Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

I think so. I've been scared so long, I don't know wtf is up.

Save me, Radik.

Before the wounded noble is able to fully recover and make good his escape, Ka-Chik-Chik-Ka pincushions the man, dropping him to the tiled floor with a well-placed arrow through the eye.

Holdrus postures at the doorway, allowing the muscles of his broad chest to ripple and bounce as he blocks the portal, though his efforts at preventing escape are somewhat stymied by the large hole melted into opposite wall. He does manage, however, to solidly clout one of the fleeing nobles about the head as the man attempts to run past (AoO).

Shenker comes to his senses outside the compound, finding himself among a pair of nobles heading for the wall.

MalaKi twists with the barest effort, extending his foot and unbalancing one of the remaining combatants, who promptly falls onto Zuko’s sword. On the other side of the chamber, Radik and Aso make short work of another wounded noble; Radik’s thrown dagger pounded deep into the man by Aso’s greatclub.

Shifting position to avoid stunning his companions, Faindrac releases a scattering, multicolored light. The remaining living noble (in the chamber) slows, then halts mid-stride. Instead of passing out of the room, he pivots in the melted archway and stares off into space, fascinated by the rainbow only he perceives.

Outside of the room, the party continues to dominate the melee. Skarsnikt maintains his death-vice on the Gythka wielder. Though able to pull her face back out of range of Skarsnikt’s mandibles, the well-toned fighter is unable to maneuver away from Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik’s relentless assault, and the Kreen tears free great gobbets of flesh from the woman. Unable to recover from the blood loss and shock of the attack, the woman expires without a word in his companion kreen’s multiple arms.

Bending at an almost impossible angle, Marada weaves herself into a half-embrace with the sword-wielding woman, and drives her weapon directly into the unsuspecting warrior’s lower jaw before dancing away. The resulting confusing leaves the blonde completely exposed, allowing both kreen a clear shot to her flank.

Both Kreen receive an AoO against the remaining woman with the sword, who will fight to the death if she manages to survive.

There are two nobles left outside, looks like Shenker is attacking them this go, the rest of the room is clear except for the stunned man.

"I...i...i...interrogation time."

Can I take a bath in the mud and wash off that clean water those dudes cleaned their balls and anuses in?

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

"Only the weak take prisoners."

He's back, ladies and gentlemen.

"T..t..t..take prisoners?"

"I'm g...g...g...gonna cut stuff off o' him."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

stabbity stab!!!
r10+4=14 (puchik) dmg 2+7(if sneak attk puchik)
r15+3=18 (bone dagger) dmg 2+8(if sneak attk bone dagger)

"Information must be obtained, show them no mercy".

"We must acquire the information we need quickly. Our little party would not go unnoticed for long."

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

"Prisoners?" Faindraic arches a disdainful eyebrow. "We only need one for information. And I have no intention of carting any extra baggage around when we are done!"
He walks casually over to the stunned noble staring into space. "This one will suffice." He declares, rapping him on the back of the head with his staff and watching him collapse to the floor. "Do as you wish with the rest."

AH! It feels good to be superior once more! ;P Attack roll vs. stunned noble if needed:

Faindriac's to hit/dmg roll vs stunned noble: (1d20 1=14, 1d6=1)

Fairly lame, but he IS stunned, and I'm only trying to knock him unconscious,...

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

AoO agains the sword-wielding woman: roll 13+5=AC 18, damage 4+3=7.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Holdrus was actually blocking off the melted hole entryway. He moved across in the beginning of the fight to prevent escape from that way.

Aso wrote:
Can I take a bath in the mud...?

Only dead ashen soil now, sadly.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Aso wrote:

"T..t..t..take prisoners?"

"I'm g...g...g...gonna cut stuff off o' him."

"... and I was gonna get me an ear, too..."

Anyway, how many combatants are there left standing? What about the hypothetical prisoners we've taken?

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

They who have fought well should be allowed to live; let them run back to their clutchmates; remove their touges if you will as penalty of failure lest they wiggle them about us; I would prefer they live, but will lose no sleep over those who abuse positions of power and who dominate others being brought down.

<guard- arrow notched; looking for enemies>

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka wrote:
They who have fought well should be allowed to live; let them run back to their clutchmates; remove their touges if you will as penalty of failure lest they wiggle them about us; I would prefer they live, but will lose no sleep over those who abuse positions of power and who dominate others being brought down.

Radik scowls, wiping his daggers on his breeches.

"The removal of tongues seems wasteful. I will remove their lives."

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Holdrus starts frantically digging through the dirt to get to the buried weapons below.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"What's that, diggy duggy mully lad? Hrrmmm...."

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Attack of opportunity: Attack: 1d20+6=8, Damage: 1d4+3=6

"Declaration: This one say eat toes, ask hard questions; then get quick-yell answers. Toes also tasty tasty, sloshy thin-shells."

"C..c..c..cut off his p... p... p... nose!"

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Aso wrote:
"C..c..c..cut off his p... p... p... nose!"


male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"You guys are sickies."

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi is puzzled by Holdrus' actions but sensing his urgency decides to lend a hand. As he digs he looks up at Zuko and says, "You might want to check the fallen for anything useful."

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Seeing his companion attack the now-ashen laden mud, Faindriac turns to the fire priest.

"Zuko, would you be so kind?" He asks, indicating the stunned and hopefully now unconscious noble lying at his feet. Then hastilly moves to join those digging in the pool. He lays his psicrystal on the edge of the pool, then joins in the moving of now-ashen mud.

'Cair, can you sense anything?'

"You want me to turn him into ash?"

Not waiting for an answer, Zuko moves to the fallen man and checks his vital signs.

"C...c...c...can you j...j...j...jus' burn off his f...f...feet?"

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1
Zuko wrote:

"You want me to turn him into ash?"

Not waiting for an answer, Zuko moves to the fallen man and checks his vital signs.

Glancing back over his shoulder, Faindriac almost smiles at the fire priest.

"Not just yet. Even firewood has other uses."

Aso wrote:
"C...c...c...can you j...j...j...jus' burn off his f...f...feet?"

"How'd you like them? Rare, Medium or Well Done? Got any spices?"

"F...f...f...forgot it."

Zuko shrugs as he continues his examination.

Beeler, is this guy still alive?

"Maybe some of us should check if the city guards outside waiting to pounce on us."

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

As the battle appears over; I try to collect my arrows and save them; collect the heads if shafts are broken as usual; then await party consensus on what to do next.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Can you lay an egg? Who votes for that?" ;)


Meh, it’s been so long, I decided to skip the secondary poison saves. No big loss.

Shenker begins to slice into the panicked nobles with abandon. The two men turn, rallying to counterattack, when without warning they drop to the ground, bleeding profusely through fresh wounds. The only sign of their assailants is a slight shimmering of the air around you, which quickly fades.

Faindrac clouts the stunned noble, who drops to the floor unconscious with only the slightest groan. Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka shifts restlessly as the man collapses, then continues to run her vigilant eyes about the chamber.

Attempting to benefit from the distraction provided by Marada, Kirrish and Skarsnikt claw at the remaining sword wielder. Though only the second Kreen connects, it is enough to silence the woman permanently (though not her sword, which gives off a faint groan of despair as the blonde collapses atop the weapon).

As you recover from the battle, the black Gythka, now lying atop the body of the muscled combatant, reduces in size, becoming a slender azure rod. A soothing voice emanates from the rod, asking thoughtfully if you might not mind picking her up?

"Radik Aurel wrote:
Anyway, how many combatants are there left standing? What about the hypothetical prisoners we've taken?

0, 1

Any remaining daggers return smoothly to Radik’s outstretched grip, thanking him for the cleansing before fawning and preening over the man’s combat prowess.

Holdrus Rippor wrote:

Holdrus was actually blocking off the melted hole entryway. He moved across in the beginning of the fight to prevent escape from that way.


Holdrus Rippor wrote:
Holdrus starts frantically digging through the dirt to get to the buried weapons below.

Searching the first of the pools throws clouds of silt billowing around you, making your eyes water and turning your face an ashen grey. Choking and sneezing black phlegm, something sharp slices your finger, while the other hand makes contact with an elongated metal object. Retracting the bleeding hand, you see an inch long curved shard of glass embedded within, while the other grasp reveals a four-foot stave, topped by a shattered orb.

MalaKi begins to join Holdrus in his search, but the three tiny flaming figures place themselves between MalaKi and the now desiccated bath, extending the elegant crown towards him. As he watches, the coronet asks to be worn, its sultry voice both imploring and commanding (DC 14 will save to resist).

Sirroco continues to admonish against picking up any of the cursed weapons, but a moan of despair interrupts his soliloquy as Holdrus raises the ruined weapon from the pool.

Setting Cair carefully beside the pool, Faindrac adds fuel to the copious dust storm brewing in the former bath, drawing a set of jeweled bracers from the third basin.

Zuko wrote:
Zuko moves to the fallen man and checks his vital signs.

Very much alive, though not currently conscious.

Knowledge Local DC 15

Now that you may take a closer look, these “nobles” do not appear to be of significant import to the city. Most likely they are low status house members with an “in” to better connections.

Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka wrote:
I try to collect my arrows and save them

You locate two serviceable arrows.

G'mork wrote:

As you recover from the battle, the black Gythka, now lying atop the body of the muscled combatant, reduces in size, becoming a slender azure rod. A soothing voice emanates from the rod, asking thoughtfully if you might not mind picking her up?

"F...f...frack! More t...t...talkin' stickers."

Aso pokes at it with his toe.

[i]This halfling is starting to scare me!

Marada imagination gets carried away and she see this play out in her head;
She laying dead on a golden sunlit battlefield, Aso is on top of her. Drooling, breathing...

Marada throws up a little just now , how ever she recovers and puts away that dark thought.

Aso has a little problem relating to sexy women on account of his handlers made him eat one while he was a caged geek.

When he says he bites the heads off chicks*, he means it!

Mike disapproves of the use of the word “chicks” to denote women, but will go as far as he needs to make a joke. Mike also disapproves of cruelty to animals. Mike disapproves of referring to himself in the third person.

Zuko wrote:

Beeler, is this guy still alive?

Sorry about that, been an interesting week; answer above! Not going to comment on my availability because every time I do, something inside my body craps out. :)

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Faindriac gives a tight lipped smile of victory as he holds up the set of jeweled bracers. Attracted by the keening cry of Sirocco, he looks up to Holdrus, and his face returns to it's usual thoughtful frown at the sight of the shattered sphere atop the staff.

'Cair, Any luck contacting these items? Can you sense if there are more buried?'

Setting the bracers next to Cair for company, Faindriac continues to dig as his mind works on the current problems.

'We need to find these weapons. We need to get out of here as soon as possible. BEFORE any more surprises or Templars show up! We need to find out who these invisible stalkers are that seemed to be so keen on clearing our path for us. I wonder if the same power that repaired Cair can be used to repair the staff?'

Faindriac blinks as he has a sudden image of replacing the shattered orb atop the staff with Cair, then grins, tight-lipped, as he continues to dig.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

search the dropped nobles for glinties and knivesies.



Aso wrote:
Aso pokes at it with his toe.

The rod replies, “I’m so much more than a “talking stick” little one. I separate the truth from the lies, by force if necessary.”

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
'Cair, Any luck contacting these items? Can you sense if there are more buried?'

How incredibly discerning! :)

Straining to the limit of its abilities, Cair is able to sense a dim pulse of verve from within the staff. There may be other items within the pools, but it is beyond his ability to detect them.

Shenker wrote:

search the dropped nobles for glinties and knivesies.

Though unarmed, the lesser nobles are well dressed (bloodied nobles outfits, sans expensive goodies). Among the scattered corpses is a smattering of gold and silver jewelry.

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

The way things are going, I assume the sword-wielding woman fell.

Skarsnikt stares in bewilderment at the azure rod. "Room undoubtedly cursed. Too many haunted item. Too many angry ghosts. Here good idea: we leave."

Skarsnikt wrote:
I assume the sword-wielding woman fell.

You are correct, Sir.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup
G'mork wrote:

Shenker wrote:

search the dropped nobles for glinties and knivesies.

Though unarmed, the lesser nobles are well dressed (bloodied nobles outfits, sans expensive goodies). Among the scattered corpses is a smattering of gold and silver jewelry.


wraps it in a scrap of a nobles' outfit and stuffs it in his gourd jock cup for safe keeping

"Jewels....next to m' jewels...hrrmmmm....SCHPUCKY!!!"

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik sneers at the daggers' fawning, half ego-drunk and half-pitying at their feeble manipulations.

"Enough. These weapons, what are their functions?"

Half-listening to their replies, the stone-skinned gladiator searches the area for some sort of better armor than the rotting mekillot plates he currently wears.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish chitters in thought for a moment, his antennae stretching to and fro. Reluctantly, he reaches into the bundle across his chitinous back and pulls out a garment and uses his lower arms to gather up the gythka in its folds. Holding the weapon securely in his lower arms, he rifles through the fallen womens' possessions with his other set.

"Suggestion: Skarsnikt one, Aso one, he struggles with Marada's name...Kkkk...nuh...Nurhada...one could not certain, not uncertain hold other talking hit-thing? This one think it good all in clutch hold one talking hit-thing each, no....he struggles....no....turn away...let others take, yes?

Conjecture: This one not like, not like at all. This one like less others take, use hurt this clutch or other clutch, though. Clutch can watch, uncertain, these things this way at least. Good?"

Zuko, seeing that the man is still alive, searches the man for any weapons. After that, he binds the man with any available material.

Aso helps clear out anything of value, including the box at the front desk.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Holdrus keeps digging out weapons if there are any to be found.

"Is someone g....g...going to t...t...t...take the t...t...talking w...w...weapons?"

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