Warhammer 40,000—Dark Heresy RPG

Product Discussion

Okay, I'm ridiculously excited about this game. Black Books did such a great job with WFRP that this one can't help but be good.

Sovereign Court

Wargolem wrote:
Okay, I'm ridiculously excited about this game. Black Books did such a great job with WFRP that this one can't help but be good.

I agree with you on your opinion on Black Book's (respectively Green Ronin Publishing's) job with WFRP.

Just why are there only so few people commenting on that product?
Or rather: Why aren't there any WFRP products at Paizo?


I have a couple of friends who are really keen to play...

We`ve been expècting this game for a lobg while. Personally, I really want to let them loose against some Orks, or maybe Chaos Cultists...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Guennarr wrote:
Or rather: Why aren't there any WFRP products at Paizo?

We carry 'em! They're right here!

Dark Archive

Uhm it still says prerelease january...is it coming out?

The Exchange

Yes, it IS coming out. They'd created a Limited Edition collector's version (gilt pages, leather binding, the works) sold only from their web site, of which the 200 copies sold out in 4 minutes. If I'm not mistaken (no, I am way too lazy to go to www.blackindustries.com and check the date for you) the street date for this version is supposed to be the 28th of January. When you're checking out the site you may see some references to a Feb release date, but they did publish a notice saying the book was coming out early (January.)

Personally, I can't WAIT to get my copy! The art and such already has me drooling!

It's out. Along with the Character Folio and the Game Master's Kit, they just hit my shelves yesterday. And it looks rather divine. Very high production values. Haven't had a chance to read/play it yet, tho.

I'm just curious if this will be a re-hash of the previous Inquisitor rules using "normal-sized" miniatures and terrain.

Dark Archive

Did you guys hear the news?

28/January/2008 - Black Industries Announcement
Black Industries regret to announce that Dark Heresy: Disciples of the Dark Gods out in September will be the final product to be released from Black Industries.

Kevin Rountree General Manager of BL Publishing said ‘As a result of the continued and impressive success of our core novels business, which we have built around 40K and Warhammer, we have decided to focus all of our efforts on growing this part of our business. Black Industries has seen fantastic success, most recently with Talisman and Dark Heresy. This change does not take away from that achievement rather it allows BL Publishing to focus on producing the best novels we can. This is a purely commercial decision and will enable us to carry on the huge growth that we have recently been experiencing with our novels’

For the time being Black Industries will continue to post articles in support of the products on their official website, which is a fantastic resource for scenarios and gaming tools for GM’s and players alike.

The Exchange

Ignoring the idiocy of closing down BI the new 40k rpg is an absolutely gorgeous book and looking forward immensely to running it. With the 3 other books coming out there should be loads of material to run with (though I'm still hoping someone else will get the licence and do more).

I admit to not having read this game, and that I know nothing of the rules.

That being said: A TRILOGY OF RPGS!!!

So in the first you can play a Inquisitors retinue, in the second you can play something else, and the third you get a third alternative. Well than you very much. I think I'll just buy a game where the rules allow me to play any kind of character I like as long as it suits the setting.

The Exchange

Lenarior wrote:

I admit to not having read this game, and that I know nothing of the rules.

That being said: A TRILOGY OF RPGS!!!

So in the first you can play a Inquisitors retinue, in the second you can play something else, and the third you get a third alternative. Well than you very much. I think I'll just buy a game where the rules allow me to play any kind of character I like as long as it suits the setting.

The game does allow you to play any kind of character, except for different races hence why you would have had different books. It's academic now as they've cancelled the other two books.

Mark Peyton wrote:
The game does allow you to play any kind of character, except for different races hence why you would have had different books. It's academic now as they've cancelled the other two books.

Well allright then. I guess it's just bad marketing because the info-text acctually says: "Dark Heresy allows players to take on the role of an Inquisitor's retinue. Their task is to uproot the taint of Chaos in Imperial society, to smash dark cults and foil sinister plots."

So it kinda states that it allows you to play characters of one faction (not one type I admit), but they also say that there is one specific way to play the game, that is to uproot chaos and so forth.

But I guess, since you seem sure, that you've read the book. And I do know one friend very excited over this game, so I guess I might get the chance to try it soem time in the future.

Just a bump on this, it's the end of January, will the trouble at Black Industries affect our orders on this stuff at Paizo?

Well I just bought this book myself and I have to say it is very robust for being a.....Gasp! Non-D20 game. It is fully integrated to the 40K world and does allow for virtually any Iconic character from their novels or history to be created. I'm glad to hear Paizo will be carrying the books too. It is always more convenient to get them here. Lastly, does anyone know where the blog came from about BI closing down their RPG lines in favor of novels? I'm just wondering, I have not heard anything about this until I read this thread. I would have to say since BI is a GW company...I would not doubt it! Unfortunately, GW is akin to WOTC when it comes to taking care of their fans and customers. They have a spotty track record in regards to their many non-Warhammer/40k products shelf life. Despite their popularity and success. To be honest, Dark Heresy is the first product I've bought from GW or BI since they stopped producing Necromunda. Anyway, if someone knows more about this, I would appreciate any info. to verify the rumor.

Scarab Sages

Lenarior wrote:
So in the first you can play a Inquisitors retinue, in the second you can play something else, and the third you get a third alternative. Well than you very much. I think I'll just buy a game where the rules allow me to play any kind of character I like as long as it suits the setting.

I understood the reason for splitting the game into three parts, was to introduce the initial concepts and backgrounds, and allow for 'gritty' adventures.

Later rulebooks would allow the players to create more powerful characters, such as Space Marines, and introduce rules for mass combat and heavy ordnance.

And I too, think it a shame that this line is not to be continued. It seems a totally wasted opportunity, considering the hordes of disillusioned 3Edition players, looking for something new to spend the money burning holes in their pockets.

The Exchange

Wolfknight wrote:
Well I just bought this book myself and I have to say it is very robust for being a.....Gasp! Non-D20 game. It is fully integrated to the 40K world and does allow for virtually any Iconic character from their novels or history to be created. I'm glad to hear Paizo will be carrying the books too. It is always more convenient to get them here. Lastly, does anyone know where the blog came from about BI closing down their RPG lines in favor of novels? I'm just wondering, I have not heard anything about this until I read this thread. I would have to say since BI is a GW company...I would not doubt it! Unfortunately, GW is akin to WOTC when it comes to taking care of their fans and customers. They have a spotty track record in regards to their many non-Warhammer/40k products shelf life. Despite their popularity and success. To be honest, Dark Heresy is the first product I've bought from GW or BI since they stopped producing Necromunda. Anyway, if someone knows more about this, I would appreciate any info. to verify the rumor.

It's from the front page of the Black Industries website.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Ben Clouthier wrote:
Just a bump on this, it's the end of January, will the trouble at Black Industries affect our orders on this stuff at Paizo?

There shouldn't be any problems with the remaining products...

Dark Archive

It is still showing as a preorder here. Couple other places have gotten them and sold out already.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

DangerDwarf wrote:
It is still showing as a preorder here. Couple other places have gotten them and sold out already.

Looks like they changed the product codes for the entire line, and our system was showing the status for the old code. I've fixed it.

I still cannot believe they are canceling this and wfrp
*shakes head*

Liberty's Edge

So if it says that it ships in 10 to 14 days, does that mean you guys are already sold out? I've got one on order, but that sounds like a long time to ship when compared to other things you guys have up for sale. Just wondering to keep options open.

(/obligatory suckup) YOU GUYS ROCK!!! (/end obligatory suckup)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

AlricLightwind wrote:

So if it says that it ships in 10 to 14 days, does that mean you guys are already sold out? I've got one on order, but that sounds like a long time to ship when compared to other things you guys have up for sale. Just wondering to keep options open.

(/obligatory suckup) YOU GUYS ROCK!!! (/end obligatory suckup)

It means that we have to order additional copies from our distributor, and, in this case, it has to come from their east coast warehouse, so it takes a longer trip than usual.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
It means that we have to order additional copies from our distributor, and, in this case, it has to come from their east coast warehouse, so it takes a longer trip than usual.

Awesome. Couldn't help but notice though that I got a 25% discount in my email AFTER I made my order. I see how you guys work. I'm on to ya. ;-)

Vic Wertz wrote:
DangerDwarf wrote:
It is still showing as a preorder here. Couple other places have gotten them and sold out already.
Looks like they changed the product codes for the entire line, and our system was showing the status for the old code. I've fixed it.

The other Dark Heresy products are still showing as preorder expected January 2008... just noting since I have an order with a few other bits, that apparently will be preordering a few days ago ;)

Paizo Employee CEO

Vic Wertz wrote:
AlricLightwind wrote:

So if it says that it ships in 10 to 14 days, does that mean you guys are already sold out? I've got one on order, but that sounds like a long time to ship when compared to other things you guys have up for sale. Just wondering to keep options open.

(/obligatory suckup) YOU GUYS ROCK!!! (/end obligatory suckup)

It means that we have to order additional copies from our distributor, and, in this case, it has to come from their east coast warehouse, so it takes a longer trip than usual.

After talking to our distributor today, I bought up all the copies that I could get my hands on, but that isn't going to be enough to satisfy demand right away. I couldn't get a for sure confirmation, but I believe that the distributor will have more in stock sometime in the next few weeks, and they know that we need copies ASAP once they get in.

Once more, a high demand item that isn't stocked high enough. My hair is going to go grey if this keeps up! :)


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Ben Clouthier wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
DangerDwarf wrote:
It is still showing as a preorder here. Couple other places have gotten them and sold out already.
Looks like they changed the product codes for the entire line, and our system was showing the status for the old code. I've fixed it.
The other Dark Heresy products are still showing as preorder expected January 2008... just noting since I have an order with a few other bits, that apparently will be preordering a few days ago ;)

I verified those when I corrected the product codes. Our distributor has stock of the Character Folio, but not the GM kit, and Purge the Unclean doesn't seem to have a release date yet.

The Exchange

Purge the Unclean isn't due out until 31st March according to Black Industries.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Its out. I saw it at my FLGS.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:

Once more, a high demand item that isn't stocked high enough. My hair is going to go grey if this keeps up! :)


Well, this one was squarely out of your control; the $400 deluxe edition sold out in six minutes, and the publisher sold out their entire initial direct-sales stock of the regular version in pre-orders. It literally could not have sold better.

Which is why it's so hilarious that Games Workshop announced the closure of the whole division two days after it came out.

The shutdown of the division might have an impact on secondary printings; your distributor may never get more copies.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Oooooh, yeah! Looking forward to this one! A question, though:

Is this a stand-alone book or is it a supplement to some other system that allows it to be converted to 40K rules? i.e. will I need to buy any books other than this one to play?

Also, any chance of getting a better picture of the cover art? This one is teeny-tiny.

I have high hopes for this book and am looking foreward to getting my hands on it. Warhammer 40K is one of my favorite Sci-Fi setings, well a fantasy/sci-fi/gothic mix really. All the parts come together to form a unique and interesting whole. However, one of the problems with introducing a large panoramic setting like this one is the entry point. I think that introducing players as inquisitors is THE perfect place to start off. It adds plenty of character variety, you are gonna need your warrior types to deal with traitors, pykers to root our liers and priest to purge chaos and other taint, and that's just for starters. Plus what better way to get to know the Imperium than as the guys who travel back and forth across it with a fine tooth comb. It will be easy for developers to branch out from there into other groups and races.


Just read what you guys were saying about the cancelation of this line. What a let down :(

The Exchange

Fatespinner wrote:

Oooooh, yeah! Looking forward to this one! A question, though:

Is this a stand-alone book or is it a supplement to some other system that allows it to be converted to 40K rules? i.e. will I need to buy any books other than this one to play?

Also, any chance of getting a better picture of the cover art? This one is teeny-tiny.

Stand alone book with all the basic rules in the book.

Dark Archive

Lisa Stevens wrote:

After talking to our distributor today, I bought up all the copies that I could get my hands on, but that isn't going to be enough to satisfy demand right away. I couldn't get a for sure confirmation, but I believe that the distributor will have more in stock sometime in the next few weeks, and they know that we need copies ASAP once they get in.

Once more, a high demand item that isn't stocked high enough. My hair is going to go grey if this keeps up! :)


Since I was about to order a copy of this let me make sure I understand your statement.

You have snatched up all of the stock your distributor had available, but that probably isn't enough to satisfy the orders you even have now.

There is a BELIEF that they will have more stock in the coming weeks.

Is this like believing in Santa, or like believing that taxes are due April 15th?

I am a little wary that additional copies are going to materialize since Black Library has said they have sold everything out to distribution and I am finding almost all of my regular stores having it marked as Out of Stock.

How confident are you that you will be able to get more?

Should I look elsewhere for a copy?

I am not trying to bash Paizo over this but I am trying to eliminate the Green Ronin Sale situation from happening where I order a copy of a book I really want and it never comes.


Just saw an e-bay auction for the limited edition sell for 550 British pounds... wow

Anyhow, I just placed an order here for a copy of the book, please let us know what the chances are of Paizo being able to get enough copies. Thanks!

Scarab Sages

Yes, yes it is, I saw it at Barnes & Noble today!!! I didn't know it was coming out, but, WOW! it looked great! I could adapt the first book to make some really fun Necromunda RPG games!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Scott Lang wrote:
How confident are you that you will be able to get more?

We can't say. Our distributor says the product is temporarily out of stock, and they're expecting more. They can't guarantee us that they will get more, but they know we're looking for some.

It couldn't hurt to look elsewhere.

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
Scott Lang wrote:
How confident are you that you will be able to get more?

We can't say. Our distributor says the product is temporarily out of stock, and they're expecting more. They can't guarantee us that they will get more, but they know we're looking for some.

It couldn't hurt to look elsewhere.

Thanks for the Honesty.


Liberty's Edge

Amazon.com says they have some in stock. Take it for what it's worth, I've had a few issues with them before. Other than that check your local store and bug the crap out of them until they get you one.

Or wait to see if the Good Folks here at Paizo can get thiers.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Burrito Al Pastor wrote:
the $400 deluxe edition sold out in six minutes

$400 for a single RPG?!? Are there games THAT good?!?

Vic Wertz wrote:
I verified those when I corrected the product codes. Our distributor has stock of the Character Folio, but not the GM kit, and Purge the Unclean doesn't seem to have a release date yet.

I ordered the GM kit yesterday on the Paizo site (seing it was not backorder)

But reading this post makes me a bit nervous, does that mean there is a good chance I won't see my beloved GM kit? Should I look elsewhere and cancel my order?

It now says "backorder"...will Paizo be carrying Dark Heresy? As the line has been cancelled, I'd like to get a copy. I'd prefer to buy from Paizo...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Wasteland Knight wrote:
It now says "backorder"...will Paizo be carrying Dark Heresy? As the line has been cancelled, I'd like to get a copy. I'd prefer to buy from Paizo...

It's a hot line, and our distributor is working to get more stock...

Gutting that this RPG line has already announced it's end. In the UK it has been released under the Black Industries label (it and Sabretooth are both part of Black Library which is part of Games Workshop). Black Industries is releasing it's final book in September. The decision was announced two or three days after Dark Heresy was released.

So for WFRP there is one more book
Ten Thousand Thrones - an adventure campaign

For Dark Heresy (release dates are UK, dunno if different in the States)
Purge The Unclean - (Adventures) March
The Inquisitor's Handbook - (Player's Guide) June
Desciples of the Dark Gods - (Guide to enemies of the Imperium) Sept

** Some good stuff appearing on the www.blackindustries.com website. Vehicle rules are up. There is something like 70 adventures for WFRP on there as well.

Great news!!!
Fantasy Flight Games has made a deal with Games Workshop to produce, among other things, RPGs based on the Warhammer worlds. This includes Dark Heresy.
Full press release found at the Fantasy Flight Games website and here!

Dark Archive

GentleGiant wrote:

Great news!!!

Fantasy Flight Games has made a deal with Games Workshop to produce, among other things, RPGs based on the Warhammer worlds. This includes Dark Heresy.
Full press release found at the Fantasy Flight Games website and here!

This is indeed good news! Though I must admit that I am not so sure about FFG being able to hold up the high quality of Warhammer FRP products and establishing a line of Warhammer 40k products.

Green Ronin won't design the Wrhammer FRP products as they did for Black Industries.

But I certainly want to see the Rogue Trader and Space Marine Books for 40k RPG!

I guess we can only wait and see how FFG will tackle these games.

The Campaign adventure is called Thousand Thrones (and it rocks! I was playtest DM and had a lot of fun with it)

The info box says this will ship in 9 days to 2 weeks. Does that mean Paizo has this in stock or is 99% sure the will have it in stock in the coming weeks. I'd really like a copy and don't want my money tied up in an order that won't come through...

Normally I would take the statement of 9 days to 2 weeks at face value, but this is Dark Heresy... I'm a little paranoid about this one. (I had it in MY HANDS at a Boarders 5 days ago and didn't buy despite being able to get it for 25% off because I was low on cash. Now it's gone when I have money. You've no clue how much that hurts...)

I appreciate any and all help.

FFg has put up a scheduled release for Purge The Unclean. I believe its for march but am not sure.

Sorry- it was april.

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