Spelling and Grammar

RPG Superstar™ 2008 General Discussion

RPG Superstar specifies that correct spelling and grammar is required.

There are variations in spelling between English and American.

Will that matter?

Do submissions require American spellings of words?

Dedicated Voter Season 6

For the Gamemastery Open Call at least, anyone reaching the second round or later had to use the American spellings and was recommended to use them for the first round as well.

Does that help at all?

Cat Daemon wrote:
Does that help at all?

Thanks! That does help.

Now I have to install an american spellchecker!

There's some irony in that title.

Ragwaine wrote:
There's some irony in that title.

I may not have proof read the original post.

And I may have corrected it so no one would notice the mistakes.

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

My suggestion is that you use the spelling and grammar as found in the published version of the rules and in the SRD. You may also want to check the various Paizo publications and see how they do things with grammar and spelling, since in the end the winner will be getting a contract to write a product for Paizo.

Am I going to ding a submission because of the British spelling of "armour," probably not. But I will ask myself, why is this person creating editorial issues that no one needs to deal with? This is not a "write it however you want" contest. This is a professional submission for a publisher to be a writer for a game company. You should expect to use the language, style, grammar and spelling as appears in the products of the official game generally and that company specifically.

Sorry Pagan, I was just being an ass, you caught it.

Ragwaine wrote:
Sorry Pagan, I was just being an ass, you caught it.

No problem. You made a valid point. If I can't check the spelling on a short post then what chance do I have with a 200 word magical item?

Cat Daemon wrote:
For the Gamemastery Open Call at least, anyone reaching the second round or later had to use the American spellings and was recommended to use them for the first round as well.

However, no such stipulation or recommendation was made for the RPG Superstar contest. I find it very hard to believe that the judges would penalise you in any way for using British spelling.

The 8th Pagan wrote:

No problem. You made a valid point. If I can't check the spelling on a short post then what chance do I have with a 200 word magical item?

Yea but most people around here are worried about being judged on their posts. I'm sure you'll spend more time on your entry.

Ragwaine wrote:
Yea but most people around here are worried about being judged on their posts. I'm sure you'll spend more time on your entry.

Judge me by my post, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Post, and a powerful ally it is.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Callum wrote:
However, no such stipulation or recommendation was made for the RPG Superstar contest. I find it very hard to believe that the judges would penalise you in any way for using British spelling.

If it came down to two competing entries, which were equally compelling in all other ways...and yet one used American grammar and the other used British, I think it would make for a convenient excuse for the judges to choose the one that matches the eventual publication style evident in everything else Paizo produces. In essence, an RPG Superstar should be able to know what the final product should look like...and therefore submit an entry that would match it.

But that's just my two-cents,

Dedicated Voter Season 6

Callum wrote:

However, no such stipulation or recommendation was made for the RPG Superstar contest. I find it very hard to believe that the judges would penalise you in any way for using British spelling.

True, true. I tend to think on the basis of: same company + same eventual product = same guidelines.

But maybe that's just me.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

We're not going to hose anyone for using British spellings.

Crappy items, on the other hand...

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