Pathfinder Character sheets

Homebrew and House Rules

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Anyone made character sheet? Please share.
Thanks in advance.

Working on them! :D

Sovereign Court

Lilith wrote:
Working on them! :D

I've got a modified character sheet based on WOTC's Revised D&D v.3.5 character sheet.

If anyone wants it, I'll post it here.

Trent Slabaugh
Co-Host / Design & Marketing

Trent Slabaugh wrote:

If anyone wants it, I'll post it here.

Trent Slabaugh

Yes please, that would be cool!

Silver Crusade

Trent Slabaugh wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Working on them! :D

I've got a modified character sheet based on WOTC's Revised D&D v.3.5 character sheet.

If anyone wants it, I'll post it here.

post away!! Not trying to be picky of course but I hope it is more then just the Pathfinder logo on the sheet thou.



Thanks Lilith and yes Trent.

Well, sort of, but it has my houserules in them (which is noticable in the skill section, where I consolidated stuff like tumble, escabe artist and balance into acrobatics)

Of course, the old one didn't have that:

But it doesn't have the nice Pathfinder Logo on it, either.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Well, here's my take on it:
Pathfinder Character Sheet

Pathfinder logo used without permission, etc., etc.

Note that this sheet has separate pages for Arcane, Divine, and Spontaneous spellcasting, so most people won't have to print out the whole sheet, just the relevant pages. I think I got rid of all the houserules before I put this one up; if I missed any, please let me know ;)

If anyone has any suggestions, or would like a custom version of this sheet, I'll be happy to oblige! Just post here, and I'll see what I can come up with.

I like both of these, great work guys.

KaeYoss and Tamago – nice sheets.
- how did you guys do them & what software?


Thanks again.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

JM wrote:

how did you guys do them & what software?

I used the free version of OmniGraffle that came with my Mac. It has "stencils" for the basic shapes, which I arranged to taste and filled with text. Not the most professional solution in the world, but it's free! ;)

What PC program would work best to create/convert character sheets?
Would Photoshop work?

JM wrote:

What PC program would work best to create/convert character sheets?

Would Photoshop work?

Photoshop's more for editing photos. You want Desktop Publishing software. Adobe's DTP is called PageMager. There's a free one Called Scribus (and probably other free ones, too)

When/if I decide to make my own character sheets, I actually am lazy and use MSWord. I can make a darn fancy sheet that way. I could use Illustrator (Adobe) or even PowerPoint. Usually when I am done I convert them to a pdf for others to use.

KaeYoss wrote:
Photoshop's more for editing photos. You want Desktop Publishing software. Adobe's DTP is called PageMaker. There's a free one Called Scribus (and probably other free ones, too)

PageMaker hasn't been around in years. Adobe's new publishing software is InDesign. Photoshop could be used, but it's not exactly efficient or the best tool. Microsoft Publisher could be used as well.

Liberty's Edge

There's always QuarkXPress, too. Although it's a great program it's way too expensive for an individual user (though if you can convince your employer to foot the bill...).

Typically, I do mock-ups in WordPerfect, and if I feel motivated do improved versions in Quark. :)

KaeYoss could you make the pathfinder one with out your house rules skills

I will be looking through both of them later they look great though

Joey Virtue wrote:

KaeYoss could you make the pathfinder one with out your house rules skills

I will be looking through both of them later they look great though

The other one is pretty much the pathfinder one without the rouserules. Of course, it doesn't have the flashy Pathfinder logo on it....

Nice one KaeYoss. I have a similar design where all the combat-abilities are on one page. It also fits everything on one paper, but It's designed for a melee-character, so it doesn't include space for spells etc. It uses background art from RotRL Player's guide, so I think I'm not allowed to post it here...

Grand Lodge

Nice work guys.

Tamago, you asked for input. The only thing I would suggest is a sheet for a spellbook. Maybe it's just me, but I can never find a charsheet that includes room for one.

Tamago wrote:

Well, here's my take on it:

Pathfinder Character Sheet

If anyone has any suggestions, or would like a custom version of this sheet, I'll be happy to oblige! Just post here, and I'll see what I can come up with.

Hey There Tamago,

I was wondering if I could take you up on that offer to make a custom version of your sheet! It looks great and my group uses a few custom skill changes. Also, could you make a version of the pdf with editable/fill-in areas for attributes and skills and such so that the sheets can be printed all filled in?


Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Halfling wrote:

I was wondering if I could take you up on that offer to make a custom version of your sheet! It looks great and my group uses a few custom skill changes. Also, could you make a version of the pdf with editable/fill-in areas for attributes and skills and such so that the sheets can be printed all filled in?

I don't mind at all making skill changes. And I actually *have* thought of adding text boxes so that people can fill in the sheet on the computer. Unfortunately, it turns out to be way more work than I expected. I may have a chance to do that over the holidays or something, but for now I don't see it happening.

What sort of custom skills do you need?

Dax Thura wrote:
The only thing I would suggest is a sheet for a spellbook. Maybe it's just me, but I can never find a charsheet that includes room for one.

D'oh! I actually made a spellbook sheet, but I didn't include it in the .PDF for some reason. Here it is.

Also, based on discussion in this thread, I'm creating a wiki to hold all the cool user-generated content we have here. I'm posting my sheets there. KaeYoss, if you'd be willing to post your sheet there, that would be wonderful! </shameless self-promotion>

Thanks, all!

Tamago wrote:
I don't mind at all making skill changes. And I actually *have* thought of adding text boxes so that people can fill in the sheet on the computer. Unfortunately, it turns out to be way more work than I expected. I may have a chance to do that over the holidays or something, but for now I don't see it happening.

Tamago, I am most impressed with your character sheet. I usually make my own, as most sheets I’ve seen try to squeeze everything, plus the neighbor’s kitchen sink, onto a single page. That makes finding any one item among the chaos rather difficult. Thus I greatly appreciate the roominess of your design. The only “criticism� I can make at first glance is, as you have already noted, the inability to fill out the sheet on the PC. And if you had ever seen my handwriting you’d understand that this is more of a criticism of myself than your character sheet. *smiles*

I’ve not worked with PDF files before, but I expect altering the sheet to add text fields would indeed be a Herculean effort. If you do find the time to make such changes I’m sure I won’t be the only one praising your name. But even if you don’t I greatly appreciate the effort you’ve already put into it. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Actually it's quite easy to add text fields to PDF's with Acrobat. The downside is that I don't think you can save the sheet with added texts with acrobat reader, you need acrobat professional to do that. You can still print the sheet with filled text fields. I haven't tried any other pdf-programs out there, so it's possible you can save them with some other program.

Grand Lodge

I'm also on the hunt for a character sheet for a friend who can't see very well. Tamago's sheet is the best I've seen, it uses the largest font of all of the charsheets I've come across so far.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Very nice Tamago.

If I may make a request, would you make a psionic manifester's page? I'm thinking I'll use this in my newbie game

Tamago wrote:

I don't mind at all making skill changes. \What sort of custom skills do you need?


Our group has made the following skill changes as house rules:

Remove the skills: Climb, Jump, Swim.
Add replacement skill: Athletics

Remove the skills: Hide & Move Silently
Add replacement skill: Stealth.

Remove skills: Listen & Spot
Add replacement skill: Notice

Thanks very much. I appreciate the help!

Halfling wrote:
Tamago wrote:

I don't mind at all making skill changes. \What sort of custom skills do you need?


Our group has made the following skill changes as house rules:

Remove the skills: Climb, Jump, Swim.
Add replacement skill: Athletics

Remove the skills: Hide & Move Silently
Add replacement skill: Stealth.

Remove skills: Listen & Spot
Add replacement skill: Notice

Thanks very much. I appreciate the help!

Some ideas sure are popular. I use pretty much the same: I have Athletics and Stealth, Notice I call perception (and throw in Search for good measure). I also add Open Lock to disable device, and have Balance, Tumble and Escape Artist thrown into the blender to get a nice Acrobatics Shake.

Hey, I've been thinking about combining the various skills too. Did you guys also change the amount of skill points gained? Without modifying the points it would seem that the characters get more powerful.

PS: Good stuff those sheets!

Tamago wrote:

I don't mind at all making skill changes. And I actually *have* thought of adding text boxes so that people can fill in the sheet on the computer. Unfortunately, it turns out to be way more work than I expected. I may have a chance to do that over the holidays or something, but for now I don't see it happening.

What sort of custom skills do you need?

Do you think you could do a standard sheet with no custom skills just the skills in the PHB?

Krovenko wrote:

Hey, I've been thinking about combining the various skills too. Did you guys also change the amount of skill points gained? Without modifying the points it would seem that the characters get more powerful.

I always thought that if anything, characters could use some extra skill points. So combining skills is a bit like giving them more skill points. They won't turn it into an extra +5 to damage or something.

Since Pathfinder uses the SRD instead of the PHB, I've started allowing all the feats in there and not just those it reprints from the Player's Handbook. The most popular is easily Open Minded.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Thanks, everyone, for your feedback! I really appreciate it!

Halfling, your custom sheet is ready. You can download it from my website. Taking out that many skills freed up some space, so I shuffled a few things around and increased the size of the Class Features box.

Matthew Morris wrote:
If I may make a request, would you make a psionic manifester's page? I'm thinking I'll use this in my newbie game

I don't use Psionics in my game, so I'm not that versed in the rules. But if you like, I'll go ahead and make a version over Thanksgiving. No guarantees that it'll work well, though; I may well miss something since I don't play Psions myself ;)

Joey Virtue wrote:
Do you think you could do a standard sheet with no custom skills just the skills in the PHB?

I thought that's what I did. While I was doing Halfling's sheet, though, I noticed that I did fold Hide and Move Silently into Sneak, as I do in my home game. So, here's the new version with that fixed.

Dax Thura wrote:
I'm also on the hunt for a character sheet for a friend who can't see very well.

One of the people I game with sometimes is legally blind, so I understand that. Most character sheets are so crammed full of stuff, it's hard to read! That's one of the reasons I decided to make my own.

Sorry that took so long! Let me know if there's anything else people want, or if you notice any bugs in my sheets!


Tamago, I was wondering if there would be any way you could add either the Sihedron rune in the background of each of the sheets. Or maybe the different symbols of Sin behind some of the larger sections?

If you could I would like to humbly request it. If that's not possible though, that's okay too. :)

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Zohar wrote:
Tamago, I was wondering if there would be any way you could add either the Sihedron rune in the background of each of the sheets. Or maybe the different symbols of Sin behind some of the larger sections?

You, sir, are brilliant! I'll see what I can do this weekend to make it happen :D

Thanks and god if you can get the runes in the background this will be mandatory sheets for my game

Tamago wrote:
Zohar wrote:
Tamago, I was wondering if there would be any way you could add either the Sihedron rune in the background of each of the sheets. Or maybe the different symbols of Sin behind some of the larger sections?

You, sir, are brilliant! I'll see what I can do this weekend to make it happen :D

Awesome! Thank you for at the very least attempting my request. :)

Tamago wrote:
Zohar wrote:
Tamago, I was wondering if there would be any way you could add either the Sihedron rune in the background of each of the sheets. Or maybe the different symbols of Sin behind some of the larger sections?

You, sir, are brilliant! I'll see what I can do this weekend to make it happen :D

That does sound cool!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Krovenko wrote:

Hey, I've been thinking about combining the various skills too. Did you guys also change the amount of skill points gained? Without modifying the points it would seem that the characters get more powerful.

PS: Good stuff those sheets!

I dislike the rules as written for Perform. It's OK for the wizard to have to buy his Knowledge skills individually; he's got the points to spare. It is also fine for Profession and Craft to work the way they do, because almost no playable PC will take more than one of the skills. While the rules for Perform are realistic, they aren't much fun for the bard, and honestly, who else will need more than a few ranks in it?

Here's how my take on Perform works:
With the first rank, pick one of the nine forms on the list. That's your primary form; apply your full bonus to checks using that form. Pick another form as your secondary form; take a -5 penalty on checks made with it. The other forms are your tertiary forms; checks on those take a -10 penalty. On every 3rd rank of Perform, promote the secondary to primary, and promote one of the tertiary forms to secondary. In this way, a 20th level bard is only 1 level from mastering all 9, and has plenty of points for knowledges, languages and other stuff. If you use this variant, you will find that the rogue no onger has as much of as an advantage, but if you have a party with both, the players are probably swift enough to specialize in skills that play to their character's prime req's, so they would both have a chance to shine.

I don't see any problems with perform:

As you said, it's mostly bards who need it, especially with more than a few ranks.

Everyone else can invest a couple of ranks in the one aspect they're good at, or even maybe some on two aspects.

And the bard really has points to spare: They're usually smart guys themselves - not quite as smart as a wizard with his one really important stat, but not dumb, either - and get lots of skill points to begin with. And how many different things does a bard need? One primary thing, and then maybe two things he's not quite as good as. That's two skill points per level, out of his 8 or more. I think they can manage.

Any luck with placing the Sihedron rune in the background of each of the sheets?

Waits patiently.

Still Waiting =)

Grand Lodge


There is a heroforge pathfinder addition available.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Sorry about the delay; things at school got crazy towards the end of the semester. But now it's break, and so I give you:

My Sihedron Character Sheet

Images copyright Paizo Publishing, used without permission, etc, etc.


PS - I'm working on a Psionics sheet; I expect to post it in a few days.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Tamago wrote:

Sorry about the delay; things at school got crazy towards the end of the semester. But now it's break, and so I give you:

My Sihedron Character Sheet

Images copyright Paizo Publishing, used without permission, etc, etc.


PS - I'm working on a Psionics sheet; I expect to post it in a few days.

Oooh, I like. Thanks!

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Oops! For some reason, I accidentally put the Sihedron symbol onto my Arcana Unearthed spell sheet instead of the D&D one. I've corrected the error. And while I was at it, I realized that I forgot to add a spot for Speed. So I put that in.

The link above should still work.

Finally got mine's a linky. Not too shiny or pretty or anything right now, but the layout is done. Might fancy it up later - kinda tired of looking at it right now. I used the DMG II/Paizo statblock as a rough guide.

Edit: Couple of notes...Untrained skills are pre-printed on the sheet. The "Equipment" section lists by what magic item slots you have available.

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