Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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Issiki wrote:

Uneasy at eating the flesh of one he has not faced in combat, Issiki still decides that as the elves died bravely then it would be fitting to honour them with the ritual.
G'mork wrote:

The elf is wearing a necklace with a green-jeweled pendant, and a set of ivory rings.

Bingo. Grab the jewelry. Heck I'll grab the shirt, too. Didn't know it was cold here at night.

Aso slips into the elf's shirt and jewelry, then begins eating him. He offers the pants to someone else. Hopefully the elf doesn't have parasites. Aso suggests to Issiki that he can have a ritual after the elf has been picked clean.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Issiki shakes his head sorrowfully, "The consumption is the ritual; by this way the elf will gain a soul and join with the world." he says. "At least among my tribe."

He goes to find something... someone that has been 'cooked' somewhat.

"C... c... c... cook?"

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik, completely unscathed by the mekillot's assault, calmly moves over toward one of the beast's forelimbs and begins to work at the dessicated flesh. After a surprisingly short time, he is able to work loose the creature's upper arm bone. Giving it a few practice swings, he appears satisfied, and begins to stride back toward the howdah. On the way past Zuko and Holdrus, he can be heard to mutter something that sounds an awful lot like "waste of a good spell."

Where would the materials necessary for chitin armor be found?

Radik Aurel wrote:
Where would the materials necessary for chitin armor be found?

The bulk of it on the backplates of the Mek, with leather scraps from the Howdah for binding. It'll be piecemeal, but workable.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Holdrus takes the pants, donning them, and begins fashioning daggers and shortswords out of the available materials.
Anyone need daggers and/or other weapons? I will begin making some to help outfit the group. Place your orders and I will do as I can.
I have a +4 for weaponsmithing so I should be able to craft some stuff from the wood, bone and chitin, just not sure how much I could make in a few hours...

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Perhaps we can bring the Kank with us? Perhaps to carry some stuff.

Holdrus will eat also.....

Aso, my friend, break me off a calf if you will and I assume you will be wanting a weapon sized for one of your stature....a greatclub shouldn't be too hard to make if you would like one. *gives the halfling a smile*

Is someone better able to use this blood obsidian falchion? If so they can have it and I will try to fashion myself a suitable weapon. I am gonna work on a carrikal for myself and keep the bone dagger that Aso gave me.

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

Mmm-mmmm... Elf, the other white meat.

Aso wrote:
G'mork wrote:

The way he is hemorrhaging, it does not appear so.
An immediate 17 heal (Aso and s%!@lick) and cure moderate (from Zuko) should help that, no?

Ahem. That would be the other thri-kreen.

As the commotion of the battle slowly gives way to a scrable for equipment, Skarsnikt decides to wander over to the elves' camp. After draining an elf or two of their remaing blood, he looks over their kit.

The joy of being a largely equipment-free character... Do the dead elves have anything that looks remotely useful? Clothes, armour, weapons, rations?

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Faindriac claims the wooden pole and leans on it heavily. If there are no other takers at the moment? Though he still contemplates what an impressive momento a mekilliot staff would be, even if the wooden one is a superior weapon.

Leaning on the staff to support his weary self, he climbs slowly up the hill to where Maliki is looking over the dune. Once they have ascertained it is safe, Faindriac nods to Maliki, follows him carefully to the elf bodies, and helps search them.

Observing the others, especially the halflings, preparing to enjoy an evening meal, Faindraic thinks, 'I am SO glad that my powers allow me to survive without,... but I may not want to display my full powers so soon. It is probably wise to join them, Camaraderie is not to be underestimated in such dire straights. And while 'sustenance' sustains me, the pleasure of actually eating after all this time would be,... enjoyable.'

Elf-Mart is now open! Going out of business sale! Great deals on limited items!

EDIT- ALSO, please let me know when/IF we find the body of the telepath who was in charge of us during our trip. I have a 'ritual' of my own for THAT body! ;D

Craft Checks:
Armor or shield Armorsmithing 10 + AC bonus
Simple melee or thrown weapon Weaponsmithing 12
Martial melee or thrown weapon Weaponsmithing 15

As you are just making simple piecework craptastic gear, we'll give it a night, maybe two tops, assuming you are all helping in some fashion or another.

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
please let me know when we find the body of the telepath

It's the torched body. She knew what your Psicrystal was and nabbed it straight off.

Holdrus Rippor wrote:
Perhaps we can bring the Kank with us?

The Kank is very skittish, you'd need to befriend it first. The honey it gives off is part food, mostly liquid.

Skarsnikt wrote:
After draining an elf or two of their remaing blood, he looks over their kit.

Description of the area and potential gear in a bit.

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

in common
"are we to say here and rest; or move and rest; do we split up or stay together? If we are to eat the flesh of this fallen one, then I will bless it and purify it of any harm; find some container and I shall call forth from the spirits water to quench our thirst; we could rest here, but we would be vulnerable; I should scout to see what comes and what goes and thus advise you of the path you would take."

<an hour of rest we move us exhaused to fatigued, but the party should consider we are very vulnerable here, but may be just as vulnerable tired if we move>

"do we eat, drink and rest, or do we move out?"

<gm; what did I see when airborne? any other groups; movement; a path; shelter?>

"also, i see that some of you wish to take this Kank; perhaps I can help; I have some skill with animals and animal spirits"

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik tears a large quantity of leather from the howdah, then moves toward the mekillot once more. Climbing onto the back of the desiccated hulk, he tears free several of the beast's chitinous plates.

Still atop the beast's body, he begins to work, first fashioning a few of the leather strips into a crude loincloth, then beginning to strap pieces of chitin onto his massive form.

Craft: 12 + 4 = 16

Once finished, he begins to stride purposefully toward the horizon, makeshift club in hand.

He doesn't make it twenty paces before falling, unconscious.

Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4

Ignoring the collapsed human, Issiki turns to the aarakocra, and says respectfully and eagerly, "You are guided by the Spirits? Then yes, please give their blessing for the feast."

He then asks "Do you follow Spirits of the sky then? They are not known to me but still I know that they are strong. Wind can blow down a mighty tree, after all. My uncle is a... how do you say? Droo-eed?"

It is obvious that were he in better health, Issiki could be quite garrulous on the subject.

Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka wrote:
<gm; what did I see when airborne? any other groups; movement; a path; shelter?>

Your aerial survey reveals a path of swift moving tracks leading to the north, two dead pack animals lying along the road, and an overturned container of some type about a half mile from your present location. You do not locate an shelter aside from the howdah, meager protection though it is. The desert seems to go on forever, broken only by the road heading north and south.

Skarsnikt wrote:
Do the dead elves have anything that looks remotely useful? Clothes, armour, weapons, rations?

The battle scene looks largely as you would expect, though there are only four elves, not six. Two of the elves were forcibly divided, then partially buried by the heavy-treaded, thrashing Mekillot.

The bodies, largely stripped of personnel effects, bear some unusual tattoos.

The remaining tally of useable gear, scattered about the battle site as if hastily discarded, is as follows (DC20 search):


Two belt pouches
One serviceable traveler’s outfit.
A bone short bow
11 scattered stone headed arrows
A large folded piece of reed parchment
6 bronze headed crossbow bolts

The tracks of several humanoids and pack animals lead away to the north.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

The falling Mekillot falls toward Kirrish before the hunter can leap clear of its side. Reflex: 1d20+6=8 The spray of debris from the fallen behemoth catches him in the leg for a minor scratch, however. Damage: 1d6=1[

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik moves toward the fallen bodies. If no one is eating the burnt human, he'll eat his fill. Then, he goes to investigate the battlefield of fallen elves. On the way, if he sees Radik fallen to the ground, he drags him to the shelter of the howdah. Then, with a limping, exhausted gait, he returns to the battlefield.

He will take all of the clothing and equipment from each elf and toss it into a pile for anyone to distribute. He then starts digging a pit for the bodies with his many limbs. Methodically, he returns to the elf corpses. He removes the tongue from each elf, grabs a stray piece of leather or cloth, and throws them all into the makeshift sack with some sand. Strange tattoos, he will skin from them and also put into the sack. Then, he will sever the hands and feet from each elf. These he will toss into the bottom of the pit. After that, he will cut the genitals from each elf and stuff them into its mouth before severing the head. Torsos will be thrown atop the hands and feet, heads on top. Every action is hateful; there is no reverence for these dead. Not even a necromant will have a use for them. He will then strive to defecate on the pile before burying it in the sand.

I bet he’s really just a neat freak.

When the new day hits, could you make a DC15 bind check Radik? No need to redraw the symbol, as you're carrying one under the sky already.

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

please let me know when we find the body of the telepath

G'mork wrote:
It's the torched body. She knew what your Psicrystal was and nabbed it straight off.

I sorta figured,... ;P

Faindriac returns to the body of their former 'jailer', the female telepath, as the Thri-Kreen prepares his hole.

After a moment of quiet contemplation, he kicks the body hard,...


"THAT'S for being such a pi$$-poor telepath!" He growls more than shouts at the body. "All your captives drugged higher than a cloud, and you STILL can't control your own thoughts! You are lucky the storm killed you! The tortures I would have inflicted upon you would have made the storm seem merciful."

With a final kick and spit upon the body, he turns to see what he can salvage to make a robe, or tunic.

I had much more in mind originally, but after the "Thri-Kreen Burial Ritual", well, I just can't compete with that! :P

Faindriac votes for sheltering in the Howdah and (I thought it was hollowed out?!?) carcass of the Mek. AT LEAST for an hour to go from Exhausted to Fatigued. He would prefer the whole night. Personally I think we have a much better chance at fighting off something/one that might find us from a 'secure' shelter than running tired across the open sand!

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
(I thought it was hollowed out?!?)

I thought about that too, but really it's just a great big pile of dusty crap now.

Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4

With a shrug, Issiki throws the tortoise blade into the pile.

As Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik goes about his grisly work, Issiki leaps up shouting "What are you doing?! You-you- vi koto! Mi poto mortigi vi nu!"

Halfling if you speak it

You filth! I should kill you now!

He runs to the thri-kreen and grabs him by a limb. "Why do you do this?" he akss angrily barely able to restrain himself from violence.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Holdrus has a bit of trouble making the Carrikal but manages to get the head firmly secured to the handle on his second attempt. Immediately after he starts working on a halfling-sized greatclub doing quite well in his attempt. Afterwards he will keep attempting to fashion clubs and daggers. He has a bit of trouble with the materials so I don't know how much usable stuff he made, but he is working hard to arm the group. I rolled 8 total checks in this order:9,15,22,5,6,6,24,and 15. I leave it to the DM as to how many check I could make and what the total results are.

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

Comrades; over there (gestures with a wing) are two pack animals collapsed with some gear and a path where others have gone; go thus yeah mul's who be strong; and retrieve that for our feast and thus I will bless and purify, with the will of the spirits, all of this feast. We should waste not anything for where comes our next meal is unknown (eyes the halfling)

As I see no current enemies though they may lurk hidden; I propose we rest a bit here and gorge our bellies against famine.

Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka wrote:

Comrades; over there (gestures with a wing) are two pack animals collapsed with some gear and a path where others have gone; go thus yeah mul's who be strong; and retrieve that for our feast and thus I will bless and purify, with the will of the spirits, all of this feast. We should waste not anything for where comes our next meal is unknown (eyes the halfling)

As I see no current enemies though they may lurk hidden; I propose we rest a bit here and gorge our bellies against famine.

Looking like a refugee from a Flintstones episode in his elf shirt and jewelery, Aso looks up from his banquet of uncooked elf at the giant chicken. He licks his fingers, glares, and starts a low growling. He drags one of the elf's legs somewhere he can't be observed and resumes his meal. He will reappear sometime later and toss a few chewed bones into Shiklik's burial pit.

Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4
Holdrus Rippor wrote:

Holdrus has a bit of trouble making the Carrikal but manages to get the head firmly secured to the handle on his second attempt. Immediately after he starts working on a halfling-sized greatclub doing quite well in his attempt. Afterwards he will keep attempting to fashion clubs and daggers. He has a bit of trouble with the materials so I don't know how much usable stuff he made, but he is working hard to arm the group. I rolled 8 total checks in this order:9,15,22,5,6,6,24,and 15. I leave it to the DM as to how many check I could make and what the total results are.

Just Take 20, man. ;)

Issiki looks for stones and cloth to fashion into a crude pouch/belt for the stones.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup
Holdrus Rippor wrote:

Holdrus takes the pants, donning them, and begins fashioning daggers and shortswords out of the available materials.

Anyone need daggers and/or other weapons? I will begin making some to help outfit the group. Place your orders and I will do as I can.
I have a +4 for weaponsmithing so I should be able to craft some stuff from the wood, bone and chitin, just not sure how much I could make in a few hours...

"I'd like 2 short swords, lordship, permissable course, hrmmm...."

Shenker slaps together two bone daggers 18/11/18 rolled
"hrmm...the second is a suckass tempt. Hrmmmmmm......."

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2
Issiki wrote:

With a shrug, Issiki throws the tortoise blade into the pile.

As Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik goes about his grisly work, Issiki leaps up shouting "What are you doing?! You-you- vi koto! Mi poto mortigi vi nu!"

Halfling if you speak it
** spoiler omitted **

He runs to the thri-kreen and grabs him by a limb. "Why do you do this?" he akss angrily barely able to restrain himself from violence.

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik stops in his work and tilts his head toward the irate halfling. His large segmented eyes are inscrutable, but his antennae wave to and fro. A smell similar to fungus wafts from his glands.

Query: Why is little tree dweller angry? Were long-ear sand walkers so kind to him? Were they clutch or kin? Does little one think they good regard him death?

Declaration: Long-ear sand walker steal hunt, this one he gestures to himself. Long-ear sand walkers steal will, all here he gestures to the other storm survivors, including Issiki. Long-ear sand walkers take this one and others this place. Sand walkers not hunt with regard; sand walkers think only sand walkers. Speak lies only: take tongue, no lie death. Tongue...Kirrish knows the word, but can't say it right; he picks up a handful of sand with one of his hands and spreads it out to show Issiki what he means...waste, this one put waste organ where should go. Hide in sand, no killer see; killer not get clutch. Take out this he picks up an arm or leg no, no...use, later death return.

Declaration of hate: Long-ear sand walkers take *all* this one. Long-ear sand walkers earn *worse*.

He returns to burying the elves.

Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4

Issiki looks stunned by the insect-man's veritable tirade, "What you say is true - they caged us, and were to sell us. But they were also warriors. They do not deserve that. You treat them like carrion. Worse than carrion. It is true what the elders say - you have no souls, else you would not commit such desecration." he glares at the kreen, knowing that he is too weak to take on such a formidable creature at the moment.

"Revenge against the dead is meaningless." he mutters to himself.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

goes to where the hobbit and the mantis on growth hormone are squabbling....
"hey....like I said, fellers....anybody you hate now, don't worry cause the desert will get them. It'll get us all in the end."

"Let's get us all to a nice oasis, with a jiggly dancy curvy in each arm, and let's get us all there, then you guys decide if this is worth fighting it out. Hell, I'll join you, maybe."

HOLDRUS, Aso has been trying to give you the medium bone dagger we found before the melee.

Not claimed

  • Tortoise blade: treat as small shield with stone spike.
  • Blood obsidian Falchion. 2Hd'd 2d4 about 8 lbs, I think. Nice blade.

    Aso is observing Issiki with great curiousity. Although he remembers almost nothing about his past except his parents, a sense of connection to the other little person and a curiosity about his peculiar ways have sprouted within Aso's little geek heart. He appreciates that the other does not grovel before the bigjobs and wonders if he has been caged. Aso recognizes the little one's words and can even use them himself, although they come very slowly.

  • Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4

    Issiki turns to the repellent human and makes the hand-talk sign for "leave me be" but the human is oblivious to it!

    "Did you not see what I just told you, tall one?" he asks incredulously, "This is not your concern." He follows this with the sign for "stop talking".

    male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

    "Hrrrrmmm....I see, and do not understand, and yet I do all the same.
    If you're feeling all kanky, just jump."

    Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
    Holdrus Rippor wrote:

    Perhaps we can bring the Kank with us? Perhaps to carry some stuff.

    Holdrus will eat also.....

    Aso, my friend, break me off a calf if you will and I assume you will be wanting a weapon sized for one of your stature....a greatclub shouldn't be too hard to make if you would like one. *gives the halfling a smile*

    Is someone better able to use this blood obsidian falchion? If so they can have it and I will try to fashion myself a suitable weapon. I am gonna work on a carrikal for myself and keep the bone dagger that Aso gave me.

    Check the bolded part, Aso.

    Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4
    Shenker wrote:

    "Hrrrrmmm....I see, and do not understand, and yet I do all the same.

    If you're feeling all kanky, just jump."

    "Now I do not understand you." he gripes. "Talk to the kreen - you might understand one another. I cannot tell."

    With that he leaves in disgust to hunt for stones.

    Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

    Kirrish considers for a moment...there's a thin-shell gesture to describe his opinion at the moment...

    He jerks his head in a circle, left and right, in an attempt to "roll his eyes".

    After the bodies are sufficiently buried to deter predators, he nods quietly to Shenker.

    Declaration: City dweller suggestion wise. Also; wind walker suggestion wise. This one get dead carrier animal eat eat.

    The thri-kreen heads toward where the aarakocra indicated the pack animals were. After a moment, he stops, returns to grab his makeshift sack of elf tongues and walks to where the animals have collapsed.

    I'm leaving the kank to someone a bit more capable of "winning friends and influencing crazy post-apocalyptic animals". Someone that has wild empathy and a charisma greater than 6.

    M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

    Binding check for later: 14 + 1 = 15. Just made it.

    Holdrus Rippor wrote:

    Check the bolded part, Aso.

    Totally missed that even though I read it (????). Reading so much stuff here. Oops, sorry.

    Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
    Aso wrote:
    Holdrus Rippor wrote:

    Check the bolded part, Aso.

    Totally missed that even though I read it (????). Reading so much stuff here. Oops, sorry.

    No problem, I am seeing Aso and Holdrus as an awesome team, and Holdrus is having nothing but respect.

    male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

    "Nrrrrrr.......guh......mblaaaaaaaaah! Spuh! Ngggh! Nggggh!"
    Schenker does what he has to do to get his belly fool.

    Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka wrote:

    Comrades; over there (gestures with a wing) are two pack animals collapsed with some gear and a path where others have gone; go thus yeah mul's who be strong; and retrieve that for our feast and thus I will bless and purify, with the will of the spirits, all of this feast. We should waste not anything for where comes our next meal is unknown (eyes the halfling)

    As I see no current enemies though they may lurk hidden; I propose we rest a bit here and gorge our bellies against famine.

    Zuko follows Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka's directions to discover the two pack animals and their cargo. Zuko takes care in searching for useable items.

    Taking 20 here.

    We can probably butcher the animal then smoke the remainder to serve us our rations for the road ahead. What say you?

    I got a little fast and loose with the timeline, bear with me and if you don’t like the sequence of events, let me know.

    Working collectively through the night despite their uneasiness and difficulty relating to one another, the diverse assembly manages to fashion a number of utilitarian implements. Once he regains consciousness, Radik critiques a few of the party member’s work under Holdrus’ instruction, then diligently sets about shaping and tying together a set of armor. Looking over the results of his work, he finds he has just enough workable material left for a decent shield.

    List of party crafted items:

    • An elf skin unbrella
    • Carrikal (jawbone battle axe)
    • Chitin Armor (+5 AC, +0 Dex allowance, -6 ACP, 35% ASF, 20 ft, 35lbs., heavy armor)
    • Small bone greatclub (-2 atk /-2 dmg)
    • Five Bone Daggers (-2 atk / -2 dmg)
    • Stone Short Sword (-2 atk / -2 dmg)
    • Two Bone Clubs (-2 atk / -2 dmg)
    • One Medium Shield
    • Makeshift clothing and sacks

    Occasionally resting (or meditating) in shifts to ease their exhaustion, the grisly repast provided by their former captors, and rationed water grudgingly summoned by Zuko all help to relieve the worst of the weariness afflicting the group (Party members are all now fatigued instead of exhausted. Previously fatigued members are still fatigued. Spells / Expended PsP's are not recovered).

    The wisdom of the Thri-Kreen’s fastidiousness justifies itself, as nothing comes out of the night to investigate the party as they huddle in the shared warmth of the broken howdah. Bone weary, the party does not notice the absence of Illyen until dawn. The elf has snuck off in the night, and a single line of tracks heads directly north to where Kha-Chik spotted the lifeless pack animals the previous evening.

    For convenience, here is a list of what the party has already located:

    • Blood Obsidian Falchion - closer inspection reveals the exceptional craftsmanship of this weapon (+1 attack, +1 damage)
    • Bone Dagger (-2 atk / -2 dmg)
    • Psicrystal
    • Sling
    • 4 sling bullets (3 now)
    • Tortoise Blade (spiked shield)
    • Two traveler’s outfits
    • One green-jeweled pendant
    • Two ivory rings
    • Quarterstaff
    • Two belt pouches
    • A bone short bow
    • 11 scattered stone headed arrows
    • A large folded piece of reed parchment
    • 6 bronze headed crossbow bolts
    • Three skin patches with tattoos

    Finishing off the last of the “meal” and breaking camp at first light, the party travels north a short way to investigate their avian cohort’s discovery. Hopefully, there will be more supplies on the bodies of the giant ant creatures, for the throbbing heat of the day will be nigh inescapable in the open desert.

    Prior to leaving, Zuko quietly sets fire to a shorn strip of his hair, while Radik spends a brief period renewing his pact with his mysterious patron. Making a superior bargain this morning, he quickly suppresses the frown plastered across his visage by a will not his own.

    The Kank from the elven battle site, largely ignored the day before in the haste to reconnoiter, is here poking the bodies of it’s companion Kanks and making forlorn clicking noises. Lying on their sides, throats cut, they do not respond.

    Knowledge Nature DC10 or Intelligence Check DC 15:

    Looking like enormous ants, Kanks are commonplace dray animals. A dying Kank releases a chemical that putrefies its internal organs, causing it to become inedible almost immediately.

    Knowledge Nature DC15:

    The dead Kanks have pincers, signifying their use as pack animals. They were likely killed because they could not keep up with their fast moving owners. The living Kank does not share the poisonous bite of the other kanks (no pincers), indicating it was used to provide globules of nutritious and life sustaining kank honey.

    The sand here is a jumble of harried prints and Kank fluid spatters. Two empty saddlebags adorn each motionless pack beast.

    DC25 Survival Check:

    Sorting through the morass of hasty searches and multiple footprint overlays, you determine a maximum of four elves passed through here. They stopped briefly to slaughter the slower animals before stripping the packs bare and moving off to the north with speed. Their trail is lost as they rejoin the road. Illyen’s tracks also lead here, showing he searched the packs, possibly removing whatever left behind goods were available before heading after the elves. As the only person capable of catching the elves, it is possible he gave chase to seek revenge, but that is impossible to tell from what lies before you.

    DC 25 Search Check:

    Buried in the sand around the beasts are the following overlooked or mislaid items:
    • A small piece of fruit
    • two clay tiles with embossed glyphs
    • 3 Drajian ceramics, one of which has a bit broken off.

    For the record, when he found them Aso greedily snatched:

  • ivory rings.
  • necklace with green pendant.
    He's wearing:
  • the top half of a traveler's outfit.
    He's got the crafted:
  • greatclub from Holdrus.
    And he's relaxing under the:
  • elfskin umbrella

    He looks like a pimped out Bambam.

  • Zuko splits a traveler's outfit with Aso and takes the bottom half. Edit: He also takes whatever weapon remains unclaimed.

    Thanks for that, Aso.

    Zuko sings:


    "Hot sun, beating down
    Burning my feet,
    Ain't walking around"

    "Oh, She's got a body
    under that shirt
    But all she wants to do
    is rub my face in the dirt"

    I think Faindriac grabbed that staff, Z, unless it's a different one. Maybe one of his last posts last page or first post this page. Nobody seems to want the Falchion.

    If only we had a campfire and some Pina Coladas. And we weren't in this hellish land.

    Take the Falchion Zuko, I don't hink Holdrus wants it and I don't remember anyone taking it from him.

    Aso wrote:
    Take the Falchion Zuko, I don't hink Holdrus wants it and I don't remember anyone taking it from him.

    Zuko is not proficient with falchion. Unless, Beeler will be allowing me to change war domanin feats, Zuko will be suffering a net minus one penalty foe using that. Oh, what the hey, I'll take it.

    Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4

    Know (nature) - untrained (1d20+1=13)

    So no more stones found?

    Bar some makeshift clothing, Issiki is unencumbered. Thinking back to the fight, the halfling takes a couple of bone daggers.

    Issiki wrote:
    So no more stones found?

    Could probably break some stuff up and use it as ammo easily enough.

    Zuko wrote:
    Unless, Beeler will be allowing me to change war domanin feats

    If you wanted to flip scimitar proficiencies for falchion, I’m fine with that.

    Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

    “With DM approval”, MalaKi will take the following actions after the fight: Make himself a peasant’s outfit from various materials. Pick up the Stone Short Sword. Pick up the folded reed parchment. Make small talk and casual conversation with Faindriac and Zuko and ask both to cast detect magic/detect psionics on the various items found. If the folded reed parchment is not magical he will open and examine it. Use aid another to help out any and all skill checks applicable. Take 20 on the Survival check and Search check at the dead kank site to succeed at both. Share the info gathered with the group. Encourage Zuko and Faindriac to “examine” items found at the kank site for magic/psionic qualities.

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