Giving away 5 Buddy / Guild Member invitations

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Goblin Squad Member

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So I pledged $500 on the kickstarter way back in January of 2013 and now I am being shipped over seas and none of my friends are interested in playing this game anymore so I need 5 people to send my buddy/guild member invites to so I can finalize my pledge by Thorsdag. There are no strings attached, it can be 5 individuals or a group of five I don't care lol.

Goblin Squad Member

I just need avatar names I don't want any other information besides "Oh me I want one my Avatar name is Blah dah blah."

"Nothing Odd Here"

Serious request!


Would love this for a buddy who actually served overseas himself and is doing field exercises this minute, and who also wants to play this game.

An important question. Do these accounts have Destiny's Twins or a way of still obtaining them? I know very little about the program's availability but would love to have one.

I'd love to have one.

I'd appreciate one. Thank you.

I'd appreciate one

Goblin Squad Member

Do not forget to get their emails to add them on the goblinworks website.

Wow really?

I would love that

Goblin Squad Member

Oh I definitely would have thanks Xeen. Sorry pandora I don't remember what Items came out after I pledged. Looks like we have all five, and apparently I need Emails to lol if you 5 want to PM me them Nothing Odd Here, Rico3, Pandora's(if you still want it), angwmson, and Rudar Rockborn were the first 5 it looks like. Gwalchmailangolan if Pandora's changes their mind you are next on deck.

Goblin Squad Member

And I didn't check my PMs, I am checking to see who the first five were based on the times of the posts and PMs. Sorry for sucking guys lol

Goblin Squad Member

Ok so after I stopped sucking this is what I have for the order of request; Bringslite of Fidelis via PM, then Rico3 via PM, Nothing Odd Here via Forum Post, Rudar Rockborn via PM, Caldeathebaequiannia via PM Pandora's via Forum Post, Angwmson via Forum Post, Monty Wolf via PM, Cirolle via Forum Post, Gwalchmailangolan via PM. Unfortunately I only have 5 to give, so in the sake of fairness it will be first come first serve so I will be contacting those first five via PM. I apologize to anyone who's hopes I got up that didn't see this in time.

So close.

Good luck you guys :)

Ugh, that is disappointing :P Let me know if one opens up, as I'm number 6 I think?

Goblin Squad Member

Yes Pandora's you are next on deck and if one of the 5 is unable to take the invite it will be you who has next dibs lol

Goblin Squad Member

@ A Nerfherder

As I PMed you, my account is in free fall unless the original Buddy Invite person shows back up or Paizo clears it away on this side. Instead of making these others wait, disregard my request.

Goblin Squad Member


Ok, so I have accepted the buddy invite on Paizo, but how does that get to Goblinworks? I have an account there, Does that include enrollment, or do I need to buy that separately?

Goblin Squad Member

The 5 buddys should each get early access with me, and each should get 1 month free after regular access begins. After the first month Gwalch you are on your own. Oh and I am working on getting that to the goblinworks site right now lol as for Bringslite you clicked accept and it let you and we will see what Paizo does. It got accepted that will allow me to finalize and once they sort out the invites you have received you will definitely have one and the other may still yet be transferable to Pandora's. The two of you should stay in touch while you sort the debacle that has befallen your account out.

Liberty's Edge

I probably will try the online game once regular open participation begins ( So far, i'm leery of pvp but will at least give it a chance ). But thank you for your generous offer anyway. I hope that your overseas tour is successful. Best wishes and best of luck to you.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I just wanted to say, thank you for handing those out to the community!

Good luck over seas, and stay safe!

A Nerfherder wrote:
The 5 buddys should each get early access with me, and each should get 1 month free after regular access begins.

You da man!

Anyone you'd like us to vote for in the guild rush if we get to?

Goblin Squad Member

Whom ever you please Gwalch lol

Goblin Squad Member

You have to vote for Aragon, for making sure you were setup on both ends.


Xeen wrote:
You have to vote for Aragon, for making sure you were setup on both ends.

That's a negative, Ghost Rider. I repeat, that's a negative

Goblin Squad Member

Oh and I have the answer to Pandora's' question, yes all 5 buddies are essentially crowdforge pioneers. Meaning each one should get destiny's twin.

Goblin Squad Member

Rico3 wrote:
Xeen wrote:
You have to vote for Aragon, for making sure you were setup on both ends.
That's a negative, Ghost Rider. I repeat, that's a negative

You forgot...

The pattern is full.

A Nerfherder wrote:
Oh and I have the answer to Pandora's' question, yes all 5 buddies are essentially crowdforge pioneers. Meaning each one should get destiny's twin.

You may be the most awesome person I've never met! Thanks Again.

Goblin Squad Member

Oh and I looked it up I pledged Dec 25th 2012, just 27 days into the Kickstarter so almost all the daily deal items should be included. *apparently it was only a 3 month kickstarter, 1 mil in 3 months its not Reading Rainbow but taint bad either lol. So that means I have just over half of the items despite my first assertion lol

A Nerfherder wrote:
Oh and I looked it up I pledged Dec 25th 2012, just 27 days into the Kickstarter so almost all the daily deal items should be included.

Hehe! That means I'm better placed than Caldeathe!

Not to place any pressure on you after all your generaosity, but do you know when you'll have the chance to do the invites on Goblinworks?

Goblin Squad Member

Waiting on Rudar Rockborn, as soon as he accepts i can finalize on here and that will allow me to do the stuff on the GW website. Not to put any pressure on that guy lol

Goblin Squad Member

The five of you selected need to fill out shipping address on your accounts here, or you wont get all the free shit that you are now entitled to.

Goblin Squad Member

Gwalchmailangolan wrote:
Hehe! That means I'm better placed than Caldeathe!

Yuck it up, fly boy.

A Nerfherder wrote:
The five of you selected need to fill out shipping address on your accounts here, or you wont get all the free s&&* that you are now entitled to.

Done! I'm guessing about 3.2 seconds after I saw it available....

Goblin Squad Member

lol don't forget to check the GW website fellows oh and as Pioneers I believe its actually 4 months subscription not 1 like I said before... :P

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Gwalchmailangolan wrote:
Hehe! That means I'm better placed than Caldeathe!
Yuck it up, fly boy.

Watch it, elf, or Canadian or not, I'll vote for someone else. Maybe the Golgothans will have me.

A Nerfherder wrote:
lol don't forget to check the GW website fellows oh and as Pioneers I believe its actually 4 months subscription not 1 like I said before... :P

It could be zero months and no extra stuff and you'd still be made of awesome, just for Early enrollment and Destiny's Twin.

So for the rest of you guys, after completing the GW part does it still say "You have not yet enrolled as a Goblin Squad member." when you click on your account?

Goblin Squad Member

Didn't you know we Vikings are made of awesome, we run on win, and we exude excellence! lol

Rico3 wrote:
So for the rest of you guys, after completing the GW part does it still say "You have not yet enrolled as a Goblin Squad member." when you click on your account?

Apparently we have to wait on Rudar Rockborn to accept before the transformation can be completed.

We may have to send out hounds for him.

Gwalchmai ap Langolan wrote:
Rico3 wrote:
So for the rest of you guys, after completing the GW part does it still say "You have not yet enrolled as a Goblin Squad member." when you click on your account?

Apparently we have to wait on Rudar Rockborn to accept before the transformation can be completed.

We may have to send out hounds for him.

It appears that was done because I got the GW invite in email, I clicked it, set up the account, received the "Activate your account" email, did that....and now, it still says "You have not yet enrolled as a Goblin Squad Member" on my GW account. Where it should indicate "Early enrollment"

A Nerfherder wrote:
Didn't you know we Vikings are made of awesome, we run on win, and we exude excellence! lol

You appear to be an entirely different species of viking than the ones I'm used to. The ones around here (SCA) are about as far from awesome as anyone can get before I call the police after them.

You are a credit to Vikingness, Sir.

Goblin Squad Member

I emailed him, and I don't know if that is the problem at this point. It has acknowledge my Goblin Squad status... try submitting a trouble ticket to the support email on the website Rico.

Goblin Squad Member

Are any of the other four having this trouble on the website?

Who hoo! My invitation has arrived! I am "signed up for Early Enrollment."

I am Golden. Viking golden, as it were.

A Nerfherder wrote:
I emailed him, and I don't know if that is the problem at this point. It has acknowledge my Goblin Squad status... try submitting a trouble ticket to the support email on the website Rico.

Yeah I'll do so. Disappointing because my account had issues for quite a while too. Thanks again for everything Nerfherder.

Goblin Squad Member

You are a gentleman and a scholar, Nerfherder. There will always be a room at the inn in Elkhaven for you.

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:

You are a gentleman and a scholar, Nerfherder. There will always be a room at the inn in Elkhaven for you.

Well, for as long as there is an Elkhaven.....

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