Rise of the Runelords


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I keep making promises and they don't pan out, so I took the time today to write out a recap of the PBP games I am in I am at work now, but I will post it soon, late, late tonight or tomorrow. Sorry for the wait.

Combat to date: A grease spell has incapacitated one goblin, and Rince has decapitated another. Raclav missed a bow shot, Tzoltan is hiding, and Girst is approaching. The warchanter is behind his wall of goblins, and it is the goblins turn . . .but I will not be able to post their action until later tonight. Sorry, but this is the sign the game is officially back on!

After watching their companion be decapitated by Rince, the two standing goblins shriek and attack the young hero. They swing thier torches madly. The first goblin lands a glancing blow (1d20-1 = 17; DMG 1d2+1 = 2 points of damage. The torch singes Rince across his forearma and hand. The other goblin can not get a lick in.

The goblin felled by Marius's grease spell is able to crawl out of the slippery goo and back to his warchanter.

Warchanter's turn. She stops alters her singing and sings high shrill warbling note. Rince make a Will Save DC 11 or suffer the effects of a Daze spell.

Order of initiative:
Warchanter (just went)
Onagella (I think we have established Sunshine's two tricks Attack & Defend)

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince stares at the headless corpse insurprise and then shakes his head trying to get the strange warbbling of the warchanter out of his head.

Rince's Will Save (1d20+2=19)

The vile song has no effect on him.

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius with his staff in one hand he raises his other hand as a splash of acid is hurled toward the goblin singing.

Ranged Touch attack for Acid Splash 1d20 + 2 = 18

Damage = 1d3 = 3

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

Snap! Time accelerates and suddenly Vaclav can not act quickly enough. Chaos swirls around him. Stepping forward he nocks and looses another clothyard shaft. Close to 20'sidestepping to keep open line And fire at goblin farthest from Rince. To hit: 1d20=10+3 = 13 total Damage: 1d8=3+1 = 4 total.

I will tally up damage and the like tomorrow morning . . .but if your turn is up keep going.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella charges the nearest goblin, careful to avoid the grease patch.

Attack roll 11+3+1+2=17
Damage 4+2+2=8

Sunshine moves forward ready to attack any goblin that attacks Onagella.

As a side note, I had given sunshine Intx3 tricks. If she only knows two, then I'll trim my list.

Scribe, let me check my stuff. For some reason I thought I read that they learned two tricks maximum or some such nonsense. I am probably wrong.

The heroes respond in a flurry.

Marius conjures a dark green and sizzling bolt of acid that scars the singing goblin. She staggers backwards but still stands.

Vaclav pins the goblin attempting to rise to his feet with an arrow. The mangy creature shudders and lies still, its blood mixing with Marius's magically conjured grease.

Onagella charges forth. She bats away the nearest goblins attempt at defense and drives the sharp end of her pick into its chest. It falls lifeless to the ground.

Tzoltan's turn. But feel free to post out of order, Rince and Girst. Enemies remaining. 1 goblin and the warchanter.

Male Human Fighter /1

Having almost been the victim of one of it's baleful dirges Rince charges the Warcaster(unless, of course, he can't !)aiming a firm blow in an attempt to stop it's caterwauling for good.

Rince charges; potential damage (1d20+6=15, 1d10+2=9)

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Tzoltan rises slowly from behind his meager cover, watching the charging combatants with wide-eyed surprise and concern. He thinks to himself, "I am surrounded by the most aggresively violent group of people I've ever met." He gazes, almost slack-jawed at the devatsation being wrought before him as he wonders if Rince's headlong actions are deliberate tactical decisions or the manifestation of a deeply troubled psyche. He partially recovers himself, looking around the immediate area.

(Tzoltan scans the area for any further goblins that might be approaching, or any other potential danger. Spot check = 18)

I will go for Girst sometime tonight.

The Last Rogue wrote:
I will go for Girst sometime tonight.

Got sidetracked and bad news - I have to have surgery on Monday . . .which means this weekend is full of grad apps, research papers, and short story editing. Monday, will be out of comission, but the operation (for a hernia) is an outpatient deal . . .I will be sore for a week, but starting Tuesday I will probably do more pbp than normal as I will likely be in front of my computer screen full-time.

If Girst does not respond in by Tuesday, let's look for a new player to fill his shoes.

Rince charges the warchanter, bounding over the grease, and bringing his sword down on the fiend with an overwhelming chop. The little bugger falls silent.

Girst launches a crossbow bolt that does the same to the remaining goblin.

Despite the momentary victory, shrill goblin shrieks still erupt from all over town.

Girst looks shaken. As the group gathers to go protect more people, he says, "I am afraid this is not for me."

Surgery knocked me out longer than I thought. We will advance from this point without Girst

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Tzoltan continues to look around, and listen for the sounds of combat, a look of concern on his face.

OOC: It sounds like there is still lots of activity going on around town. Where is the nearest? What sort of things can we hear / see? If it doesn't appear too foolhardy, Tzoltan will creep in that direction, keeping concealed and trying to peek.

I'm not sure if this is a spot or listen check, but I rolled a 5, so it probably doesn't matter.

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince again finds himself staring down at the corpse of a defeated foe.

The cries of those around him soon impinge on his reverie and he looks around for more enemies...........

Spot roll if needed (1d20+1=9)

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

"We should go to the fire. Even if we can't do much to put it out, we can protect other people who can. Sunshine, Heel." Onagella shoulders her axe and sets off at a brisk pace, scanning from side to side for goblins as she marches.

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

"Agreed, Onagella. If you'll give me a moment to recover my arrows first. Rince, are you with us? Sir, wizard?" Vaclav looks to retreive his arrows. What's your policy, Rogue? The next line is just to stay in character. Then to Girst, "Don't be yellow-livered, man. You've done well so far. It's your duty to see this through."

for now you can retrieve your arrows. I have pretty much recovered from my surgery and am off the pain meds; I will be posting regularly now methinks. I will set up the next goblin scenario by Monday night, and will be on 5-6 days a week after that. Thanks for hanging through the rough start guys.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Tzoltan looks back and forth between the dwarf lady and the singer. He's clearly conflicted as to whether he should slink away from further danger, but finally makes his decision. Cementing an almost comical look of determination on his face, he follows the dwarf lady toward the smoke. Of course, he remains far enough behind her so that he's no where near the front line, continuously checking that his grip on his hammer is firm. He hopes that more will join them so he can slide even further back in the formation.

The initial surprise of the goblin raid has seemed to pass. The goblins seem to be losing ground.

Chaos still rings through the town, with plumes of smoke and dancing flame still sprining up in small patches; however, in many corners townsfolk scare off goblins with pitchforks and swords, where in many other areas goblins run scared accidently skewering one and another or lighting each other on fire . . .of course the incident is not wholly comical or safe.

A scream, almost girlish, erupts from a well-dressed foppish man. He tumbles to the ground as his horse is cut out from underneath him by a fierce looking goblin that sits astride a savage looking dog. 4 other goblins hop about waiting to join the action. The defensless man is about 90 feet to the north. The gobnlins seem not to see you.

What do you do?

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

"Look there!" Vaclav points out the endangered man. "let's go!" He begins to run toward the new melee, nocking an arrow as he moves.

I suppose a new initiative is in order?

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

"What is it with the friggin vicious dogs?" Tzoltan skids to a halt, having no interest in getting any closer. "Alright, this is now the third time I'm regretting leaving my crossbow at home. What possible use could I have for it at the festival, I asked myself? Goblin assault, on big ugly dogs, that's what. Dammit."

Tzoltan will move reluctantly and slowly forward, waiting of course, until his newfound murderous companions lead the way before doing so.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella points. "Sunshine, defend that man." She then begins moving forward, calling back over her shoulder "That singer had a crossbow. Get his or find another, or find something to throw."

Handle animal check roll 5+4=9 (fail)

Male Dog 1d8


Onagella this is going to become a running gag . . . Sunshine not understanding your orders . . .lol. Yes everyone role initiative, then proceed with actions . . . the goblins seem not to notice you as they are to focused on tormenting the fallen noble

Sovereign Court Contributor

I rolled for everyone (and rolled well for once!)
Vaclav 20+2= 22
Marius 20+2= 22 (not sure how you want to break that tie)
Tzoltan 16+3= 19
Onagella 15+1= 16
Marius 14+0= 14

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

Vaclav closes to 30' and launches an arrow. Target mounted goblin or best clear shot if he has cover.


Great, I've accomplished less than nothing. Now they know we're here.

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince will move towards the melee probably moving next to Ongella who he realises is a formidable warrior and all-round good person to stand 'shield to shield' with - hoping to get to within charge range of the 'freak on a beast' next round.

Tzoltan skids to a halt and slaps himself on the forehead. "Stupid! Why didn't I think of that?" He changes directtion, running at top speed back toward the location of the previous battle. "I'll be right back!" He calls over his shoulder as he dashes away.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Oops. Previous post was both incomplete, and posted with the wrong icon. Tzoltan will run at top speed back to the dead goblins, looking around for any light crossbow or short bow, and the appropriate ammunition. While he's at it, he'll make sure he does a quick looting of the goblin bard, just in case she had any good stuff. It'd be a shame to let it go to waste, no?

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

oops. Vaclav can't get to 30' and fire. So 60 ' and fire. A miss is a miss.

Will wait for Onagella and Marius to get their actions in, but either way I will summarize and post tonight.

Sunshine yips frantically at Onagella as Vaclav fires an arrow that turns the beasts' attention towards the group. Rince stands at the ready his eyes alert and set on the mounted goblin and his 'dog'; Tzoltan rushes over to the fallen goblins and begins frantically searching for something.

Tzoltan finds a stoppered vial, studded leather, whip, short sword, shortbow and arrows, and a pouch of gold (20gp) you can grab two items this round.

We will give Onagella and Marius until tomorrow afternoon to go, then the surprise round is over.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

"Yoink!" Tzoltan grabs the short bow and arrows. He turns toward the now-joined battle, but then changes his mind, crouching back down to grab more loot.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella advances another 20 feet trying to keep an open line to charge the goblins.
Single action only, correct?

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius only holding a staff begins to move up towards the goblins as stealthily as possible.

Hide check 1d20 + 2 = 20

Move Silently check 1d20 + 2 = 20

Wow! Burned all my good rolls already.

And seems to be doing a fairly good job of it!

The goblins have turned their attention to the group, leaving the noble to cower behind them. The bulk of their chittering, gibberish, and high-pitched squeals seemed to be focused at Rince, Vaclav, and Onagella. Marius seems to have wandered out of sight.

Follow initiative; Mounted goblin 17, regular goblins 8

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

Calling again on Erastil, Vaclav closes to 30 feet and fires at his clearest target, preferably the mounted goblin.
Vaclav's to hit (1d20+3=16)
Arrow damage (1d8+1=7)

really this time he can get there

Male Varisian Wizard 1

Marius begins casting a summon monster 1 (celestial dog) while hiding out of sight of the goblins as best he can.

The dog will arrive at the beginning of Marius' next turn.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Tzoltan scoops up the gold and the potion, stuffs them in his belt pouch, then runs back in the general direction of the battle carrying the bow and arrows. He's obviously very excited. "Hey guys! I looted my first enemy!"

Gang, I am deploying to Afghanistan today, but it's unlikely to break up my posting too much. On the off chance that I disappear completely from the boards, that means I've lost access to the internet for a while. I'll try to get back online, but it's possible I'll be off for a while. If so, please NPC Tzoltan for a while, or one of the other players can play him - whatever works.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella raises her axe and advances 40 more feet towards the goblins.
I believe that brings her to 30 feet away as well.

With a quick prayer to his god, Vaclav unleashes an arrow that plunges deep into the mounted goblin's shoulder. The force of the blow nearly dislodges the big-headed fiend from his ugly mount, but he manages to stay on. He barks some orders in the goblin tongue, his shrill voice tinged with pain.

Tzoltan watches as Marius begins a complicated chanting; he turns away for a second to sweep some items up into his bag, and he rushes forward to rejoin the group.

The mounted goblin backs his dog up a bit and unleashes an arrow at Vaclav (1d20+1 = 14); the arrows whips past the priest's cheek but causes no damage.
Stay safe, Pbem! Rince,apparently you go on a 14 (it says Marius twice on the above initiative)

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince utters a quick prayer and charges full pelt at the Goblin Dog rider (unless it moved out of charge range, which'll necessitate a charge on a squishier goblin).

Another foolhardy charge (1d20+6=15, 1d10+2=7)

If he slices up his opponent as he expects to he'll glare at the remaining goblins and bellow:

'Surrender and Live. Flee and Live. Face us and you'll surely die !'

Rince tries to scare (Intimidate) away mini goblin Horde (if appropiate) (1d20+6=19)

Yeah, I know something unpleasant is now going to happen to Rince !

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

I don't want to jump the queue, but I'll be in transit for a few days at least, so I want to get my strategy in for the rest of this battle. Tzoltan will stand off at about 50' away from the battle with his new bow, take whatever cover he can get, then begin to fire at opponents that are not in melee. He doesn't want to take any chances that he'll hit a friend by accident, so he'll refrain from firing if no good target is available. If possible, he'll try to fire from a hidden location (+7 Hide) and / or take advantage of sneak attacking as much as possible. He will draw his hammer and defend himself if necessary, but will not advance into melee unless things look REALLY desperate. Even then, he'd like to start things off with a sneaky backstab. (back-hammer?)

Guys, I know it is my turn. I don't have the book on me right now (at work and forgot to bring it) I will post at 12:30-1 tonite.

Rince charges in wildly. With a mighty swing of his sword he decapitates the mounted goblin. The round, grotesque head rolls silently to the dirt street.

Rince shouts a bellowing challenge at the remaining goblins, but it losees some emphasis due to the goblin's mounts sudden and vicious attack. AoO 1d20+2 = 6 Rince is able to sidestep the vicious lunge of the mangy animal, but its move attack has flamed the rest of the goblins bloodthirst. 3 goblins move in on Rince, one charges Vaclav.

The three begin swinging away at overspent and surrounded fighter. -2 AC (Rince charged), +2 flanking bonus for all attackers. Goblin 1 1d20+4=19, Dmg-1d4=4; Goblin 2 1d20+4 = 6; Goblin 3 1d20+4=13, Dmg-1d4=3.
The three goblins hop about with two of the sneaky buggers landing cuts across Rinces ribcage and thigh. Deep cuts that begin to seep blood weaken the fighter. Rince you took 7 points of damage total

The remaining goblin unleashes a shrill screech and charges Vaclav. 1d20=natural 1. The little freak ends up tripping over his own dogslicer and lands prone about 15 feet from Vaclav. He rubs his head, slightly dazed.

Vaclav's go

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

Vaclav grins as he momentarily considers shooting the prone goblin before him, but his erstwhile comrade-in-arms needs help. Dropping the long bow, he rushes to Rince's side, drawing his morning star as he goes. He swings at one of the goblins to Rince's right.

To hit (1d20+1=19)

Morning star damage (1d8+1=4)

Male Varisian Wizard 1

After quite a long time of chanting, a celestial dog materializes 25 feet away from Marius towards the action. Marius commands the dog to attack and growl at the goblins as he rushes forward casting another acid splash.

Dog charges the nearest goblin, hopefully one being flanked by either of the two fighters and smites evil as it does.

Dog melee attack 1d20 + 8 [(attack 4)+ (charge 2) + (flanking 2)] = 20

Dog damage 1d4 + 4 [(attack 3) + (smite evil 1)] = 7

Marius acid orb attack surges forth on the nearest goblin to him.
Touch attack 1d20 + 2 = 5

I am sure that is a miss.

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