Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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G'mork wrote:

Make a spellcraft check if you wish to continue concentration to determine the auras, and I will fill you in if the check is sufficient.

Spellcraft Check 1d20+8=23

The arcanists of Athas have honed evasion from persecution into an art, and their works are similarly difficult to identify. The flames writhe and twist, but refuse to conform to any known hue regarding the tiles.

The flames surrounding the fruit burst in a shower of tiny colored sparks, giving you an impression of abjuration magic.

It is small consolation, but you are at least able to discern the tattoos are products of The Way.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

reflex save r19+9=28.

"hmmmm....what was the point of that? These kankf&$&ers make no sense."

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Huh-ha! The human sure can jump! His movements look to be second nature.
Is there anything I could use from the chest to fashion some weapons later? Perhaps the lid could be broken down into strips of Basalt and honed to an edge to make some good daggers or some shortswords? If so I would like to take the lid with me and possibly break up the box and bring that also. Stone arrowheads would be fairly easy to chip also so there is where my thoughts are.

Holdrus Rippor wrote:
Perhaps the lid could be broken down into strips of Basalt and honed to an edge to make some good daggers or some shortswords? [/ooc]

I don't think arrowheads or a dagger or two would be out of the question. Lid should be more portable than the box (which weighs a fricking ton; it's a stone box) as well.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Suggestion: This one say clutch get shade-rest in noon-day, get sweat stop thin-shells. Then, run down long-ear sand walker. Kill kill, eat eat. Take sand walker water ahead they drink, while can.

Since no one else is going to try, I guess I'll try and get the kank in line with my abysmal wild empathy. Untrained diplomacy check on the kank, attempting wild empathy 1d20-2=16 ...probably still not enough.

Do I know what kanks eat and how much water they need?

With the speed they move, and legendary elven staying power once on the run, the party pretty much knows they don’t have a chance in hell of catching the elves.

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
Since no one else is going to try, I guess I'll try and get the kank in line with my abysmal wild empathy.

Recognizing a kindred insect form on a primitive level, the Kank responds positively to Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik's overtures. Perhaps a bribe would cement the creatures trust?

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
Do I know what kanks eat and how much water they need?

Kanks are very common; a DC10 nature check would probably net you what they eat (leaves, fronds, the occasional animal), and how much they drink (which I’m only guessing at, but I’d say at the very least as much as a person, especially if they’re being tapped for honey production).

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik crafted and took the chitin armor, as well as a bone greatclub that for some reason didn't show up on the gear list.

By the way, how many cutthroat britvas does Shenker have? He's like Alex B, only with worse social skills.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
Aso wrote:

The list of gear:

XXXAn elf skin unbrella Aso
XXXCarrikal (jawbone battle axe) Holdrus
Chitin Armor (+5 AC, +0 Dex allowance, -6 ACP, 35% ASF, 20 ft, 35lbs., heavy armor)
XXXSmall bone greatclub (-2 atk /-2 dmg) Aso
Five Bone Daggers (-2 atk / -2 dmg)
Stone Short Sword (-2 atk / -2 dmg)
Two Bone Clubs (-2 atk / -2 dmg)
One Medium Shield
XXXBlood Obsidian Falchion - closer inspection reveals the exceptional craftsmanship of this weapon (+1 attack, +1 damage) Zuko
XXXBone Dagger (-2 atk / -2 dmg) Holdrus
XXXPsicrystal Faindriac
4 sling bullets (3 now)
XXXTortoise Blade (spiked shield) Holdrus
XXXtraveler outfit Aso top Zuko bottom
traveler outfit
XXXOne green-jeweled pendant Aso
XXXTwo ivory rings Aso
XXXQuarterstaff Faindriac
Two belt pouches XXXFaindriac has one
A bone short bow
11 scattered stone headed arrows
XXXA large folded piece of reed parchment--overland map Malaki
6 bronze headed crossbow bolts
Three skin patches with tattoosXXXShiklik

Also didn't we have some small cord armor, wooden armor and such? Maybe Holdrus will don the wooden armor if nobody wants it.

EDIT- Ah-ha. "a set of chitin armor, a set of wooden armor, and a small set of cord armor, as well as a carrikal (basically a battle axe), a stone heavy mace, bone short swords, and an alhulak, or cahulaks. Note that stone and bone weapons have -2 atk and damage. If armor or weapons other than simple are created, the party will probably have to set camp throughout the night."

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish notices a distinct lack of vegetation and water, both in their packs and in the area around them. He pulls out one of his elf tongues, dusts it off and offers it to the kank, since he doesn't even really own anything else.

Query: Clutch own other eat eat or water get kank? Kank like green thing; could eat dead thing, though.

Suggestion: No hide dead kank. Waste sweat, hot hot.

After the kank situation is resolved, Kirrish will approach Faindriac with the tattoo strips.

Query: Head strong city dweller know thin-shell skin drawing?

Holdrus Rippor wrote:
Also didn't we have some small cord armor, wooden armor and such? Maybe Holdrus will don the wooden armor if nobody wants it.

It looked like everyone was concentrating on stickers and smashers, so I just assumed it wasn’t made / ran out of time.

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
He pulls out one of his elf tongues, dusts it off and offers it to the kank, since he doesn't even really own anything else.

Not being a creature typically interested in carrion, the hungry kank feigns disinterest in the tongue at first.

Eventually hunger wins the day, however, and the Kank devours the tongue, nearly removing your appendage in the process. It falls into line slightly behind its new “hivemate,” and begins following Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik everywhere, comically mirroring his movements when possible.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Hrrmmm....now how do we get the honey? Does this thin have udders, or has teats of some kind? Hrrmmmm...."

Shenker wrote:
"Hrrmmm....now how do we get the honey? Does this thin have udders, or has teats of some kind? Hrrmmmm...."

I’m thinking their butts swell up huge and then pop out a globe. That’s just me though.

The dead kank's exoskeletons make craptastic armor, if you wanted to put forth the time and effort. It’s brittle though, and has a 20% chance to break when hit.

I’m assuming the party is going to hang through the day, avoiding the sun and the heat as best they can, then move out at night? Let me know whom all is resting and who might be active if that’s the case.

Oh, and making bows is a separate skill, though I’m willing to let arrows slide.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

I'm thinking we should hang out like that; travel at night. Can anybody navigate by the stars? Are there stars?
Hrrmm.....we should settle down, shelter from this heat. I thought this container might be some lost supplies. Those elves thought I think that too and try to gak me or whatever.
Those kankf%&@s can run all day. We'll never catch them slogging about and cooking our brains.
Maybe want to go back to the howdah? Mibby it's shadier than this deathtrap? Hrrrmmm.....

Shenker wrote:
Are there stars?

Yes there are. The elves chart their desert courses by them.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

those bastards!!!

Going to finish digesting this Arby's, then do some crunches and head to bed. I'll follow up on the night scene this evening. Just let me know who is doing what during the day, and I'll let you know if you are getting a coronary from it. If Faindrac looks at the tattoos, I’ll follow up on that as well.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

I can't work armor so the Cord and Wood armors are beyond me but if someone makes them I wouldn't say no to wearing the wood.
I also would like to get a good rest, but I figure I can spend a bit of time trying to make some decent daggers and a few Basalt arrowheads from the box's lid. Lets assume I take a decent amount of time. I'll make whatever I can before I need to rest to get enough sleep to awaken refreshed.
Let me know what I can do, Mr.DM.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

At the kank's response to his overtures, Kirrish releases a pheremone smell of roses. He then rubs his forelimbs together and bobs his upper body up and down in the Thri-Kreen approximation of delight.

Glad declaration: Kank eat! This one call kank "Ggllurrsku-skrukk"! Greetings, Gggllurrsku-skrukk! Glad glad!

Declaration: This one look shade clutch and kank; try get green thing and water kank and clutch.

Can I make a survival check to find shade and maybe the possibility of vegetation or some source of water? He's still got a lot of trepidation about finding an oasis, since it seems both dangerous and unlikely, but maybe there are cacti or some other thing that can serve as a water source?

Holdrus Rippor wrote:
I also would like to get a good rest, but I figure I can spend a bit of time trying to make some decent daggers and a few Basalt arrowheads from the box's lid.

Well, here's the good news. As the party Mul, you only need four hours of rest, not eight, to become unfatigued. So I don't see why a half dozen arrows and a dagger couldn't come out of that.

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:

I think I made that very noise when I had rotovirus.

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
Can I make a survival check to find shade and maybe the possibility of vegetation or some source of water?

[ooc]Sure. Technically, there isn't squat in this area, but hey, what good are skills if you can't use them? Maybe with a high enough check there will be a tiny cactus buried below the sand surface (preferably one that doesn't explode or shoot spines), or some scrub grass.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Survival check: 1d20+7=11 Eh, I'm guessing my new pet will have to be happy with an elf tongue and to sweat the noon hours away in good company. At least I'll try to use some detritus from the howdah to provide some shade while we rest.

Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4

Is kank honey as good as water? I can't remember what the old box set had to say about it.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik scowls at the thri-keen's 'glad declaration'.

"Just what we need. Another parasite using up our supplies. Stupid bug."

One can't be sure whether that particular comment was directed at the kreen or at the kank.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"hrrmmm.....the thing makes honey....I thinking about,.... parasite nix, symbiote aye."


M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Shenker wrote:

"hrrmmm.....the thing makes honey....I thinking about,.... parasite nix, symbiote aye."



male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"hrmmm......leave your mother out of this, and I'll leave out of your mother.....hrmmm....."

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

"Gggllurrsku-skrukk good name for kank. Logical, also easy pronounce."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"hrmm...he....he....he he......he he he.........ha ha...."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

"Elves. Zombies. Halflings. Bugs. Degenerates. What next, clowns? Or tavern wenches, mayhap?"

The large, dangerous-looking human looks from one member of the motley group to another, looking them direcly in the eyes.

"I could take any one of you down. Don't make yourselves my problem, and I won't make you mine. Savvy?"

Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4

Issiki puts a hand up (his own, not an elf's) and asks, "What is "clowns"? What is "savvy"? What is "wenches"? I only ask so I can get a better idea of what you are talking about."

He smiles with utterly genuine interest and guileless innocence.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Take somebody down means.....ah, never mind."

Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4

"Take them down where?" asks the halfling of Shenker.

He then turns to Radik.

"Where are you taking us down to?"

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup
Issiki wrote:

"Take them down where?" asks the halfling of Shenker.

"....hrmmmm.....I'm gonna shut my big mouth now.....hr hr.....hr hr....hrrrrmmm......."

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Condescending Query: Large city dweller grow eat eat low side? No? Large city dweller no good as kank, then. Large city dweller hit large dead carry creature? No? Large city dweller no good as degenerates or he struggles with the word 'ugs. Large city dweller get swatter any else not large city dweller? No? Large city dweller no good as gladiator hairless one. Large city dweller hide sand walker dead so no killer get clutch in night? No? No good as 'ug.

Declaration: Large city dweller useless. Large talk, no do. Drain on water; at least kank grow honey. That one he gestures to Radik only take, only give eat-hole noise.

Threat: Large city dweller looking tasty tasty. His mandibles flex as he produces an almost hypnotic chittering. The smell from his pheremones is much more subtle than before...like meat roasting over the next hill, brought to the nose by a calm wind. It's a smell to attract predators; or other hunters.

Aso's idyllic image of a brotherhood of the freed has just shattered. Aso stands agog at the quarreling.

Provided the disagreement does not spiral down into a melee, when the shock fades he wanders off, removes the elf shirt that he has wrapped around his loins, and starts picking lice and fleas.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"hrrmmm....." (looks at Aso) "....everybody, now, stop getting itchy...,"
"we're all none of us, not one of us, alone here. Say--he guts me, and he is nobody particular, really he aint. Say--he guts me, then he guts him, then......him runs him through, only to get his brain exploded by some guy with magic and mind, who gets his brain exploded by the guy with the legbone, who gets tripped and stamped on by...Oh, I can't keep track, I only have nine finjers on my hansies."
He looks around....
"I guarantee the last man standing won't be alone....long as there's desert, he's got company."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"I ain't got no charismers for none of this, so everybody just knock off the mekillot s%@+."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
That one only take, only give eat-hole noise.

A strange expression crosses Radik's face.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

A pause.

"Take what you can. Give nothing back. It's the only way you can get anywhere in the world."

He whirls around and stalks toward the carcass of the mekillot, the massive head of which he has claimed as his 'territory'.

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1
Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:

After the kank situation is resolved, Kirrish will approach Faindriac with the tattoo strips.

Query: Head strong city dweller know thin-shell skin drawing?

Faindriac accepts the skin drawings from the Thri-kreen, his usual haughtiness forgotten in the chance to examine the new and unusual. "I do not know Kirrish, let me take a look,..." He looks up from his examination only when the argument begins to grow. But when it pans itself out, he returns to his investigation without comment.

I rolled a 14 on a generic roll HERE This can be any roll I need, I have a +8 on Decipher script, a +11 for Knowledge (Arcana) & (Psionic), and a +10 on Psicraft. SO my total(s) (In the order above), would be; 22,25,25,24. If you need me to make more than one roll let me know. My first guess is that these are tattoos created with the 'Psionic Tattoo' Feat.

After he finishes his examinations, he freely shares his conclusions (right or wrong) and returns the skins to Kirrish. After all, he claimed them fair and square!
"I concur with the kreen." He announces to any who care to listen. "We will never catch the elves in a straight up footrace. And many of us are still close to dropping. I intend to rest and regain my strength. We will catch them faster if we are rested, as opposed to them gaining more ground every hour because we are still struggling for every step. And we will make much better time at night."

He looks around to see who, if any, has any disagreements or anything else to add, then stalks off, still leaning on his staff, to find a smidgin of shade to rest in.

I intend to rest for 8 hours, lose the 'Fatigued' moniker, and hopefully get my Power Points back! I also intend to spend every minute of my 8 hours of rest mentally kicking myself for NOT selecting 'Endure Elements' as one of my powers!

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Aso! Friend, please return and let not one idiot ruin your thoughts of the group. A smart man knows that to face the world you need to have companions. Obviously not all in our group are smart.
He who makes friends into his enemies is one not long for this world, and hard times can make some strange friends.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"hrmmm....mul, you talk the best sense, and you talk sense the best. Hrrrmm..."

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

And hey! "Gladiator"! Know that you hold no claim over any part of that beast. I bled and fought for it, as did many in this party, and if you wish to use it you will show proper respect. I too fought in the Arenas, and I too have never fallen to a foe. I have killed many foes and lain with Templar's wives who paid for the pleasure with ceramics earned in the employ of God-kings. Your threats mean less than nothing to me, so keep them. Use thought before speech, your words may ring with a semblance of intellect, and add the benefit of saving your hide.

Issiki wrote:
Is kank honey as good as water? I can't remember what the old box set had to say about it.

Better, but after about a week of it you need real water to supplement it or you start to get sick.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"hrrmm.....he got them to pay him......I thank I was wily...."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Issen, en, listen. We move out, at night see....and I'm sneaky. Yeah. Reeeeel sneaky. I could sneak up on a fly with my eyelash.
I can't see good at night, though, see....special not as good as those elves. But I'll do it all the same. So, any you guys are the sneak up ahead types, and see good at night, I'm with ya if you're with me on it."
"I also ghost out like that, though. Ye may not see me ghost out either, or you may, but I'm coming back around on them, I'm not dogging off on you. You can wager on it, I won't dog out on a real gent type shooter. I ain't scared off any these points, these elfy types. I'm coming back around of them, wager."

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
Shenker wrote:

"Issen, en, listen. We move out, at night see....and I'm sneaky. Yeah. Reeeeel sneaky. I could sneak up on a fly with my eyelash.

I can't see good at night, though, see....special not as good as those elves. But I'll do it all the same. So, any you guys are the sneak up ahead types, and see good at night, I'm with ya if you're with me on it."
"I also ghost out like that, though. Ye may not see me ghost out either, or you may, but I'm coming back around on them, I'm not dogging off on you. You can wager on it, I won't dog out on a real gent type shooter. I ain't scared off any these points, these elfy types. I'm coming back around of them, wager."

Myself and the halfling are skilled at stealth but our vision is no better than your own. However, the Kreen look to move with grace and they are known for their excellent nightvision. I think we can make a good group up of stealthy scouts.

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
"I do not know Kirrish, let me take a look,..."

Examining the tattoos, Faindrac is certain they are more than just skin art. As he concentrates on a specific tattoo, something awakens inside of it, and the drawing writhes on the dead skin, then quickly wriggles up Faindrac’s fingers and onto the back of his hand, looking for all the world as if it had always been there.

Faindrac is positive now they are psionic items which can be activated by Will and touch (“Tapping” – Standard action, provokes AoO, requires concentration check if injured by AoO. You can tap another’s tattoo as a FRO if they are unconscious).

Surveying the batch one final time, Faindrac is fairly certain by the jittery feeling and speed lines the one on his hand grants increased movement velocity, while the other two seem to have something to do with healing (a screaming man lays hands upon a fallen comrade) , and falling safely (Tigone leaping into husk pillows), respectively.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup
Holdrus Rippor wrote:

Myself and the halfling are skilled at stealth but our vision is no better than your own. However, the Kreen look to move with grace and they are known for their excellent nightvision. I think we can make a good group up of stealthy scouts.

Here, good that. You pit fought. Gladiator. I fought in different pits. Alleygames. Sprat dogfights.

When we close on em, make a loud showy gladiatory stink about it. Lossa popping off at the mouth. Grunting. Get the mob watching you, gladiator; swat you do.
And wager on Schenker, getting up hind of them, while the mob's watching you.
Aye, and Aso. I know you can make loud as well as quiet-like.

The party rests throughout the day, keeping a sharp eye out for predators, bandits, or worse, each other. As the warmth of the day climbs, transitioning from life giving glow to killing heat, the stifling nature of the shelter wears on the party, and they continue bickering laconically. Even the Thri-Kreen, who do not require sleep, laze about, preserving their strength.

Holdrus, requiring less rest than the non-Kreen members of the group, spends the better portion of the day fashioning a few last minute stone weapons. While the additional day of rest allows the party to regain much needed vigor (no more fatigue), it also places them dangerously low on provisions. Fortunately, Kirrish’s careful tending of the kank is beginning to bear fruit, as its metasoma swells tellingly.

The sun finally begins to descend in the sky, and you thank anything that will listen, because you can’t take another second of human sweat, sodden bird feathers, and whatever the hell it is the Kreen keep spraying. Perhaps tonight you will be able to find an area more compatible with rich desert life, maybe even a desert hare or twenty.

As the group begins to decamp, the wind picks up ominously, carrying with it a susurration. Strange echoes and heat-dazed imagery are common in the vast empty plains, and you pay it no mind; until something truly unusual transpires. In low undertones, the whispers make a request: “Water.”

Try as you might to shake the madness from your head, the low undertones continue. The whispering only grows louder, until it surrounds your camp, murmuring gibberish in a hundred tongues.

“So Thirsty.”

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