The Jester

Nezeus's page

18 posts. Alias of Genar.


Nezeus sighs as he is about to give his position away and cast a magic missile at the construct in an effort to save Vanthus.

Nezeus moves to his left and tries to flank Filge.

Nezeus casts mage armor on himself.

Nezeus looks curiously at the worms and quickly decides it would be better to seperate them from himself. He will try to tug them off, that failing, he will use his dagger to dig them out.

Nezeus once again fire a magic missile at the necrowizard.

Nezeus strikes the heel of his staff on the floor and fires off a magic missile at the target Grak has indicated.

Nezeus give Grak a blank stare. "I'm not sure. I would keep it a pole length away though, no telling what type of disease those bone shards might give you. My magic is not strong enough to create something like that right now, so I doubt if it would dismantle it either. It would be better if we had a cleric to turn it."

I was gonna shoot you an e-mail, but couldn't find you on the GAL.. So, how about you send me a note at



OOC: Nezeus had decided to let the book lie for a while, he may come back to it later...

Nezeus lets out an a squeak and it is obvious that he is excited by what he see's. He points up at the construct and exclaims, "I am sure that I made something similar to that a millenia ago! Perhaps Filge is the one whom I seek for some answers! Perhaps, he can help restore what I have lost?!"

OOC2: Hope you are enjoying Qatar.. Get to know the AMC folks who travel back to Germany often.. They can be good to know if you are wanting a little more than your 3-a-day rations.. Wink Wink...

Nezeus opens one of the many pockets of his robe and reaches for the book, but then thinks better of it.

He turns to Vanthus and asks, "So, do you think Filge is dead, or just gone missing?"

Nezeus scans the room for signs of life (or unlife). He is drawn to the leather bound book. "Does anyone see anything out of sorts about this book?" He hesitates and allows others to inspect it, but is clearly eager to open it and read it's contents. He glances up at the statue that Vanthus indicated. "Either this Filge is mad, or a genius. Either way, I like him. It is sad that he had to enchant the corpses down stairs to converse with him at meals. But, he did manage to have them stroke his ego quite nicely."

OOC: Chuck, have you left for your tour yet?

The Great Depape wrote:
Holding his nose, Depape moves into the room and takes a look around as he moves to check the stairs.

"Well, let's not get too spread out. Come on, there is safety in numbers, we should go with Depape" He follows Depape, keeping just enough distance to have a clear arc for swinging his staff if needed.

Nezeus eyes widen at the grisly scene. He turns to Vanthus and whispers, "Tell me that you don't want to search these corpses."

Nezeus looks in wonder at the room. "It appears that visitors were expected. The welcoming commitee wasn't very hospitable though. It looks like the skeletons were set to guard a specific path, so that is the way I think we should proceed."

Nezeus kicks the pebble aside and addresses the face in the door. "It sounds as if you hide a battle from my eyes. Would you kindly mind opening for me, so that I might assist my friends? I truly would rather speak with your master, but I fear that will have to wait until other matters are resolved."

Nezeus looks expectantly at the door waiting for it to open, but if it does not, he will try the latch himself.

**If he is able to gain entry, he cast Mage Armor (at least I think he has that one.. No Character sheet here at work) and hurry to assist the closest party member (Staff attack)

Not sure how much movement and actions he has this round.. But there it is if he can accomplish all of that..**

PbemDM wrote:
"I will do as you ask." Nezeus says, beginning to wait as Vanthus unlocks the door, which is round and carved to look like the moon with a lunatic’s face contained within. The rest of the crew steps from the landing and moves quietly into the entry room. They close the door behind them, noting that this 20’x20’ room is crammed with furniture fragments, smashed planks, broken glass and other detritus. There is a closed door in the north wall. At the west end of the room (you came in the east side), several upended tables form a crude barricade. As soon as the door closes, two animated skeletons stand up suddenly from behind the tables, exposing only their upper chests and heads, and aiming heavy crossbows at the group. They are clearly planning on firing at you.

Nezeus studies the lunatic moon door as he bides his time. He absorbs every detail and wonders who crafted this masterpiece and whether or not he can find and commission the artisan? He kicks a pebble from toe to toe, wondering just exactly how long in long enough to get deep inside. "I wish we would have thought of a signal of some type.", he tells the face in the door. "Maybe then, I would know when is when."

Grak, Depape and Nezeus:

Depape gets a mischievous look. "An audience with you might provide a distraction....course it might just piss him off too." He winks at Nezeus.

Nezeus nods.. "I think I will intrigue him."

PbemDM wrote:

Vanthus pulls a key from a ppouch at his belt. “See what I have here? Gift from some people I know that know some people that used to know the previous owner. Filge never changed the locks. I can get us in quietly, or we can try to knock and get Filge to open his door. We can play it however you like.”

"I like the way you think, Captain. No reason to pass on an opportunity like that, I say we use it. But if anyone wishes to request an audience," he glances sideways at Nezeus with a grimace, "..then they should give us a few minutes to get deep inside before pounding on the door. And try not to let this Filge rouse an army of the dead while we're inside, eh?"

"I will do as you ask." Nezeus waits for several minutes after the party enters before pounding on the door.

"Filge! I need to speak with you! I was interrupted when transferring my soul from one construct to the next and seek assistance in recovering what was not transferred!"

Test... Ah.. It works... Nezeus drools at the next woman who catches his attention..