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From Kevin Siembieda's latest Murmur from the Megaverse...
Darkening clouds, tear soaked smiles
By now you may have already heard, Erick Wujcik is dying of pancreatic cancer that has spread to his liver. The cancer is inoperable and even successful chemotherapy is likely to be measured in weeks.
I’ve known for a couple of weeks now and I still can’t believe it.
Erick Wujcik is my friend and more.
While I can’t help to feel sad, I realize that it is “my” loss of Erick that tears me up. He has been such a huge part of my life (and so many other people). Yet, at the same time, I also smile every time I think about my dear, dear friend. There are only good memories, and that’s a very good thing, indeed.
Life and death are natural ends of the spectrum. We don’t like that death part, death is seldom welcomed, and often comes calling way too soon. Erick has lived a full, rich life. He’s lived his dreams and has touched the lives of a great many people. To his credit, he has made the lives he has touched that much richer. I can only hope to leave that kind of legacy.
I keep smiling every time I think about my many, many adventures with Erick. Sometimes those smiles are soaked in tears (sorry, Erick), but in the end, I have only the happiest thoughts and warmest regard for my wonderful friend.
Rene Vega, Thom Bartold, Wayne Smith, me and the boys at Palladium all thought we should do something that toasts the triumphant life and works of this rare individual. Dan, Tina, Paul and others agreed. So we’ve created a website (erickwujcik.com) where you can read about and post your own feelings about Erick Wujcik the man, friend, game designer, writer and larger than life force of fun, knowledge and creativity. The site is a work in progress. Most of the hard work was done by Wayne Smith and Thom Bartold. Thanks guys.
Smile Erick, you are loved.
I’m going home now. I'm taking Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (Christmas) off. Have a joyous holiday and know that the people in our lives, like Erick Wujcik, are the greatest gifts of all. Make sure you tell them that, too. I’m lucky, there is nothing left unspoken between Erick and I (another rare gift). God bless.
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist and Friend
Read more at www.erickwujcik.com