Wow on Korvosa!

Lost Omens Products

You know, I was considering canceling my subscription to Pathfinder (there's just no way I'm going to get caught up on the reading, let alone the playing) but after seeing the picture of Korvosa in the blog, I may now have to at least get the first few of Curse of the Crimson Throne (which means I'll probably get them all). Curse upon you, Paizo! Your marketing schemes are working on me.

Yeah, I'm with you on that. I was considering cancellation due to financial problems, but I may just have to try cutting out something else. Those interior art pieces are freaking beautiful, especially the pseudo-dragon one.

Dark Archive Contributor

I only hope the words in the book are up to the high standards of the pretty art. :)

Yes, but the picture alone has my creative synapses working overtime.

If Paizo does another contest, I recommend showing one of your art pieces and saying - create an adventure plot from this artwork.

Dark Archive Contributor

That's a pretty cool idea. :)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Korvosa looks eeeeeeevil. :)

The grownup in me likes that Pathfinder is a nutritious part of this balanced breakfast.
But the kid in me loves those pictures of Korvosa.

Mike McArtor wrote:
I only hope the words in the book are up to the high standards of the pretty art. :)

What if they're higher?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
I only hope the words in the book are up to the high standards of the pretty art. :)
What if they're higher?

Uhm... Yay for us?


And they are, by the way. This is a great book.

I'm glad that everyone liked them. More will be coming your way, sooner than you think!!!

Dark Archive Contributor

SirUrza wrote:
Korvosa looks eeeeeeevil. :)

It's not supposed to. :\

Maybe this will ease the pain - it looks like a place where evil things are happening...

Sovereign Court

Korvosa is my new desktop wallpaper. :E

Mike McArtor wrote:
SirUrza wrote:
Korvosa looks eeeeeeevil. :)

It's not supposed to. :\

Well it looks quite nice place in the ground level, but I wouldn't go flying around there with all those dragons, imps, lightnings and all...

Dark Archive Contributor

Whimsy Chris wrote:
Maybe this will ease the pain - it looks like a place where evil things are happening...

Okay, that's far more in line with the feel I aimed for. It's a LN city with LE leanings. Heavy emphasis on the L, less emphasis on the N. ;)

Salama wrote:
Well it looks quite nice place in the ground level, but I wouldn't go flying around there with all those dragons, imps, lightnings and all...

Yeah, bad place to own a used flying carpet dealership... :\

Yeah, no flying carpets for me. I will however train those dragons and form my own army.

It's just the kind of thing I do.


Whimsy Chris wrote:
Maybe this will ease the pain - it looks like a place where evil things are happening...


Dark Archive

Ben Wooten's artwork really is awesome! This may be the next Wayne Reynolds (if he isn't already...). I really hope that he'll get the opportunity to illustrate Paizo products for a long time. He's one of the best in fantasy art!

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