Revinia - von Meer Mercenaries


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Vanthus pulls a key from a pouch at his belt. “See what I have here? Gift from some people I know that know some people that used to know the previous owner. Filge never changed the locks. I can get us in quietly, or we can try to knock and get Filge to open his door. We can play it however you like.”

"I like the way you think, Captain. No reason to pass on an opportunity like that, I say we use it. But if anyone wishes to request an audience," he glances sideways at Nezeus with a grimace, "..then they should give us a few minutes to get deep inside before pounding on the door. And try not to let this Filge rouse an army of the dead while we're inside, eh?"

About that time a monkey comes bounding out of the shadows and hops up on his shoulder with a tiny grunt. This clearly pleases Depape to no end, and he grins as the creature looks around at the others. "Ah! Gerbo the Amazing has joined us!"

"I will do as you ask." Nezeus says, beginning to wait as Vanthus unlocks the door, which is round and carved to look like the moon with a lunatic’s face contained within. The rest of the crew steps from the landing and moves quietly into the entry room. They close the door behind them, noting that this 20’x20’ room is crammed with furniture fragments, smashed planks, broken glass and other detritus. There is a closed door in the north wall. At the west end of the room (you came in the east side), several upended tables form a crude barricade. As soon as the door closes, two animated skeletons stand up suddenly from behind the tables, exposing only their upper chests and heads, and aiming heavy crossbows at the group. They are clearly planning on firing at you.


PbemDM wrote:
"I will do as you ask." Nezeus says, beginning to wait as Vanthus unlocks the door, which is round and carved to look like the moon with a lunatic’s face contained within. The rest of the crew steps from the landing and moves quietly into the entry room. They close the door behind them, noting that this 20’x20’ room is crammed with furniture fragments, smashed planks, broken glass and other detritus. There is a closed door in the north wall. At the west end of the room (you came in the east side), several upended tables form a crude barricade. As soon as the door closes, two animated skeletons stand up suddenly from behind the tables, exposing only their upper chests and heads, and aiming heavy crossbows at the group. They are clearly planning on firing at you.

Nezeus studies the lunatic moon door as he bides his time. He absorbs every detail and wonders who crafted this masterpiece and whether or not he can find and commission the artisan? He kicks a pebble from toe to toe, wondering just exactly how long in long enough to get deep inside. "I wish we would have thought of a signal of some type.", he tells the face in the door. "Maybe then, I would know when is when."

PbemDM wrote:

"As soon as the door closes, two animated skeletons stand up suddenly from behind the tables, exposing only their upper chests and heads, and aiming heavy crossbows at the group. They are clearly planning on firing at you.


Grak looks up in surprise. "Yuck! Dead things!!" The half orc whips out his hand axe and hurls it across the room at the closest skeleton. "I'm gonna send youse back where ya came from!" he roars, cocking his battle axe and breaking into a full charge at the creatures.

"Blast" Depape mumbles under his breath. As Grak attacks, he moves to the North door and tries to open it, waving Vanthus through.

Nezeus studies the lunatic moon door as he bides his time. He absorbs every detail and wonders who crafted this masterpiece and whether or not he can find and commission the artisan? He kicks a pebble from toe to toe, wondering just exactly how long in long enough to get deep inside. "I wish we would have thought of a signal of some type," he tells the face in the door. "Maybe then, I would know when is when."

Vanthus closes the door behind the little group, noting that this 20’x20’ room is crammed with furniture fragments, smashed planks, broken glass and other detritus. There is a closed door in the north wall. At the west end of the room (you came in the east side), several upended tables form a crude barricade. As soon as the door closes, two animated skeletons stand up suddenly from behind the tables, exposing only their upper chests and heads, and aiming heavy crossbows at the group. They are clearly planning at firing at you.

Grak looks up in surprise. "Yuck! Dead things!!" The half orc whips out his hand axe and hurls it across the room at the closest skeleton. "I'm gonna send youse back where ya came from!" he roars, cocking his battle axe and breaking into a full charge at the creatures.

"Blast" Depape mumbles under his breath. As Grak attacks, he moves to the North door and opens it, waving Vanthus through. Vanthus looks at Depape, surprised by his actions. He hesitates for a second, then shakes his head. “We can’t leave the big fella to fight these cursed things by his lonesome!” He then charges forward, cutlass held high.

Grak’s hand axe flies wide, sticking into the table below one of the skeletons. The skeletons fire their crossbows, with one missing wide and one bolt glancing off Grak’s armor. Vanthus arrives at the table first, swinging his cutlass, which glances off the skull of the skeleton on the right. The skeletons duck back behind the table, standing once again with pre-loaded crossbows. They fire into the melee, which draws attacks of opportunity from Grak and Vanthus. Both hit with their weapons, Grak caving in the skull of his opponent with his great axe, while Vanthus breaks a few ribs from his. Both crossbows fire, but once again they both miss. There is only one skeleton still standing, and it begins to reach for its scimitar.

Nezeus can hear the fighting going on in the entry room, and can take whatever action he likes.


Nezeus kicks the pebble aside and addresses the face in the door. "It sounds as if you hide a battle from my eyes. Would you kindly mind opening for me, so that I might assist my friends? I truly would rather speak with your master, but I fear that will have to wait until other matters are resolved."

Nezeus looks expectantly at the door waiting for it to open, but if it does not, he will try the latch himself.

**If he is able to gain entry, he cast Mage Armor (at least I think he has that one.. No Character sheet here at work) and hurry to assist the closest party member (Staff attack)

Not sure how much movement and actions he has this round.. But there it is if he can accomplish all of that..**

P.S - When Depape opens the north door, he can see a ten foot wide corridor heading to the right and left. Directly across the hall, there is a row of five doors spaced ten feet apart each. The corridor dead ends on the right, and there is a door at the end of the corridor, about twevty-five feet away, on the left. The left hand branch of the corridor also seems to open up to the south, at the end.

Grak whirls his axe around as the remaining skeleton tries to draw it's weapon,fully intending to cut the thing into bits. "I'll teach ya ta mess with us! Put yer weapon down, bone-head! Huh huh huh." The half-orc chuckles deeply at his joke as he aims for the skull of their opponent.

Vanthus ducks to the side, trying to dart around the table and get to the skeleton’s flank. He trips over some rubble though, and misses his opportunity.

Grak whirls his axe around as the remaining skeleton tries to draw its weapon, fully intending to cut the thing into bits. "I'll teach ya ta mess with us! Put yer weapon down, bone-head! Huh huh huh." The half-orc chuckles deeply at his joke as he aims for the skull of their opponent.

The skeleton is quicker, however, but it slashes ineffectually across Grak’s chest armor. Grak responds by knocking the undead creature’s head clean off, and it collapses to the ground in a heap of bones.

Nezeus kicks the pebble aside and addresses the face in the door. "It sounds as if you hide a battle from my eyes. Would you kindly mind opening for me, so that I might assist my friends? I truly would rather speak with your master, but I fear that will have to wait until other matters are resolved." Nezeus looks expectantly at the door waiting for it to open, but it remains stubbornly closed. He casts a spell, then opens the door to find the battle over.

Vanthus says, “Yar. Do you suppose that Filge heard our little ruckus?” He looks through the door that Depape opened and adds, “With his beasties smashed apart, I don’t guess we could pull off our subterfuge anyway. I say we push forward and try to catch him off guard.”

Actions and conversation, please?

HP Tally:
Depape: full HP
Grak: -4 HP
Nezeus: full HP

"No, I think our shot at stealth is gone with all the chopping..and we best keep an eye out for more of that sort of thing." He waves his hand absently at the pile of skeletons. "All right, then. Off we go." Depape moves out into the corridor and looks both ways, then carefully slides to the south end and peers around the corner.

Nezeus looks in wonder at the room. "It appears that visitors were expected. The welcoming commitee wasn't very hospitable though. It looks like the skeletons were set to guard a specific path, so that is the way I think we should proceed."

Peeking down the corridor to the south reveals an "L" in the corridor, with another door on the west wall. So, there are five doors lined along the north wall of the east-west leg of the "L", and two doors on the west wall of the north-south leg of the "L". (Not to mention the door you came in from, on the south wall of the east-west leg of the "L".) From the exterior architecture of the building, the west doors probably lead into the large dome-shaped chamber of the observatory.

PbemDM wrote:

The skeleton is quicker, however, but it slashes ineffectually across Grak’s chest armor. Grak responds by knocking the undead creature’s head clean off, and it collapses to the ground in a heap of bones.

Vanthus says, “Yar. Do you suppose that Filge heard our little ruckus?” He looks through the door that Depape opened and adds, “With his beasties smashed apart, I don’t guess we could pull off our subterfuge anyway. I say we push forward and try to catch him off guard.”

Grak gives the skeletons a once-over, choosing a crossbow and throwing it over his back. "Been looking for one of dese for a while, dere. I broke my last one beatin some guy over da head with it." The warrior grins sheepishly, showing off his fangs.

>Depape: "No, I think our shot at stealth is gone with all the >chopping..and
>we best keep an eye out for more of that sort of thing." He waves his >hand absently at the pile of skeletons. "All right, then. Off we go."

He hefts his axe and moves to follow Depape. "Grak likes da choppin paht. He's good at it, an it's fun. Hey Humie! Ya want I should leave a few for ya next time?"

Chuck, if Grak can carry more in his pack, he'll grab on to the rest of the crossbows to sell in town.

Nezeus wrote:
Nezeus looks in wonder at the room. "It appears that visitors were expected. The welcoming commitee wasn't very hospitable though. It looks like the skeletons were set to guard a specific path, so that is the way I think we should proceed."

Depape strolls back from his peek around the corner and shrugs. "All looks the same to me. Any idea where yer items might be, Cap'n?" If Vanthus fails to provide any input, then Depape moves to the door the skeletons were guarding and carefully starts picking a hole in the junk.

Depape does his best to check for traps. Also keeps an eye out for anything valuable looking while they're in the tower.
BTW, does he know anything about that wand he lifted from the old woman? Like what it is/how to use it?

Vanthus says, “Yar. Do you suppose that Filge heard our little ruckus?” He looks through the door that Depape opened and adds, “With his beasties smashed apart, I don’t guess we could pull off our subterfuge anyway. I say we push forward and try to catch him off guard.”

Depape: "No, I think our shot at stealth is gone with all the chopping..and we best keep an eye out for more of that sort of thing." He waves his hand absently at the pile of skeletons. "All right, then. Off we go."

Nezeus looks in wonder at the room. "It appears that visitors were expected. The welcoming commitee wasn't very hospitable though. It looks like the skeletons were set to guard a specific path, so that is the way I think we should proceed."

Grak gives the skeletons a once-over, choosing a crossbow and throwing it over his back. "Been looking for one of dese for a while, dere. I broke my last one beatin some guy over da head with it." The warrior grins sheepishly, showing off his fangs.

He hefts his axe and moves to follow Depape. "Grak likes da choppin paht. He's good at it, an it's fun. Hey Humie! Ya want I should leave a few for ya next time?"

Grak also manages to stuff one more crossbow in his pack, which is all he can carry before it becomes awkward.

Depape strolls back from his peek around the corner and shrugs. "All looks the same to me. Any idea where yer items might be, Cap'n?" If Vanthus fails to provide any input, then Depape moves to the door the skeletons were guarding and carefully starts picking a hole in the junk. (DM Note: There is no door behind the skeletons’ barricade. It was simply set up there to be directly across from the entry door.)

Vanthus stands in the L-shaped corridor, thinking about Depape’s question. “Were it me, I’d be quartering up in the observation dome. I don’t like the idea of having so many other doors behind us, but I think we need to move quick-like.”

He steps to the left, moving along the corridor to the corner where it bends south, and inspects the door directly on the west wall. With a shrug, he opens it carefully, peeking inside the room. He takes a step back to show the room to everyone, confusion and disgust on his face.

The revolting stench of rotting flesh rolls from the open door. In the room beyond, ten chairs surround an oblong dining table situated parallel to the door. Along the north wall, a wide staircase leads to an upper floor in the dome. A wooden door below the stairs presumably leads to a slim chamber. Two doors line the south wall. A sagging antique wooden shelf dominates the west wall, looking like it might collapse at any moment.

Three tall candles on the dining table illuminate a sight of terror. With the exception of the place at the western end, each of the chairs surrounding the table holds an awkwardly seated humanoid figure. The nine bodies are in various stages of decomposition. Some sit with splendid posture, paused as if midway through a sumptuous feast. Others slump treacherously close to the floor.

Heaping plates of apparently fresh food sit before each of the diners, but the empty place setting features a clean plate and set of utensils. Several bottles of red wine rest upon the table, and each of the corpses sits before a half-finished glass. A fly passes nearby, its buzz breaking the eerie silence.

Actions and conversation, please?

HP Tally:
Depape: full HP
Grak: -4 HP
Nezeus: full HP

Nezeus eyes widen at the grisly scene. He turns to Vanthus and whispers, "Tell me that you don't want to search these corpses."

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

Vanthus turns to Nezeus, a look of disgust on his face. "I'd prefer to keep my distance, all things considered. We need to go through this room to get upstairs to the chambers in the dome. Who's first?"

Lord Vanthus von Meer wrote:
Vanthus turns to Nezeus, a look of disgust on his face. "I'd prefer to keep my distance, all things considered. We need to go through this room to get upstairs to the chambers in the dome. Who's first?"

"Huh...a buncha dead guys." Grak grunts with dismissal. "If dey decide dey ain't dead, we'll make em dead again."

The huge warrior readies his axe and moves carefully into the room, ready to slash out at anything that moves unexpectedly. "Hey Juggluh," he calls back to Depape, "Dis room's old n junky. Ya want ta check out da staircare to see if it's gonna collapse? I'll let ya know if dese dead guys try n jump us."

OOC: Vanthus looks rather less like a pirate than I'd imagined.

Holding his nose, Depape moves into the room and takes a look around as he moves to check the stairs.

The Great Depape wrote:
Holding his nose, Depape moves into the room and takes a look around as he moves to check the stairs.

"Well, let's not get too spread out. Come on, there is safety in numbers, we should go with Depape" He follows Depape, keeping just enough distance to have a clear arc for swinging his staff if needed.

OOC: Chuck, have you left for your tour yet?

I'm in the final stages of pre-deployment training, so I haven't been posting as often. I don't know my deployment date yet, but it should be some time this month. I'll keep everyone informed as well as I can, and I'll try to get a turn up for this group soon.


Nezeus eyes widen at the grisly scene. He turns to Vanthus and whispers, "Tell me that you don't want to search these corpses.”

Vanthus turns to Nezeus, a look of disgust on his face. "I'd prefer to keep my distance, all things considered. We need to go through this room to get upstairs to the chambers in the dome. Who's first?"

"Huh...a buncha dead guys." Grak grunts with dismissal. "If dey decide dey ain't dead, we'll make em dead again." The huge warrior readies his axe and moves carefully into the room, ready to slash out at anything that moves unexpectedly. "Hey Juggluh," he calls back to Depape, "Dis room's old n junky. Ya want ta check out da staircare to see if it's gonna collapse? I'll let ya know if dese dead guys try n jump us."

Holding his nose, Depape moves into the room and takes a look around as he moves to check the stairs.

"Well, let's not get too spread out. Come on, there is safety in numbers, we should go with Depape" Nezeus follows Depape, keeping just enough distance to have a clear arc for swinging his staff if needed.

Vanthus takes rear guard walking slowly behind Nezeus and looking over his shoulder back the way you came. As Nezeus pauses alongside the empty chair at the head of the table, the zombies suddenly spring to life, and begin acting out a formal dinner party. The undead diners lack the precision necessary to slice their food, and merely go through the motions of eating. The whole thing has the atmosphere of a grotesque pantomime.

Seconds after the feast begins, a zombie turns toward the empty chair and comments: “Once again, Milord has provided a delicious meal”, it says in an accent tinged with the airs of nobility. “It is an honor to dine in your august presence.”

Other diners then chime in with sycophantic comments of their own. “The Guild of Wizardry was wrong to turn you out,” a male corpse remarks. “You ought to show them like you showed me.” The tattered remains of what once must have been a young woman speak up next. “I shouldn’t have ever doubted you Filge,” it says earnestly. “I always loved you when we were together. Now I will love you forever.”

Nezeus takes an involuntary step away, and the action and conversation suddenly stops.


OOC: Vanthus looks rather less like a pirate than I'd imagined.

DM Note: I couldn’t find any icons that looked both piratey and aristocratic at once, so I erred on the side of nobility. Von Meer has a swashbuckling look, but not scruffy at all.

HP Tally:
Depape: full HP
Grak: -4 HP
Nezeus: full HP

PbemDM wrote:
Nezeus takes an involuntary step away, and the action and conversation suddenly stops.

Grak blinks with surprise, then breaks into a broad grin. "Hey Humie, dat was great," he calls to Nezeus. "You made dose dead guys run around like puppets. Do it again! Do it again!!" The half orc gestures excitedly in an attempt to encourage Nezeus to repeat his feat.

Depape stops in his tracks as the corpses animate, wincing for a second before realizing that he isn't about to die. Once Nezeus steps back and it is clear what has happened, it looks for a moment as if Depape is going to move toward the head of the table. Thinking better of it, he manages only a grin and turns his attention back towards the stairs.

The stairs are perfectly safe, and they lead to a massive bedchamber that fills an entire floor of the observatory tower. A fine bed with plump red linen sheets squats upon a dias along the southeast cradle of the tower’s arc. A nightstand next to the bed holds a wax choked candlestick and a black book bound with brown and red leather. The candle throws dim, flickering light through the room.

At the midpoint of the eastern wall a strange form stands rigid atop a short wooden stool, as tall as a Halfling and clothed in a fine black suit and tophat. Clean cloth bandages wrap every inch of the sentry’s skin. A pair of ash-tinted spectacles rests upon a long, skinny nose. The diminutive dandy holds a silver platter as if presenting a meal, and upon the tray rests the freshly preserved severed head of a middle-aged human woman. A platinum piece rests on her out-stretched, purple tongue.

A messy desk rests against the opposite wall, piled high with loose papers. An apparatus holding four long tubes filled with colored liquid peeks out from under the clutter. Doors on the north and west walls appear to lead to small closets.

Across from the stairs you came up is another stairwell leading further up. A massive white stone statue of a thin human man with outstretched angelic wings and a beatific look upon his idealized face looms large in the northwest arc of the tower wall. The angel holds up a sword in one hand and cradles a harp with the other. The presentation conjures up thoughts of mausoleum peaks or the graves of important men. Tall letters etched upon the statue’s base spell out a single word: “Filge”.

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

Looking at the statue, Vanthus can only shake his head from side to side in bewilderment. He mutters, "Well ain't that a sight."

Nezeus scans the room for signs of life (or unlife). He is drawn to the leather bound book. "Does anyone see anything out of sorts about this book?" He hesitates and allows others to inspect it, but is clearly eager to open it and read it's contents. He glances up at the statue that Vanthus indicated. "Either this Filge is mad, or a genius. Either way, I like him. It is sad that he had to enchant the corpses down stairs to converse with him at meals. But, he did manage to have them stroke his ego quite nicely."

Nezeus wrote:
Nezeus scans the room for signs of life (or unlife). He is drawn to the leather bound book. "Does anyone see anything out of sorts about this book?" He hesitates and allows others to inspect it, but is clearly eager to open it and read it's contents. He glances up at the statue that Vanthus indicated. "Either this Filge is mad, or a genius. Either way, I like him. It is sad that he had to enchant the corpses down stairs to converse with him at meals. But, he did manage to have them stroke his ego quite nicely."

"Humph!" Grak grunts. "Da only thing weird about it is dat it belongs to a Necro-wizud." He gestures with his axe lightly, waving it towards the tome. "Look out dere, Humie, it's prob'ly got some bad juju."

"But, uh..." The half-orc looks upwards towards the statue, then over to Vranthus. "Ya think he's dead? Dat would be rich, if the necro-wizud had his dead guys put him away once he's dead himself. Huh huh huh." Grak chuckles at the thought, but does not lower his guard.

Nezeus scans the room for signs of life (or unlife), and finds none.

He is drawn to the leather bound book. "Does anyone see anything out of sorts about this book?" He hesitates and allows others to inspect it, but is clearly eager to open it and read it's contents. Vanthus, obviously uninterested in books, shrugs and sneers. “Twaddle.”

Nezeus glances up at the statue that Vanthus indicated. "Either this Filge is mad, or a genius. Either way, I like him. It is sad that he had to enchant the corpses down stairs to converse with him at meals. But, he did manage to have them stroke his ego quite nicely."

Vanthus coughs, “Filge is an arse, but he plays a mean game of cards.” He continues to gaze at the statue. “He has the social skills of a lubber’s been drinking seawater too long.”

"Humph!" Grak grunts. "Da only thing weird about it is dat it belongs to a Necro-wizud." He gestures with his axe lightly, waving it towards the tome. "Look out dere, Humie, it's prob'ly got some bad juju."

"But, uh..." The half-orc looks upwards towards the statue, then over to Vranthus. "Ya think he's dead? Dat would be rich, if the necro-wizud had his dead guys put him away once he's dead himself. Huh huh huh." Grak chuckles at the thought, but does not lower his guard.

Von Meer shrugs. “He were alive last night, when he was taking me family heirlooms.”

DM Note: The book is obviously Filge’s spellbook, but Nezeus can’t read the spells.

Nezeus opens one of the many pockets of his robe and reaches for the book, but then thinks better of it.

He turns to Vanthus and asks, "So, do you think Filge is dead, or just gone missing?"

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

"There's still one floor to check. Mayhap he's upstairs?"

Depape's eyes light up like a kid in a candy store. "Oh, now this is getting good." He joins Nezeus at the book, glancing eagerly at the pages. Once it's clear he can't read it, he moves over to inspect the liquids, giving each test tube a cautious sniff. "If your Filge isn't upstairs, it'll take days to search this place. Your heirloom could really be anywhere..."

Depape’s eyes light up like a kid in a candy store. "Oh, now this is getting good." He joins Nezeus at the book, glancing eagerly at the pages. Once it's clear he can't read it, he moves over to inspect the liquids, giving each test tube a cautious sniff.

Although the rack only holds four tubes, it’s designed to hold six, and the metal base is clearly engraved with the word “Necroturgens”. The liquid is a yellow-green, almost fluorescent color, and the corks in the tubes are sealed with some sort of rubbery tar. It takes some effort to force a cork out, and when he does, Depape regrets it. The fluid has an unpleasant odor something like alcohol that’s gone skunky.

Depape wrinkles his nose involuntarily, then says "If your Filge isn't upstairs, it'll take days to search this place. Your heirloom could really be anywhere..."

Your actions are interrupted by the realization that there is some sort of vaguely humanoid creature standing near the top of the stairs, staring down at you. It appears to be some sort of construction, a little over four feet tall, formed from splinters of bones and tombstones held together by grave-dirt. The creature’s eyes, shallow pits formed in its stony head, are of the deepest, supernatural black. It silently turns to scuttle back up the steps.

DM Note: Steve – Let me know if Nezeus keeps the spellbook.


PbemDM wrote:

Your actions are interrupted by the realization that there is some sort of vaguely humanoid creature standing near the top of the stairs, staring down at you. It appears to be some sort of construction, a little over four feet tall, formed from splinters of bones and tombstones held together by grave-dirt. The creature’s eyes, shallow pits formed in its stony head, are of the deepest, supernatural black. It silently turns to scuttle back up the steps.

Grak grunts. "Urgh. What da hell's that thing?" Without pausing, he whips out his new crossbow and fires off a shot. "Dis one don't look like it's gonna do a song and dance for us..."

OOC: Nezeus had decided to let the book lie for a while, he may come back to it later...

Nezeus lets out an a squeak and it is obvious that he is excited by what he see's. He points up at the construct and exclaims, "I am sure that I made something similar to that a millenia ago! Perhaps Filge is the one whom I seek for some answers! Perhaps, he can help restore what I have lost?!"

OOC2: Hope you are enjoying Qatar.. Get to know the AMC folks who travel back to Germany often.. They can be good to know if you are wanting a little more than your 3-a-day rations.. Wink Wink...

Gang - The holiday season is upon us, and I'm sure there'll be a serious lull in the action due to vacations, family commitments, etc. Since I'm stuck here, I'll continue to monitor the boards and move the game along as well as I can, but be prepared for long periods of silence. Go ahead an post dialog if the action is stalled.

Happy Holidays,


I was gonna shoot you an e-mail, but couldn't find you on the GAL.. So, how about you send me a note at



Nezeus wrote:

Nezeus lets out an a squeak and it is obvious that he is excited by what he see's. He points up at the construct and exclaims, "I am sure that I made something similar to that a millenia ago! Perhaps Filge is the one whom I seek for some answers! Perhaps, he can help restore what I have lost?!"

"Huh," grunts Grak. "Are ya sure the little thing isn't the necro-wizud himself? I dunnno what a necro-wizud is supposed ta look like."

The warrior rapidly reloads his crossbow and tries to get off another shot.

OOC: I am back from New Zealand! Great fun. People don't like to wear shoes, so they really did remind me of Hobbits.

I'm waiting for Ed to take an action before I continue.

PbemDM wrote:
I'm waiting for Ed to take an action before I continue.

OOC: Ed here. Still trying to recover from holiday visitors.

Depape gawks at the thing momentarily before following Grak's lead and pulling out his crossbow. If he has a shot, he takes it. Otherwise, he raises an eyebrow. "Anyone want to go first?"

OOC2: Does alchemy skill help any with IDing the “Necroturgens”?

Your actions are interrupted by the realization that there is some sort of vaguely humanoid creature standing near the top of the stairs, staring down at you. It appears to be some sort of construction, a little over four feet tall, formed from splinters of bones and tombstones held together by grave-dirt. The creature’s eyes, shallow pits formed in its stony head, are of the deepest, supernatural black. It silently turns to scuttle back up the steps.

Nezeus lets out an a squeak and it is obvious that he is excited by what he sees. He points up at the construct and exclaims, "I am sure that I made something similar to that a millenia ago! Perhaps Filge is the one whom I seek for some answers! Perhaps, he can help restore what I have lost?!"

Von Meer is standing by the bandage wrapped, Halfling sized humanoid. He is inspecting it closely, having taken off its dark spectacles and crouched down to look into its eyes. He looks over when he hears Nezeus talking. “Don’t ye be lookin’ to Filge for answers. He’s a snake, through and through, and he’ll lie to ye for advantage.” When he realizes what Nezeus is pointing at, he looks up the stairs then draws his cutlass. “A lookout!”

Grak grunts. "Urgh. What da hell's that thing?" Without pausing, he whips out his new crossbow and fires off a shot. "Dis one don't look like it's gonna do a song and dance for us..."

He hits with his bolt, which ricochets off the creature’s head with a whining sound, and imbeds into the wall nearby.

Depape gawks at the thing momentarily before following Grak's lead and pulling out his crossbow. He takes a shot, but misses just wide. He then raises an eyebrow. "Anyone want to go first?"

"Huh," grunts Grak. "Are ya sure the little thing isn't the necro-wizud himself? I dunnno what a necro-wizud is supposed ta look like." The warrior rapidly reloads his crossbow and tries to get off another shot, but the little creature has disappeared around the corner of the stairs, heading up toward the top floor.

“That’s not Filge. He looks like a regular person. Greasy and scheming, but normal.” Von Meer reaches down, shrugs, and plucks the platinum piece from the tongue of the severed head on the platter. He says, “Yoink! Ye won’t be needing this.” He tucks it in his pocket, then charges up the stairs after the retreating little creature, brandishing his cutlass.

The severed head on the platter begins to squeal, “Thief! Thief! Thief!” von Meer looks over his shoulder, says “Oops,” and continues up the stairs.

OOC: Does alchemy skill help any with IDing the “Necroturgens”?

DM Note: The Necroturgens are similar to potions, you believe, but the way they are sealed up makes you suspect that they aren’t meant to be uncorked so awkwardly. You’re not sure how they are meant to be used. You do notice that the tubes are all engraved “Healing” in small script.

Actions and conversation, please.

PbemDM wrote:

Grak grunts. "Urgh. What da hell's that thing?" Without pausing, he whips out his new crossbow and fires off a shot. "Dis one don't look like it's gonna do a song and dance for us..."

He hits with his bolt, which ricochets off the creature’s head with a whining sound, and imbeds into the wall nearby.

Depape gawks at the thing momentarily before following Grak's lead and pulling out his crossbow. He takes a shot, but misses just wide. He then raises an eyebrow. "Anyone want to go first?"

"Huh...don't think my bolt did anyting. Should just stay wit my axe." Taking his own advice, the warrior unslings his massive axe and holds it at the ready as he carefully heads up the stairs.

"Hey Humie," he calls softly back to Nezeus, "Can I chop this Boney thing up myself? Or do I hafta keep it off balance so you can blast it with magic?"

Nezeus give Grak a blank stare. "I'm not sure. I would keep it a pole length away though, no telling what type of disease those bone shards might give you. My magic is not strong enough to create something like that right now, so I doubt if it would dismantle it either. It would be better if we had a cleric to turn it."

Depape shoves the necroturgen tubes in his pocket before moving up the stairs behind Grak. He keeps his crossbow at the ready, commenting to the half-orc, "You and the captain keep up with the fine chopping. I'll shoot an' Nezeus will work the magic. It's a fine plan."

"Huh...don't think my bolt did anyting. Should just stay wit my axe." Taking his own advice, the warrior unslings his massive axe and holds it at the ready as he carefully heads up the stairs.

"Hey Humie," he calls softly back to Nezeus, "Can I chop this Boney thing up myself? Or do I hafta keep it off balance so you can blast it with magic?"

Nezeus give Grak a blank stare. "I'm not sure. I would keep it a pole length away though, no telling what type of disease those bone shards might give you. My magic is not strong enough to create something like that right now, so I doubt if it would dismantle it either. It would be better if we had a cleric to turn it."

von Meer pauses on the stairs, just ahead of Grak, and calls down toward Nezeus. “Less jabbering and more action, if it please ye. Time is of the essence!”

Depape shoves the necroturgen tubes in his pocket before moving up the stairs behind Grak. He keeps his crossbow at the ready, commenting to the half-orc, "You and the captain keep up with the fine chopping. I'll shoot an' Nezeus will work the magic. It's a fine plan."

You reach the top of the stairs and see into the huge chamber that takes up the entire top floor of the observatory. It’s a roughly circular room, about eighty feet in diameter, with the dome ceiling about forty feet high at its peak. The base for a large telescope sits in the center of the room, but the instrument itself has been removed. Nearest to you, piled carelessly on either side of the stairwell are stacks of old furniture and books. The center of the room has been converted into a sort of operating theater, with two wooden tables about the right size for a human to recline upon, and smaller stands near each one containing sharp metal implements of all kinds.

To the left of the tables are three large ceramic tanks, about five feet tall and three feet in diameter, from which climb two slimy looking undead humanoids. They are shuffling toward you, zombie-like, and will be in melee within the round.

To the right of the tables is a tall, lanky man with dark hair and a thin, short black beard. He’s wearing an odd yellow robe with short sleeves, and is holding a large syringe in his right hand. Next to him stands the little humanoid construct of bone and dirt. Behind them both is another table like the two in the middle of the room, but this one has a man strapped down on it, and he’s additionally enclosed in a metal framework of fine mesh connected to the edges of the table. The man in the cage thrashes back and forth, muttering and giggling, but can hardly move at all in his bindings. The man, obviously Filge, says in surprise, “Lord Vanthus! You have no right to burst into my laboratory in this manner! What’s the meaning of this?” He turns to the slimy undead creatures and says, “Stay.” The creatures stop short, about ten feet away from von Meer and Grak.

“I’ve come to retrieve my signet ring.” Von Meer pronounces, simply. “I’m willing to pay.”

“Begging your pardon, m’lord, but I won it fair and square, and I intend to keep it.” He is wearing the ring, and holds it up to gleam in the light of the lanterns. He smiles widely.

“As I suspected.” Von Meer sneers. “Have at you then!” Vanthus charges forward, just as Filge cries out, “Attack!”


PbemDM wrote:

To the left of the tables are three large ceramic tanks, about five feet tall and three feet in diameter, from which climb two slimy looking undead humanoids. They are shuffling toward you, zombie-like, and will be in melee within the round.

Grak hefts his axe as the conversation ends and readies himself. He looks towards the necromancer with a shiver and turns his attention to the slimy humanoids. "What the hell are you, frog zombies or somethin? Huh huh huh." He chuckles as they ignore his humor while moving closer.

He calls back once more to Nezeus, "Ok, humie, blast away at him!" Before charging the zombies with a roar. In the middle of his rush, he shifts hard to one side, trying to use the body of the right zombie to block out the left one. "I'm gonna cut yer heads off." He states, while using his weapon to attempt the decaptation of the right creature.

Depape makes a quick clicking noise, and his monkey goes scampering off into the shadows. He then fires a bolt at Filge while letting out a "Yar!".

Depape has the monkey circle around to look out for 1. other undead and 2. small valuble items.

Nezeus strikes the heel of his staff on the floor and fires off a magic missile at the target Grak has indicated.

Filge follows up his orders to his minions by jabbing the needle of the syringe into his arm and injecting himself with some sort of fluid. A shudder passes through his body, and he groans with pleasure. “Oh my Lord Vanthus, this sort of larceny is beneath your noble birth, such a shame. But I look on the bright side of things. I have never commanded an aristocratic zombie before. You’ll make a fine addition to my little collection.”

Lord Vanthus feints right, then darts left, tumbling past a zombie then coming to his feet in front of the little bone and dirt construct. He clangs his cutlass against a stony appendage with no effect, and the creature grabs onto his leg, biting into his thigh with teeth of splintery coffin wood. Vanthus howls in pain and disgust.

Grak hefts his axe as the conversation ends and readies himself. He looks towards the necromancer with a shiver and turns his attention to the slimy humanoids. "What the hell are you, frog zombies or somethin? Huh huh huh." He chuckles as they ignore his humor while moving closer.

He calls back once more to Nezeus, "Ok, humie, blast away at him!" before charging the zombies with a roar. In the middle of his rush, he shifts hard to one side, trying to use the body of the right zombie to block out the left one. "I'm gonna cut yer heads off." He states, while using his weapon to attempt the decapitation of the right creature.

Grak chops into the nearest zombie, doing considerable damage, but not dropping it. The unnatural creature groans, swinging its arm like a club, but missing clumsily. The other zombie shuffles around to get at Grak as well.

Depape makes a quick clicking noise, and his monkey goes scampering off into the shadows. He then fires a bolt at Filge while letting out a "Yar!" His shot is a good one, and the bolt sinks into Filge’s gut. He plucks it out and drops it on the floor with a clatter, wincing with pain. Filge then looks over at Depape with pure malice. The monkey disappears behind the lab equipment.

Nezeus strikes the heel of his staff on the floor and fires off a magic missile at the target Grak has indicated, Filge the Necromancer. The bolt of force strikes true, knocking Filge back a step.


HP Totals
Depape: full HP
Grak: -4 HP
Nezeus: full HP

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