Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow (November 8) is Erik Mona Day. I couldn't wait though, so I started the celebration early.
Hooray! Thanks for being so open with us, Erik! *gives him a beer*
Is this an offical holiday, or - oh, just realised, it's already the 8th here! Do I need to Mona up now?
Mothman wrote: Do I need to Mona up now? Mona up!
We just had to get everything going. Happy Erik Mona Day!
Mike, Nick, for tomorrow...the rest of you guys go away...For it is Erik Mona DAAAAYYY!
Mothman wrote: Is this an offical holiday, or - oh, just realised, it's already the 8th here! Do I need to Mona up now? Yes!
Erik Mona Day? Now what sort of holiday is this? Is there cake? Or perhaps cookies?
I demand this holiday have both cake and cookies.
And perhaps muffins.
Hammith wrote: Erik Mona Day? Now what sort of holiday is this? Is there cake? Or perhaps cookies?
I demand this holiday have both cake and cookies.
And perhaps muffins.
*makes up batches of cake, cookies, muffins, and pies*
God, I'm such a sucker for peer pressure when those peers are so damned funny.
Rock on!
"One of these things is not like the others...."
Hammith wrote: Erik Mona Day? Now what sort of holiday is this? Is there cake? Or perhaps cookies?
I demand this holiday have both cake and cookies.
And perhaps muffins.
I'll make some muffins and I'll get my wife to make punch.
Let the feeding frenzy and sugar induced diabetic shock begin!
Party if you love Paizo!
I shall now party because I love Paizo.
Well frag me, there are a lot of avatars now. *mental note to sort by date next time*
EDIT: Oh, and Happy Erik Mona Day!
Yes, this particular avitar of one-eyed-ness may be found on the second page if you sort by date twice.
Hammith wrote: Yes, this particular avitar of one-eyed-ness may be found on the second page if you sort by date twice. ...or page 13 if you sort by usage ....
Actually it's sorted by usage by default, so going to messageboard settings and then clicking "Sort by Usage" once gets you right there.
I found it on page two using Sort by Usage.
I'm sure its on page one now. ^_^
Party if you love Paizo! Cookies and Coffee!
*making Coffee now!*
Let us add some ale, wine, and turkey legs to make this party a bit more 'D&D-ish'.
*Starts up the grill*
Ah, thanks Gary. Mine seemed to be sorted by reverse usage. I'll remember that in future. Thanks for setting up that function by the way.
Hammith wrote: Let us add some ale, wine, and turkey legs to make this party a bit more 'D&D-ish'.
*Starts up the grill*
Okay you twisted my arm, I'll gets some mead out.
Happy Erik Mona Day ahead of time. Now where is the booze?
cthughua wrote: Hammith wrote: Let us add some ale, wine, and turkey legs to make this party a bit more 'D&D-ish'.
*Starts up the grill* Okay you twisted my arm, I'll gets some mead out. Woohoo! MEAD!
Yay Erik Mona Day!
Who's got the cake?
Hammith wrote: cthughua wrote: Hammith wrote: Let us add some ale, wine, and turkey legs to make this party a bit more 'D&D-ish'.
*Starts up the grill* Okay you twisted my arm, I'll gets some mead out. Woohoo! MEAD! Yep. It is Mead for you and I. ~cues the groans and thrown veggies~
*bonks the less dangerous while polymorphed Sharoth*
Bad one...bad pun.
Mead? wOOT! MEAD!!! BLARG!!
I remind myself of the Eggplant Wizard right now...
Yasha0006 wrote: *bonks the less dangerous while polymorphed Sharoth*
Bad one...bad pun.
Mead? wOOT! MEAD!!! BLARG!!
I remind myself of the Eggplant Wizard right now...
~wanders around in a daze~ Um... Why are there lots of stars out when I am inside?
Why did that Dragon Thing change itself?
I AM the Eggplant Wizard! Fear ME!
Oh and...Happy Erik Mona Day!
Fear Me!!!!
Sharoth, you're un-Eriked
Sharoth wrote:
~wanders around in a daze~ Um... Why are there lots of stars out when I am inside?
Sharoth! You're screwing up the thread!!!
Happy Erik Mona day early (tomorrow is Game Night, so I'm not sure if I'll be on) . . .
(Happy Erik Mona Day!)
Huzzah! Party! With muffins and mead, no less. That's a combination that just can't be beat.
Hapy Erik Mona Day!
*swills mead and gobbles up a muffin*
~shapechanges back to my Erik Mona form~ Ok. That is better!
This thread won't be nearly as funny on the 9th.
(Unless of course, Gary works some sort of code into the thread that keeps these in place for this thread... I imagine that would be a bit much for a joke, though.)
Or - we might all keep our new, improved form.
oh .... did anyone invite Erik?
Now we just need Erik to start Mona-loguing here next. ^_^y
Party if you love Paizo!
Is he on the boards currently?
Vattnisse wrote: Or - we might all keep our new, improved form. the 410 levels of grim reaper must qualify me for the one-eyes avatar prestige class...
Anom Kire wrote: Get Naked!!! Um.
I didn't know it was that sort of party
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
It's just like April Fools in here!
Be green and ocularly challenged! You know you want to!