The further adventures of Admiral Jose Monkamuck and chums, still with peanut gallery

Campaign Journals

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Well Lads and Lasses, it has been an impressive victory for the Admiral and his loyal captains. Yes, I am now the admiral of my very own seven-ship fleet. This wussy little “Crimson Fleet” has been captured and Far Shore is safe.

We spent the last few months building up the village to prepare for this attack. Some of our more last minute changes were the addition of some nets to block the harbor mouth. Plus two stone huts at the outcroppings to raise a lower the net, as well as keep watch. Somewhere along the way blabbermouth managed to find herself a griffin named buttercup, which she wanted to ride into battle.

As we were putting up these little changes Da Fighter mentioned an idea he had heard somewhere, probably a bar. He suggested that one of us take the cloak of the manta and go under the ships and use Lady Tightbutt’s admantine sword to cut the keels out from under them.

After listening to Lady Tightbutt whine for a while about the fact that she didn’t want someone to accidentally lose the sword that she never uses and that she is too fragile to do it herself, the Journalist and I remembered our fun little water breathing spells. Since one casting would keep the whole lot of us from drowning for 3 hours each, we decided to just go after the keels together. We made sure that we stayed in the watch towers at the entrance to the cove once we thought the attack was close. To back us up we made sure that each tower had at least two villagers on watch at all times, plus the fastest runners were stationed there to take word to the village of the attack. Once the pirates showed up we would take out several ships from underwater, then take over the flagship.

Unfortunately the Crimson Fleet decided not to play along with this plan. We saw the huge fog bank roll up in the middle of the night, so the I assumed it was them using magic to cover their arrival. We immediately got ready and set out while making sure to send the runner to the village. As we climbed down the rocks we noticed something we hadn’t thought of, although we should have. The sorry b*stards were sending out launches instead of bringing the ships in. Plus I and some others spotted several figures standing on the flagship that were definitely not usual crew.

This called for an immediate change of plans. Instead of sinking ships that only had skeleton crews on them, I decided we would head directly to the flagship and take out their heavy hitters before they could get deployed. It was the classic tactic of cutting off the head. I took the time to call on a few blessings of Kord on the way there. Sir Ineptus was the first to get to the ship, by a slim margin. He crawled partway onto the ship, hoping to hide. I got there next and was far less subtle. I jumped onto deck and shouted “jump overboard, there’s only sharks there”.

On the deck was Vanthas, looking much uglier than I had heard about before, some sailors and four archers. They were joined rather quickly by three demons and eventually some sort of spell caster. The Journalist took to the air, and Vanthas quickly followed her, thinking her an easy target. Da Fighter, Sir Ineptus and me dispatched two of the three demons in short order and with little injury besides some sort damn vines. You try so hard to keep yourself clean and then stuff sprouts anyway.

Up in the air, Vanthas managed to seriously put the hurt on the Journalist, including using poison to take out almost all her spell casting. Unfortunately for him Buttercup flew down and ripped off the tips of his fingers on his better hand. This sent him fleeing back to the ship.

By the time Vanthas got to the ship, some Spellcaster had stepped out on deck. This promptly got him charged by Sir Hexen who ripped him a new one, of course his return attack did the same to Sir Inpetus. When the archers finally got in their attacks on Sir Ineptus almost putting him under. Lady Tightbutt was replying to the arrow volleys with fireballs, but hadn’t managed to take any of them out yet. I threw a dispel magic over my shoulder at the mage as I turned to deal with the last demon. That plus Da Fighter’s javelin finished off the spell caster before he could do much besides smack Sit Ineptus around.

The Journalist rallied enough to swing down and heal Sir Ineptus with her remaining powers before grabbing some trinket and disappearing. Sir Ineptus took cover from the archers in the cabin. Da Fighter was working on finishing off the annoying buggers as I took care of the last demon, when Vanthas finally returned to the ship.

He pulled out some huge pearl looking thing just before Sir Ineptus emerged from the cabin and chopped him in half. The pearl dropped and started spewing out some sort of acid stuff. Da Fighter recognized it from some cove they went to before I joined the group. He had Torsin slap him with a fly spell, grabbed the damn thing and head out to sea at speed. In the meantime I hopped on Buttercup and me and Blabbermouth head back to town to help against the longboats. Sir Ineptus and Lady Tightbutt stayed on the ships to put out the flames and take over the remaining ones from the skeleton crews they had aboard.

It’s a good thing that Da Fighter flew off with that pearl, it drove everyone on the longboats nuts so they killed each other. It’s only his quick thinking that saved the town from the same fate. The only thing that actually reached the town were four flesh golems, which emerged from the water only to get dowsed with about 20 gallons of alchemist fire each.
In the end not a single one of us even went unconscious. No Farshore inhabitant was even scratched. Not a single pirate managed to escape alive. We have 5 more ships, for a total of seven in our fleet. I am now the admiral of the Farshore Navy. Each of our little crew has their own ship and crew. I of course kept the sea wyvern. I call that a total and overwhelming victory.

As we moved on after taking out the hellish construct in the ape demon's pit, we finally made it to our designated town. Here we were faced with an invasion from a bunch of pirates which we later found out to be nothing but over ambitious scouts. I had the joy of killing a foul thing, which I think was an orc but I really couldn't tell due the the amount of puss filled spoors oozing all over it's body! It was at the time trying to get a hold of an innocent woman.
The captain and the others moved onward to take on the main force. I hear that they dispatched them rather quickly. The casters I hear put out a fire rather well too.
We sent a long amount of time from then on helping the city rebuild and fortifying the place as the scouts were just that, for the main crimson fleet.
This took us on a couple of nice adventuring tails. First we had to deal with a pair of fiendish T-rexes. This was fun as I got eaten, twice by the SAME T-rex. I was NOT happy about this. After that we came across a cursed statue, we had strong thoughts on selling the thing, but that was go a good idea as the demonic god these savages worshiped. They aren’t a too bad people, but they liked summoning their own as undead. I found this disgusting, and was about to just leave them to rot by their own gods hands. Yeah, their god was pissed and demanded their statue back. So we gave it back to it and we got rewarded with some nice equipment. Our already seemingly impossible to hit captain squandered the magically powerful mithral breast plate. I was stuck getting a sword known as the flame tongue. The rest of the party with the exception of the wondering journalist which decided not to come got, all got a decent item as well. The sweet butt got a very nice pearl that acted like a magic book.
I was able to trade in my sword and the hammer I had been using for an incredible suite of mithral full plate which acted like it wasn’t even on me; and a weapon I had sought after for a while, a Magical Jovar! I had it specially enchanted to better deal with the fiends we were fighting. I got properly trained in using this weapon as well, but I can’t help but feel a memory that I forgotten sense the amnesia of a favorite weapon of my father’s. I think he had the same weapon crafted by someone on the abyssal plane made of a metal called Abyssal Blood Iron. I want to find the same weapon.
Things went on and we prepared for the on coming fleet. We all pitched in and fortified things quite effectively. In the last few weeks our astonishing elvin wizard came up with what turned out to be a truly vital plan that probably saved everybody’s life. She wanted to limit the amount, or at least the speed of which the boats attacked us. So blocking the entrance to the harbor. We had thought about using meld stone type spells, but thought of just using a rope net. The net seemed to stop them long enough to pull off what I thought would never happen. I saw the long boats of troops headed toward the city and instantly thought that we should run and stop them, the captain thought other wise. After noticing that there were only skeleton crews on the ships he thought to take on the main ship and be-head the snake. I was not pleased, but breaking up in a combat like this is a suicide sentence to everyone.
Again this would have never been possible if it wasn’t for the net we placed by the suggestion by our sweet butt wizard. We stormed the ship noisily but quickly. We were faced with insurmountable odds. At first things didn’t seem too bad as we had our long lasting foe Vanthas (fiendish looking with wings, a tail and everything), a set of 4 archers, and some guppies in red shirts to greet us. Shortly after three vrocks came into the mix!!!
Seeing that sweetbutt was about surrounded, I charged one and hit it with the most powerful attacks possible hoping to get their attention and cleave into the other vrock. Probably due to the my unfamiliarity with the fiends, I hadn’t noticed that it was about to be dropped, a cleave was not possible, but luckily this drew their attention.
Between me, a fire ball from sweetbutt, the captain, and Da fighter, we moped up the vrocks. However before we got finished with them the caster that summoned them decided to appear. I left the remaining vrock to try and take out this new menace.
While we were fighting with these buggers the wizard was keeping the archers busy with a few fire balls. Appetizer was flying over and gave us some magic support, but it didn’t do too well. The journalist and appetizer booth with flight went toe to toe with Vanthas. Appetizer had found a new comrade, a )$%#(%^# griffin! Which did rather decently well going up against Vanthas. The dam thing finger tipped his good hand! I was a bit amazed but what happened next. After a borage of arrows from the archers and a few wacks from a magical quarter staff charged with arcane energy I was brought about to my knees. The journalist then showed some actions un-becoming of her previous actions. She actually tumbled past Vanthas to fly down and heal me. I didn’t know then that she was poisoned and had lost most of her abilities, but it was enough for me to make an escape. Da fighter finished off the mage I had nearly cleaved in two. I then ran to the cabin to heal up a bit. I was nearly dropped again by a bunch of arrows. I felt a bit uneasy, after getting hit by the arrows but I shrugged it off with little trouble. Sweetbutt ran in there with me and tried her best to heal me as I took a curing potion.
Now the wandering journalist did something more in character with her. She grabbed a pendant she had on, and disappeared. Vanthas decided to try and “take us with him” as he poured blood on top of a pearl in remaining unwounded hand. I charged in and finished him off cutting him in two, and with my last ditch effort tried to grab the pearl; I was un able to. Our brave Da fighter quickly picked up the pear as our wizard jumped in and casted fly and Appetizer cast haste on him and he flew out and got it as far away as possible. The effects of the pearl very luckily ruined the long boat troops causing them to turn on each other! I was very pleased.
I and sweetbutt stayed and put out the fires that were started by the fire ball spells. The rest went to take out the flesh golems that were on their way to the city.

Although what we did was very risky, we pulled it off! Now where the hell did our cowardly journalist go to? Well I guess I should stop calling her cowardly for a little, she did help out minimally, and more than usual.

Now with that grand victory is over I only have a few things to not before our break. I am now a captain of the Crimson's fleet lead ship. I was proud to take it knowing that I personally disposed of their admiral, or what ever, and after repairs I am getting the first T-Rex head we got mounted. So I am happy, I have a ship that I took from an evil vial person my self, with a mount from the T-rex I took out my self as I fell to the ground right after cutting my self free from its stomach. So I got my mounts. I will place a plaque to mark the place I took down Vanthas.

P.S. After taking on the bat demon that gave us the magic items, we eventually came across a cash of weapons from an old civilization. We were lucky in noticing the HUGE python. The appetizer just walked up to the beast and dominated it's puny mind. Inside we found an old winged serpent. Having a just fight ahead of us it was more than willing to give us the weapons and awarded each of us a nice magic weapon. Da fighter got a powerful holly great sword. I got a pair of clawed gauntlets that did both piercing and slashing damage. To making things even better, they were also wounding. So I pity the next creature that decides to swallow me as I WILL tare them from the inside out.

Admiral Jose Monkamuck wrote:

Well Lads and Lasses, it has been an impressive victory for the Admiral and his loyal captains. Yes, I am now the admiral of my very own seven-ship fleet. This wussy little “Crimson Fleet” has been captured and Far Shore is safe.

We spent the last few months building up the village to prepare for this attack. Some of our more last minute changes were the addition of some nets to block the harbor mouth. Plus two stone huts at the outcroppings to raise a lower the net, as well as keep watch. Somewhere along the way blabbermouth managed to find herself a griffin named buttercup, which she wanted to ride into battle.

As we were putting up these little changes Da Fighter mentioned an idea he had heard somewhere, probably a bar. He suggested that one of us take the cloak of the manta and go under the ships and use Lady Tightbutt’s admantine sword to cut the keels out from under them.

After listening to Lady Tightbutt whine for a while about the fact that she didn’t want someone to accidentally lose the sword that she never uses and that she is too fragile to do it herself, the Journalist and I remembered our fun little water breathing spells. Since one casting would keep the whole lot of us from drowning for 3 hours each, we decided to just go after the keels together. We made sure that we stayed in the watch towers at the entrance to the cove once we thought the attack was close. To back us up we made sure that each tower had at least two villagers on watch at all times, plus the fastest runners were stationed there to take word to the village of the attack. Once the pirates showed up we would take out several ships from underwater, then take over the flagship.

Unfortunately the Crimson Fleet decided not to play along with this plan. We saw the huge fog bank roll up in the middle of the night, so the I assumed it was them using magic to cover their arrival. We immediately got ready and set out while making sure to send the runner to the village. As we climbed down the rocks we noticed something we hadn’t...

For your information I do use it occasionally, you have forgotten when,

the sword, I mean, and at least I stayed on board to fight. And, I think
I have the worst AC and hit points.

It turned out to be good plan.

Oh, the might crimson fleet finally came, and they hardly stuck around. It was a wonder fight. I was thinking that they were going to be this awesome fleet of pirates and the like and the group of us took on the entire attack party at once. We used the outlet in the harbor as a outpost where we stayed up until the attack happened. In the middle of the night, there was a thick fog concealing their approach. We quickly got into the water all together with the one adamantine weapon we had with the plan of breaking the keel of each ship till they figured out what was happening. Instead, we notice the flag ship with all of the support they had all lumped together. We snuck through the water and climbed up onto their ship and caught them off guard. We found 3 vrocks, a team of semi-impressive archers and a finger wiggler that was quite powerful. The other man was vanthas at one point; he now had wings and other fiendish appendeges. With my new holy weapon and the crystal of even more holy damage, each swing was well over twice as effective against most of these fiends. Vanthas was their leader but unfortunatually, he did not get to die at my hands. I dealt with one of the vrocks and let loose the final blow against the mage. Vanthas was the last to die, he came down on the ship and tried to escape a buttercup; buttercup is a griffon and a did most of the fighting against him. Once we had him down, he pulled out what I recognized as something we found at the last savage tide we encountered. I did not have enough time to stop him from breaking this jewel open. It had a horrible smell and started eating away at the ship. I didn't know what it would do but I didn't need to know that someone like that doesn't break something of that nature for nothing. Assuming the worst, that it would explode like a great fireball and destroy us all. I asked for a fly from torsin and ripped the deck right from the ship and put as much distance between me and the town and ships. The acid within was horrific and has permenantly scared me; my beard is not growing back but it is a minor cost to save the lives of the entire town. The best part, other than some spores from the vrocks, nobody was able to land a single blow against me.

Other than that jewel, we destroyed the entire fleet save for four golems that made it ashore and they were destroyed by the forces that were made to defend off hundreds of men or worse. We did not suffer a single death amounst our forces. Kord is shining stong with us and a great celebration is already underway. Maybe it will convert the rest of the town to kord and get rid of the other lesser gods.

We recieve much loot from the pirates, but the best treasure was our own ships. I inherented the kraken and intend to make it the most feared ship on the sea. I have heard of a powerful spell that can summon a mighty squid and would like to augment my ship with the ability to summon that monster for any assault we make. There will be no sleep for me for a while, I have a ship to upgrade and make a might part of our new fleet of ships. When we sail back home full of supplies, I should be able to afford some serious upgrades to this ship.

Journal Entry 8

So the time has come for battle. At last we are up against the most formidable opponent. Vanthus himself. I’m not sure that with all our planning and scheming that we can defeat that many ships. If I ever face that bastard, I will not restrain myself, and if I must, call upon my god for help. Fharlanghn, keep me from true wrong, but strengthen my will to do what must be done! For the moment our plan is sounded very formidable. With the entire group in the water, work on destroying the ships before they can reach the land. If we win this, we will have saved Farshore from a fate I wouldn’t wish on any land. As I prepare my spells that morning, way before the sun has risen from the beautiful ocean horizon. A fog of massive density comes towards the shoreline. Along the shore line, as we approach the water’s edge, are 6 ships. Each long ship has a name carved into the side. “The Hag”, “The Sea Witches Curse”, “The Kraken”, “The Stygian Shark”, and “The Bryn Harlot” The Captain changed the plan based upon what he saw. The new plan is to take out the flag ship. I don’t have a good feeling about this battle now. The fog is so dense; it’s hard to see anything. I’m contemplating using my “dispel magic” to be sure they cannot use this fog to their advantage. And with that, the battle begins, and the lump that was somewhat small, is now tightly lodged in my throat. The creature that is now the dreaded Vanthus has flown from the deck, chasing as fast as he can after our gryphon riding Beguiler. As I pear over the edge of the ship, three more very large, threatening looking creatures appear on deck.
The lump is now near chocking me. Ummmm….owww. I’m not even on the damn ship yet! Oh dear god! Vanthus is coming! OWWW.... Ok I can’t do that much longer. The Beguiler just dove in on the back of her mighty beast and clawed the mighty opponent to no avail. WE must get Vanthus out of the way to keep the party from being demolished in a short period. Spores are starting to release themselves in my skin and now I can’t move! Gorath, please help me!.... I must stay in this fight; the party is defiantly going to need me. I will “delay disease” soon so I can be spared from these disgusting spores.
Ahhh, warm beach, a warm shirtless body leaning up against my legs, with a handsome head lying in my lap. A soft fire…da*nit! WAKE UP!!! STAY IN IT!!!! Oh lord, that man is UGLY! Vanthus! What were you thinking!!?? Dude, if this Harlem is going to be an option, you are going to need to….OW………..
Holy sh*t! What the HELL was that!? I can’t pull off a single spell other then the basics! Vanthus, you DIRTY DIRTY WH*RE! I’m useless now! Ok, calm down, you can make it through this. Fly down to Torsin, and perhaps heal this damage, or I could leave and live for a certainty. Gorath, my Lord, here I come! Wait! The Fighter is looking really bad! I don’t want to abandon my crew, especially after their valiant rescue. I am flying down to the Fighter to help.
Coming! The Fighter now looks a bit better, and I will heal him till I can no longer move, then to the Island I go. I will stay in this fight till I have nothing, and I mean nothing left in me for aid. OH! The Fighter moved to save himself, and unfortunately left me in the line of fire! Save me…..
Oh……..Fharlanghn…. I’m finished! I can feel the cold a*s breath on my neck, for now is my last chance to live to fight another day. I pull the phoenix charm and…. “ISLAND”!!!

To Be Continued….

The Journalist wrote:

Journal Entry 8

The Fighter moved to save himself, and unfortunately left me in the line of fire! Save me…..

Yeeeeah never mind the fact that,

1. I asked you if I should take cover, and you said YES both times.
2. The wizard had moved into the cabin ready to heal you.

If you had moved into the cabin you would probably have been fine.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
The Journalist wrote:

Journal Entry 8

The Fighter moved to save himself, and unfortunately left me in the line of fire! Save me…..

Yeeeeah never mind the fact that,

1. I asked you if I should take cover, and you said YES both times.
2. The wizard had moved into the cabin ready to heal you.

If you had moved into the cabin you would probably have been fine.

I would suggest refraining from unnecessary sensitivities and criticisms of your team-mates, lest ye find your entrails spilled the next occassion you are at 0 hit points, yet suddenly the healers are "otherwise engaged"...

Turin the Mad wrote:
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
The Journalist wrote:

Journal Entry 8

The Fighter moved to save himself, and unfortunately left me in the line of fire! Save me…..

Yeeeeah never mind the fact that,

1. I asked you if I should take cover, and you said YES both times.
2. The wizard had moved into the cabin ready to heal you.

If you had moved into the cabin you would probably have been fine.

I would suggest refraining from unnecessary sensitivities and criticisms of your team-mates, lest ye find your entrails spilled the next occassion you are at 0 hit points, yet suddenly the healers are "otherwise engaged"...

Nothing was meant to be personal. Just keeping the records straight. She omitted the conversation where I asked her if it was ok for my action, and I didn't want to get a bad rep.

Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
The Journalist wrote:

Journal Entry 8

The Fighter moved to save himself, and unfortunately left me in the line of fire! Save me…..

Yeeeeah never mind the fact that,

1. I asked you if I should take cover, and you said YES both times.
2. The wizard had moved into the cabin ready to heal you.

If you had moved into the cabin you would probably have been fine.

I would suggest refraining from unnecessary sensitivities and criticisms of your team-mates, lest ye find your entrails spilled the next occassion you are at 0 hit points, yet suddenly the healers are "otherwise engaged"...
Nothing was meant to be personal. Just keeping the records straight. She omitted the conversation where I asked her if it was ok for my action, and I didn't want to get a bad rep.

ooc: This journal entry was not ment to emply anything. She was only stating facts. She is not mad with the fighter for his movement. It's just what happened in game:) No biggie! The Journalist lives, so all is well. And the fighter made the best move for him. NO blame what so ever:) And no personal hit was taken:) Thanks

Captain Joselin the Journalist wrote:
Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
The Journalist wrote:

Journal Entry 8

The Fighter moved to save himself, and unfortunately left me in the line of fire! Save me…..

Yeeeeah never mind the fact that,

1. I asked you if I should take cover, and you said YES both times.
2. The wizard had moved into the cabin ready to heal you.

If you had moved into the cabin you would probably have been fine.

I would suggest refraining from unnecessary sensitivities and criticisms of your team-mates, lest ye find your entrails spilled the next occassion you are at 0 hit points, yet suddenly the healers are "otherwise engaged"...
Nothing was meant to be personal. Just keeping the records straight. She omitted the conversation where I asked her if it was ok for my action, and I didn't want to get a bad rep.
ooc: This journal entry was not ment to emply anything. She was only stating facts. She is not mad with the fighter for his movement. It's just what happened in game:) No biggie! The Journalist lives, so all is well. And the fighter made the best move for him. NO blame what so ever:) And no personal hit was taken:) Thanks

Ah sigh, you know conveying emotion can be rather tough over the internet. sorry for the confusion.

Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Captain Joselin the Journalist wrote:
Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
The Journalist wrote:

Journal Entry 8

The Fighter moved to save himself, and unfortunately left me in the line of fire! Save me…..

Yeeeeah never mind the fact that,

1. I asked you if I should take cover, and you said YES both times.
2. The wizard had moved into the cabin ready to heal you.

If you had moved into the cabin you would probably have been fine.

I would suggest refraining from unnecessary sensitivities and criticisms of your team-mates, lest ye find your entrails spilled the next occassion you are at 0 hit points, yet suddenly the healers are "otherwise engaged"...
Nothing was meant to be personal. Just keeping the records straight. She omitted the conversation where I asked her if it was ok for my action, and I didn't want to get a bad rep.
ooc: This journal entry was not ment to emply anything. She was only stating facts. She is not mad with the fighter for his movement. It's just what happened in game:) No biggie! The Journalist lives, so all is well. And the fighter made the best move for him. NO blame what so ever:) And no personal hit was taken:) Thanks
Ah sigh, you know conveying emotion can be rather tough over the internet. sorry for the confusion.


Hmm....Gorath. I will be watching you Journalist, very closely. Strange things are afoot, and I mean to figure them out.

Well...that was an interesting search.

I present to you all the ultimate secret of the Journalist!


I am not giving up Journalist! I shall learn your secrets!

Captain Da Fighter of Kraken wrote:
Oh, the might crimson fleet finally came, and they hardly stuck around. It was a wonder fight. I was thinking that they were going to be this awesome fleet of pirates and the like and the group of us took on the entire attack party at once. We used the outlet in the harbor as a outpost where we stayed up until the attack happened. In the middle of the night, there was a thick fog concealing their approach. We quickly got into the water all together with the one adamantine weapon we had with the plan of breaking the keel of each ship till they figured out what was happening. Instead, we notice the flag ship with all of the support they had all lumped together. We snuck through the water and climbed up onto their ship and caught them off guard. We found 3 vrocks, a team of semi-impressive archers and a finger wiggler that was quite powerful. The other man was vanthas at one point; he now had wings and other fiendish appendeges. With my new holy weapon and the crystal of even more holy damage, each swing was well over twice as effective against most of these fiends. Vanthas was their leader but unfortunatually, he did not get to die at my hands. I dealt with one of the vrocks and let loose the final blow against the mage. Vanthas was the last to die, he came down on the ship and tried to escape a buttercup; buttercup is a griffon and a did most of the fighting against him. Once we had him down, he pulled out what I recognized as something we found at the last savage tide we encountered. I did not have enough time to stop him from breaking this jewel open. It had a horrible smell and started eating away at the ship. I didn't know what it would do but I didn't need to know that someone like that doesn't break something of that nature for nothing. Assuming the worst, that it would explode like a great fireball and destroy us all. I asked for a fly from torsin and ripped the deck right from the ship and put as much distance between me and the town and ships. The acid within was horrific and has...

Having had a front row sit on that fight, Buttercup did get hits and take him down hit points, BUT, Hexen killed him with over 100 hits points in his body, personaly, I wanted to put some damage on him, but,

he died.

Yasha0006 wrote:

Hmm....Gorath. I will be watching you Journalist, very closely. Strange things are afoot, and I mean to figure them out.

Well...that was an interesting search.

I present to you all the ultimate secret of the Journalist!


** spoiler omitted **

Funny part Yasha, is I came up with that name when I was not even 12, quite some time before such films became widespread stateside (we are talking 1981-1982 time frame) in my neck of the woods. While an interesting search result, it is not quite accurate. Intriguing no doubt, and certainly warranting ... idea sourcing...

With the Crimson fleet crushed, we have moved on to dealing with other dangerous enemies in the area. Our first stop was to crush a plant monster on some island around the Island of Dread. We prepared for combat as soon as we got off the ship. I asked the flying appetizer to protect me from being pinned down by this monster; my general knowledge of most plant monsters told me that a common tactic was constricting their foes to death. Unfortunately, I forgot to thing to tell Sir Ineptus about this. We are marching along and nobody notice it when it ambushed us. It came close to Torsin but it fortunately went after Sir Ineptus which resulted in a nasty attack, constricting like I predicted. It was fortunately a short fight. We spelled up quickly and it dropped within seconds of the Admiral’s our new friend a griffon which is lacking a nickname… for now, Torsin and my own attacks. The journalist did something unexpected but very helpful; she moved into range of Sir Ineptus and provides healing to him, while being throttled by the beast. Despite its best efforts, it did not last long against all of us. It was an excellent experience, being the largest plant I have ever seen, but it’s treasure was most impressive. Inside we found a stone that within it contained 6 life stones, they are absorbed into the body and upon death, revive you instantly and do considerable healing as well.

We next moved on to another island not far away where the largest scorpion I have ever heard of apparently roamed. Our spell casters prepared a spell to prevent any poison from having any effect on us all day to prevent the very dangerous venom of this creature from hindering us. This monster proved even easier to destroy than the plant we fought not a day before. Considering it was the side of a barn, we had several minutes to spell up. Yet again, Sir Ineptus was grabbed by the enemy while the rest of us wailed on it with incredible force. With all the spells up, each attack does considerably more damage than normally and with all of us delivering might attacks, not even this monster survived long. We found the same treasure in this beast, several more life gems, one again for each of us.

The last fight we had recently was against a might dragon turtle. It has been destroying trade ships and if we wanted to do efficient trade with other ports, this monster needed to go. We prepared many power buffing spells to allow all of us to move and fly underwater easily. I got a beat on the creature and decided to wait till it came within range to ready an attack of might force if it should charge us. Unfortunately, due to a lack of communication, Sir Ineptus charged it and it did not get within range of my attack. It shot out a might blast of steam that severely hurt several member of the party. Wasting no more time, I charged behind it and hit it right on its shell backbone. I delivered the most powerful blow I have ever achieved 98 damage in one attack with low die rolls As the admiral, Sir Hexen and the griffon attacked as well, it was slain. The griffon still needs some training, it did not protect its rider as it moved in and the dragon turtle almost killed the appetizer. This fight had the largest treasure haul yet, between the 6 of us, we found 90,000 gp worth of gold, silver and other gems. I now have a lot of money to spend on some new gear. We have only the most powerful creatures of legend on the isle left and we will need everything we can get.

I have been considering something also for the Kraken, my ship. I have been discussing with Torsin about the cost of a device that would summon a giant squid from the ship to attack other ships. If I invest the life force required for this device, I should be able to afford it now; too many choices, not enough gold.

We continued our hunt for the legendary monsters of the island of dread. Our first encounter was with Baaragrauth, a caller from the deep. This monster was not much of a challenge once we had our spells all ready to go. We knew we found it when half of the ship’s crew were preparing to jump ship. I stepped up to see what it was, not knowing yet what we faced. I recognized it immediately, but couldn’t step back from its call. It overtook my natural reasoning and all I wanted to do for several seconds was go down to it and wait. I was spared from a horrible fate by Torsin who understood what it did and granted me immunity to its call. Ineptus charged a circling fiendish shark, ready to grab a free meal, but didn’t give it a chance to grab one. The rest of us moved in to finish off the vile monster. The admiral and I got into position to start hacking and slacking. Appetizer came in to give us some more buffing but failed to protect against its reach and I spared her the damage with a new magical item I purchased for just this purchase. This monster the three melee machines didn’t mean for a long fight. It died, leaving no trophy or treasure, but another monster of legend was defeated.

The second to last monster I feel should have been dealt with differently but we work as a team and stuck together. I have heard that powerful healing spells which were just out of our reach can cure creatures of insanity. This monster had been eating loco-weed for a very long time and has become insane. When we decided that we would rather put it out of its misery. I felt that since we were already flying and it had no known methods of dealing with ranged opponents. I thought that we should stay up high and pelt it to death with spells and arrows. Since the captain and Sir Ineptus do not have ranged options, we decided to just attack like usual our opponent. I tried to sneak up on this beast but it noticed me despite being invisible. We all moved into position and Sir Ineptus charged the beast getting off 5 attacks at once against it, knocking it near death. It didn’t last through any more onslaught before it died. Unlike most enemies, this one exploded upon death, it knocked almost everybody down to near death. It actually killed the captain who came back in a Gnoll body and appetizer turned into a pit of goo from the sudden explosion. Despite having some personal resolves about killing this second monster, something needed to be done about this threat.

I have been busy other than fighting off these monsters. I have purchased a second ship and have the appetizer’s extra crewmen manning it for me. It will bring in 15,000 every 6 months. Once I get enough sailors of my own, I will receive 20,000 every 6 months worth of traveling. Also, the reincarnation I received a long time ago removed my ability to continue the family name with another human. I found a way using powerful magic to temporarily correct this issue and am now expecting a child. Since she is bearing my child, I married her and made her acting captain of the kraken. I cannot having her around with us considering the danger we face daily.

Two very ripping journal entries are yet to come!

-Captain Joselin the Journalist

Captain Joselin the Journalist wrote:

Two very ripping journal entries are yet to come!

-Captain Joselin the Journalist

Naturally I await your scribblings little one

Olangru wrote:
Captain Joselin the Journalist wrote:

Two very ripping journal entries are yet to come!

-Captain Joselin the Journalist

Naturally I await your scribblings little one

*GULP**** WTF!!!

What a handsome looking fella that was. Joselin must be anticipating a...interesting reunion with Olangru.

Yasha0006 wrote:

What a handsome looking fella that was. Joselin must be anticipating a...interesting reunion with Olangru.

Ya, I'm still not laughing, not anticipating anything either, wait yes I am...why else would I prepare "demon dirge" every day for the last week or so...BRING IT ON!!!

Captain Joselin the Journalist wrote:
Yasha0006 wrote:

What a handsome looking fella that was. Joselin must be anticipating a...interesting reunion with Olangru.

Ya, I'm still not laughing, not anticipating anything either, wait yes I am...why else would I prepare "demon dirge" every day for the last week or so...BRING IT ON!!!

Don't you savor the moments when the stew doesn't realize it's destiny yet?

What a well said just have to make sure she is properly seasoned and tenderized first...fear does flavor a meat so...

That was a bold statement Yasha, but I fear you will find me in much better preperations for the next incounter with said monkey demon. I assure you, it will not be the same outcome as before. Keep your eyes pealed, for my journal entries shall reveal all!


Captain Joselin the Journalist wrote:

That was a bold statement Yasha, but I fear you will find me in much better preperations for the next incounter with said monkey demon. I assure you, it will not be the same outcome as before. Keep your eyes pealed, for my journal entries shall reveal all!


Sadly, this 'Yasha' you speak of is not physically available in order to pluck and then peel his eyes, little one. However, it does seem there are several males in your harem that need to be tested by means of certain magical belts to see if they are truly male or not...

Olangru wrote:
Captain Joselin the Journalist wrote:

That was a bold statement Yasha, but I fear you will find me in much better preperations for the next incounter with said monkey demon. I assure you, it will not be the same outcome as before. Keep your eyes pealed, for my journal entries shall reveal all!


Sadly, this 'Yasha' you speak of is not physically available in order to pluck and then peel his eyes, little one. However, it does seem there are several males in your harem that need to be tested by means of certain magical belts to see if they are truly male or not...

What??!!! Ok, I know how to solve that little problem...everytime we loot, we just don't put on any dam belts! HA!...SUCKER! Got anything else for me monkey boy!?

If the entire party has been captured and subdued, I don't think that the characters in question get any say in whether or not they try on any belts.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

If the entire party has been captured and subdued, I don't think that the characters in question get any say in whether or not they try on any belts.

This is correct little one - if any of your harem survive, they shan't have much choice but to undertake the test of gender...

Olangru wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

If the entire party has been captured and subdued, I don't think that the characters in question get any say in whether or not they try on any belts.

This is correct little one - if any of your harem survive, they shan't have much choice but to undertake the test of gender...

The Admiral has only two words to say to Olangru:


HAHA!!! You see! BRING IT! Besides, when was the last time someone put on an item without identifying it first?! DUH!

The Journalist wrote:
HAHA!!! You see! BRING IT! Besides, when was the last time someone put on an item without identifying it first?! DUH!

I seem to recall rather recently - albiet in group 2 - that very thing happening. Besides, if one is unconcscious, one cannot resist a belt being put around one's waist, neh?

I've established Olangru's custody of these items vis a vis the Journalist (at Tavey's messy expense and Vanthus' instigation) - whether or not any of them get deployed is another matter altogether.

And the time will come, probably in 2 sessions or maybe 3 - potentially this next session if the group goes completely sideways -, where Crew 1 has thier long overdue reunion with Olangru - although they do not in character know his name...

Admiral Jose Monkamuck wrote:
Olangru wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:

If the entire party has been captured and subdued, I don't think that the characters in question get any say in whether or not they try on any belts.

This is correct little one - if any of your harem survive, they shan't have much choice but to undertake the test of gender...

The Admiral has only two words to say to Olangru:


^^ I think that reunion shall be the challenging encounter scuttlebutt has long heralded you seek Admiral.

:(....starting to worry a little bit about next game and what adventures it will bring. Tonight will be those two journal entries I have been promising:)

Turin the Mad wrote:
^^ I think that reunion shall be the challenging encounter scuttlebutt has long heralded you seek Admiral.

YAY the GM promised a challenge. That's means the surviving players get LOTS of exp. :)

Captain Da Fighter of Kraken wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
^^ I think that reunion shall be the challenging encounter scuttlebutt has long heralded you seek Admiral.
YAY the GM promised a challenge. That's means the surviving players get LOTS of exp. :)

Surviving players eh? That might be too LARP for my tastes my friend...

Turin the Mad wrote:
Captain Da Fighter of Kraken wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
^^ I think that reunion shall be the challenging encounter scuttlebutt has long heralded you seek Admiral.
YAY the GM promised a challenge. That's means the surviving players get LOTS of exp. :)
Surviving players eh? That might be too LARP for my tastes my friend...

Prepping backup mage character. Don't worry, it won't be too painful; for me at least. :)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Oooo ... can't wait! :)

*Twiddles his thumbs and waits to see what mayhem the players are about to be letting their foolhardy characters in for.*

Field Report from Olangru

“The half-dozen mortals who desecrated the outlying shrine to the Prince of Demons some months ago continue to persist in existing, despite the best efforts of the largely laughable ‘Infamous Seven’ of this vermin-infested island.

Below is a transcript describing the initial abduction of the fleshlings’ self-styled group biographer, commonly known as ‘The Journalist’ for some unfathomable reason. Perhaps it will tickle your fancy to understand something of what we face in the near future…

“The young female human settled down to meditate in the deepening hours after her companions had set camp for the night, foolishly wandering a good half-mile into the jungle. Just about midnight I elected to make my move, after the birds had been long quiescent, the insects’ susurrus droning out my stealthy approach.

“Inattentive to her surroundings, it was simple enough to clamp my left paw about her mouth from behind, deliberately exhaling upon the warm thin hair of her head as I whisper into her ear: ‘Ready to join the parrots little girl?’ [This was after I had amused myself with setting up a dozen crucified avians 30 or 40 yards distant from their camp a day or two prior along what was their inevitable path of travel.]

“She attempted to cry out for the one known best to her as ‘Captain’, then futilely flubbering the incantations to invoke a spiritual weapon of the Far Wanderer to strike me. I clasp her throat from behind with both paws after that rudeness, starting the delectable process of throttling her.

"I can tell you are most decidedly ... not male ..." was my reply.
“ASHHUL”, gasp, choke, “wuuyuuuuwaaannnwfffmmmii?” A delicious tantalizing hint of panic crept into her voice.
As my mighty paws start squeezing her throat, my voice scented with dinner, still behind her, the heated speech puffing her hair with each syllable ... " perhaps ... a plaything ... perhaps ... "
She starts to struggle as much as possible, her Light spell fizzling as spots no doubt danced in front of your eyes, painful sparks in the darkness of the jungle night.
"We have so much to talk about little girl ... your false gawd for example ... or your choice of mating partners ..."
"Your fellow males, my dear ... they need to become ... female, I think ...”
“Eeeeewww … fffrrkkuu …”
"Is that an offer little one?”
“NNNNNOOOO!!” She saw fit to channel her abundant, if not entirely profuse, healing power into herself, buying her mortal frame further time in this world. Amazingly, that infusion of energy gave her some voice. “CAPTAIN!!!!”
“As she dug her nails into my hide, I continued to throttle her, savoring the prospect of what this frail morsel offered. Impressively, she held concentration sufficient to continue pouring healing energy into her frame, prolonging the delicious agony of being literally throttled like a chicken.
“Muferpusbkt...” was her feeble reply as the delicious throttling quickly bruised her entire neck.

Unexpectedly, she finally betrayed her patron gawd to me, inexplicably squirming free of my grasp, which would not have been possible otherwise. Quickly, she took to running the eternal half-mile from where she so foolishly chose to meditate towards her allies’ unreachable camp fire beacon. “Watch me! Watch me fly!” she cried, before a flick of my Will knocked her arse over teakettle, face planting into material best described as “organic”. I knew I should have not eaten that cabin boy so early in the day…

When she finally looked up from the ground in the dim moonlight filtering through the jungle canopy overhead, not only was she treated to my furry magnificence, she also noted 3 of my harem’s pairs of eyes in the darkness of the undergrowth. Chuckling in Abyssal, which she clearly did not comprehend, I bade my mates to abduct her to the Shrine of the Demon Prince in the midst of the Fogmire. The ladies pounced upon her, seemingly caressing her limbs. The wee lamb pinched her eyes shut, anticipating a beating or worse … and left the silent jungle in a sulfurous *pouf* of nothing.

When I teleported into the harem’s lair in the shrine, I find the fleshling encircled by my trio of mates, the children howling and excreting in cacophonous glee at the prospect of another feast of long pork from behind the bars of their abattoir. The occasional flaming poo bounced out from between the bars added to the ambiance.

Naturally she immediately proceeded to concentrate a bit too hard in an attempt to not permit my mates an opening with which to thrash her soundly, ruining what I expect was her most capable healing spell. She was rather in bad shape, physically, although my intention was not to kill her. A barked command and my trio beat her like a red-headed stepchild that owed me money. She reeled, punch-drunk from the six second beat down. It was hilarious.

For some unfathomable reason, clearly trapped underground, she elected to cast a spell of magical flight. “I think the little girl means to leave us my dears…” It was easy to dispel the spell with an act of will, giving me cause to grin at her. My mates pummeled her unconscious in a flurry of brutal orangutan slap-downs.

Some time later, she finally awoke, basting over the great sacrificial fire pit before the hallowed golem that anchored the Demon Prince’s influence in this area of the island. Her sweat had been delectably sweetening the air with the aroma of tortured dreams. Naturally, I secured here above this pit during her lengthy time of unconsciousness to ensure her remaining present. She was no high priestess of Fharlanghn yet, or she would likely have been able to easily escape my clutches with a simple Word of divine magic.
No, with this simple pulley chain-and-manacle device, she would be able to easily escape her bonds only to plummet to a delectably fiery, hideous death a moment later.

During her nap, I saw fit to inscribe certain things within that fascinating tome. Through trial and error I found one or two of its secrets, in addition to inscribing proper harem recruitment incentives within that book’s nigh-indestructible pages.

As she rouses from her slumber, I shoo the journal and its accompanying quill to float once more adjacent to her, presently content to return it to her custody. She clearly looked around as best her confinement could permit to look around for her possessions.

What fun is a captive who retains all their toys?

With parched lips and raw throat, she raspily whispered, “This can’t be good.”

“It is for me, Joselin.”

“How do you know my name?”

“Your journal of course.”

“What do you mean this is for you? And stay out of my journal!”

“Why, this is good for me,” I replied, briefly taking in the sacred chamber with a short sweep of my arm, grinning as only a bar-igura can. “You are different from the local female homids in complexion, certainly far more rambunctious…”

“Well I’m not covered in hair that’s for sure, and I’ll kill you and your byotches if I ever get out of here.”

“I do not recommend exercising Fharlanghn’s inclination to be free of physical hindrances to movement at this moment… the plummet would be… baneful to your complexion I think…”

“Well the sweat isn’t helping either monkey boy.”

“”My byotches indeed!” My grin widening, “And I think five more may become available soon. It took you some time to regain consciousness…”

Looking herself over as best she can given her position, “So much for this complexion you speak of, after your dumb ape women beat the sh*t out of me.”

“They could have done worse.”

“I have taken the liberty of updating your journal, up to when I returned it to you.”

“Oh no you didn’t.”

“The quill responds to whomever currently ‘owns’ it – not just to you. By returning it back to your side, I have similarly returned ownership to you.”

“I don’t care… that’s personal… you have no respect for anything or anyone, do you? I’m going to strike everything you wrote in there from the record. You won’t be living long enough to need remembering anyway.”

I favor her with amusement in my eyes. “What can be taken by force is mine to do with as I see fit.”

“Yeah, well you have yet to do anything over here that claims any sort of ownership to me. And a good thing for you, as you won’t live long afterwards to really enjoy it anyway.”

Roaring with mirth, I reply “I could, for example, have sired – how is it the sages say – ah, ‘half-fiendish’ offspring at your expense. You are a fiery tempered one, aren’t you.”

“Untie me and I’ll show you how much fire I will light under your arse!”

“You are mine girl, make no mistake! MY chains bind you above a fiery death – and if you choose to slip free, I will feast on your charred flesh after sacrificing your smoking heart to the Prince of Demons!”

“Wow … can’t wait…” The sarcasm is clear in her reply, though I choose to ignore it.

“Really now?” As a single claw snikts into position from my left paw.

“Piece of sh*t monkeyman.”

“Such flattery will get you nowhere.”

“Ha! You yould take compliments from the depths of an insult – shows your intelligence.”

I sidle forward, my right paw behind my back beneath the cloak, that single claw glistening in the wavering heat in her vision, now aiming over her head. “Child, you have yet to grasp what I am, have you?”

“I could care less. Well, you’re not dead, and not really alive, that’s for sure… so a freak of some sort is obvious.”

At that moment I teleport onto the chains above her head, my sudden weight causing the pulley to groan and the chains to rattle. “A freak? Your flowery praise is improving.”

“Yeah… well my luck isn’t… get off!”

Still grinning, I deliver a string of saliva so that it slides down the right cheek of her face.

“Ummm… ew… keep the spitting on me to a minimum.”

“I’ve never tried a mortal female in this position before… I wonder…”


“Slobbering my dear… spitting involves aiming.”


I roar with laughter, clearly even to her dim mortal perceptions delighted at her responses, watching her tear up and shiver despite the intense heat.

“Why do you fear such a simple act? The feel of it… the brutal, animalistic intensity…”

She remains silent for a moment before noticing that the quill has been scritch-scratching the entire time. “Hold Quill!”

I inhale deeply, lowering my snout to just above her hair so she can feel the hair on the top of her head lift with each inhalation, so she can smell my fetid breath.

“Hmmmmm… the tang of sweat mixed with fear and loathing…”

“Please don’t…” as the fleshling’s tears increase from a drip to a stream.

“Tell me Joselin, what do you think your precious Captain would look like… as a female?”

“WHAT?!” Are you off your effing rocker?! He’s enough of a pansy without having one in hand.”

“A foolish cabin boy came bearing involuntary gifts… much to my amusement, they have a rather interesting property.”

“I wouldn’t… you will regret it… just as you are going to regret this night ever happened…”

“It would seem a certain relation of your patron had them in mind for your captain, the frail savage and the beardless dwarf. A remarkable piece of deception that Vanthus.”


Roaring with mirth as the chains shake, “I do not regret this time in the least! Such intensity! Such pugnaciousness!”

“You’re using big words for an ape, and Vanthus is going to meet your same fate – not a good one.”

“And what fate would that be, little one?”

“Eternal slumber, not in a cozy bed, in a tomb from which you will never rise from!”

“My… a tomb? For me? I am honored!”

The tears resumed, “You’re impossible!”

“Although… your linguistically-capable beguiler might need to acquire the translations from the Trade speech of this assbackwards world into Olman.

The fleshling has now fallen totally silent, whimpering and crying.

“Finished? Already?” I teleport below once more, cradling my chin in my left paw, contemplating her tender form as she settled back into a stable position, sweat droplets spraying the chamber. Strangely now reticent, I circle beneath her around the fire pit, never taking my eyes off her, savoring future torments to come.

“Which of the others would scream the most I wonder… the good Captain? Ever confident, suddenly deprived of his manhood, then… Hrm… mayhap I shall turn him over to the affections of my harem instead, he strikes me as overly robust.

“Perhaps the frail savage, always eager to do battle, yet too eager to avoid the fury returned in kind… an excellent subject, not deserving of his current gender I think.

“And of course the false dwarf, what wonderful humiliation! To be transformed into a truly beardless dwarf… then savaged at my whim.

“The others… ah, of course, in due course, I expect…

“Perhaps just braising a leg over the fire pit below you first… to soften their resistance, so to speak.” At this point, I stopped, staring into her eyes, then exerting my Will, lifting her chin to lock gazes with me despite her desire otherwise.

I could hear her mental thoughts: What now lippy?

Naturally, it was time to further her education. Not speaking does not mean you have been silent.

“For the gawds’ sake, whatever it is you want already… you have the power to take it… what in the Nine Hells are you waiting for…do you enjoy making me cry… worrying about what will happen to me next… WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!”

Further exerting my Will, I forced open her mouth and inserted her shift as a gag.

Of course I enjoy making you cry and worry about what else could possibly happen to you. It is a nectar sweeter than the most heavenly mead of Celestia to drink of your fear, to sup of your loathing. I leave you to contemplate your fate. Weal, or Woe, or Worse? Losing your maidenhood to a fiend, dying as the litter devours you alive from the inside, interminable agonizing months later long after your fragile mind disintegrates from the taint of your unwanted progeny…

And at that I was gone from her. Others needed attending to you see…

HA! That entry isn't going to compare to what I'm going to post tonight! BOSHA!

Captain Joselin the Journalist wrote:
HA! That entry isn't going to compare to what I'm going to post tonight! BOSHA!

I'll believe that when I see it little one.

*Searches hard for any sign of the Journalist's promised 'Olangru crushing riposte' and fails to find it thus far.*

I concur with Charles the Evil...

Lady Joselin, do your worst! Skewer Olangru with your literary riposte!

I am certainly looking forward to it.

'Charles the Evil'?

Is the player of 'The Journalist' okay? I notice that the journal entries that she promised still haven't gone up?

Charles Evans 25 wrote:


Is the player of 'The Journalist' okay? I notice that the journal entries that she promised still haven't gone up?

Last I have heard she is well, although I shall endeavor to check in with her today some time. I suspect she has been busy tackling the Real Life Monster though...

Thank you for the concern everyone. I am fine. Extremely busy and the moment I get home I am so very tired. I have not finished typing 1.5 worth of my posts and tonight might be the night. I am sorry for promising and not following through. She will be back soon. I have found that typing my journal entries while at game instead of writing them makes posting them so much faster. That method will be used probably from now on. Thanks again for the concern all!

-Beth/The Journalist

Recent events have reminded me of how fragile and fleeting life can be. I felt that it was time I finally put pen to paper to detail my adventures and enterprises for posterity. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Jade, although many of my comrades refer to me as “Appetizer” (due to an unfortunate incident with a rather large salad) or “Blabbermouth” (due to my extraordinary language skills).

I have been traveling with my compatriots for quite some time now, and many of our adventures have been chronicled quite handily by them, but I wish to provide a glimpse behind the scenes. I have recently been joined in my journeys by my loyal cohort and mount Buttercup, a spectacular griffon.

Seeing the true majesty of these creatures (as well as the money to be made by selling them) has prompted me to begin a griffon ranch and breeding program. With the aid of a high level Druid that was passing through Farshore I selected the 6 premium female griffons from neighboring Griff Isle. I then charmed them and brought them back to my ranch outside of Farshore. I made a deal with our cleric, The Journalist, to repeatedly summon up Bob, the celestial griffon, to come and mate with my griffon pride. Buttercup and my 6 other breeding females were all impregnated. This breeding program will result in superior half-celestial griffons that will be of great value on the open market.

The grounds of my ranch are extensive. On one side you have the griffon aerie as well as the main house and out-buildings. Separated off a ways are the rest of the livestock pens as well as the horse ranch. (You know how those griffons love their horse meat.) I also sell the horses to the local townsfolk and tribesmen.

In addition to the ranch I have also opened up a retail and consignment shop here in Farshore as well as a flagship store back in Sasserine. I found an amazing pair of brothers to run my shops for me. They are venerable old men, somewhat frail and weak, but extremely intelligent and charismatic. They posses all of the skills necessary to see to my interests in my absence.

Recently it was time again for the Wormfall Festival. My many followers had been working diligently to build and prepare the ranch, set up my consignment shops and prepare for the arrival of many bouncing baby griffons. Additionally, the Blue Nixie was to be returning and a great Fabricator was to be relocating to Farshore. I decided that this would be a perfect time to host a great celebration for the town to all come together and rejoice.

I have commissioned the Fabricator to build a massive bronze statue at the entrance to the harbor. It will be a representation of me astride Buttercup, and the top of my staff will be illuminated, creating a beacon to guide ships safely to the harbor. (It will be on the scale of the Colossus of Rhodes / Statue of Liberty) This will stand as a testament to my great deeds and benevolent nature.

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