Realms of Umbria - Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Realms of Umbria

...And here's the discussion thread for our game, for throwing around Character ideas and questions, in short all things OOC.

For those of you considering demihuman races, feel free to use any of the sub-races shown in that race's monster listing

Once you've got you concept more-or-less fleshed out, please have your character 'sound off' in the format below.


I'm re-posting the character creation details here.

Looking for 4-5 non-evil characters, Level 6
Character Creation: 32-Point Buy, starting gold: 10,000gp (no more than 4k on any one item)
Sources: DMG, PHB 1 & 2, Complete series and
Hit points: Full HD at 1st and 2nd lvl., then use these average hp (d4=3, d6=4, d8=5, d10=6, d12=7) for the remaining levels. If however you'd like to take your chances, feel free to roll.

Sheets: We'll use profile alias here since they're so handy.
Dice Rolls: Invisible castle

(Torillan's character)

Name: Christoph Buhrer
Race/Class: Male Human Fighter 2/Rogue 4
Appearance: Bald, tall, well muscled. Moves like a tiger.
Background: <work in progress>

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Sometimes) Gamer/Writer/Husband

If you're still looking for players, I have an idea for a Halfling Monk (using at least some of the racial subs from Races of the Wild) bouncing around in my head that I'd like to try.

Can anyone say - Halfling Monk skirmish ability combined with Flying Kick feat? That would be fun. Plus, they're natural acrobats, so, thief-acrobat anyone?

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3

I'll post my character in the morning...

Just thought I would mention that I won't be online much at all next week as my family will be traveling and I won't have a connection.

male Human Cleric/6

Name: Mortimer "Mort" Timos (Archlich)
Race/Class:Male, Human, LN, Cleric 6
Appearance: Black, shaved head. He has a serious demeanour. He smiles politely but it rarely touches his eyes.
Background (part 1):


I started my life in a simple manner. I worked at home even as a child and then later in the fields. I was the youngest of three children. My father ran the local adventurers shop so I would watch with excitement when the heroes would come to my father’s store to buy supplies (paying in gold!) and check the board that my father had up in his shop. My mother was a local washer woman and disapproved of me spending time around adventurers. My father taught me my letters but it was my mother that got me my job in the fields. Now my mother loved me dearly but she always seemed very concerned about the “corrupting influences of the sordid grave looters”.

Our small town of Boarsgrove, so named for the population of local pigs, grew slowly in wealth as my childhood years went by. Jonus left for a year when he turned 16 to learn the art of trading with a caravan master who knew my father. My sister, Frya, blossomed into a beautiful woman. She was wooed by different suitors but eventually married a merchant who was a very minor noble. She moved away to live with him of course.

When I was 16 some adventurers warned our town of an attack by some raiders. The adventurers said they were going to attack the raider’s camp but we should be ready if they didn’t stop them all. The town marshalled its defences and I was drafted into the militia. We waited and waited and then our dread became manifest as dusk came down on the town so too did the raiders. Humans and goblinoids charged. The battle was ugly and we were inexperienced but we were defending our homes. If you go to Boarsgrove you can see the memorial with the names of the fallen... including my grandfather, Ciree. As I was told, I was but a hairsbreadth from joining those on that list. I had taken a poisoned barbed goblin arrow high in my chest. I had a high fever and was in a coma for a week. When I awoke it took me another week to be on my feet. My wounds healed eventually but something in me had changed. I had strange dreams that would first only take me at night but later in the day as well. People believed I had been taken by a black mood but my mind simply could not get beyond the idea of death. Later I realized the dreams were in fact visions given to me by Death herself.

That is how I came on to the path of my life. I am now a cleric of Valdis the Goddess of Death. I adventured for a while with some fellows who travelled through our area. We did the normal things, killing goblins, hunting wayward orcs and even we once took down a dire elk. The elk’s head we gave to a local lord, I believe his name was Temer Hansol, as a trophy and to this day it still hangs in his halls. Though I hear he tells the tale that he killed it on a hunt.

Later I took up with the “Grim Quartet”. I never liked the name and they never explained why there were five of them… but I digress. With them I learned the usefulness of always carrying rope, a pole, a source of fire and antitoxin.



Mortimer "Mort" Timos
Male Human Cleric 6
Lawful Neutral
Representing Archlich
Strength 12 (+1)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 17 (+3)
Charisma 14 (+2)
Size: Medium
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 180 lb
Skin: Light
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black; Wavy; Average Beard

Domains: Death & War
Energy: Positive [Healing / Turns Undead]
Total Hit Points: 42
Speed: 30 feet
Armour Class: 17=10+5 (+1 chain shirt) +1 (ring of protection) +1 Dexterity
Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 16
Initiative modifier: +5 = +1 [dexterity] +4 [improved initiative]
Fortitude save: +7 = 5 [base] +1 [constitution] +1 [cloak of resistance]
Reflex save: +4 = 2 [base] +1 [dexterity] +1 [cloak of resistance]
Will save: +9 = 5 [base] +3 [wisdom] +1 [cloak of resistance]
Attack (handheld): +5 = 4 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +5 = 4 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (missile): +5 = 4 [base] +1 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +5 = 4 [base] +1 [strength]

Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag: 43 lb. or less
44-86 lb.
87-130 lb.
130 lb.
260 lb.
650 lb.

Languages: Common, Celestial, Orc
[to hit: +5, Damage: 1d4+1, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]
[to hit: +5, Damage: 1d8+1, crit x2, 6 lb, one-handed, bludgeoning]
Light Crossbow
[to hit: +5, Damage: 1d8, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 80 ft., 4 lb, piercing]
[to hit: +5, Damage: 1d6+1, crit x2, range inc 30 ft., 2 lb, piercing]
[to hit: +7, Damage: 2d4+2, crit x4, 10 lb., two-handed, piercing or slashing, +1 magical weapon]
Improved Initiative
Discipline of the Sun [spend two turn checks to destroy instead of turn]
Quicken Turning [turn check as a free action]
Reach Spell [touch spells can be used as 30’ reach spell]
Weapon Focus Scythe
Weapon Focus [war domain, sect weapon]
Skill Name Key
Ability Skill
Modifier Ability
Modifier Ranks Misc.
Appraise Int 1 = +1
Balance Dex* 0 = +1 -1
Bluff Cha 2 = +2
Climb Str* 0 = +1 -1
Concentration Con 9 = +1 +8
Craft_Sculpting Int 2 = +1 +1
Craft_2 Int 1 = +1
Craft_3 Int 1 = +1
Diplomacy Cha 6 = +2 +4
Disguise Cha 2 = +2
Escape Artist Dex* 0 = +1 -1
Forgery Int 1 = +1
Gather Information Cha 2 = +2
Heal Wis 5 = +3 +2
Hide Dex* 0 = +1 -1
Intimidate Cha 2 = +2
Jump Str* 1 = +1
Knowledge (arcana) Int 3 = +1 +2
Knowledge (history) Int 3 = +1 +2
Knowledge (religion) Int 7 = +1 +6
Knowledge (planes) Int 2 = +1 +1
Listen Wis 6 = +3 +3
Move Silently Dex* 0 = +1 -1
Perform_1 Cha 2 = +2
Perform_2 Cha 2 = +2
Perform_3 Cha 2 = +2
Perform_4 Cha 2 = +2
Perform_5 Cha 2 = +2
Ride Dex 1 = +1
Search Int 1 = +1
Sense Motive Wis 3 = +3
Spellcraft Int 5 = +1 +4
Spot Wis 6 = +3 +3
Survival Wis 3 = +3
Swim Str** -1 = +1 -2
Use Rope Dex 1 = +1
* = check penalty for wearing armor

Know Religion >=5 ranks gives +2 on turn/rebuke the undead.

Zero-level Cleric spells: 5 per day

First-level Cleric spells: 4 (3+1) per day +1 from a domain:

Second-level Cleric spells: 4 (3+1) per day +1 from a domain:

Third-level Cleric spells: 3 (2+1) per day +1 from a domain:

Extra feat at first level (already included)
Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)
Alignment Aura

Spontaneous Casting (heal)

Turn Undead (5x/day)

High wisdom gains bonus spells daily

Domain choices give additional abilities

Mortimer "Mort" Timos's Equipment:

Darkvision Potion
Hide from Undead x2
Hide from Animals x2
Cure Light Wounds x4
Quaal’s Feather Token- swanboat

+1 chain shirt
+1 scythe
Ring of sustenance
Ring of protection +1
Cloak of resistance +1
Wand of cure light wounds (50 charges left)

Javelin x3
Light Crossbow
Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x1
Manacles x1
Rope (50', silk) x1
Signet ring
Holy symbol (wooden)
Spell component pouch
Alchemists Fire
Tinder Twig x5
Flint & Steel

42 lbs of weight



Family tree

Dakerious (Father)
Worla (Mother)
Jonus (Brother, Eldest Child)
Frya (Sister, Middle Child)
Archabold (Grandfather)
Ciree (Grandmother)
Mortimer (Father’s Brother)

? (Grandfather)
? (Grandmother)

Possible Adventure Hooks:
-Freya (his sister) is in an abusive relationship and sends a secret missive to her family for help.
-His mother’s family was never talked about because her father was actually part of a thief’s guild and she never wanted her family to be involved in dishonest business.
-His brother secretly resents Mortimer’s freedom but is having supply problems. He needs Mortimer to talk to his supplier in the city and deal with the problem.

Code of Discipline:
Meditate on death and dying for ½ hour each day.
Be polite and respectful even at the worst.
Explain the afterlife to those that ask or to those that fear death.
Send those marked to the next realm without mercy or malicious.
Track and destroy those that try and cheat death. (The largest offenders are wizards, vampires, liches, etc.)
Follow the law of the land unless the lands law conflicts with god’s law.
Valdis’ word is law, her church’s word is law, a superior (higher level) clerics word is law.
To touch a cleric of Valdis is the same offence as touching Valdis. To harm a cleric of Valdis is the same as trying to harm Valdis.

Male Human-ish Commoner 2/ Monk 5/ Rogue 2

How's that?

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3
ArchLich wrote:
How's that?

Are you belonging then to a branch of the Cult of the Morning Bane?

Male Human-ish Commoner 2/ Monk 5/ Rogue 2

Actually I was thinking of it more being a cleric of the Grim Reaper herself. I don't know if this would fit within a specific religious group (specifically the CULT OF THE MORNING BANE). Maybe be a strange and misunderstood loner?

Name: Gaius Octavian Cicero
Race/Class: LN Human Male Diviner 5/Sorcerer 1
Appearance: Gaunt, long-haired, dark-eyed... Gaius is a proud son of Rema [instead of Rome].
Background: [stats and background still working on them]

Male Nathri Rogue 2.

Here's a proper concept:

Name: Tillaren 'Till' Tumblefoot. (Tillaren the Tremendous of the Tumblefoot Trio is his 'stage name' - see below for relevance)
Race/Class: Halfling Monk (Using Halfling Monk Racial Subs). There may also be a level of Rogue involved (with the appropriate 'Ascetic' feat).
Appearance: If the 'maturity' didn't give away, you'd think he was a very muscular young boy. He had dark hair, dark eyes, and wears loose comfortable clothing and a pair of soft leather boots. A pair of leather gloves hang from his belt.
Concept/Background: My basic idea was to make Halflings like gypsies... He comes from a caravan of 'gypsies' that are more like acrobats, and who take their art very seriously. If you asked him, he would not call himself a monk. This is more of a concept than a background, but you get that. This is PsionicFox, btw.

EDIT: Of course, I think I'm a latecomer, so if you're all full up on your numbers, I'm happy to bow out.

Well, not 'happy' to...but I'm willing.

ArchLich wrote:
Actually I was thinking of it more being a cleric of the Grim Reaper herself. I don't know if this would fit within a specific religious group (specifically the CULT OF THE MORNING BANE). Maybe be a strange and misunderstood loner?

It could be a transplanted faith from Europe, wouldn't have too many adherents in Umbria...and probably would be interpreted differently by different groups. The Druids might believe Valdis to be an aspect of nature...Morning Bane cultists might believe Mortimer is an apostate member of their own cult.

BTW, kudos for including potential hooks.
Above and beyond, ArchLich. Above and beyond. I'll place Boarsgrove on the regional edge of Anglest, the region where Lukasport is located.

Reporting in so far...
Gaius Octavian Cicero, Reman arcanist
Christoph Buhrer, Germanian fighter/rogue
Mortimer "Mort" Timos, Umbrian Cleric of Death

-- In addition to common and whatever racial bonus languages you choose, you will have a regional bonus language for your birth nation.

A note about me as a DM, I do appreciate character hooks and background details. Also, without blatant spotlighting I do like to give each character a place to in the best ensemble fiction.

Oh, PsionicFox...I'll keep you on a wait list as we're currently full up, but I'd have to look into the racial subs, as I don't have the Races of books. I do like the gypsy Halfling idea....

Tomorrow I'll be posting some detail on Lukasport and the surrounding region.

Male Nathri Rogue 2.
The Archivist wrote:

Oh, PsionicFox...I'll keep you on a wait list as we're currently full up, but I'd have to look into the racial subs, as I don't have the Races of books. I do like the gypsy Halfling idea....

No problem, I totally understand. And if you're unsure on those racial subs, I can always write them up verbatim. You have no idea how often I've done that for DM's.

If not I could always scan them and put them on photobucket for you or something...

Male Human (Northerlander) Storm Druid 5/Stormlord 1

Name: Imbolc Talorcan
Race/Class: Male Human (Northerlander) Druid 5/Stormlord 1
Appearance: Big and solid, with tanned, weathered skin and bushy, wild hair and beard. Deepset grey eyes encircled by blue Pictish tattoos.
Background: (Forthcoming)

I'll be working on the character today - will post more details when I have 'em.


Male Human Fighter 4/Rogue 2

Cpt . Samuel Erik Wychban, ret.

Lawful Good Male Human Fighter 4/Rogue 2

Size 5'11
Age 43

Occupation: Bowmaker, retired soldier, adventurer


Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

AC:20 (+4 dex, +4 armor, +2 shield)
BAB/Grapple: +5/+6
Initiative: +8
HP: 54
Saves:(Unmodified): Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1

Ranged Attack: +11 (1d8+4 20/x3 +1 Comp Longbow +2 str)
Melee Attack: +7 (1d8+1 19-20/x2 Mstwk Longsword) or +6 (1d8+1 20/x2 heavy mace)

Feats: Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (Longbow), Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Quick Draw, Weapon Specialization (Longbow)

Special: Sneak Attack +1d6, Evasion, Trap Search

Skills: (unmodified) Climb +9, Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Spot +6, Listen +6, Search +5, Open Locks +5, Craft (Bow) +9, Knowledge (Religion) +3, Gather Info +5, Craft Cook +6, Ride +4, Jump 4

Equipment: +1 Comp. longbow +2 str, Handy Haversack, Gloves of Dexterity, Mstwk Longsword, Mstwk Chain Shirt, Mstwk Steel Shield, 10 cold iron arrows, 10 silvered arrows, 40 arrows, supplies to craft another 200 arrows, Heavy mace, 10 sunrods, 20 tindertwigs, 2 tanglefoot bags, 4 flasks holy water, 10 oils, silvered dagger, throwing dagger, silver holy symbol, extra outfit, pound soap, 5 sacks, 10 candles, 2 sets caltrops, 2 winter blankets, 20' twine, 5 bells, bedroll, Iron Pot, cooking knife, belt pouch, shovel, sledge, hooded lantern, whetstone, waterskin, 10 pieces chalk, crowbar, 100' silk rope, grappling hook, sledge, tent, thieves tools

Money: 90 gp, 1 sp, 8 cp

Encumbrance: 70 lbs when carrying all his equipment.
Speed: 20 feet

A widowed father of two, Samuel no longer moves quite as fast as he used to, but his skill with the bow is still formidable. He retired three years ago from a military life spent in service to various congregations and officials in the Way of the Embracing Sun, and thought to settle down to the fletchery business. But he has recently been feeling restless.

Samuel's career as a soldier in service of God was quite active and he campaigned in Europa and as far east as Palestine. He also, however, found time for family and his wife and two sons traveled with him from place to place. When he finally retired, his sons were old enough to pursue their own careers and he looked forward to many years spent with his wife Trishia. But it was not to be. Two years ago Trishia contracted the wasting disease and soon died. As much as anything, this has caused Samuel to rethink his decision to lead a sedentary life as a bowmaker. Three weeks ago, after much prayer and correspondance with his sons, he quit the building he had been leasing and began looking for adventuring opportunities.

Samuel's oldest son, Jacob Samuelson, is a priest in the church of the Morning Son and his youngest son, William Samuelson, has taken up the military life in the capital.

Dark Archive

To The Archivist: Would I be correct in assuming that Rema (Rome) lost the war with Carthrage and is now merely a protectorate?

Male Human Fighter 4/Rogue 2

Appearance: Samuel is a tall, thin man with a brown hair, spotted with some grey. He generally sports a beard and keeps his hair cut short.

I noticed I forgot to include on possessions 6 potions of cure light wounds.

SargonX wrote:
I'll be working on the character today - will post more details when I have 'em.

ooooh a Stormlord…coolest PrC name I think.

Radavel wrote:
To The Archivist: Would I be correct in assuming that Rema (Rome) lost the war with Carthrage and is now merely a protectorate?

Yes, Remans still manage a good bit of pride at how long the city held against the Carthaginians and their allies on the Italian peninsula. Carthaginian military presence has increased in the aftermath of a horrible, bloody barbaric invasion from the East, led by Morning Bane cultists.

Torillan, this invasion would have touched Germania as well.

Wicht wrote:

I'll post my character in the morning...

Just thought I would mention that I won't be online much at all next week as my family will be traveling and I won't have a connection.

Looks good, and thanks for the heads up.

The adventurers…
Gaius Octavian Cicero, Reman arcanist
Christoph Buhrer, Germanian fighter/rogue
Mortimer "Mort" Timos, Umbrian Cleric of Death
Cpt . Samuel Erik Wychban, Umbrian Bowman (retired)
Imbolc Talorcan, Northerlander Stormlord

I'll post the promised Lukasport regional details in a bit...

Male Human (Northerlander) Storm Druid 5/Stormlord 1

Finally done with my character, including background (and glad to see playing a stormlord is ok - I agree, it is one of the coolest PrC names). The rest of my character stats can be found in my profile.

Name: Imbolc Talorcan
Race/Class: Male Human (Northerlander) Druid 5/Stormlord 1
Appearance: Big and solid (6’4”, 250 lbs), with tanned, weathered skin and bushy, wild hair, beard, and eyebrows. Deepset grey eyes encircled by blue Pictish tattoos.
Background: Imbolc is a foundling; 27 years ago, an itinerant druid named Kenneth mac Eofur was patrolling the border between the Northerlands and Pictsland when he came across the site of a massacre. Apparently, an orc raiding party had sacked a small border village, killing all of the inhabitants save one: a baby boy with eyes the grey of a storm-laden sky, bawling from beneath the slain body of his mother. He was obviously Pictish, for he had already been marked with the first of his tribal tattoos: whorls of bright blue around his eyes. Kenneth rescued the boy, returned the village to nature with purifying flame, and returned himself to the relative safety of the Northerlands.

Imbolc grew up as a foster child in one of the druid-friendly Northerlander clans. Kenneth did not stay to raise him, leaving that to the clan, but appeared regularly in the midst of his wanderings to check on Imbolc, such that the boy came to view him an always-welcome (though seldom-seen) favorite uncle. Although the Northerlanders considered Imbolc blood and kin, his Pictish markings and, as he grew older, his increasingly large size, set him apart from the other children of the clan. He began spending more and more of his time in the wilderness, learning the ways of nature. When he finally came of age, Kenneth was happy to take the young Imbolc under his wing once more and initiate him into the mysteries of the Order of Druids.

After 6 years, Imbolc took leave of his Master and began wandering the wilds of Umbria alone. One night, while traveling across a vast moor, Imbolc was caught in a fierce storm. Lashed by the elements, he made for the one bit of shelter he could find, a small copse of trees. Just as he reached the trees, however, he was struck senseless by a bolt of lightning. Coming to his senses some time the next day, Imbolc was surprised to find himself alive, a fact made more miraculous by the results of the storm: the copse of trees had been shattered into splinters, and the ground scoured of vegetation and soil as far as the eye could see. Realizing he had not only seen but also survived nature’s most powerful forces, he decided to dedicate his life to harnessing those forces himself. Later that day, in a hollow between two boulders, he found a bedraggled wolf pup that had somehow survived the storm too. Nursing her back to health, Imbolc christened her Moira, and she became his animal companion.

Possible hooks:

Imbolc and his Master, Kenneth, are both members of a secret society of human druids who believe that everyone (but particularly humans) should have access to the Sacred Grove, not just the elves. To this end, Imbolc is always searching for information about the location of the Sacred Grove or secret ways into Gallowfae.

Imbolc, in his quest to harness the power of the storm, is keenly interested in any item or spell that mimics that power, such as shock, electricity, thunder, etc.

There may be some additional meaning behind the Pictish tattoos around Imbolc's eyes.

Imbolc could be on any mission given to him by his Master, Kenneth.

male Human Cleric/6

My character will also be looking for a job as he is pretty much broke. And by "pretty much" I mean "is". So he will be hanging out in bars, supply shops, checking with the city guards, and following rumours he hears.

Also is there some way (by spell, ritual or otherwise) that he can receive visions of people his god has marked? It would add cool flavour and would make easy hooks for you (the DM).

And for everyone else here is assurance that he will not be a stick in the mud nor try to kill you, your friends or your dog. In fact he likes animals... especially puppies.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3
Mortimer Timos wrote:
And for everyone else here is assurance that he will not be a stick in the mud nor try to kill you, your friends or your dog. In fact he likes animals... especially puppies.

I didn't get enough sleep last night, so my brain keeps jumping here and there. I was rereading your character story and I suddenly pictured Muerte from the Dennis Quaid movie Undercover Blues and heard Dennis saying, "Hey honey... It's Marty again!"

If you haven't seen the movie its one of my guilty pleasures.

Male Nathri Rogue 2.

Looks like I'm not going to be getting any love so far...


Almost done! I have a few more details to work out. I work overnights so I sleep during the day, and I've been sick with a cold for a bit.

But I will have him finished soon. :-)

Till Tumblefoot wrote:

Looks like I'm not going to be getting any love so far...


Oh, dang it PsionicFox! You're gonna make me cry...

Cristoph Buhrer wrote:

Almost done! I have a few more details to work out. I work overnights so I sleep during the day, and I've been sick with a cold for a bit.

But I will have him finished soon. :-)

Got ya, remember, drink plenty of fluids.



Population: 40,000
Politics: Mageocracy
Growing out of the village of Lukas (c. AD 300), Lukasport has spread from a few homesteads along the deepwater coast, to a bustling city of travellers, tradesmen and scholars.

The most impressive structure in the city is the Keep of Knowledge, the headquarters of the The Order of Mímisbrunnr. It is a minor fortress of whited walls that gleam on sunny days, and with three towers of equal height.

The head of the order is the half-elvish Syndar Lirem’Syl, a wizard of great skill who is known for eschewing the historically public aspects of his post and spends most of his time in the bowels of The Keep.

The head of the city council is Rhea Dillon, a successful merchant who owns a number of ships. She is one on three non-arcanists on the city council. The other seven are wizards, and only two of them are not members of the Order of Mímisbrunnr.

The Captain of the Guard is Tor Gamlin, who is notable for his vigilance and foresight, that despite the fact that he is missing his left eye.

The city has a few distinct districts:

Syrenfall District Syrenfall was developed to commemorate the Lukasport’s 500th anniversary. At its center is a lavish walking garden with an ornate water fountain that feeds a brook that cycles through the garden. Outside the north end of the garden is a public stage where bards and troubadours sing and tell their tales late into the night.

The surrounding shops, taverns and inns are all high quality (and not all of them expensive...), and frequented by adventurers and those who need them, or simply like to be around them. There are seating areas and plazas that radiate beyond the central businesses, all patrolled by Guardsmen, and reportedly the stealthy Veiled Guards.

The notably unremarkable building that houses the city council can be found in this district.

Laerad District The district that houses The Keep of Knowledge. Schools both magic and mundane can be found here, in-between shops selling magical wares and exotic materials and arts from all over the world.

Sifford District The walled district that houses the wealthiest families in Lukasport, and on Sifford Hill, the local noble: Duke Piers Umber, keeps a mansion, although he seldom stays there.

The Front District Named after it's iconic street, Front St., The Front is where the docks and warehouses are located. A couple of cheap watering holes as well, if you're tough enough you can actually find an honest card-game here...the regulars don't suffer cheats for long.

Helmhand District Not far from The Front, Helmhand is named after the rich sailing merchant responsible for many of the districts buildings. Many business fronts and merchant-class homes. The financial backbone of Lukasport.

Bledston Corners Once an affluent district where wealthy merchants competed with the ornate architecture of their townhouses, Bledston suffered riots during the brief famine that followed the Blight of Estervale to the West. The wealthy fled the district, which is now home to refugees and off casts of every race. This is a high crime area where the City Guard holds post outside to keep the worst of the rabble in.

Coming up next...bogs, and fens and mist-shrouded woodlands...

Male Nathri Rogue 2.
The Archivist wrote:

Oh, dang it PsionicFox! You're gonna make me cry...

*grins* that's the plan! Invitation by guilt-trip, lol. Seriously though, I'm happy to wait on the list until someone drops out. The nature of the concept is such that he can turn up virtually anywhere, and not have it break the game world or belief of the players.

To the Archivist: I have no objections if you will allow PsionicFox in the game. If this is a democracy, he has my vote. If this is any other system of government, who do we have to bribe to get him in?

To PsionicFox: How are you there in Australia?

I'll finish Gaius' background and stats later. There is a rough sketch of his stats in his profile.

Male Nathri Rogue 2.
Gaius Octavian Cicero wrote:
To the Archivist: I have no objections if you will allow PsionicFox in the game. If this is a democracy, he has my vote. If this is any other system of government, who do we have to bribe to get him in?

Or invitation by bribery, that works too! :P

Gaius Octavian Cicero wrote:

To PsionicFox: How are you there in Australia?

Busy - work is pissing me off. Having to liase with idiots is giving me the s@*~s.

EDIT: Thanks for the vote Gaius.

Name: Gaius Octavian Cicero
Race/Class: LN Human Male Diviner 5/Sorcerer 1
Appearance: Gaunt, long-haired, dark-eyed... Gaius is a proud son of Rema.
Background: Seer, philosopher, freedom fighter.

To the Archivist: For your consideration. Note that Gaius replaced his summon familiar ability with various alternative class features. If you need more detail the background, just let me know.

Male Human Fighter 4/Rogue 2

Nice work Radavel. I like the freedomfighter aspect of the character.

Just one question out of curiosity... how do you get a +17 in knowledge history? Does PHII (which I haven't read) allow that in knowledges or am I missing a feat?

Samuel Wychban wrote:
Just one question out of curiosity... how do you get a +17 in knowledge history? Does PHII (which I haven't read) allow that in knowledges or am I missing a feat?

Nice catch, that's supposed to be Knowledge (history) +7. Fixed it already.

male Human Cleric/6

I'm really liking how the group is forming up.
I like the druid, very classic norse woodsman.
And the retired bowman is a sweet concept (so much rp and story potential).
A freedom fighter archoligist works well together. "I know history and I won't let it happen again!" or even "I know what secrets you have tried to keep buried" :P
I don't know much about the fighter yet but the hints at "prowling predatory instincts" (cat like movements) brings good things to mind (for a fighter rogue that is). I think I'll start part 2 of my background now to expand my characters human side because he reads like a on off mental patient at the moment :P

male Human Cleric/6

Updated my profile.
Edited his code of honor & family tree slightly.
Removed 2 cure light wounds (+100gp) bought an alchemist fire and took the rest as money as to not be completely broke. But previous post on what he will be doing still applies. (No need not to make the start up harder.)

Oh and as a side note Ill be doing up the write up on Boarsgrove (if you don't mind/would like it).

Male Human-ish Commoner 2/ Monk 5/ Rogue 2
Mortimer Timos wrote:

But previous post on what he will be doing still applies. (No need not to make the start up harder.)

Ahhh... what I meant is lets make it as easy as possible.

Mortimer Timos wrote:

Oh and as a side note Ill be doing up the write up on Boarsgrove (if you don't mind/would like it).

Wouldn't mind at all, looking forward to it.

And, yes, I'm liking the group as well.
Good background on Gaius, in particular like the bit on the Egyptian expedition. Good backgrounds all around, nice touches to Imbolc...I love the idea of Human druids wanting access to the Sacred Grove. I like the slightly somber tone of the retired/widowed captain. Mortimer's unique walk is good, too. I'll get back to you about that 'death sight' idea...

The adventurers…
Gaius Octavian Cicero, Reman arcanist (Radavel)
Christoph Buhrer, Germanian fighter/rogue (Torillan)
Mortimer "Mort" Timos, Umbrian Cleric of Death (Archlich)
Cpt. Samuel Erik Wychban, Umbrian Bowman (retired) (Wicht)
Imbolc Talorcan, Northerlander Stormlord (SargonX)
Tillaren 'Till' Tumblefoot, Halfling Acrobat (PsionicFox)

Yes, that's right, PsionicFox...I've decided to make my life insane keeping up one more...and a acrobatic halfling at that. Was it the guilt-trip? The vote of confidence? Well, it all helps...but the tenacity clinched it. Plus, look at that avatar...who could say no to that face? Who? *bawls openly*

Ugh, work is conspiring to keep me from posting the Beyond the City Walls section...It's taken me all morning to write this... but I'll try and have that up tonight.

I'll just need completed sheets for Christoph & Till, then we can begin. I know Wicht will be traveling next week, but if all are amenable, we can start in and introduce him during...PbP being what it is, I don't think we'll have gotten too far.

Okey, here's a little bit about the region outside of Lukasport...I'll admit it's a little thin...but we'll fill in the blanks as events require.

Beyond the City Walls


Lukasport is situated on the Deepwater Coast, with the Umbrian Channel to the east, and Europa beyond.

To the north of the city, ruin-pocked boggs stretch on for miles until a cliff drops to the fields of Boarsgrove below. Beyond Boarsgrove, the roads cross hilly terrain and ancient crags on the way to the Barony of Taeg.

To the west, the Royal Road snakes its way through woods and lush fields to the capital city. After crossing the Idyll River, a handful of settlements dot the path across Umbria along the Royal Road.

To the south of Lukasport, deep forests and placid villages lay upon mostly flat plains. Hear and there along the southern coasts, the watch houses of the Red Shields keep a vigilant eye for raiding parties 'gone astray'.

Male Nathri Rogue 2.
The Archivist wrote:

The adventurers…
Gaius Octavian Cicero, Reman arcanist (Radavel)
Christoph Buhrer, Germanian fighter/rogue (Torillan)
Mortimer "Mort" Timos, Umbrian Cleric of Death (Archlich)
Cpt. Samuel Erik Wychban, Umbrian Bowman (retired) (Wicht)
Imbolc Talorcan, Northerlander Stormlord (SargonX)
Tillaren 'Till' Tumblefoot, Halfling Acrobat (PsionicFox)

Yes, that's right, PsionicFox...I've decided to make my life insane keeping up one more...and an acrobatic halfling at that. Was it the guilt-trip? The vote of confidence? Well, it all helps...but the tenacity clinched it. Plus, look at that avatar...who could say no to that face? Who? *bawls openly*

Alright! All hail tenacity and a 'face you can't say "no" to' in the face of adversity!

Thank you so much!

And thanks again to Rad for voting for me.

EDIT: I'll get to the character building today.

Oops. I think a made a mistake on my HP. I forgot to add the 3 HP from the Toughness feat. Adjusted it so instead of 32 it's now 35.

You're welcome, PsionicFox. ;-)

The Archivist wrote:

I'll just need completed sheets for Christoph & Till, then we can begin.

I should be able to finish it tonite. I can have everything posted by morning (EST, that is!).

Male Nathri Rogue 2.

@Archivist: See below for the Halfling Monk Racial Substitution levels:


Monk seems a counterintuitive selection for the Halfling at first glance, since the Halfling incurs significant penalties to her ability to deal damage in melee because of her Small size. A halfling monk, however, can learn to focus on mobility and eventually even neutralize some of the larger creatures’ advantages over her.
Hit Die: d6.

To take a Halfling monk substitution level, a character must be a Halfling about to take her 1st, 2nd, or 7th level of monk. A Halfling monk who selects any racial substitution level for her monk class can freely multiclass between the monk and rogue classes.

Class Skills
Halfling monk substitution levels grant the same class skills
as the standard monk class.
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier (or four times
this number as a beginning character).

Class Features
All the following are features of the Halfling monk’s racial substitution levels.
Skirmish (Ex): A Halfling monk relies on mobility to deal extra damage and improve her defence. At 1st level, a Halfling monk deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on all attacks during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet.
The extra damage applies only to attacks made with unarmed strikes or special monk weapons (that is, the weapons a normal monk can use as part of a flurry of blows; see page 40 of the Player’s Handbook), and only on attacks taken during the monk’s turn. This bonus increases to an extra 2d6 points of damage at 11th level.
The extra damage only applies against a living creature with a discernible anatomy. Undead, constructs, oozes, plants, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are not vulnerable to this additional damage.
The monk must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Halfling monks can apply this additional damage to ranged attacks made while skirmishing, but only if the target is within 30 feet.
At 5th level, the monk also gains a +1 competence bonus to Armor Class during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet. The bonus applies as soon as the monk has moved 10 feet, and lasts until the start of her next turn. This bonus improves to +2 at 15th level.
The monk loses this ability when wearing armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
This substitution feature replaces the standard monk’s flurry of blows ability. A Halfling monk who selects this substitution level gains no benefit from any feature that improves or augments the flurry of blows class feature (such as the 11th-level monk’s greater flurry ability).

Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, a Halfling monk gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.
This substitution feature replaces the standard monk’s bonus feat gained at 2nd level.

Size Matters Not (Ex): At 7th level, a Halfling monk learns to neutralize some of the natural advantage gained by particularly large opponents.
A halfing monk with Improved Grapple gains a +4 bonus on grapple checks made against opponents at least two size categories larger than herself. This is in addition to the +4 bonus granted by the feat.
A Halfling monk with Stunning Fist gains a +4 bonus on her stunning fist DC for stunning attacks made against opponents at least two size categories larger than herself.
This substitution feature replaces the standard monk’s wholeness of body ability gained at 7th level.

Man! That was a lot of typing.

That is verbatim from the Races of the Wild book. Hope its okay for me to use it!

EDIT: Once I know about approval or otherwise, I'll do my character - shouldn't take me too long.

That is a good deal of typing! I wish I'd logged on a little earlier to spare you that... someone directd me to and their Class I'm up to speed. Long story short, this will work.

Male Nathri Rogue 2.

It's okay. I actually have a PDF version of the book, so I just went copy paste, and then made sure that the formatting was all good.

Cool stuff, I'll get cracking on my creation then. I'm Torn between Tattooed Monk and Thief acrobat. I may even use them both, I'm not sure.

Okay, I'll roll a d10 to decide - odds is TM, evens is TA.



Tatooed Monk it is!

I'm happy to say that I've used the backgrounds/hooks provided to formulate a plausible beginning for all of you...and it doesn't take place in tavern! I'm working on a site that I can access from the office, to upload combat grids - 'cuz I'm a visual aids sort of guy.

Also, I'm posting the city details and other common knowledge bits in my profile for easy access later...

I won't be online this weekend, so I'm hoping we'll have all chars ready to go tomorrow, so we can start monday with a little chapter I like to call: The Dreadful Hour

Male Human-ish Commoner 2/ Monk 5/ Rogue 2

Sounds great.

If you need any help with anything just let us know.

ArchLich wrote:

Sounds great.

If you need any help with anything just let us know.

Thank ye, I'll keep that in mind.

He's done! If you could give him a quick go-over to make sure the math is right, I'd appreciate it.

I've designed him to be a bit of a "showy" fighter, with lots of tumbles and feinting to catch his opponents unawares (hence the damage from sneak attack). I will most likely keep on the rogue track,, taking Acrobatics as his next feat (although I may change my mind).

Oh, and as for his "tiger-like" movements, I meant that as more of very deliberate motions, building up an uneasiness to onlookers.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3
Cristoph Buhrer wrote:

He's done! If you could give him a quick go-over to make sure the math is right, I'd appreciate it.

I've designed him to be a bit of a "showy" fighter, with lots of tumbles and feinting to catch his opponents unawares (hence the damage from sneak attack). I will most likely keep on the rogue track,, taking Acrobatics as his next feat (although I may change my mind).

Oh, and as for his "tiger-like" movements, I meant that as more of very deliberate motions, building up an uneasiness to onlookers.

Did you mean to take weapon finesse. The numbers seem to say yes...

Wicht wrote:
Did you mean to take weapon finesse. The numbers seem to say yes...

D'oh! I did forget. Fixing now.....

Cristoph Buhrer wrote:
I've designed him to be a bit of a "showy" fighter, with lots of tumbles and feinting to catch his opponents unawares ...

Good-good... taking ranks in Perform is a nice touch. Like the BG too, put me in mind of Conan's humble beginnings...the one depicted in the movie, that is.

Male Nathri Rogue 2.

This message is appearing in multiple threads - I will be posting IC, or building characters as appropriate for the character I am posting as when I get home from work.

Thanks for your patience.

Male Human (Northerlander) Storm Druid 5/Stormlord 1

I recently got a hold of the Spell Compendium. Can we use that for spells?

One reason is it collects spells from most of the Complete series, but it also changes some of the spell levels. I just want to make sure sure I'm using the right spells and levels for the game.

Imbolc Talorcan wrote:
I recently got a hold of the Spell Compendium. Can we use that for spells?

That's perfectly fine actually, I should have listed it before since I recently got my hands on a copy, so by all means...of course, this also applies for Gaius & Mortimer.

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