Favorite Beer?

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Liberty's Edge

I guess the wizard brought the IPA?

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houstonderek wrote:
I guess the wizard brought the IPA?

Probably he was hoping to undermine our credibility. Intentionally serving IPA to discerning guests is only a step below ordering PBR at bars. When I end up with some in a variety pack, I end up saving it for Mrs Gersen's younger cousins.

Sovereign Court

How can you not like IPA?

Kirth Gersen wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
I guess the wizard brought the IPA?
Probably he was hoping to undermine our credibility. Intentionally serving IPA to discerning guests is only a step below ordering PBR at bars. When I end up with some in a variety pack, I end up saving it for Mrs Gersen's younger cousins.

There was a guy in my college apartment complex known for crashing parties with a case of keystone and then drinking the good stuff in your fridge.

He got away with it for a good 2 years before he was infamous enough to cause himself trouble.

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Pan wrote:
How can you not like IPA?

Overly-glib answer: I'm not a trendy hipster.

But, no, seriously, I don't mind the style as it used to be -- Yard's IPA is a great example of one I actually enjoy. It's got a lot of hops, but it would still be a very good beer if you took them away. What I despise is the more recent trend of "hop blasting" to the point where there's no attempt at balance and the hop-water "beer" just tastes like some over-eager kid brewer is trying to win a bet.

Liberty's Edge

The overly glib answer works for me.

Sovereign Court

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
Pan wrote:
How can you not like IPA?

Overly-glib answer: I'm not a trendy hipster.

But, no, seriously, I don't mind the style as it used to be -- Yard's IPA is a great example of one I actually enjoy. It's got a lot of hops, but it would still be a very good beer if you took them away. What I despise is the more recent trend of "hop blasting" to the point where there's no attempt at balance and the hop-water "beer" just tastes like some over-eager kid brewer is trying to win a bet.

Ah ok yeah I can certainly see that. There is also a trend on right now to turn every style of beer into an IPA. I have seen Rye-PA, White-PA, Red-PA, etc. I don't mind the style at all but things have gotten to ridiculous proportions. Now that you mention it I have been shying away from IPAs at the pubs a bit since its difficult to find a decently balanced one.

This fall's treat: Pumpkin IPA! :P

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Recent discovery: Old Chub stout. Tastes a bit like Guinness with a sweeter aftertaste and a kick to the head with its 8.7 ABV. Found this beer at GenCon, drank WAY too much of it at Claddagh, and recently found it on sale at a liquor store nearby. This could be dangerous.

Also tried the Paulaner Oktoberfest offering, a duppelbock. Another strong one (8-something), but doesn't advertise its alcoholic nature. I quite enjoyed it.

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Old Chub's a scotch ale, not a stout, unless you've happened upon something new and wonderful I am unaware of.

Great beer though.

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Andostre and I toasted houstonderek's birthday with Old Chub one year, IIRC.
Which reminds me, I might have one (albeit purchased a lot more recently) in my 'fridge.

Liberty's Edge

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Good times. :-)


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

new favorite brewery is port city out of alexandria virginia.

i could not imagine liking a white beer. but they made one that is enjoyable. their pale ale is also amazing.

Let's see, I'm not a huge beer drinker but when I do I like Domain DuPage from Two Brother's Brewing however since I'm on a diet it's hard to drink while on weight watchers. That being said a pint of Smith & Forge hard cider is only 3 points and sometimes really hits the spot.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You're absolutely right, MEL. Since it's a darker beer that has a head like Guinness and is sometimes sold in cans with nitro to induce that head, I just made the mistake of thinking it was a stout.

Whatever it is, it's delicious, and I'll be bringing a six-pack to a friend's party on Sunday.

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Homework assignment: Drink one of each beer mentioned in this thread. In order. Repeats count. GO!

While psyching myself up for that marathon, I'm having a mug of Hobgoblin's King Goblin. Not completely sold on it, but it's nice enough.

Sovereign Court

Surprised at the Hobgoblin cheering here. I've never particularly enjoyed HG. In fact my friends and I have a not so nice nickname for Hobgoblin.

Sovereign Court

I don't really enjoy it but my better half thinks it's great.

I'm on St. Peter's Organic at the moment, I think I'd call it a classic best bitter.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:
Homework assignment: Drink one of each beer mentioned in this thread. In order. Repeats count. GO!

Pretty sure that's a mythic trial. Trying to get to the next tier?

Now that you mention it, I will change my alias once I finish the assignment. Some day.

Alas, but for health and financial reasons I am taking a seasonal hiatus from beer and other splendiferous alchohols.

You guys will just have to drink more to compensate.

my work got marshall michigan's dark horse raspberry ale on tap. It exceeded expectations, but then again i am not overly found of syrupy fruit beers and went in with low expectations.

Grabbed a make your own sixpack of hard ciders the other day

Hornsbys Hard amber: you're supposed to take your socks off before you squash the apples. Tasted like someone had set them on fire.

Woodchuck hard cider with the orange label: Pretty good. I think this is supposed to be the "Dry" tasting one.

Strong bow: pretty good

Strongbow Apple and Honey: mmm.. sweet. Tastes sweet, feels like you're drinking water with just a little bite. I think i could down this by the gallon.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Woodchuck hard cider with the orange label: Pretty good. I think this is supposed to be the "Dry" tasting one.

I suspect you've happened upon the 802 (some regions label it as "Dark and Dry") which is in my opinion one of the best ciders out there.

Maybe it's because it's almost like a beer. I've noticed that my friends who drink cider because they don't like beer don't like this one. Actually, that's how I found it -- they drink the ones that taste like candy and leave the 802 for me.

802 is the area code where the cidermill is in Vermont, I believe.

Good stuff, and off all of the woodchuck ciders, regrettably the hardest to find. If I could find whole six packs I would partake.

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I don't know about Strongbow. The stuff has basically no taste.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Really? It's my favorite cider. Most ciders are a bit sweet, making them dessert drinks. Strongbow is more apply than Green Apple Jolly Rancher apply, and I think it's a bit more complex than say Woodchuck or Angry Orchard. (However, Angry Orchard's cinnamon apple cider is pretty damn good.)

Also, try Ace of Spades' Pear Cider. That's crisp and delicious. Best pear cider I've ever had. (Of course, I've only found two, so I'm not sure how strong that claim is...)

Sovereign Court

I'm not a huge fan of ciders because they give me monster heartburn but Ace pear cider is pretty tasty for store bought. A few of my brew buddies make their own and I prefer that to anything I've had from the store/pub.

Alamo Draft House used to have Ace Pear Cider on draft; Mrs. Gersen would always get that (I usually opted for Stone's Arrogant Bastard or, if they were out of it, Rogue Dead Guy Ale). With no ADH in Pennsylvania, I've pretty much quit going out to the movies.

Sovereign Court

I assume ADH is a movie theater that serves alcoholic beverages? We have them here in the twin cities but the price is so outrageous I am not willing to spend the money. I'll just catch a drink after the show.

Pan wrote:
I assume ADH is a movie theater that serves alcoholic beverages? We have them here in the twin cities but the price is so outrageous I am not willing to spend the money. I'll just catch a drink after the show.

Alamo Drafthouse had alcoholic beverages and food, but also had an awesome movie-geek vibe that other places lacked, with pre-show screening of all kinds of classic and/or horrible related TV and movie spots. You never needed to worry about obnoxious kids (no children under 6 and no unaccompanied minors at all), and they were ruthless in expelling cell phone abusers. It was an oasis of pure awesome amidst the general rut of theatres.

Tickets were comparable in price to regular theatres, because they made a lot of revenue from beer sales.

Minnesota looks to be Alamo-less, but there's apparently one in Kalamazoo, MI.

Sovereign Court

Ok the vibe you mention makes it sound awesome. The alcohol selling theaters I know of are like regular theaters so no cool vibe at all. Just really expensive drinks and movie tickets.

Silver Crusade

That looks like the parkway theater here in town

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Misroi wrote:

Really? It's my favorite cider. Most ciders are a bit sweet, making them dessert drinks. Strongbow is more apply than Green Apple Jolly Rancher apply, and I think it's a bit more complex than say Woodchuck or Angry Orchard. (However, Angry Orchard's cinnamon apple cider is pretty damn good.)

Also, try Ace of Spades' Pear Cider. That's crisp and delicious. Best pear cider I've ever had. (Of course, I've only found two, so I'm not sure how strong that claim is...)

I agree that most ciders are too sweet. I'm partial to Bulmers (Magners outside of Ireland; don't drink the English swill). I think it's more intensely flavoured than Strongbow while having a nice balance between sweetness and tartness.

We don't get any US ciders in old Europe, sadly. I heard some good stuff about them. As for pear cider: I liked Koppaberg's. Their apple cider tastes very artificial, though.

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
That looks like the parkway theater here in town

Their advertisement for "cult classics" and "special programming" makes me think so.

Badass pear cider. Tastes like pear skin. Then pear. Really weird.

Pan wrote:
Ok the vibe you mention makes it sound awesome. The alcohol selling theaters I know of are like regular theaters so no cool vibe at all. Just really expensive drinks and movie tickets.

Yeah, I've been to ones like you're describing, and am not a big fan. Alamo was a whole different thing; it's one of the things I miss most about Texas (along with restaurants, feeder roads, grocery stores, availability of liquor, and warm weather, to name a few...).

I tried an interesting beer at Art Prize this week: Founder's Mosaic Promise. It's a bit hoppy as you might expect from a pale ale, but it has a citrusy aftertaste that perfectly compliments the beer.

Sovereign Court

I have just returned from Oxford Beer Festival, which I enjoyed very much.

The highlight was Gallipoli (a fantastic stout/porter with really rich flavours), from a tiny local brewery. Blue Sky was also excellent (very fresh and crisp) and so was Stormcrow (dark and licquorice,with extra points for a LoTR reference).

I wish all of my beer was fresh from the cask!

Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:
Homework assignment: Drink one of each beer mentioned in this thread. In order. Repeats count. GO!

Can I modify this slightly?

Instead of straight in order, do it by page. Once you finish page 1, you can move on to page 2, etc.

Page 1 has 132 beers btw.

Black Sheep Brewery's Riggwelter'

To be honest, I'm not normally all that keen on Black Sheep's stuff, but this is alright, if not as dark & bitter as I might like. Easy to find, too, so will make a good standby.

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Over the last week or so, I've managed to get a number of people hooked on Abita Turbodog.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Over the last week or so, I've managed to get a number of people hooked on Abita Turbodog.

One of my favorites, but finding it in NH is still tricky. There is an Abita I haven't tried yet, "Pecan Harvest." I like pecans, but I don't know if I like beer that tastes like pecans...

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Pan wrote:
Ok the vibe you mention makes it sound awesome. The alcohol selling theaters I know of are like regular theaters so no cool vibe at all. Just really expensive drinks and movie tickets.
Yeah, I've been to ones like you're describing, and am not a big fan. Alamo was a whole different thing; it's one of the things I miss most about Texas (along with restaurants, feeder roads, grocery stores, availability of liquor, and warm weather, to name a few...).

Considering how much you b+%~!ed about Houston and Texas quite a bit of the time you were here, this is music to my ears ;-)

Edit: why does Apple's auto correct suck so badly?

Silver Crusade

I am enjoying some Lost coast brewing "Downtown Brown"

Liberty's Edge

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
Over the last week or so, I've managed to get a number of people hooked on Abita Turbodog.

I have actually toured their brewery, way back in '95, when they were a mere pup of a thing. Got plastered on the very first batch of their Christmas ale EVER the Thanksgiving weekend I spent in New Orleans. A friend of a friend was the night watchman/brew keep an eye on-er guy, so he let us in after hours and we partied like it was going out of style.

Good times.

Fabius Maximus wrote:
Misroi wrote:

Really? It's my favorite cider. Most ciders are a bit sweet, making them dessert drinks. Strongbow is more apply than Green Apple Jolly Rancher apply, and I think it's a bit more complex than say Woodchuck or Angry Orchard. (However, Angry Orchard's cinnamon apple cider is pretty damn good.)

Also, try Ace of Spades' Pear Cider. That's crisp and delicious. Best pear cider I've ever had. (Of course, I've only found two, so I'm not sure how strong that claim is...)

I agree that most ciders are too sweet. I'm partial to Bulmers (Magners outside of Ireland; don't drink the English swill). I think it's more intensely flavoured than Strongbow while having a nice balance between sweetness and tartness.

We don't get any US ciders in old Europe, sadly. I heard some good stuff about them. As for pear cider: I liked Koppaberg's. Their apple cider tastes very artificial, though.

I looove irish Bulmers

houstonderek wrote:
Considering how much you b*!%!ed about Houston and Texas quite a bit of the time you were here, this is music to my ears ;-)

Yeah, I griped a lot, but I won't hesitate to admit that many things here in PA are 10x worse...

John Benbo wrote:
There is an Abita I haven't tried yet, "Pecan Harvest." I like pecans, but I don't know if I like beer that tastes like pecans...

I often travel to MS for work. There's a pub in Columbus, MS that serves a very nice pecan beer as the house special draft. I was highly skeptical, but the stuff was quite tasty.

In my younger days, I was contemptuous of anything not brewed in accordance with the 1516 Rheinheitsgebot. As I get older, I find that I'm a lot more accepting of different ingredients, styles, and so on.

Sovereign Court

Bottling my bourbon barrel porter tonight. Then I need to start thinking about what's next, any ideas?

I also scored huge this weekend. This woman I work with had a roommate a few years ago. I guess they had a falling out and the roommate took off but left some things he never came back for. She told me it was beer bottles I might be interested in.

12 quart bottles with wired bottle toppers
3 empty growlers for my favorite local microbrew (yay return deposit!)
2 6 gallon primary carboys
1 5 gallon secondary carboy

Yeah I was interested :)

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Wanted to buy beer after work today.
Mrs Gersen emailed me to pick up diapers.
This being Pennsylvania, it's illegal to buy them both at the same place.
Diapers it is. :(

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