Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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Male +1 Silver speed short sword

Maybe they fled through the hole with them? I don’t like the look of this.

Female +1 Mithral Parrying Bard’s Friend

Vanished Gods, I hope they aren’t in the mud. They’ll never come clean!

They appear to be nobles, beyond that you aren’t sure.

The small party bristles at the appearance of Sirroco, but relax visibly once Radik produces the black daggers. They look from one man to the other, than ask of Holdrus, “Are you here to help destroy that weapon? We had some difficulty hardening the pools.”

Zuko feels the need to take charge of the situation, "Alright! All of You lot raise all your hands so we can see them! We'll sort you out!"

Zuko gestures with the flame in his hand.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

No, I will destroy the weapon later. I have come to find the others though, where are they? There was some difficulties outside and I must be sure of their location. Quickly, before the invaders overtake us!
*Mentally* Follow my lead Scirocco and if you can mentally tell Gregale to follow that would be helpful. I won't allow any harm to come to you.*

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1
Radik Aurel wrote:

Radik's got a bad feeling about this. He raises his arms slightly, daggers clutched tightly in his fists. While staring malevolently into the room, he whispers to Faindraic.

"I don't like this at all."

"In that, at least, we are agreed." Faindriac whispers back.

"Keep your weapons ready, but silent." He whispers upon noting the others reactions to the blades, as Holdrus spins his yarn.

Following Holdrus' lead, Faindraic enters the room, his trademark frown and intelligent superiority in full force. (If still slightly less egotistical than than Radik)

'Cair, Tell Zuko that I said to stand ready, and follow my lead.'

Unseen to any of the others, his psicrytal in his carry bag begins to flash yellow in response as Faindriac places a calming hand on Zuko's shoulder.

'Done.' Comes the nearly instantaneous reply.

Faindriac pats Zuko's shoulder once more with a lessening of his frown, then turns his gaze upon the men in the room.

"Well of COURSE your having problems! What procedure are you using? Tell me you didn't listen to that imbecile,..." He looks back at the others, "It's a good thing we came ourselves."

He glares at the one who stated they were having problems. "Show me what your doing, so I can instruct you how to do it properly!" Without looking, he points to the other man. "You. Do as he says and help him secure the items." He barks, waving vaguely in Holdrus' direction. He walks over to the speaker.

"Proceed." He says, frowning.

Gregale Detect Psionics (at will), Marada uses this power now...

"Oh g...g...great. There are m...m...m...more."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Lady Dusk wrote:
Friend! We are friend, though not all of us can say the same.

"What is your meaning, Lady?"

<Aso is rethinking his choice to be among the bigjobs. He walks over to the Thri Kreens.>

"B...b...b...bigjobs: all c...c...crazy?"

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2
Aso wrote:

<Aso is rethinking his choice to be among the bigjobs. He walks over to the Thri Kreens.>

"B...b...b...bigjobs: all c...c...crazy?"

"Answer: Yes, all. Listen to talking hit-cut things. Not listen wise council. All not good in head."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Cept for ole Shenker though. He's still the same. Hrrmmm..."

Scowling at Holdrus as he brandishes Sirocco, the small crowd of people appears to be at a loss, muscles twitching slightly at Faindrac’s commands, but remaining in place as if rooted to the marble tiles. Uncertainly, they look Faindrac over as if searching for something.

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom


Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom


Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

“Not this one though, or the skinny man.”

Female +1 Mithral Parrying Bard’s Friend

Agreed Marada, enough of this foolishness.

A low hum radiates from the blade in Marada’s hand

I see the auras common to all Athasians, some of the items in your group glow as well. There is a faint sense of something buried in the mud of the pools, and a very strong aura…Marada…above us; Ambush!

Looking upwards, you see a robed figure clinging to the ceiling. Upside down, his hood peels back, revealing an exceptionally handsome half-elf male wearing a crown of silvery wrought metal of an unknown type. His hand already extends towards you, and with barely a word, flames rain down upon the party in two deadly columns (Scorching Ray (ranged touch) (1d20+3=10, 1d20+3=5)) before you can react.

(Just fyi, he’s out of range of any non-reach weapon atm)

Fortuitously, the man’s precarious position spares the group members from charbroiling, and the twin beams of scorching flame strike to either side of Zuko, who takes it as a clear sign of fire’s patronage.

Unfortunately, those in the hallway are not quite as blessed. You turn sharply as Issiki gasps, only to see a slender, grey blade protruding from his chest. Flecks of bloody foam speckle his lips as he looks about, confused. The blade slides back just as quickly, and the Halfling coughs, sighing something that sounds like “…wind…” before collapsing to the floor.

Behind him stand two women clad in finely tooled leather armor. The closest one is blonde, hook nosed, and wielding a gem gilded, thin short sword with a non-reflective surface spliced by a vein of silver metal, while behind her stands a tall, white-haired, well muscled woman holding a three food blue rod between her outstretched hands. As you watch, the rod transforms, becoming a razor sharp, deadly looking githka with blades of black iron. She grins, and you see your death in her eyes.

Back in the room, the small crowd tenses, preparing to spring as one and pile upon an unlucky group member.

Caster Init (1d20+7=25)
Women Init (1d20+2=3)
Sextet Init (1d20+1=15)

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

However unlikely, Radik doesn't seem to mind having left his club behind in the entrance hall. Something in the way he holds his daggers says that he won't be going back for it.

Radik crouches in a fighting stance, one of the black daggers held against his forearm, and the other held in position for throwing. The veins in the fighter's arms and neck throb with eldritch power as his eyes begin to take on their familiar violet glow. Radik's skin darkens alarmingly, taking on the appearance of case-hardened steel. The blades in his hands appear to meld with the fighter's flesh.

"I like this."

Initiative: +3. I assume we're using party initiative.

Also, how many daggers are there in total? What are the stats?

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

I got evasion and uncanny dodge; if I can save with that stuff, I roll 2+8=10reflex save #1 /13+8=21 reflex save#2.



Throw a bone dagger at spiderman wannabe. r11+7=18 damage r2+ 4(sneak damage if he is denied his dex due to crawling around on the ceiling like a freakazoid).

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Initiative 25 for Holdrus-
Holdrus' body flares with a deep red fire which ripples across his body for a moment before coalescing in his hands. He then moves to block the hole in wall so none can escape.
Standard action, activate Offensive Prescience. Move Action to block the exit.
"None shall escape from here! Your actions have sealed your fates and you shall pay with your lives!"
*Ready Scirocco? We need to kill them quickly so we can save your brethren.*

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
Radik Aurel wrote:

Initiative: +3. I assume we're using party initiative.

Also, how many daggers are there in total? What are the stats?

Click on the ladies, I believe they are regular daggers with the special abilities listed in each's profile. +1 returning daggers of vemon I believe. And I think you have 3 of them.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Holdrus Rippor wrote:
Radik Aurel wrote:

Initiative: +3. I assume we're using party initiative.

Also, how many daggers are there in total? What are the stats?

Click on the ladies, I believe they are regular daggers with the special abilities listed in each's profile. +1 returning daggers of vemon I believe. And I think you have 3 of them.

Righto, thanks.

Initiative 21

Did Issiki just die?

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

My initiative will be 22. I don't think Kirrish has used his metaphysical claw today, so I'll activate that on one of my claws and go after the white-haired lady with the gythka, assuming she is within a single move and I won't be subject to any attacks of opportunity from her crazy companion.

Kirrish emits a buzzing similar to a horny cicada from his throat as he barrels toward the white-haired woman.

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Faindraic's Init is 20

Faindriac observes the wild blasts with a sardonic smirk. He observes the appearance of the 2 women in the doorway and the murder of Issiki with a single, softly spoken word,...


At the same time the psicrystal flares into life, Faindriac's eyes flare with a silver light. In a heartbeat 5 now-familiar pale frosty missiles fly from him to smash into the nearest 5 figures.

My Inertial Armor is still up. Activate Energy Missile, I have lost count of the enemies. Target nearest 5 figures. Starting with the ones that we saw when we entered the room. Next the guy on the ceiling, then the ladies. Until I hit 5 targets. Fort Save vs DC:16 for half dmg.

Faindraic's dmg from energy missiles: (3d6 1=14, 3d6 1=9, 3d6 1=14, 3d6 1=10, 3d6 1=17)

Init 25; AC still at 17

Zuko bides his time. He watches for signs of spellcasting from the other side.

That's a Ready Action

At which point hurls a sheet of burning energy at them, hoping to disrupt their magic.

Ref DC 14 (4d4=8)

Converts one cure light wounds to burning hands

Gmork wrote:
blonde, hook nosed, and wielding a gem gilded, thin short sword.


Marada magic missles this one 1d4+1=4

Aso wrote:
Did Issiki just die?

Probably couldn’t hurt to check a pulse or something, but it sure looks that way from where you are.

Radik Aurel wrote:
I assume we're using party initiative.

You are correct, sir!

Radik Aurel wrote:
Also, how many daggers are there in total? What are the stats?

Three. You can check the stats by clicking on the profiles of any one of the three (they're identical).

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
assuming she is within a single move and I won't be subject to any attacks of opportunity from her crazy companion.

Technically, she's at the far end of the hall...but...whateva ;)

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
Target nearest 5 figures. Starting with the ones that we saw when we entered the room. Next the guy on the ceiling, then the ladies. Until I hit 5 targets.

The women are going to be LoS issues, but there are more than enough crowd targets to smack. What type of energy, btw?

Shenker wrote:
(sneak damage if he is denied his dex due to crawling around on the ceiling like a freakazoid).

Hmm, that's a good question. Not out of the realm of possibility; I can't believe that hasn't come up before...

Init 20+5=23

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1
G'Mork wrote:
The women are going to be LoS issues, but there are more than enough crowd targets to smack. What type of energy, btw?

sorry, "pale frosty-white missiles" would be the cold ones, that's why the save is Fort and not Ref. :)

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
sorry, "pale frosty-white missiles"

D'oh. That's what I get for skimming...

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

I'll move down the hallway after the lady, then, even if it isn't far enough. Seems like, between Holdrus, Radik, Faindriac and Shenker, everyone in the mud room is pretty well covered. Would I have space enough for a charge on my next turn?

I was just going to fudge it over with a move + attack action, but if you'd rather do it as a double move to set up a charge for next, we could do that too. When I get home from the laundrymat, I'll look up what action activating the claw is, that might factor into this round as well.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2
G'mork wrote:
I was just going to fudge it over with a move + attack action, but if you'd rather do it as a double move to set up a charge for next, we could do that too. When I get home from the laundrymat, I'll look up what action activating the claw is, that might factor into this round as well.

Well, metaphysical claw requires a standard action to manifest (whatever the heck that means), so I think I can just take a single move action this turn anyways.

Here's what I have so far:

Ka-Chik-Chik-Ka (pending)
Holdrus (manifesting + move / block (nice))
Shrenker (throwing)
Caster (probably dropping, attacking)
MalaKi (pending)
Zuko (Ready action for caster - might want to alter based on init)
Aso (pending)
Radik (readying knives, likely attacking)
Skarsnikt (pending)
Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik (manifesting + lining up a charge)
Faindrac (Blasting - AE cold)
Marada Bhelu'Ara (magic missile)
Group of 6 (will be grappling if they live)
Women (attacking)

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik bursts into action with the speed of a striking spinewurm. Lady Onyx flies from his right hand in a blur of blackened steel, aimed directly at the wall-crawling mage. Whirling about, he switches his grip on Lady Ebon with his left hand while drawing Lady Dusk from his belt. With a savage roar, he begins to advance on the pair of women in the hallway.

Attack: 13 + 7 = 20; damage: 1d4 + 5 = 7 damage plus poison (DC 14)

I don't quite know who I can charge or attack, here.

There was some general ambiguity in regards to which party members were in the room and which were in the hall, so I figured I would mostly let you decide in the first round and then map it out from there.

Rage. Aso is feeling extra sadistic after seeing Issiki go down. He charges the wimpiest dude he can see.

GuaaaaAAAAHHHHH! (Attack: 1d20+11=15, Damage: 1d8+4=11)

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

Chrirp, CAW, Shriek; "fire; I shall give yon elf fire for fire
<= fires an arrow :)
18+9 = 27; take that elf boy :)
pls roll damage for me; +2 str if applicable.

am thinking I am in the doorway guarding; can move to get a shot or fly up and hover to shoot the elf mage.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi will move to defend either Faindriac or Zuko, positioning himself between either man and the nearest opponent. He will ready an action to attack anyone who approaches.

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

And then I'm back from a week's work in San Francisco. SF's nice, but it's good to be home again.

As Issiki collapses and the leather-clad women appears out of nowhere, Skasnikt hisses in anger. "Gythka kreen weapon! Not for softskin! " The air fills with the smell of burning marsh cabbages as he pounces upon the white-haired assassin.

Tumbling past the blonde - check 12+6=18, touch attack on the gythka wielder: 13+5=AC 18, grapple check 13+9=22. Did we agree on any kreen multi-arm bonus on grappling, BTW?

Ka-Chik fires an arrow into the covert caster, and the projectile buries itself up to the fletching in the man’s outstretched palm, educing a yelp of pain.

Rainbow light, ectoplasmic leakage from the astral plane, seeps from Holdrus as a shimmering field of force surrounds the large mul. Moving into position in front of the door, his frame fills the entryway, barring access to the room from inside the compound.

Shenker flips his dagger at the hooded half-elf stuck to the ceiling, cutting a long furrow into his arm, and unsticking him from the ceiling. With a subtle tearing noise, the man plummets atop the party. Reaching out to clasp Shenker’s shoulder as a support, the man manages to keep himself mostly upright (Dex Check (1d20+1=19)). As he does so, silver light streams from Shenker’s shoulder and up the man’s arm to the crown atop his head. Shenker feels a drain of vitality, as if his soul was being wreched out by the man’s grip (Con Drain (1d6=3)). Simultaneously, coruscating colors and a soothing monotone begins to pulse from the crown. A feminine voice croons, “Run away” to Zuko and Shenker, and for no reason you can fathom, her request just sounds so…reasonable (HypnotismDC 14 will save negates, you are in combat, so add a +2 bonus to your saves) .

MalaKi wheels next to Faindrac, flanking the man and providing him with additional cover for his casting, while Zuko, attempting to disrupt the half-elf’s spell, drenches the party with flame, catching the caster, MalaKi, Faindrac, and Shenker in the confines of his spell. Using Shenker as a shield, the man avoids most of the damage (Reflex Save (1d20+2=14)).

Throwing himself into the small crowd with abandon, Aso engages one of the nobles, but his frenzy renders his strikes impotent, and the small man’s fists rail ineffectually on the chest of the closest devotee. Radik looses a black dagger, to Lady’s Onyx’s shrill cry of “Wrong target, Radik!” (I’d do an ego check, but she’s already poisoned (you, in fact, checks are still upcoming for secondary) for the day). The dagger pierces the man’s chest, possibly hitting a lung, as he gasps for air, looking severely wounded.

Ephemeral Thri-Kreen speech surrounds Kirrish momentarily, then dissipates as he brushes passed Holdrus and readies himself to charge Issiki’s murderer, as Faindrac rains bitter death upon the disciples (Fort. Saves (1d20+7=8, 1d20+7=14, 1d20+7=19, 1d20+7=18, 1d20+7=19). Rolling every which way to avoid the brunt of the chill, two of the faithful are not quick enough, and suffer severe frostbite.

Marada fires a screaming bolt of pure energy at the sword-wielding woman, striking her shoulder and leaving a burning hole of flesh in the middle of which the bone of her shoulder blade is now partially visible. Taking advantage of the magical distraction, Skarsnikt tumbles passed the blonde woman, just barely missing a stray kick, and latches on to the dual weapon wielder with his inexorable grasp (Opposed Grapple (1d20+3=9) I’m semi-ok with the multi-arm bonus, but leery as the grapple bonus is already crazy, lol ).

Recovering quickly, the small group splits in two, one half pouncing upon Aso, the other upon Faindrac (Grapple Aso (11); Grapple Faindrac (25), +2 on each for multiple; Unarmed Damage (1d3=3) if success) Faindrac also receives a bonus for MalaKi being there).

Whirling about, the shorter of the two women stabs at the Kreen holding her companion (Melee (1d20+6=19)), barely missing the insect man as he grapples with the heavily muscled foe. The second women bellows with fury, long, pale hair whipping behind her as she throws her head from side to side, muscles in her neck stretching to the limit as she attempts to throw off Skarsnikt (Rage, Grapple Check (1d20+5=19)) – need another opposed check from you when you can, Skar)

"Take that b$&&*!"

Mappity Map.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

wil save r8+3+2=13.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"I'm gone from this place."

Shenker beats feet.

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