human warlord. The warlord is new, and I like to try new things. Humans are suppossed to have all these "heroic" racial feats, sounds like a good make for a leader.
Although, most likely I will be the DM. That has been my role over the years (sigh.) But if the DDI lives up to the hype I might finally get in a DnD campaign as a player; maybe with a group from these boards. Headlines read- "Paizo Players Rock DDI"

Antioch |

Something that came to me earlier today was the fact that some 4E-haters dont like the "new" roles being emphasized. In almost any RPG I've played, I've often sat back and thought about what everyone else was making before building a character. Does the party lack a rogue? Why not make one myself (or rather, any one of five or so classes that also have Trapfinding).
The main class that I generally wouldnt do that on would be a cleric, since I dont really like how they work in 3rd Edition. Thankfully, there is always someone else to take on the mantle of the heal-bag.

AZRogue |

Besides the Fighter and the various weapon combos (I'm very, very interested in the various weapon derived powers), I would like to try a Warlord.
I really want to heal someone and then represent that in game terms by yelling at the other player: "Get up maggot!" When I say "maggot", it means I've used a Warlord power. Natural motivational speaker. ;)

detritus |

I really want to heal someone and then represent that in game terms by yelling at the other player: "Get up maggot!" When I say "maggot", it means I've used a Warlord power. Natural motivational speaker. ;)
I read someone suggesting a nice healing cry for the warlord coudl be, "Rub some dirt in it and get back into the fight"

detritus |

I'll want to give the rogue a go right away. I want to see if 4e has fixed some of the rogue problems persistent in 3e. And I love playing rogues. :)
I have loved rogues ever since I read my first Greyhawk book, with Gord the Rogue. Even thought he was more of a fighter/rogue, they remain one of my all time favorites, and usually the first class I try in a new system. I really hope they are fixed in this addition too.
For the warlord on a funny note you could tell them to put some Windex on it.
If only I can repeat my two favorite characters ever I will be happy.
Scro Dirte level 14 Human Rogue/Assassin, was called by the party paladin when they finally used their detect good ability for the first time. *tear*
Boorag of Many Powers my accelerated growth Black Dragon whelp, I had in my back story that he had been cursed/blessed with accelerated aging. It was so I could continue to party with the rest of the group while they leveled, and my EL stayed with them.