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Yes, you guys are right about the dispel magic that she has; I wasn't thinking about her spells that could counter it. Also, I was looking at the 3.5 mind blank, which apparently gives complete immunity to mind-affecting stuff. Looking at PRPG, I now see that it's definitely less powerful, which is a good thing for the reasons you mentioned, James. I guess I am underestimating Ileosa! By the way, magnuskn, could you clarify the rule about CR 8 should be one level higher?

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If anyone has converted any of the main villain encounters to PF and is willing to share their work, I would be very much appreciative!
For the most part I have been running the bad guys as 3.5 encounters, except perhaps for spell updates (Oh man! polymorph is useless for most of the 3.5 reasons why one might have it!) and occasionally for feat updates if a different progression makes sense. When I do those changes I decide whether they were massive enough to rate a CR bump.
But some of them -- like BigI -- are going to be a lot of work and I'm not that familiar with the class to begin with!

magnuskn |

which is good, since any spell that more or less invalidates the majority of an entire class's powers is poor design.
So what about Wind Wall and Freedom of Movement? Archers and grapplers find those pretty damn annoying. :p
By the way, magnuskn, could you clarify the rule about CR 8 should be one level higher?
Sure! :) As can be seen here under step 3, third paragraph, I quote, "A creature that possesses class levels, but does not have any racial Hit Dice, is factored in as a creature with a CR equal to its class levels –1. "
Hence the simulacrums should be one level higher. For that matter, Ileosa should be that way, too!
If anyone has converted any of the main villain encounters to PF and is willing to share their work, I would be very much appreciative!
For the most part I have been running the bad guys as 3.5 encounters, except perhaps for spell updates (Oh man! polymorph is useless for most of the 3.5 reasons why one might have it!) and occasionally for feat updates if a different progression makes sense. When I do those changes I decide whether they were massive enough to rate a CR bump.
But some of them -- like BigI -- are going to be a lot of work and I'm not that familiar with the class to begin with!
Steev42 posted his conversions for all parts up to Skeletons of Scarwall here.

fanguad |

By the way, magnuskn, could you clarify the rule about CR 8 should be one level higher?
Sure! :) As can be seen here under step 3, third paragraph, I quote, "A creature that possesses class levels, but does not have any racial Hit Dice, is factored in as a creature with a CR equal to its class levels –1. "
Hence the simulacrums should be one level higher. For that matter, Ileosa should be that way, too!
It may be too late for you to do this, but I have kept my party one level behind the recommended level (they'll start CoF at 13), which keeps the conversions easier.
Bards are still a huge pain to convert, since the class changed so much.

magnuskn |

It may be too late for you to do this, but I have kept my party one level behind the recommended level (they'll start CoF at 13), which keeps the conversions easier.
Bards are still a huge pain to convert, since the class changed so much.
Nah, we are just at the beginning, next week we'll get to the Shingle chase. But Steev42 will surely have Crown of Fangs converted until then, so I only have to adjust Ileosa up one level and maybe change out some spells. :p

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Wow, thanks magnuskn!
There's no way I would've looked into a thread purporting a conversion for EfOK expecting to find the other modules...
Btw, has anyone else noticed that Asyra can kick some serious butt? Not to mention the distraction factor of a hot chick wearing chains... :) I'm tempted to give her an automatic Intimidation roll any time a humanoid first sees her!!

magnuskn |

Wow, thanks magnuskn!
There's no way I would've looked into a thread purporting a conversion for EfOK expecting to find the other modules...
Btw, has anyone else noticed that Asyra can kick some serious butt? Not to mention the distraction factor of a hot chick wearing chains... :) I'm tempted to give her an automatic Intimidation roll any time a humanoid first sees her!!
My pleasure. :)
I'll try to remember that idea about Asyra. Sounds pretty fun. :p

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Hence the simulacrums should be one level higher. For that matter, Ileosa should be that way, too!
Can you actually use the CR = level-1 rule for Ileosa? I was under the impression that the CR 20 also accounts for a lot of the other bonus stuff she gets like the devil-bound trait, among other things. At the most, I'd maybe bump her one additional level.

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magnuskn wrote:Hence the simulacrums should be one level higher. For that matter, Ileosa should be that way, too!Can you actually use the CR = level-1 rule for Ileosa? I was under the impression that the CR 20 also accounts for a lot of the other bonus stuff she gets like the devil-bound trait, among other things. At the most, I'd maybe bump her one additional level.
This is true. Ileosa has a very high point buy for her stats and her gear is equivalent to what a PC would have. Her CR should = her level.

magnuskn |

Hsuperman wrote:This is true. Ileosa has a very high point buy for her stats and her gear is equivalent to what a PC would have. Her CR should = her level.magnuskn wrote:Hence the simulacrums should be one level higher. For that matter, Ileosa should be that way, too!Can you actually use the CR = level-1 rule for Ileosa? I was under the impression that the CR 20 also accounts for a lot of the other bonus stuff she gets like the devil-bound trait, among other things. At the most, I'd maybe bump her one additional level.
That'd make her CR 18, dropping her CR by 2. :p You sure that is what you meant? :)

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James Jacobs wrote:That'd make her CR 18, dropping her CR by 2. :p You sure that is what you meant? :)Hsuperman wrote:This is true. Ileosa has a very high point buy for her stats and her gear is equivalent to what a PC would have. Her CR should = her level.magnuskn wrote:Hence the simulacrums should be one level higher. For that matter, Ileosa should be that way, too!Can you actually use the CR = level-1 rule for Ileosa? I was under the impression that the CR 20 also accounts for a lot of the other bonus stuff she gets like the devil-bound trait, among other things. At the most, I'd maybe bump her one additional level.
That is exactly what I mean. A CR 20 Pathfinder Ileosa should probably be an aristocrat 2/bard 19 (since aristocrat levels suck).

magnuskn |

magnuskn wrote:That is exactly what I mean. A CR 20 Pathfinder Ileosa should probably be an aristocrat 2/bard 19 (since aristocrat levels suck).James Jacobs wrote:That'd make her CR 18, dropping her CR by 2. :p You sure that is what you meant? :)Hsuperman wrote:This is true. Ileosa has a very high point buy for her stats and her gear is equivalent to what a PC would have. Her CR should = her level.magnuskn wrote:Hence the simulacrums should be one level higher. For that matter, Ileosa should be that way, too!Can you actually use the CR = level-1 rule for Ileosa? I was under the impression that the CR 20 also accounts for a lot of the other bonus stuff she gets like the devil-bound trait, among other things. At the most, I'd maybe bump her one additional level.
<g> You're my hero. It'll be fun to re-write her when I get to Crown of Fangs. PC's, beware! :)

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I am reporting back my experience with running the final encounter with Queen Ileosa, and I'm happy to say my group is now done with Curse of the Crimson Throne! Although, I have to say, the last encounter(s) was really hard and kind of tedious. Granted, this was my first time running such a high level adventure (as well as the players playing in one), but with all the different abilities and spells at such high level, things dragged on for pretty long. The party was pretty much doomed when the cleric rolled a 1 on his save against the simulacrum's confusion spell. Also, the rogue failed his save against Ileosa's frightening tune (worth pointing out, we were playing with PRPG Beta rules). So basically, the party was down to two players, and they had not defeated the elite erinyes in the previous room, so they were in this encounter, too (since I was converting the monsters, I gave the erinyes Manyshot and Improved Vital Strike [the beta version], which may have contributed to the onslaught). But basically, in the end, for the sake of a dramatic end and to save everyone from having to meet for another session (and to having a complete TPK, which would have been pretty anticlimatic), I fudged over half the encounter and allowed them to kill Ileosa in the end. Although, they all did get blinded by the flash of light from plunging the sword into the Everdawn Pool. In any case, my experience was that the encounter was extremely hard, even for a pretty ideal and well-equipped party (fighter, rogue, cleric, wizard). The wizard was also out for several rounds as he was successfully charmed, but I allowed him to break out of it (despite the 24 hr duration) so they could actually win.

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They went in with: bless, resist energy electricity/sonic, haste, mind blank, freedom of movement. And addition to that, the fighter went in with cat's grace and stoneskin. All of the above was immediately dispelled for the fighter when Ileosa cast greater dispel magic as her first spell, and for the cleric and wizard, only the resist energy remained.

Ice Titan |

They went in with: bless, resist energy electricity/sonic, haste, mind blank, freedom of movement. And addition to that, the fighter went in with cat's grace and stoneskin. All of the above was immediately dispelled for the fighter when Ileosa cast greater dispel magic as her first spell, and for the cleric and wizard, only the resist energy remained.
Wow. What are they, level six? "Hopefully Illeosa doesn't try to grapple me..." No heroism, no greater heroism, or moment of prescience, no prayer or spell turning or greater spell immunity or bull's strength mass or HOLY AURA or symbol spells under curtains...
I digress. A lot of people don't know what to do at high levels, since most campaigns run out of steam early, so you can't really blame them.

Cesare |

Hsuperman wrote:They went in with: bless, resist energy electricity/sonic, haste, mind blank, freedom of movement. And addition to that, the fighter went in with cat's grace and stoneskin. All of the above was immediately dispelled for the fighter when Ileosa cast greater dispel magic as her first spell, and for the cleric and wizard, only the resist energy remained.Wow. What are they, level six? "Hopefully Illeosa doesn't try to grapple me..." No heroism, no greater heroism, or moment of prescience, no prayer or spell turning or greater spell immunity or bull's strength mass or HOLY AURA or symbol spells under curtains...
I digress. A lot of people don't know what to do at high levels, since most campaigns run out of steam early, so you can't really blame them.
Count me and my group as being in that category; this is the first campaign where we reached level 14.
I've noticed lately that combats are longer and less exciting, which is ironic; you get "cooler" spells and abilities at higher level.
I guess what I want to ask is, what have you guys done to make high level play fresh, fun and interesting? Thanks!

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Hsuperman wrote:They went in with: bless, resist energy electricity/sonic, haste, mind blank, freedom of movement. And addition to that, the fighter went in with cat's grace and stoneskin. All of the above was immediately dispelled for the fighter when Ileosa cast greater dispel magic as her first spell, and for the cleric and wizard, only the resist energy remained.Wow. What are they, level six? "Hopefully Illeosa doesn't try to grapple me..." No heroism, no greater heroism, or moment of prescience, no prayer or spell turning or greater spell immunity or bull's strength mass or HOLY AURA or symbol spells under curtains...
I digress. A lot of people don't know what to do at high levels, since most campaigns run out of steam early, so you can't really blame them.
Haha, wow, I don't even know what half of those spells are! In any case, those all look like pretty effective and useful spells. But you're right, this is probably the first time any of us has played in or run a game higher than 10th level. Worth noting that our cleric was actually a cleric/sorcerer/mystic theurge, so he couldn't cast very high level cleric spells.

Ice Titan |

So after looking at some of the spells you listed more carefully, I'm not too sure if those would've helped that much in their situation, since the greater dispel magic would have gotten rid of most of it, right? Oh, I forgot to mention, they did manage to trap Ileosa in a maze spell for one round.
I just realized what was wrong! She can't do both-- she can't area dispel with greater dispel magic and get more than one spell effect. The area dispel hits everyone with dispel magic, dispelling the highest spell level if her check makes it-- I think she's got a d20+17 or so, so it's likely she's going to take something. But she can't take everything-- she only takes one thing from each person she makes the check on. So she'd probably take holy aura or spell turning or greater spell immunity. Or she can target the dispel on one person, taking all of their magical effects under the caster level she rolled.
*Holy aura also gives everyone in the aura SR 25. So, she'd have to beat that, too.
In addition, spell turning would've bounced her dispel magic back at her if she targeted her dispel on the person with spell turning. :P
So, stripping their buffs off, if they had enough, would've taken a lot longer... a lot more spells, too, but don't worry about it. High level games are really overwhelming.
Hopefully all of this off-topic banter is helping out other people who are overwhelmed with the sudden influx of power at the end of CotCT.

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Hopefully all of this off-topic banter is helping out other people who are overwhelmed with the sudden influx of power at the end of CotCT.
I don't consider this off-topic at all! In fact, I've been returning to this thread regularly to see what new opinions may have been posted about CoF. As stated, high level PCs against high level NPCs isn't common (at least, not in my campaigns) so help with spell strategies and tactics is very useful.
My group is approaching the end of SoS -- just the donjon and Star Tower left from the castle so I expect maybe 3-4 more sessions before they head to Korvosa.

terok |

My group is getting ready to start Crown tonight, will be 4-6 weeks before they do the final battle, but I see this being a HARD fight. The fact that she fly's, can cast and bardic music at the same time, the crown also gets a turn as well as the dancing sword, I think at least several of them will die.
Yes the tactic will be to stay away from the group long enough to strip them of many of their spells while keeping the mirror images up. By the time they widdle away all of the images a lot of their buffs should be gone and they should be fighting to not get dominated and charmed. My group doesn't have +5 resistance items either so they have good saves, but probably not good enough. They do have tow kick ass clerics though, so they will be trying to fight off all of these effects. Can't wait to see if they make it through.

Ice Titan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

For those of you who were asking about some details of what an after-adventure would look like for Curse of the Crimson Throne, well... I'm not going to put it all up for the world to see as most of it is being written specifically for my players and their characters, but I won't be shy with a stat block.
Here's Kazavon, in great wyrm status, created with the abject purpose of buffing himself into oblivion and then taking the party on in melee.
Note that he also has all of the powers listed in the Blue Dragon bestiary entry, and I didn't recreate them here out of pure and wholesale laziness.
This is probably one of the most powerful monsters I've ever created.
Use wisely.
Kazavon, Chosen of Zon-Kuthon CR 21
LE Colossal dragon (earth)
Init +2; Senses dragon senses; Perception +36
AC 38, touch 1, flat-footed 38
hp 411 (28d12+224)
Fort +23, Ref +13, Will +22; SR 32
Spd 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy)
Melee bite +40 (4d8+21/19-20 x2), 2 claws +39 (4d6+14), 2 wings +37 (4d6+7), tail slap +37 (2d8+21)
.. power attack; bite +33 (4d8+35/19-20 x2), 2 claws +32 (4d6+28), 2 wings +30 (4d6+21), tail slap +30 (2d8+35)
Space 30 ft., Reach 20 ft. (30 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (140-ft. line, DC 32, 24d8 electricity)
Spells Known (CL 17th)
4/day - moment of prescience, protection from spells
6/day - limited wish, greater teleport, spell turning
7/day - contingency, greater heroism, greater dispel magic
7/day - feeblemind, telekinesis, contact other plane, telepathic bond
7/day - stoneskin, greater invisibility, dimension door, black tentacles, fire shield
7/day - haste, nondetection, tongues, suggestion
7/day - alter self, bull's strength, cat's grace, blur, detect thoughts
8/day - mage armor, disguise self, magic aura, expeditious retreat, alarm, shield
x/day - detect magic, dancing lights, ghost sound, bleed, touch of fatigue, mage hand, arcane mark, prestidigitation
Str 39, Dex 6, Con 27, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22
Base Atk +28; CMB +55; CMD 65
Feats Combat Casting, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Hover, Silent Spell, Intimidating Prowess, Quicken Spell, Dazzling Display, Deadly Stroke, Shatter Defenses, Weapon Focus (bite), Power Attack, Vital Strike, Lunge
Skills Appraise +36, Fly +6, Intimidate +55, Knowledge (arcana) +36, Knowledge (history) +36, Knowledge (local) +34, Knowledge (geography) +36, Linguistics +11, Perception +36, Spellcraft +36, Stealth +10, Survival +36
Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Orcish, Ignan, Infernal, Abyssal, Infernal
SQ sound imitation
Kazavon, Chosen of Zon-Kuthon CR 22
LE Colossal dragon (earth)
Init +4; Senses dragon senses; Perception +36
AC 49, touch 8, flat-footed 49
hp 448 (28d12+224+20+17) DR 20/magic, DR 10/adamantine; those who attack take 1d6+15 cold damage; 20% miss chance
Fort +27, Ref +17, Will +26; +8 on saves vs. spells; SR 32
Immune electricity, paralysis, sleep
Spd 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy)
Melee 2 bites +52 (4d8+29/19-20 x2), 2 claws +51 (4d6+21), 2 wings +49 (4d6+13), tail slap +49 (2d8+29)
.. power attack; bite +38 (4d8+41/19-20 x2), 2 claws +37 (4d6+35), 2 wings +35 (4d6+27), tail slap +35 (2d8+43)
Space 30 ft., Reach[/b] 20 ft. (30 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (140-ft. line, DC 32, 24d8 electricity)
Spells Known (CL 17th)
4/day - moment of prescience, protection from spells
6/day - limited wish, greater teleport, spell turning
7/day - contingency, greater heroism, greater dispel magic
7/day - feeblemind, telekinesis, contact other plane, telepathic bond
7/day - stoneskin, greater invisibility, dimension door, black tentacles, fire shield
7/day - haste, nondetection, tongues, suggestion
7/day - alter self, bull's strength, cat's grace, blur, detect thoughts
8/day - mage armor, disguise self, magic aura, expeditious retreat, alarm, shield
x/day - detect magic, dancing lights, ghost sound, bleed, touch of fatigue, mage hand, arcane mark, prestidigitation
Str 43, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22
Base Atk +28; CMB +67; CMD +79
Feats Combat Casting, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Hover, Silent Spell, Intimidating Prowess, Quicken Spell, Dazzling Display, Deadly Stroke, Shatter Defenses, Weapon Focus (bite), Power Attack, Vital Strike, Lunge
Skills Appraise +36, Fly +6, Intimidate +55, Knowledge (arcana) +36, Knowledge (history) +36, Knowledge (local) +34, Knowledge (geography) +36, Linguistics +11, Perception +36, Spellcraft +36, Stealth +10, Survival +36
Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Orcish, Ignan, Infernal, Abyssal, Infernal
SQ sound imitation
Before Combat Kazavon awaits the players at the top of the shrine of Zon-Kuthon. When an NPC before him falls and their telepathic bond is broken, Kazavon casts moment of prescience, greater heroism, protection from spells, stoneskin, fire shield (cool), haste, greater invisibility, nondetection, bull's strength, cat's grace, blur, mage armor, shield, spell turning and uses limited wish to place a contingency to cast cure serious wounds on himself if he goes below 300 hit points, and divine power. He uses his mirage special ability to make it seem that he is waiting for the players on his pedestal. This should take about three minutes-- enough time for the players to engage in the next combat and ascend the high tower. If Kazavon's telepathic bond with another NPC is broken, he casts greater invisibility as soon as possible and then takes to the skies, finishing his routine there.
During Combat His first action in combat is to use greater dispel magic followed by black tentacles before breathing from his mirage. He waits 1d4+1 rounds waiting in mid-air for his breath weapon to recharge, maintaining the facade that his mirage is his true self before firing it again. He enters combat the next round, dropping down to crush the highest concentration of PCs while activating his frightful presence and losing his invisibility. He knows it is impossible for his own black tentacles to grapple him and prefers to fight within so that his enemies won't be tempted to enter his square to rescue pinned allies. From there, he fights while pinning any PCs he caught with his crush. Kazavon focuses his attacks on those who are shaken versus his frightful presence, only using his Shatter Defenses feat along with vital strike to cause massive damage if fighting a single opponent. During battle he forsakes his spell-like and spell abilities, instead preferring to wield his awesome power to completely crush those in opposition to him.
Morale Kazavon only retreats if he falls under 100 hp, using a quickened dimension door to retreat to his ritual room where the clerics of Zon-Kuthon there can use all of their spells casting cure moderate wounds on him before he returns to finish the job, recasting any buffs or bonuses that had ran out previously. If the clerics have already been slain, Kazavon spends the remainder of his limited wishes casting cure serious wounds spells on himself before angrily teleporting back to the spire to engage the players. When he returns, Kazavon fights to the death.

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[...] but I won't be shy with a stat block.
** spoiler omitted **...
Very cool -- thanks for sharing!
Out of curiosity, did you use a software tool to build him? If so, which one? I'm using PCGen for most things now but I'm always keeping an eye out for other packages (although I'm too cheap to spend money, I still am interested in opinions of other tools).

Ice Titan |

Ice Titan wrote:[...] but I won't be shy with a stat block.
** spoiler omitted **...
Very cool -- thanks for sharing!
** spoiler omitted **
Out of curiosity, did you use a software tool to build him? If so, which one? I'm using PCGen for most things now but I'm always keeping an eye out for other packages (although I'm too cheap to spend money, I still am interested in opinions of other tools).
He should also always use his storm breath instead of his line breath, just so he can hit the PCs at uneven intervals so healers can't just mass a heal for his damage right off the bat.
The spire, by the way, is a 80 ft by 80 ft platform on the shadow plane with an opening on the southern end into the spire itself. Kazavon himself takes up 30 ft of that platform... the entire spiretop is open air.
I just have a template I've written up in wordpad and that's what I use for my conversions. Nothing too fancy.
And thank you for appreciating it.

Ice Titan |

Finished up my Crown of Fangs conversions, generally speaking. Missed a few people here and there. I'm running the adventure sans the castle dungeon delve, since it's kind of redundant to dungeoneer through Scarwall, the castle, and then dungeoneer through Castle Korvosa. (Plus, I drew all of Scarwall out, so I deserve a break...)
Nonetheless, general conversions here. Some new stuff, some not.

Cesare |

Finished up my Crown of Fangs conversions, generally speaking. Missed a few people here and there. I'm running the adventure sans the castle dungeon delve, since it's kind of redundant to dungeoneer through Scarwall, the castle, and then dungeoneer through Castle Korvosa. (Plus, I drew all of Scarwall out, so I deserve a break...)
Nonetheless, general conversions here. Some new stuff, some not.
I looked through your conversions -- nice work! I'm curious though, how did you transition from scene to scene without the dungeoncrawling in Castle Korvosa? Also, how did they get into the demiplane? Thanks.

Ice Titan |

Ice Titan wrote:I looked through your conversions -- nice work! I'm curious though, how did you transition from scene to scene without the dungeoncrawling in Castle Korvosa? Also, how did they get into the demiplane? Thanks.Finished up my Crown of Fangs conversions, generally speaking. Missed a few people here and there. I'm running the adventure sans the castle dungeon delve, since it's kind of redundant to dungeoneer through Scarwall, the castle, and then dungeoneer through Castle Korvosa. (Plus, I drew all of Scarwall out, so I deserve a break...)
Nonetheless, general conversions here. Some new stuff, some not.
The PCs led a resistance group up out of the Grey District through Korvosa, aided by some PCs from our Council of Thieves campaign and Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills and some Shoanti from History of Ashes. They took South Shore, The Southern Docks District and all of East Shore including Trail's End and the Thief's Camp, and the old PCs from Council of Thieves took Old Korvosa. Right now they're bearing down on the Temple of Abadar, and will be participating in the retaking of the Acadamae, the Longacre Building and the Temple of Asmodeus before the PCs finally storm Castle Korvosa.
I wrote up a little mini-game for the situation, which didn't get any playtesting and ended up abused! I just wanted to get the group out of another long dungeon crawl and me out of drawing another bucket of maps.
Bahor Arkona and the Akaruzug are in the Temple of Abadar along with some Arkona-family Rakshasas. I flavored Bahor as being a Royal Rakshasa Rajah whose bloodline is purer than his servants-- so he's a CR 10 rakshasa + levels, whereas the Rakshasa family Rakshasas are the CR 8 Rakshasas found in Escape from Old Korvosa.
The Yallops and Mavrokeras have taken the Temple of Asmodeus, along with the clerics of Asmodeus in the conversions. Basically, the PCs walk in and take it and discover empty warehouses with scattered remnants of the blooding operation inside-- a vial there, a box full of vials here, but the bulk of it is missing. They then stop the temple's devil summoning practices and move on.
I like the kind of "Black/White" theme of Curse, so I made sure that the Longacre building hides a potent magical script that binds any woman who signs it to the unending service of Queen Illeosa. The PCs have to go and get the script and tear it up, but really, this is an off-screen adventure just like in the module and the NPCs should complete it when the PCs take the Temple of Asmodeus or Abadar just for brevity's sake.
Kayltanya and the Red Mantis are in the Petitioner's Garden, an area of the Castle I kind of ad-libbed that slightly exists. Basically it's an edited Domina's Gardens, and it's where the PCs saved Trinia from execution. The Red Mantis attack them here on their way up, after the PCs fight off a mob (DMG2) of CR 2 Gray Maidens. : )
Then, Togomor, Illeosa's simulacrum and the remnants of the Castle (some "elite" Gray Maidens, the nessian warhounds) face the PCs in the throne room of Castle Korvosa. Once they're defeated, Seramignatto ambushes them!
After that, the PCs get a good rest, Neolandus invites them to stay in the castle to avoid the remaining squads of Gray Maidens that are still hiding in the city, that kind of thing. As they sit down and wrack their brains, go through Illeosa's things, learn what was going on under her rule, piece through the Thassilonian ruins/the vault, etc. etc. Venster's spirit manifests and speaks to the PCs and gives them the Harrow deck of many things.
Soon after, the PCs meet Kusasfa, Sorshen's consort, as he's revivified after Illeosa disturbed his resting place. I made him into an ancient vampire paladin of the peacock, imagining him kind of like a mind-slave to Sorshen who was corrupted from being an LG paladin who was an agent from the runelord of pride into a vampire consort. He's been spending time in gaseous form exclusively watching Illeosa, and knows where she's gone. The PCs just have to retrieve a little trinket from the Thassilonian Ruins underneath the Grand Mastaba to allow themselves access, and Kusasfa can open the pathway for them. All he wants in return is to be put into topor again so that he can be awakened if Sorshen is reviving and kill her before she can.
The PCs get the trinket-- in an adventure I haven't written up yet-- walk to the Sunken Queen using Togomor's map, enter the demiplane-- something in another, strange world where it's almost like the PCs are standing in ancient Thassilon-- and the adventure ends as written.

Ice Titan |

Wow, fantastic ideas!
Personally, I would have skipped the Temple of Abadar in favor of having the PCs raid the Longacre Building (Gray Maidens are just so interesting!), but what you have is excellent.
Thanks for posting these up.
My PCs really liked the Temple and got very involved in it. I wrote it up because at the end of Skeletons of Scarwall they were intent on teleporting into the vault to get their money so that they could spend it since the witch was 4,000gp away from being able to buy the magic item he wanted and had 4000gp in his lockbox in the Temple. Plus, he and the Arkona patriarch have a bone to pick, so it made sense for me to put him there of all places.

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Several hours of fiddling later, here's my conversion of Ileosa; please be nice, it's my first one...
Queen Ileosa Arabasti CR 18
XP 307,200
Female devil-bound human aristocrat 2/bard 16
NE Medium humanoid (evil)
Init +9; Senses true seeing; Perception +22
AC 43, touch 30, flat-footed 34 (+8 armor, +5 deflection, +9 Dex, +4 dodge, +5 natural, +2 profane)
hp 230 (2d8+16d6+162); regeneration 20
Fort +23, Ref +28, Will +23; +4 vs bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects
DR 10/adamantine; Immune fire, paralysis and other movement-impairing effects, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 22
Weaknesses susceptible to Serethtial
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Melee +4 dancing icy burst adamantine rapier +26/+21+16 (1d6+8/18-20 plus 1d6 cold)
Special Attacks bardic performance 43 rounds/day (countersong, dirge of doom, distraction, fascinate, frightening tune, inspire competence +5, inspire courage +3, inspire greatness 3, inspire heroics, soothing performance, suggestion)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th):
At will – minor image
3/day – quickened charm monster
1/day – greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), unholy blight
Spells Known (CL 16th):
6th (3/day) – geas/quest, irresistible dance
5th (6/day) – greater dispel magic, mind fog, song of discord, shadow walk
4th (7/day) – cure critical wounds, dimension door, freedom of movement, hold monster, summon monster IV
3rd (8/day) – confusion, deep slumber, displacement, gaseous form, slow
2nd (8/day) – cure moderate wounds, detect thoughts, mirror image, misdirection, sound burst, suggestion
1st (9 day; 3 used) – cause fear, cure light wounds, feather fall, grease, hideous laughter, silent image
0 (at will) – light, mage hand, mending, open/close, prestidigitation, resistance
Before Combat When Ileosa notices the PCs entering the Sunken Queen, she casts freedom of movement on herself. As the PCs draw near, she casts stoneskin from her ring of spell storing and uses inspire heroics on herself, gaining a +4 dodge bonus to AC and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws.
During Combat Ileosa’s first act in combat after she emerges is to activate inspire courage; she uses Harmonic Spell to weave a greater dispel magic into the activation as well. On this and the two rounds to follow, she hits the PCs with quickened charm monsters as well. On the second round, she uses inspire greatness on herself and two remaining allies, combining it with a mind fog on the PCs. On the following rounds, she uses a bardic suggestion combined with attack spells (common suggestions include, “Lay down your arms and bow before me”, or “Return to Korvosa and hide, you coward!” or (to the appropriate PC) “Return to the floor below to find and take the largest purple gem you see.” She releases her dancing rapier to attack foes as soon as any good targets are within her reach – as she does, the illusion that makes it appear to be a fan collapses, revealing her weapon for what it truly is.
Morale Although vain and egotistical, Ileosa knows when she’s been beaten. If reduced to 30 hit points or less, she decides to abandon her goals and flees. Unfortunately for her, the Sunken Queen’s qualities slow her flight somewhat. She flees via dimension door to area B7, physically exits the structure, and then uses greater teleport to flee to Cheliax. If Ileosa escapes in this manner, see “Continuing the Campaign” for some notes on what she might do next.
Str 18, Dex 28, Con 28, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 36
Base Atk +13; CMB +17; [b]CMD 36
[b]Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell, Forge Ring, Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Harmonic Spell*, Persuasive, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (charm monster), Spell Focus (enchantment), Weapon Finesse(B) *See below for description.
Skills Bluff +34, Diplomacy +21, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (history) +18, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +12, Linguistics +5, Perception +22, Perform (oratory) +24, Perform (string) +20, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +21, Use Magic Device +34
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ bardic knowledge +8, contingency, contract bound, jack-of-all-trades, lore master, versatile performance (oratory, string), well-versed
Combat Gear wand of magic missile[i] (CL 9th, 34 charges); Other Gear [i]+4 dancing icy burst adamantine rapier (disguised as a fan), Crown of Fangs*, amulet of natural armor +5, bracers of armor +8, cloak of flight (as wings of flying, save that the cloak does not appear as wings when in use), gloves of Dexterity +6, ring of major spell storing (contains heal, stoneskin), ring of splendid security*
*See below for descriptions
Contingency Ileosa used a scroll of contingency to set up this effect – if she’s ever brought below 10 hit points, cure critical wounds (CL 16th) is cast on her.
Contract Bound (Ex) Ileosa has forged a contract with an erinyes devil, granting her the benefits of the devil-bound template. Although she enlisted the aid of a contract devil to get more out of the contract than the erinyes bargained for, Ileosa’s immortal soul remains just as forfeit if she is slain. If this occurs, she cannot be brought back to life without the permission of Sermignatto; if that devil is slain, the contract itself reverts to Sermignatto’s hidden master, the Duke of Hell known as Lorthact.
Exceptional Stats (Ex) Ileosa was destined from birth to achieve greatness and glory – it is to Korvosa’s great misfortune that her path took her along one of cruelty and arrogance. Her ability scores were generated using 32 points, rather than the standard 25-point elite array. Additionally, she possesses a potent artifact and her gear was determined as if she were a PC rather than an NPC to account for her vast wealth. These advantages increase her total CR by 1.
Harmonic Spell This feat allows Ileosa to weave bardic performance effects into her spellcasting. By casting a harmonic spell, she can activate one of her bardic performance effects as a free action. The bardic performance is incorporated into the spell’s casting time, and its effect lasts for as long as the spell’s casting time plus 5 rounds thereafter. Activating a bardic performance ability with Harmonic Spell consumes 2 rounds of her total bardic performance allotment for the day, but does not affect the effective spell level of the spell being cast.
Inherent Bonuses Strength +3, Dexterity +4, Constitution +4, Intelligence +3, Wisdom +3, Charisma +5; all gained at 14th level.
Jack-of-All-Trades Ileosa can use any skill, and considers all skills to be class skills.
Lore Master Ileosa can take 10 on any Knowledge skill check she has ranks in. Twice per day, she can take 20 on any Knowledge skill check as a standard action.
Susceptible to Serethtial (Su) The infusion of Kazavon into Ileosa’s soul has given her an unexpected weakness. Against the weapon Serethtial, her regeneration does not function. In addition, each time she takes damage from Serethtial she must make a DC 25 Fortitude save to avoid gaining a negative level, as the sacred blade carves away portions of the power granted her over the past several months by the draconic relics.
True Seeing (Su) Ileosa continually benefits from true seeing, as the spell.
Versatile Performance (Ex) Ileosa can choose to substitute her Perform (oratory) or Perform (string) skill bonuses for their associated skills (Oratory – Diplomacy, Sense Motive; String – Bluff, Diplomacy).
Aura strong abjuration; CL 16th
Slot ring; Price 180,000 gp; Weight -.
This extravagant ring is heavy with precious jewels. Even were the ring itself not magical, it would be worth thousands.
As fashions go in and out of style (or as your fancy shifts), you can alter the appearance of your armor, clothing, and even weaponry as you see fit at will with a standard action; this change is illusory and does not affect the actual abilities of gear or weapons (although drastic changes in size are beyond the scope of this ability.
A ring of splendid security’s primary purpose, though, is to grant you protection from harm. As long as it is worn, the ring grants you a +5 deflection bonus to AC, a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws, and spell resistance 22.
Requirements Forge Ring, minor image, resistance, shield or shield of faith, spell resistance; Cost 90,000 gp, 7,200 XP
Aura strong enchantment; CL 20th
Slot head; Price – ; Weight 4 lbs.
Alignment LE; Ego 10
Senses 30 ft. vision and hearing
Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Communications empathy
Spell-Like Powers alter self[i] at will, [i]dominate person 3/day, major image 3/day, mirror image 3/day, mislead 3/day
Donning the Crown of Fangs – fashioned by Ileosa out of the Fangs of Kazavon – grants the wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution and Charisma, as well as regeneration 20. Only the blade Serethtial can inflict lethal damage on the wearer.
In addition, the wearer gains the personal benefits of the spell foresight. This spell grants the wearer a powerful sixth sense, instantly warning her of impending danger. The Crown’s wearer is thus never surprised or flat-footed, and gains a +2 insight bonus to AC and Reflex saves. This insight bonus is lost whenever the wearer would lose her Dexterity bonus to AC.
The Crown of Fangs is destroyed if struck by a holy sword forged by a once-mortal god.
Well, just like the woman herself, Queen Ileosa’s stat sheet was a tricky little bugger. So – what changed?
- Bardic music became bardic performance, and increased in usage from 16/day to 43 rounds/day
- The types of bardic performance changed a little – the distraction, dirge of doom, soothing performance and frightening tune bardic performances were added
- Added the versatile performance class feature; I decided not to add any more Performance types because I just couldn’t see Ileosa using them. (I mean, Ileosa using Perform (comedy)? Please!)
- Added the well-versed class feature, and updated the Saves section
- Added the lore master and jack-of-all-trades (Jill-of-all-trades?) class features
- One more feat was needed as a 16th-level character as per Table 3-1 (PFRPG 30) (I’m ignoring her aristocrat levels as useless, so her CR 18 is for a bard 16 +2 CR for the devil-bound template and her ridiculous wealth and owning the Crown of Fangs), so I picked Persuasive (so she has even more of a chance to verbally whip you into shape). As her racial bonus feat, I decided on Weapon Finesse (a big, butch greatsword just doesn’t say “Ileosa” like a rapier does).
- The Bard’s spell progression had changed a tad:
- She can cast spells more often – Ileosa’s spells/day changed from 4/8/7/6/6/5/2 to At Will/9/8/8/7/6/3
- She knows more spells – instead of 6/5/4/4/4/4/2, it’s now 6/6/6/5/5/4/2. I added the following spells:
- 4th level – summon monster IV (to bring in cannon-fodder whilst preparing another onslaught on our heroes – a hellhound or fiendish lion sound good)
- 3rd level – deep slumber (just another way to show off her “Bow down before me!” schtick)
- 2nd level – mirror image (“Missed me! Amateurs!”) and sound burst (being such a petulant little @#@%$#%, shrieking her disdain at these peasants interfering in her apotheosis makes perfect sense)
- 1st level cause fear (“Run from me you fools!”)
- Her skills changed a fair bit:
- Concentration no longer exists – that became Spellcraft instead
- Speak Language became Linguistics
- Listen and Spot points went into a pool, and came out as Perception +22
- Diplomacy and Intimidate went up by +2 due to her new Persuasive Feat
Phew!! Obviously, GMs out there can fiddle with this as they wish…

Doskious Steele |

Quick nitpicky issue: In Handout 3, the word "heretofore" is used in a context that implies an opposite meaning than the definitions I could find of "heretofore"... Heretofore means "before this time, until now," in the sense of relating to the past, prior to the comment accompanying "heretofore" (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/heretofore), but it is used in a sense that indicates that the word in the position that "Heretofore" occupies should be a word or phrase pertaining to the future, such as "Henceforth", "Hereafter", "Hereupon in perpetuity", etc. I'm on the verge of producing this handout (and somewhat flabbergasted that no mention of this has been made), and I know that my players are going to heckle me about it (especially the guy who double majored in Linguistics and Classics). As it stands, I'm looking at the need to create my own replacement, which is a shame as the graphic presented is so fantastic otherwise, unless it's been corrected in a subsequent printing...
(I know that these things are produced with deadlines and that there are significantly more important considerations than this level of detail, so I want to be clear that this is not intended to be a complaint of any sort, but I was just curious if anyone had caught it at all.)

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What is the DC of the spells cast by the Crown of Fangs?
Even considering the best stat of the Crown (charisma) it is only a 12, so Dominate person has a difficulty of 16.
It is appropriate if we consider the possibility to gather several of the dragon artifacts during a home made adventure as the combined artifact stats go up but in the final confrontation of the story arc the offensive power of the Crown is a bit weak.

Revan |

My write-up assumes that the Crown uses the Charisma of its wearer to determine the DCs. I also rewrote Ileosa herself as an Aristocrat 2/Sorcerer 19 with the Blue Dragon bloodline. It does cut her skill list, and she loses out on a bit of BAB, HP, and her saves are a couple points lower, particularly without Inspire Heroics. But the increased spell capacity, especially the access to 9th levels, makes her much more dangerous; I had to restrain myself from giving her the ability to fire off Power Word: Kill up to 5 times a day. Still might use the Wish she gets from her bloodline to emulate it once if a really good opportunity arises.

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My players started into the Sunken Queen last game session (5 of them, four at 14th level and a cleric cohort @ 10th, I think). They were TPK'd...
Note that I converted him from 3.5 to PF, giving him Great Cleave and Combat Reflexes. Big mistake! His AB is high enough to hit everyone in the party if he rolls at least a 5.
I also limited the PC's sight distance given that they would've been stirring up the silt from the ground, so their line of sight was reduced to 20 feet. (I started with 1d8 x 10 feet and then rolled each round of combat, never letting the number get bigger to simulate how it would only get worse.) Of course, Spring Attack and 30-ft reach made sight lines kind of moot. Reduced movement due to walking on the ground while underwater (half speed) meant there are no 5-ft steps either (I treated the water as difficult terrain).
Once they knew they were dead, they decided they were committed since they couldn't move away without provoking an AOO.
(If it sounds like I messed up any of the above, please point it out. We're picking up again tonight with new characters and if I can find an excuse to say, "I *really* screwed up and I want to give the party another chance" then I'd like to know it. :))

Pedantic of Opportunity |

My players started into the Sunken Queen last game session (5 of them, four at 14th level and a cleric cohort @ 10th, I think). They were TPK'd...
** spoiler omitted **
(If it sounds like I messed up any of the above, please point it out. We're picking up again tonight with new characters and if I can find an excuse to say, "I *really* screwed up and I want to give the party another chance" then I'd like to know it. :))
Can't spring attack great cleaves.
Also, giving a monster with 8d6+18 damage great cleave is... kind of pushing it. A shoggoth, CR 19, does a great cleave at 3d6+15.
The silt thing is just the cherry on top.
At the same point, however... a level 10 cleric can cast Freedom of Movement.

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Can't spring attack great cleaves.
Okay, thanks. I see that Spring Attack says "make a single melee attack". I remember a discussion about combining Vital Strike with Spring Attack, but then VS doesn't say it requires a "standard action", only an "attack action".
Doesn't matter for this past encounter since the creature never used Spring Attack. It didn't have to with it's ridiculous reach.
Also, giving a monster with 8d6+18 damage great cleave is... kind of pushing it. A shoggoth, CR 19, does a great cleave at 3d6+15.
Hm. So no rules against it, but it's a bit over the top? Okay, I'll reconsider the two feats I gave it. Combat Reflexes (so it can take extra AOOs) is probably enough.
The silt thing is just the cherry on top.
I thought that too. But the Environment section of the PRD is pretty clear about sight lines:
Stealth and Detection Underwater: How far you can see underwater depends on the water's clarity. As a guideline, creatures can see 4d8 × 10 feet if the water is clear, and 1d8 × 10 feet if it's murky. Moving water is always murky, unless it's in a particularly large, slow-moving river.
I figured the marsh water would be murky but visibility would be twice the "1d8 x 10 feet" until the silt was disturbed.
Underwater Combat
Land-based creatures can have considerable difficulty when fighting in water.
That's what I used to figure that movement underwater was always considered as "difficult terrain" for landlubbers.
At the same point, however... a level 10 cleric can cast Freedom of Movement.
Yeah, there's freedom of movement which can be cast on others, and the party's arcane caster could at least have used alter self on himself to gain a Swim speed (and thus avoid the difficult terrain issue).
Thanks for the opinions. :)

Ice Titan |

Pedantic of Opportunity wrote:Can't spring attack great cleaves.Okay, thanks. I see that Spring Attack says "make a single melee attack". I remember a discussion about combining Vital Strike with Spring Attack, but then VS doesn't say it requires a "standard action", only an "attack action".
Doesn't matter for this past encounter since the creature never used Spring Attack. It didn't have to with it's ridiculous reach.
Quote:Also, giving a monster with 8d6+18 damage great cleave is... kind of pushing it. A shoggoth, CR 19, does a great cleave at 3d6+15.Hm. So no rules against it, but it's a bit over the top? Okay, I'll reconsider the two feats I gave it. Combat Reflexes (so it can take extra AOOs) is probably enough.
Quote:The silt thing is just the cherry on top.I thought that too. But the Environment section of the PRD is pretty clear about sight lines:
PRD wrote:Stealth and Detection Underwater: How far you can see underwater depends on the water's clarity. As a guideline, creatures can see 4d8 × 10 feet if the water is clear, and 1d8 × 10 feet if it's murky. Moving water is always murky, unless it's in a particularly large, slow-moving river.I figured the marsh water would be murky but visibility would be twice the "1d8 x 10 feet" until the silt was disturbed.
PRD wrote:Underwater Combat
Land-based creatures can have considerable difficulty when fighting in water.That's what I used to figure that movement underwater was always considered as "difficult terrain" for landlubbers.
Quote:At the same point, however... a level 10 cleric can cast Freedom of Movement.Yeah, there's freedom of movement which can be cast on others, and the party's arcane caster could at least have used alter self on himself to gain a Swim speed (and thus avoid the difficult terrain issue).
Thanks for the opinions. :)
Oh, and as a final note, the attacks are at a -2 and do half damage. Check the chart on page 433 of the CRB. A 'tentacles' attack isn't piercing, so it has some penalties.
Glad I could help.

tonyz |

The GM would probably have to set things up that way.
I've thought about doing that for CoCT -- start with Ileosa being reasonably competent and well-meaning and just overwhelmed. (The rumors about her being Eeeevil are just the sort of rumors that always show up around young beautiful foreigners married to the local potentate). When the PCs do meet her the first time, she's genuinely happy to have some heroes around and her speech is 100% true.
Alas, a week afterward she goes down to the vault and finds the Crown of Fangs. (In this timeline, Eodred really did die of old age -- or maybe Tricia is a Chelaxian agent or something, perhaps working under mind control, who did poison him with weird paints or something. Haven't worked that one out yet, probably won't unless I get around to it.)
So if the PCs remember Ileosa fondly, they've got more reason to try for a rescue.
This would obviously require some severe editing to the plot of Crown of Fangs, but if you're going to change the story, change the story.

Wrag |

The GM would probably have to set things up that way.
I've thought about doing that for CoCT -- start with Ileosa being reasonably competent and well-meaning and just overwhelmed. (The rumors about her being Eeeevil are just the sort of rumors that always show up around young beautiful foreigners married to the local potentate). When the PCs do meet her the first time, she's genuinely happy to have some heroes around and her speech is 100% true.
Alas, a week afterward she goes down to the vault and finds the Crown of Fangs. (In this timeline, Eodred really did die of old age -- or maybe Tricia is a Chelaxian agent or something, perhaps working under mind control, who did poison him with weird paints or something. Haven't worked that one out yet, probably won't unless I get around to it.)
So if the PCs remember Ileosa fondly, they've got more reason to try for a rescue.
This would obviously require some severe editing to the plot of Crown of Fangs, but if you're going to change the story, change the story.
Thanks for the help! I haven't started running AP yet, so I have time to consider these options.

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You could also play up the Crown of Fangs corrupting her which allows you to keep most of the plot intact. When they finally meet her, describe some of the fangs as appearing to be cutting into her scalp, give her a slightly glazed look that keeps switching to manic, something to clue them in that she's not really bad and get them to free her. Once she's beaten, they can remove the Crown and Illeosa becomes as she was. Maybe still a bit of a spoiled brat ,but certainly changed by being worn by the soul of a conquering dragon. you could even round off with her trial with rthe PCs speaking in her defence.