
The Great Depape's page

15 posts. Alias of Nanofreakshow.


PbemDM wrote:

Depape drops back a few steps and moves around at an angle around the melee, positioning himself for a better shot at Filge. The necromancer sees him just as Depape sees the necromancer, and he looks up with a lopsided grin. He’s obviously just finished a spell of some kind, and a glimmering field of force is now floating lazily in front of him. “You’d be a bit small for a zombie,” he remarks, “but as a skeleton, you’d do.” (You’re about thirty feet from each other.)

"Skeleton, eh? I've never put on a freakshow but that would do it." Depape drops low and tries to find cover himself. He mumbles something arcane and snaps his fingers, then resumes trying to shoot Filge. "You're a bit small for a target, but you'll do."

Depape casts dancing lights, trying to get 3 lights wizzing all crazy around Filge's head. Purpose is to keep him from hiding, and possibly as a distraction to spellcasting.

PbemDM wrote:

Filge then ducks to the left, just getting behind the cover of the telescope base as Depape’s crossbow bolt bounces off the metal structure. “I will put you with my dinner guests, ‘Lord Vanthus’.” Filge’s voice carries from behind his hiding place, echoing through the large chamber. “For many, many decades you will tell me what a back-stabbing git you were in life, and how you deserved your grisly fate. You will slowly decay, while I eat gourmet food and drink fine wine.”

Depape drops back a few steps and tries to move into position for a better shot at Filge, assuming he can do so while staying away from the zombies. If he can circle behind, even better...

PbemDM wrote:

Depape makes a quick clicking noise, and his monkey goes scampering off into the shadows. He then fires a bolt at Filge while letting out a "Yar!" His shot is a good one, and the bolt sinks into Filge’s gut. He plucks it out and drops it on the floor with a clatter, wincing with pain. Filge then looks over at Depape with pure malice. The monkey disappears behind the lab equipment.

Depape mutters something to himself, then fires off another bolt.

general question--if Depape casts a touch spell like shocking grasp, can the monkey run around and deliver it?

Depape makes a quick clicking noise, and his monkey goes scampering off into the shadows. He then fires a bolt at Filge while letting out a "Yar!".

Depape has the monkey circle around to look out for 1. other undead and 2. small valuble items.

Depape shoves the necroturgen tubes in his pocket before moving up the stairs behind Grak. He keeps his crossbow at the ready, commenting to the half-orc, "You and the captain keep up with the fine chopping. I'll shoot an' Nezeus will work the magic. It's a fine plan."

PbemDM wrote:
I'm waiting for Ed to take an action before I continue.

OOC: Ed here. Still trying to recover from holiday visitors.

Depape gawks at the thing momentarily before following Grak's lead and pulling out his crossbow. If he has a shot, he takes it. Otherwise, he raises an eyebrow. "Anyone want to go first?"

OOC2: Does alchemy skill help any with IDing the “Necroturgens”?

Depape's eyes light up like a kid in a candy store. "Oh, now this is getting good." He joins Nezeus at the book, glancing eagerly at the pages. Once it's clear he can't read it, he moves over to inspect the liquids, giving each test tube a cautious sniff. "If your Filge isn't upstairs, it'll take days to search this place. Your heirloom could really be anywhere..."

Depape stops in his tracks as the corpses animate, wincing for a second before realizing that he isn't about to die. Once Nezeus steps back and it is clear what has happened, it looks for a moment as if Depape is going to move toward the head of the table. Thinking better of it, he manages only a grin and turns his attention back towards the stairs.

Holding his nose, Depape moves into the room and takes a look around as he moves to check the stairs.

Nezeus wrote:
Nezeus looks in wonder at the room. "It appears that visitors were expected. The welcoming commitee wasn't very hospitable though. It looks like the skeletons were set to guard a specific path, so that is the way I think we should proceed."

Depape strolls back from his peek around the corner and shrugs. "All looks the same to me. Any idea where yer items might be, Cap'n?" If Vanthus fails to provide any input, then Depape moves to the door the skeletons were guarding and carefully starts picking a hole in the junk.

Depape does his best to check for traps. Also keeps an eye out for anything valuable looking while they're in the tower.
BTW, does he know anything about that wand he lifted from the old woman? Like what it is/how to use it?

"No, I think our shot at stealth is gone with all the chopping..and we best keep an eye out for more of that sort of thing." He waves his hand absently at the pile of skeletons. "All right, then. Off we go." Depape moves out into the corridor and looks both ways, then carefully slides to the south end and peers around the corner.

"Blast" Depape mumbles under his breath. As Grak attacks, he moves to the North door and tries to open it, waving Vanthus through.

PbemDM wrote:

Nezeus raises an eyebrow. "No, I think I would rather speak with a NecroWizard. Perhaps it would be better if I just have a chat with him, rather than killing. Maybe, I shall provide enough of a distraction with our conversation. You can steal back the heirloom while I conduct my audience.”

Depape gets a mischievous look. "An audience with you might provide a distraction....course it might just piss him off too." He winks at Nezeus.

PbemDM wrote:

Vanthus pulls a key from a ppouch at his belt. “See what I have here? Gift from some people I know that know some people that used to know the previous owner. Filge never changed the locks. I can get us in quietly, or we can try to knock and get Filge to open his door. We can play it however you like.”

"I like the way you think, Captain. No reason to pass on an opportunity like that, I say we use it. But if anyone wishes to request an audience," he glances sideways at Nezeus with a grimace, "..then they should give us a few minutes to get deep inside before pounding on the door. And try not to let this Filge rouse an army of the dead while we're inside, eh?"

About that time the monkey comes bounding out of the shadows and hops up on his shoulder with a tiny grunt. This clearly pleases Depape to no end, and he grins as the creature looks around at the others. "Ah! Gerbo the Amazing has joined us!"

At the mention of loot, you can almost see a glint of light in Depape's eye. "All right, let's go get this thing you're missing, then, wizard or no. No point in wasting time on a fine night like this." He inhales deeply of the salty air.

OOC: When he gets a spare 10 minutes or so, Depape heads off by himself and summons his monkey.
