
Grak's page

14 posts. Alias of Gerrod.


PbemDM wrote:

Filge retorts with a knowing grin, “Somehow I don’t find that very concerning, beast-man. Oh, and I don’t suppose that you’re the very same half-orc that was present during the unpleasantness at the von Meer mansion last night? It’s just that there are so few beast-men running about town that statistics favor the possibility that it was you.”

Grak pales as he realizes that the necromancer is actually addressing him and chokes on the response. "Uh...dat...uh...dat was da Slicuh at da house. Grak's nevvuh been dere."

Filge sees that his contruct is being beaten, and turns in their direction. (His back is now to Nezeus, and Depape is to his left flank.) He holds out his hand, whispers an incantation, and his arm stretches into a long, ghostly limb that reaches twenty feet over to von Meer, slashing him across the chest. He suddenly freezes in position, paralyzed. Filge calls to his little creation, “Tear his throat out.”

"Aw, heck," mutters Grak as he notes the turn of events. "I knew necro-wizuds was bad news." Leaping away from the tottering zombie, he throws himself across the room towards the little creature and tries to smash his axe down on it's head.

PbemDM wrote:

"Huh," grunts Grak, "yer buddy's a pile o froggy mush and you still ain't had enough. We'll I ain't done wit ya yet." The warrior winds up with both hands and brings his axe down on the head of the remaining zombie, trying to slice it in half from the head to the navel. He doesn’t quite manage that, but he does chop its arm clean off. The undead creature is undeterred, however. It swings awkwardly with its other arm, an attack that Grak dodges easily.

Grak calls out to Nezeus. "C'mon Humie! Stop fightin wit yer worms and blast im ta hell. He might zap da juggluh." He takes a step back from the zombie and calls out to Filge. "Hey Necro-Wizud, yer in trouble now. Humie's gonna turn you into...uh...into a mouse or somethin."

He turns his full attention back to the zombie and suddenly realizes that it has only one arm left. A broad smile grows on the warrior's face as he realizes what he can do. "This is gonna be so cool," he mutters. Winding up with his axe, he tries to lop off the zombie's other arm in order to render it helpless.

PbemDM wrote:

Grak swings low this time, cutting the injured zombie across the middle and depositing his intestines upon the ground. He cleaves completely through the first zombie, dumping it lifeless on the ground, and then just barely misses continuing the strike into the other zombie. (Nearly successful “Cleave”.) It swings clumsily at Grak, clubbing ineffectually at his armored shoulder.

"Huh," grunts Grak, "yer buddy's a pile o froggy mush and you still ain't had enough. We'll I ain't done wit ya yet." The warrior winds up with both hands and brings his axe down on the head of the remaining zombie, trying to slice it in half from the head to the navel.

PbemDM wrote:

Grak hefts his axe as the conversation ends and readies himself. He looks towards the necromancer with a shiver and turns his attention to the slimy humanoids. "What the hell are you, frog zombies or somethin? Huh huh huh." He chuckles as they ignore his humor while moving closer.

He calls back once more to Nezeus, "Ok, humie, blast away at him!" before charging the zombies with a roar. In the middle of his rush, he shifts hard to one side, trying to use the body of the right zombie to block out the left one. "I'm gonna cut yer heads off." He states, while using his weapon to attempt the decapitation of the right creature.

Grak chops into the nearest zombie, doing considerable damage, but not dropping it. The unnatural creature groans, swinging its arm like a club, but missing clumsily. The other zombie shuffles around to get at Grak as well.

As the uninjured zombie approaches him, Grak rotates around the damaged one in an attempt the one between him and the other. "You frog zombies don't dance as good as da ones in de udder room. Ya can't lay a finger on me!"

The zombies, however, continue to ignore the half-orc's taunting as he winds up to try again. Grak swings low this time, trying to cut the injured zombie across the middle and deposit his intestines upon the ground.

I think Grak gets a free shot at a nearby enemy if one goes down because of his skill/powers

PbemDM wrote:

To the left of the tables are three large ceramic tanks, about five feet tall and three feet in diameter, from which climb two slimy looking undead humanoids. They are shuffling toward you, zombie-like, and will be in melee within the round.

Grak hefts his axe as the conversation ends and readies himself. He looks towards the necromancer with a shiver and turns his attention to the slimy humanoids. "What the hell are you, frog zombies or somethin? Huh huh huh." He chuckles as they ignore his humor while moving closer.

He calls back once more to Nezeus, "Ok, humie, blast away at him!" Before charging the zombies with a roar. In the middle of his rush, he shifts hard to one side, trying to use the body of the right zombie to block out the left one. "I'm gonna cut yer heads off." He states, while using his weapon to attempt the decaptation of the right creature.

PbemDM wrote:

Grak grunts. "Urgh. What da hell's that thing?" Without pausing, he whips out his new crossbow and fires off a shot. "Dis one don't look like it's gonna do a song and dance for us..."

He hits with his bolt, which ricochets off the creature’s head with a whining sound, and imbeds into the wall nearby.

Depape gawks at the thing momentarily before following Grak's lead and pulling out his crossbow. He takes a shot, but misses just wide. He then raises an eyebrow. "Anyone want to go first?"

"Huh...don't think my bolt did anyting. Should just stay wit my axe." Taking his own advice, the warrior unslings his massive axe and holds it at the ready as he carefully heads up the stairs.

"Hey Humie," he calls softly back to Nezeus, "Can I chop this Boney thing up myself? Or do I hafta keep it off balance so you can blast it with magic?"

Nezeus wrote:

Nezeus lets out an a squeak and it is obvious that he is excited by what he see's. He points up at the construct and exclaims, "I am sure that I made something similar to that a millenia ago! Perhaps Filge is the one whom I seek for some answers! Perhaps, he can help restore what I have lost?!"

"Huh," grunts Grak. "Are ya sure the little thing isn't the necro-wizud himself? I dunnno what a necro-wizud is supposed ta look like."

The warrior rapidly reloads his crossbow and tries to get off another shot.

OOC: I am back from New Zealand! Great fun. People don't like to wear shoes, so they really did remind me of Hobbits.

PbemDM wrote:

Your actions are interrupted by the realization that there is some sort of vaguely humanoid creature standing near the top of the stairs, staring down at you. It appears to be some sort of construction, a little over four feet tall, formed from splinters of bones and tombstones held together by grave-dirt. The creature’s eyes, shallow pits formed in its stony head, are of the deepest, supernatural black. It silently turns to scuttle back up the steps.

Grak grunts. "Urgh. What da hell's that thing?" Without pausing, he whips out his new crossbow and fires off a shot. "Dis one don't look like it's gonna do a song and dance for us..."

Nezeus wrote:
Nezeus scans the room for signs of life (or unlife). He is drawn to the leather bound book. "Does anyone see anything out of sorts about this book?" He hesitates and allows others to inspect it, but is clearly eager to open it and read it's contents. He glances up at the statue that Vanthus indicated. "Either this Filge is mad, or a genius. Either way, I like him. It is sad that he had to enchant the corpses down stairs to converse with him at meals. But, he did manage to have them stroke his ego quite nicely."

"Humph!" Grak grunts. "Da only thing weird about it is dat it belongs to a Necro-wizud." He gestures with his axe lightly, waving it towards the tome. "Look out dere, Humie, it's prob'ly got some bad juju."

"But, uh..." The half-orc looks upwards towards the statue, then over to Vranthus. "Ya think he's dead? Dat would be rich, if the necro-wizud had his dead guys put him away once he's dead himself. Huh huh huh." Grak chuckles at the thought, but does not lower his guard.

PbemDM wrote:
Nezeus takes an involuntary step away, and the action and conversation suddenly stops.

Grak blinks with surprise, then breaks into a broad grin. "Hey Humie, dat was great," he calls to Nezeus. "You made dose dead guys run around like puppets. Do it again! Do it again!!" The half orc gestures excitedly in an attempt to encourage Nezeus to repeat his feat.

Lord Vanthus von Meer wrote:
Vanthus turns to Nezeus, a look of disgust on his face. "I'd prefer to keep my distance, all things considered. We need to go through this room to get upstairs to the chambers in the dome. Who's first?"

"Huh...a buncha dead guys." Grak grunts with dismissal. "If dey decide dey ain't dead, we'll make em dead again."

The huge warrior readies his axe and moves carefully into the room, ready to slash out at anything that moves unexpectedly. "Hey Juggluh," he calls back to Depape, "Dis room's old n junky. Ya want ta check out da staircare to see if it's gonna collapse? I'll let ya know if dese dead guys try n jump us."

OOC: Vanthus looks rather less like a pirate than I'd imagined.

PbemDM wrote:

The skeleton is quicker, however, but it slashes ineffectually across Grak’s chest armor. Grak responds by knocking the undead creature’s head clean off, and it collapses to the ground in a heap of bones.

Vanthus says, “Yar. Do you suppose that Filge heard our little ruckus?” He looks through the door that Depape opened and adds, “With his beasties smashed apart, I don’t guess we could pull off our subterfuge anyway. I say we push forward and try to catch him off guard.”

Grak gives the skeletons a once-over, choosing a crossbow and throwing it over his back. "Been looking for one of dese for a while, dere. I broke my last one beatin some guy over da head with it." The warrior grins sheepishly, showing off his fangs.

>Depape: "No, I think our shot at stealth is gone with all the >chopping..and
>we best keep an eye out for more of that sort of thing." He waves his >hand absently at the pile of skeletons. "All right, then. Off we go."

He hefts his axe and moves to follow Depape. "Grak likes da choppin paht. He's good at it, an it's fun. Hey Humie! Ya want I should leave a few for ya next time?"

Chuck, if Grak can carry more in his pack, he'll grab on to the rest of the crossbows to sell in town.

Grak whirls his axe around as the remaining skeleton tries to draw it's weapon,fully intending to cut the thing into bits. "I'll teach ya ta mess with us! Put yer weapon down, bone-head! Huh huh huh." The half-orc chuckles deeply at his joke as he aims for the skull of their opponent.

PbemDM wrote:

"As soon as the door closes, two animated skeletons stand up suddenly from behind the tables, exposing only their upper chests and heads, and aiming heavy crossbows at the group. They are clearly planning on firing at you.


Grak looks up in surprise. "Yuck! Dead things!!" The half orc whips out his hand axe and hurls it across the room at the closest skeleton. "I'm gonna send youse back where ya came from!" he roars, cocking his battle axe and breaking into a full charge at the creatures.