JSL's Runelords - Discussion

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Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

I'm pretty low and I can't remember if I have a potion... sorry! :(

FabesMinis wrote:
I'm pretty low and I can't remember if I have a potion... sorry! :(

I'll hopefully have time to update the game tonight. Here are the current HP totals as far as I'm aware:

Ehlissa 15/25
Malcolm 9/19
Salome 18/22
Slidell 12/14
Vesh 6/17
Zieke 22/27

Ehlissa and Mal took 8 from the shrine and 2 from the first fireburst.
Salome was reduced to 0 and healed for 18
Slidell took 2 + 9 from two firebursts and healed 9
Vesh took 2 + 9 from two firebursts
Zieke took 2 + 9 + 3 and healed 9

Also, my notes show E and M have 2 clw potions each (they never used any from the big batch you bought earlier) and Zieke has one.

Sli's potion came from Mal, (he called it 'rent' for the Cold Iron dagger our first trip in!)
Don't know how many he had left.
Either way, I just drank it! :)

Sorry I could not post last night. If I could give you the home addresses and phone numbers of the clients responsible for this discontinuity in the game, I happily would. I'm sure they'd all appreciate a call from the UK around noon GMT.

Dark Archive

Addendum to above:

Since Sli gave Salome the potion of CLW, Vesh took his own after scanning the room with Detect Magic. I wrote it as an OOC post at some point. So, Vesh is at 15 of 17 hp.

JSL, did you ever decide on the XP total we are at? See my previous post on the possible totals: 6030 or 6105. Also, I assume we'll start up the 75xp weekly award next week (7/7), correct?

P.S. sorry about the sub-par clientèle.

JSL wrote:
Sorry I could not post last night. If I could give you the home addresses and phone numbers of the clients responsible for this discontinuity in the game, I happily would. I'm sure they'd all appreciate a call from the UK around noon GMT.

Heheh, I'm in CST-US, but as I'm up half of every night ANYway, I'll be glad to help with that 'nocturnal telephone consultation'!

No worries JSL, I'm just glad to be here, and to have you too! LONG LIVE THE PbP! ;)

Addendum to above addendum,...
Oops, thanks Sant, 'Ah wuz ti-red, losin' mah (already tenuous) grawsp on sana-tee.'
Yes, Sli received a CLW potion from Mal, and gave it to Salome. I believe that Salome gave Sli a CLW potion in return, and not a spell, if so he drank it! :) Currently at 12/14HP, and 0 CLW potions.

Slidell Stormraven wrote:
"Since a story in itself cannot be blasphemous, and are usually based in fact if you could trace its roots back to the first time it was told. I find that such tales are amazingly useful sources of information, especially regarding the supernatural."

I agree. Maybe that's part of the reason why I enjoy the ideas of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell. There's something about the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, both individually and culturally. (I have a terrific book on dreaming and the unconscious called "Private Myths.") I'm not as apt to drop in pop culture references or movie lines IC as Sli might, but I do find it fascinating how stories change and evolve over space and time.

Interesting examples:
- Nearly every culture has a Flood story and a Cinderella story.
- In Michael Ende's "The Neverending Story," one of the inhabitants of Fantastica implies that William Shakespeare (but the name got mangled) visited there. Ende was German.
- A few years ago, a researcher looked at how jump-rope chants evolved and changed over nearly a century of American history (what's "pease porridge," anyway?). Similarly with nursery rhymes and fairy tales (e.g. Ring-Around-the-Rosies as a reference to disposing of bodies during a plague).
- And a number of years ago, I read a South American myth in which a fair-skinned god, possibly Quetzecoatl, briefly visited a tribe and when he left told them to "Feed my llamas."

I figured that the episode of Odysseus vs. the sirens was a good analogy to Vesh and the Lamashtu shrine. But how would a child of the desert hear and understand the story? Where would it come from? How would the story have been passed on to the storyweaver, and after how many tellings? Salome probably rarely even saw a boat before coming to Sandpoint. She wouldn't know any nautical vocabulary, not even what a mast is. But it looks like the trunk of a palm tree!

I don't know much yet about Garjjan De, the abbott of the monastery where Salome struggled to get her education. But he's clearly a jerk.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Dreamer wrote:
[ooc]I don't know much yet about Garjjan De, the abbott of the monastery where...

If JSL weaves in anything from your backstory (like he did with Mal and Vesh), maybe we'll meet Garjjan De again at some point? It could be an interesting character development moment for Salome if we did. And by that point, Zieke would probably love to put the man in his place for being such a jerk to her...provided, of course, Salome didn't do it first! ;-D


Dreamer wrote "what's "pease porridge,""

Two things.
(a) In this context it's basically a kind of lentil stew. Split peas cooked to sludge and a standard part of many diets for many years. Also known as pease pottage.

(b) Pease Pottage is a village in West Sussex and is also the name of the motorway service station, located very close to said village. It's a lot less interesting than it sounds.

Heh, Thanks Rev!
I knew #1, not #2! :)

I did catch the part where Salome referred to the mast as a tree, I thought that was a nice touch!

I didn't have time to be nearly as clever, ergo 'Sinbad' merely became 'Bensad'.

I do hope that time permits JSL to work in some of Salome's backstory, meeting her old teacher sounds like it would definitely be,... interesting. For as long as he remained conscious anyway! :)

Ragadolf wrote:
I didn't have time to be nearly as clever, ergo 'Sinbad' merely became 'Bensad'.

I'm finding it an interesting challenge to make up understandable words for a language that doesn't exist. They have to look right, sound right, and still be decipherable. I've seen how Middle Eastern languages look when transliterated into English letters, but I have much less experience in how they should sound. Rather, my educational-linguistic experience is in Germanic and Romance languages (plus the Greek, Latin, and other vestiges that made their mark on English). I took Japanese and discovered, much to my fascination, that they adopted many words from Portugese traders (e.g., "bread" is "pan"). I figure that Salome's people would have some clear trade routes and cultural overlap, and that some things would certainly get tweaked in both verbal and cultural translation.

But I'm not even going to try to come up with a consistent grammar system!

Ragadolf wrote:
I do hope that time permits JSL to work in some of Salome's backstory, meeting her old teacher sounds like it would definitely be,... interesting. For as long as he remained conscious anyway! :)


I just noticed that I had written Garjjan De was a jerk. I meant Mejjur De ("De" may be a title or a surname; I'm not sure). He was the abbott who seemed to have it in for Salome.

I have a little bit of story in my head that just hasn't solidified yet. My initial premise (way back in December) was, to use X-Men as an analogy, "What if a mutant sought education from Dr. Xavier, but ended up finding Magneto instead?" What's the shadow of Sarenrae's teachings? OR How could this guy corrupt them to achieve his own ends, while still appearing to be pious and maintaining a position of trust and power?

Garjjan De, on the other hand, was the guy who saved her life and prompted her conversion to Sarenrae and started her on the path of healing (in both senses of the word). Salome came to Sandpoint, in large part, because she's searching for Garjjan De. It will be interesting if she ever meets him, though part of her questions his actual existence as a mortal being. He could have been an angel sent by Sarenrae, some other helpful being, or simply a figment of her imagination that appeared in a moment of desperation or even near-death. Stay tuned...

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Sorry for my posting (or rather, lack thereof) over the last few days. I just started a new job (a new restaurant) and it’s been extraordinarily busy; when I get a break I’m not in a place to do any actual writing. For a while, I’ll only be able to post once a day, if that. Sorry for the inconvenience, hopefully things will quite down a little and my schedule will become a little more predictable within the next few weeks. Please NPC me as necessary.
Thanks for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.

No worries here Arc, glad to know your ok at least!

Good luck with the new job! We'll try to keep you alive and sneakin' till you get back!

Heck, we'll just get Sant to create a 'Stand-in Mal' Alias! He writes good enough for several people! Just don't be surprised if you come back and you've somehow been made mayor! ;)

Ragadolf wrote:

I do hope that time permits JSL to work in some of Salome's backstory, meeting her old teacher sounds like it would definitely be,... interesting. For as long as he remained conscious anyway! :)

I'm just hoping time permits me to do anything except work. Seriously, I will be able to update the story this afternoon or evening after ye olde church picnic.

I do want to work in people's stories. It is a long campaign and not all of it takes place in Sandpoint, so there are things that would just make more sense once the PCs get out into the country. In some ways the "deep detailed background" RP hook does not play so well with PbP just because PbP is so slow. I had invested some info specific to this module in Corran's background and spoilers. However, that fell by the wayside when he dropped. Maybe once the PCs finish the dungeon they can cool their heels a bit and catch up on the local scene. That will give time for more background delving.

In response to the XP question, take the higher total.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

JSL wrote:
I do want to work in people's stories.

No worries on that for now. The current storyline deserves exploration. After we get back to Sandpoint and/or leave town, then it might make sense for more stuff to start coming up from our pasts. I'm not sure Zieke has that much that would be immediately available for working in...but everyone else does. So no rush to dredge up Zieke's history just yet.

JSL wrote:
In response to the XP question, take the higher total.

Does that mean we've crossed 6,000 XP and into 4th level now? Provided we make it back to Sandpoint, of course...


NSpicer wrote:

Does that mean we've crossed 6,000 XP and into 4th level now? Provided we make it back to Sandpoint, of course...


Yes, you will be 4th level upon return to Sandpoint.

JSL wrote:
I do want to work in people's stories.
NSpicer wrote:
No worries on that for now. The current storyline deserves exploration,...

Agreed. Also agree that RP'ing is MUCH more difficult over PbP in general, much less when you start adding PC specific encounters, which of course adds much more opportunity for great dialogue, but adds to the difficulty level,... On the plus side, with such good writing as per Sant and Dreamer, and all the 'sneak peeks' we are all giving through thoughts, dreams and flashbacks, your job in adding in background is a little easier than a tabletop DM's. (IMO, just surmising, no proof!) In that by the time you are able to get to where you can work in, say, us meeting Dreamer's 'Magneto', there may be a few rounds of dramatic 'monologuing' (to borrow a phrase from 'The Incredibles') but we may already know the person well enough from all the internal flashbacks to know whether or not it's going to be a 'dramatic moment' or a good old fashioned throw-down! :)

JSL wrote:
In response to the XP question, take the higher total.

YES! I now am the master of second level spells! I control the raw energy of the cosmos! I am the undisputed master of magic! The universe is mine to command, to control! PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!,...

Er,... Um,... Sorry,... was that my 'out loud' voice?

<Yes, Now they know. You shall have to remove them,...>

(Shuttup Gollum! Back in your cave!) Nothing to see here! Move along! Just thinking out loud! :D

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Life just threw me a curve ball - may be spotty in attendance.

I hope everything's OK, Fabes.

Ditto here Fabes, Hope everything's OK.

And happy 4th to all the Americans in the group! ;)

Dark Archive

Hope you're alright, Fabes. Hang in there.

Happy 5th of July, everyone.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

My girlfriend called and basically said that although I was great, she didn't feel like the two of us together would work anymore. So bit kind of beaten up about it. BUt I'll get there. Very out of the blue.

A head's up --

It's going to be a couple of days until we get back to the action. Our DM seems to have consumed something evil that makes the Milk of Lamashtu seem mild in comparison. I think he's going to be out of commission at least until Monday or Tuesday.

This may be a good time to "talk amongst yourselves," start planning out your level-up stats, or do some tangential flashback stuff if that's your cup of tea.

Otherwise, enjoy the rest of your weekend and do something fun, relaxing, or reality-based.

Wow. It never rains, but it pours huh?

Arc- Good luck with the new job!

Fabes- Don't know what to say except, 'hang in there'.

JSL- Hope you feel better soon. Very soon!

It's been a busy weekend for us too, (Aren't holiday weekends for relaxing?!?) :P
Besides trying to keep the kids active (IE= NOT in front of the TV!) and happy, We are This close to making an offer on a house. Lots of math and looking at prices of appliances, yadayada.
(I don't mind working for my money, but I hate spending it all at once!) ;P

See everybody when they get back!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Sounds like a lot of stuff's got everyone down or busy in real-life. As for me, I've contracted a wonderful summer cold from my kids. But I'm still around. Hang in there everyone!

Looking ahead, how are things looking within the game for everyone's characters? Hitting 4th level is often the turning point in PCs becoming self-sufficient and more survivable than the earlier levels. I'll have Zieke take one more level in Monk, but that will likely be his last. Then I'll turn back to Fighter and Wilderness Rogue, after that. Anyone else have any major milestones planned for their character?


Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

2nd Level in Paladin - to get a rather nice +3 to all saving throws, plus a rather nice 6 hp of healing to dispense.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Another source of healing never hurts. Hmmm...there's a pun in there somewhere... ;-D


Going to take the next lvl in Wiz, so I can finally access 2nd lvl spells!

SLOWly but surely heading towards 'Ultimate Magus'! ;)

Oooo! The puns! The Puns!

NSpicer wrote:
Looking ahead, how are things looking within the game for everyone's characters? Hitting 4th level is often the turning point in PCs becoming self-sufficient and more survivable than the earlier levels.

Leveling up is a pain. Can't they put all this stuff in one place? I'm looking through the PHB, flipping back to ability modifiers, skill descriptions, spell advancement, then trying to figure out why my spells are 1+ what the description says, then flipping back to bonuses granted by ability modifiers. "Oh! OK..." then trying to figure out what's next on my list. "To increase hit points, let's see... 'Roll a Hit Die, add your character's Constitution modifier (Where did I write down my CON score? What's the modifier that goes with it, again?), and add the total roll to his or her hit points.' Hit Die? Is that a d6 or a d8? Now I have to look that up..."

And all this, knowing the my resident expert (and I imagine most of my fellow players) knows all this stuff right off the top of his head, doesn't make me feel any better!

...And if I choose to put extra points or ranks in this ability or that skill, will that help me or harm me in the long run? Is the advantage I'm looking for consistent with my character's goals and personality? Is she becoming more specialized or more unbalanced in the process?

I think I'm becoming more unbalanced in the process. I'm going to have to take a break...

Rant over. I'm sticking to Cleric and trying to make sure I meet the prerequisites for my prestige class in a level or two... which probably won't occur until the next module. Right now, I'm more concerned about Salome's lack of funds, and need to come up with a plan for that.

Money problems? I thought this was supposed to be a form of escapism! ;)

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Dreamer - it's ok - I am the DM for a game in RL and have been playing RPGS on and off for the last 17 years, so I'm used to getting to grips with them.

I am the rules lawyer of my player group as well, sometimes to our disadvantage! (oh, I think you should gain an attack of opportunity against me there...)

Dark Archive

It's more Spellthief for Vesh. Nothing super-revolutionary for the level-up, I'm afraid. He will be able to cast a spell or two that could come in useful for setting up enemies for sneak attack damage quite nicely but nothing more novel than that. He'll purchase a feat--probably to buy-down some of his flaw penalties. Nothing sexy there.

I'm actually more interested in moving his story forward than his stats. Discovering his spell-casting ability will be nice to write up, but he can already cast some spells, so it shouldn't be earth shattering to him.

I'd like to flesh out some background connections. Stuff about his (supposedly) dead sister, the two loves in his life--one innocent and the other not-so-much. He's still a hunted man, and I'd like to develop that a little. I'd also like to develop his future relationships to some of the power groups and NPCs in sandpoint--The Vinder family, the Scarzni, other Varisians, Father Zantus, whomever.

Dreamer~Relax,... Deep breaths,... ;) (Just kidding!) Believe me, I know how you feel. I've been playing D&D specifically (and other RPG's in General) for well over 20 years now. And it only gets a little easier. I actually find that it's much easier to lvl up with the hardcopy in my hands than using the D20 websites or a PDF. IF I know what chart I'm looking for, I don't HAVE to know which chapter its in, I just flip thru the book till I find it! And when you are using variant Classes or Prestige classes from a splat book, it just gets harder. Because they aren't on the D20 web sites!

I Just start at the top of my PC sheet, and work my way to the bottom. Along the way I'll see things I forgot about. "Oh yeah! Isn't my BAB supposed to go up?" ;P

Sant~ Sounds good to me! 'Who IS the mysterious blue-cloaked figure who haunts Vesh's steps? Tune in next week to find out!' :)
I would love to advance Slidell's story, but THATS gonna take awhile! Mainly because what little background I've worked up for him, (what little there is) would actually make more sense to reveal in later adventures. maybe even towards the end! (Won't THAT make Sli popular,... "We are getting ready to take on asmodeus, what do you mean first we have to fight your evil uncle's, brother's sister's father's girlfriend's former college roommate!') Hehe,

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Ehlissa's story is all back in Magnimar - her father in the throes of depression; her older siblings feeling she's abandoned them, duelling rivals from her past as a rakehell...

FabesMinis wrote:
Ehlissa's story is all back in Magnimar - her father in the throes of depression; her older siblings feeling she's abandoned them, duelling rivals from her past as a rakehell...

Sounds Like fun!

Dark Archive

On a back-to-4E side note. I am running a 4E game in a week or two with 4 high school students who have had little-to-no exposure to the game. One has checked out the PHB and is pretty excited to play.

My plan is to make a few copies of some of the key pages from the quickstart guide in H1 (sorry WotC, but you wanted new players!) for the players to have ahead of time. Then, on game day, I'm handing out the pre-rolled characters, setting out checkers-pieces on the battlemap, and running an encounter--either the first one in H1 or the first couple in the back of the DMG. Either way, I'm serving up Kobolds!

If any are interested, I'll start a thread somewhere--it doesn't have to occupy this space, certainly--with my notes and thoughts on the new system. I read the combat rules in the quickstart guide and will move onto the PHB in the next day or two. I have to say, I'm pretty jazzed at the prospect of finally DMing the darned thing.

It's a funny edition that way, I'm more excited about running a game than I am about rolling up a character. Hmmm. Maybe that'll be the line for me: Play in PFRPG to get the rolling-up-a-character itch scratched and then DM in 4E.

After that, I'll run something for you guys if you're still game. Maybe in one or two weeks when we've got RotRL downtime.

Good luck with that Sant! For sure let us know how it goes!

Yeah, I really don't know what to think about 4E, Most of what I read I don't really like, but I have tried SO many systems, it would seem hypocritical not to at least TRY it out before actually passing judgment.

One of my old group will be switching to 4E, and since we are getting a little scattered, will probably be using the online system still pending from WotC. SO I may be able to provide some feedback on that,... eventually,... ;)

And like I said before, I'll try anything once, especially with you guys! So when we get some down time, and/or when we finish this module and are (hopefully!) preparing/waiting to start the next one, I'll be glad to run through a scenario with you!

The game is afoot -- again! What do we want to do about light? I'd be happy to cast Light on my shield again -- unless people want to make their first moves in the dark. Comments?

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Dreamer wrote:
The game is afoot -- again! What do we want to do about light? I'd be happy to cast Light on my shield again -- unless people want to make their first moves in the dark. Comments?

Mal would probably benefit from making his first move in the dark, if for no other reason than to get into position for a sneak attack. He's acted first though, so his movement should occur before our actions. So, lighting things up for the rest of us is probably okay. I know Rags intended for Sli and Vesh to hurl the purple candles ahead of us...which might be a better option since I'd assume the light output of a candle will still leave plenty of shadows for Mal to operate in...

As for Zieke, I'm just readying a throwing axe to greet whatever target presents itself. Other than that, we don't have enough info yet to know what we're dealing with. Of course, Mal may stir up things by entering ahead of us, at least. ;-D

My two-cents,

Dark Archive

This is where doing the right thing and the chaotic good thing come into conflict for Vesh. I've been playing him carefully for a bit too long it feels like, but I think he's a smart enough guy to value teamwork and not do anything foolhardy. Hmmm.

Sant-Heheh,... Guess we'll find out soon! :)

NSpicer-Actually, the purple candles are 'Continual Flames' (I think) Which are the same as torchlight. So there might be more light than your thinking, but still plenty shadowy for Mal to work in!

On with the show!

Dark Archive

Ragadolf wrote:

NSpicer-Actually, the purple candles are 'Continual Flames' (I think) Which are the same as torchlight. So there might be more light than your thinking, but still plenty shadowy for Mal to work in!

But I'm pretty sure that they are candle-versions of continual flame, not torch version. At least that's how I thought JSL described them.

Nspicer- They may be, I got the impression that they were normal continual flames, cast on a candle! :S

Just to clarify, while I'm waiting on Ehlissa to post before I do, does anyone want me to toss a light through the arch or not? IF you tell me 'yeah' or 'neah' here, I'll presume that Sli got the nod or a negative shake from the character in the game thread.

Just don't want to 'light things up' and finds out that Vesh or Mal WANTED to be left in the dark!
But I actually need to see this thing, (These things?!?) before I can do any good! :)

Ragadolf wrote:

Just to clarify, while I'm waiting on Ehlissa to post before I do, does anyone want me to toss a light through the arch or not? IF you tell me 'yeah' or 'neah' here, I'll presume that Sli got the nod or a negative shake from the character in the game thread.

Just don't want to 'light things up' and finds out that Vesh or Mal WANTED to be left in the dark!
But I actually need to see this thing, (These things?!?) before I can do any good! :)

My view: The thing that goes scratch in the dark is aware of our presence (as a group) and came to the archway to attack. Now that we're face-to-face with it, it would be helpful to see what we're dealing with. HOWEVER, it still might not be aware of Mal, who could still attack it from behind. Therefore, I think it would be appropriate to light up the passageway around the arch, but not the room from whence it came. At least, not until Mal gets a chance to do his thing.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

In addition, you've got to figure that Ehlissa's sword sheds some magical light...and, seeing as how she's in melee with it now, that ought to light up the thing for most of us.


At work, will post asap,... sorry for delay.

Dark Archive

I agree with Dreamer. If someone's got an action to spare, I think we're past the point of sneaking around, here. Remember when we encountered these things in the tunnel passages the first time? They were pretty stealthy as I recall.

Rags: It is so funny when we apologize for not posting because of work! It cracks me up for some reason. Darn that real life! I know I've done it as well!!

Dark Archive

We need a level-up primer. Just to double-check:

1. hp is roll or take half-maximum, whichever is higher, correct? Or, is it half-maximum-plus-one? EDIT: strike this, I just figured it out from Vesh's character sheet. It's half-max, +1, + CON.

2. Craft points is 4 per character level, so 16 for 4th, correct?

EDIT #2: I'd like some feedback on spell selection for Vesh. He will know two spells at fourth level, of which, he'll be able to cast one per day (unless he steals a first level spell and uses it to power his spells). Anyway, I've narrowed it down to five possible selections, two from the PHB/SRD and three from the Spell Compendium:

1. Shield. Nothing too sexy here, but his AC is lagging a bit, and this would help some. Drawback: standard action to cast, he's got to be prepared to use it or lose it.

2. True Strike. The +20 bonus could come in handy, and no miss chance to concealed targets. Drawback: it's a standard action to cast, which means he's got to be a little pre-meditated about its use.

3. Arrow Mind. From Spell Compendium. Allows him to threaten the squares around him with his bow, thus allowing him AoO with his bow. He also draws no AoO from enemies next to him when using his bow. One cool thing: He can cast this as an immediate action, allowing him to respond to closing threats.

4. Distract Assailant. From Spell Comp. I really like the flavor of this spell, it's the mechanics that concern me. It allows Vesh to make one opponent within about 35 feet to become flat-footed until the beginning of its next turn. Think of the fun he and Mal could have with this! Another cool thing: it can be cast as a swift action. Potentially BIG bummer: Will save negates. This is where I need help from you math types (ahem, JSL). Would this spell have been effective against, say, the Quasit with its Will Save bonus? Since Vesh's spell DC would only have been 14, I think it might be a waste even at this level.

5. Sniper's Shot. From the Spell Comp. Basically, it extends his ability to make a sneak attack to the full range of his bow. He can also cast it as a Swift Action.

Personally, I think True Strike combined with Sniper's Shot could be lethal, but he'll have to wait two levels to be able to cast both in one day on his own. By then, he'll add one spell known to his repertoire. So, it might just be Shield and True Strike to start off with, just for the utility of each. Opinions?

Umm. I think that's it. Vesh will be ready to go when he is back in Sandpoint.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

santinj@ wrote:
2. Craft points is 4 per character level, so 16 for 4th, correct?

Being the new guy, I'm still not sure I understand this house rule mechanic very well. During character creation, JSL suggested what a 3rd level character of Zieke's various classes would have been able to afford and I just selected from the options presented to me. I vaguely recall reading something about being able to trade craft points for extra feats, but I don't feel like Zieke needs to go that route. He already gets plenty of those. Instead, I'm more interested in saving craft points for adding various magic abilities to the ancient sword he liberated from the mutant goblin. So anything you might be able to suggest around that would be appreciated again, JSL...

santinj@ wrote:
...I'd like some feedback on spell selection for Vesh.

I'm not sure I can help you select from the options you've presented. They're all combat-oriented. Is that intentional? If you were open to some more utilitarian-type spells, I think silent image might be a winner for you. It can accomplish a lot of things with a skilled illusionist behind it...everything from an imaginary opponent (offense) to a barrier (defense) to a social application or two (trickery). I'd think Vesh could maximize such a spell to help him in virutally any type of encounter. His only limitation would be his imagination. Plus, it's a great artistic outlet... ;-D

If you're still focused on going with only the options you outlined, I think true strike is a very good one to have for hitting those really high AC opponents we're bound to face from time to time. Basically, whenever you really need to hit something, this is the spell to use. And it doesn't hurt that it negates concealment, which by my understanding would allow you to hit even an invisible opponent as long as you had correctly identified the square it occupies (via a Perception check). That could come in handy down the road if we face any more opponents like the quasit.

Meanwhile, shield isn't a bad defensive spell to have around. It'll always raise your AC...and it auto-protects against those pesky magic missile spells a lot of wizards and sorcerers like to toss around.

My two-cents,

santinj@ wrote:

Rags: It is so funny when we apologize for not posting because of work! It cracks me up for some reason. Darn that real life! I know I've done it as well!!

Yeah, The problem is, I get so antsy about getting back around to my turn, that when it finally gets here, I feel like a git for having delayed posting! :P

About the spells you selected, I like them, all are very useful, and though I have a copy of the spell compendium, I haven't read them all! Which you pick will depend on your personal play style I would guess. Though for your character, I would guess that the instant ones would be very useful.

About Will saves, Yes it's true that they are less effective (read = nearly worthless) against critters like the quasit, but the inverse is also true. They are almost eternally useful against big, brawny warrior types. I have found that in Neverwinter Nights (The most faithful adaptation of D&D to PC game I have ever found!) That ogres and giants who could squish you like a bug (And are nearly invulnerable against Fort-save spells) are almost always instantly incapacitated by a simple Color Spray spell.

So, Let me get back to you on the spells you listed, and I will post as soon as I get these lil monsters, I mean darling children, to bed!

Santinj@ wrote:
We need a level-up primer.

See, I told you leveling up is a pain! :)

Santinj@ wrote:
EDIT #2: I'd like some feedback on spell selection for Vesh. He will know two spells at fourth level, of which, he'll be able to cast one per day (unless he steals a first level spell and uses it to power his spells).

I'm far from the spell expert and I'm still learning how spells interact with each other and with the scenario at hand. But I get game balance and storytelling, so I'm going to recommend going the consistent-with-character route.

(Does Vesh have the same kind of armor restrictions that Slidell has? Is there an item that can be bought/discovered/craft-pointed that can help in the AC department?)

The offensive spells you picked seem to be consistent with Vesh stepping more into the archer role, and you sound most excited about Distract Assailant. I find that when I'm limited in spells (almost always), I'm much more likely to use a spell that I'm excited about, and I've always been much more satisfied with the results than when I have spell I feel like I have to cast because it's my job.

Also, it seems like when Vesh goes all magic, it's something both unexpected and surprisingly powerful. And, yeah, uh, flashy. So don't hold back; if you've only got one chance to cast something, make it something that will knock the enemy's socks off and that you'll enjoy RPing.

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