No product dependencies listed...

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I hadn't heard about Pathfinder until I saw it in the store today. Picked up both products out of curiosity. But now I've run into an apparent dependency that wasn't listed anywhere on the cover. The Artifice Domain... comes from the Ebberon setting I believe. Didn't realize I needed that for this product. :(

Hmmm. I don't own a single Eberron product and I'm not having any dependency problems.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Artifice Domain
The domain is from the OGL part of Deities and Demigods.

Kruelaid wrote:
Hmmm. I don't own a single Eberron product and I'm not having any dependency problems.

Then where do I find information on the Artifice Domain that's listed on one of the deities?

Thanks for the link Jason.

jasonbostwick wrote:

Artifice Domain

The domain is from the OGL part of Deities and Demigods.

Ah, thanks... still, makes me wonder what else in this product is not in the core books.

Dark Archive

Darkbridger wrote:
jasonbostwick wrote:

Artifice Domain

The domain is from the OGL part of Deities and Demigods.

Ah, thanks... still, makes me wonder what else in this product is not in the core books.

A handful of creatures from The Book of Fiends (Green Ronin) and The Tome of Horrors (Necromancer Games), but everything necessary to use them has been reprinted in the stats; also there's a PrC and a feat or two from the Book of Fiends, but once again, everything useful/pertinent is in the adventure.

So, what you really need is the d20 SRD for the rules and the Player's Guide for extra flavor, which are both for free. ;)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Apart from some of the SRD domains (which are often reprinted in various books like the Eberron campaign setting, the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, Complete Divine, and Spell Compendium) that some of the deities get... all you really need to use Pathfinder is the 3 core books. In Pathfinder itself, we reprint all of the non-core stuff we use so that it's easier to use Pathfinder without having to sift through books to get them.

We just didn't have room to list several of the other domains in the Player's Guide, alas, but since all those domains are relatively easy to find (and free, of course, if you have access to the SRD) I felt it was a better choice to include them and broaden the deities a bit.

Scarab Sages

Darkbridger wrote:
Ah, thanks... still, makes me wonder what else in this product is not in the core books.

Pathfinder is OGL, thus conforms to the SRD, which many (including me; I'll hold my hands up...) mistakenly believe equates to '3 Core books only'.

It's actually more complex than that, since some optional rules from later books are included (such as psionics, though the Paizo writers have implied this element will not be actively pushed), and some content from the 3 core books is not included (some of the iconic monsters, such as beholders, etc), or changed (spell names do not use specific Greyhawk/FR personages). So, instead of 'Bigby's Crushing Hand', you would see just 'Crushing Hand', which is something to look out for, to avoid fruitless page-flipping through the PHB...

The SRD is freely available over the 'net, and can be printed, or saved for your own use. I don't have the link to hand, but maybe someone else can point Darkbridger in the right direction...

Snorter wrote:
Darkbridger wrote:
Ah, thanks... still, makes me wonder what else in this product is not in the core books.

Pathfinder is OGL, thus conforms to the SRD, which many (including me; I'll hold my hands up...) mistakenly believe equates to '3 Core books only'.

<shrug> I know a few players that are new to RPGs as of 3.5. These people don't know the details of the SRD nor would know to go looking for it unless instructed by the rules somewhere. It's nice that it's all free, but not everyone keeps up with online resources.

James Jacobs wrote:

We just didn't have room to list several of the other domains in the Player's Guide, alas, but since all those domains are relatively easy to find (and free, of course, if you have access to the SRD) I felt it was a better choice to include them and broaden the deities a bit.

Broadening the deities is indeed a nice choice. However, the Pathfinder Player's Guide is only 16 pages long. I guess there isn't enough unreferenced SRD material to fill up another 4? (Assuming that adding anything less than that isn't really possible given how printing works) Still, it would be nice to have had those details for a beginning product, or at least a highlighted reference on where to find the SRD and what "non-Core" (for lack of a better term) parts of it the game uses. Even if adding 4 pages drove the price up a dollar, I don't think most players would have minded the increase... it's an inexpensive product to begin with.

Scarab Sages

Darkbridger wrote:
However, the Pathfinder Player's Guide is only 16 pages long. I guess there isn't enough unreferenced SRD material to fill up another 4? (Assuming that adding anything less than that isn't really possible given how printing works)?

As far as I'm aware, printing uses 'blocks' of 16 pages (sorry, I don't know the official term...;P), which are formed from large sheets folded 4 times, before binding, and the edges trimmed. So the next step up would be a 32-page product, then 48, 64, 80, 96....etc.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Darkbridger wrote:
Broadening the deities is indeed a nice choice. However, the Pathfinder Player's Guide is only 16 pages long. I guess there isn't enough unreferenced SRD material to fill up another 4? (Assuming that adding anything less than that isn't really possible given how printing works) Still, it would be nice to have had those details for a beginning product, or at least a highlighted reference on where to find the SRD and what "non-Core" (for lack of a better term) parts of it the game uses. Even if adding 4 pages drove the price up a dollar, I don't think most players would have minded the increase... it's an inexpensive product to begin with.

It's not as simple a matter as adding 4 pages, unfortunately. The way it works; we have to add pages in "signatures," which means in batches of 16 pages. So it's either a 16 page product or a 32 page one. Or maybe it's batches of 8 pages. We certainly can't just add 2 or 4, though. :(

It was also one of the first products we've done to make full use of the SRD, so it's a little rough around the corners. We SHOULD have, at the very least, indicated where to look for those domains. We just didn't think of it.

In future Pathfinders, though, when we do larger writeups of the deities (first up is Desna in Pathfinder 2), we'll be reprinting those domains not in the PHB fully.

In any case, we made sure to give all the deities lots of domains, and no one of them has more than one domain that doesn't appear in the PHB, so they still work fine if you ignore those domains.

Well, we don't need things like Book of Fiends and such to play with Pathfinder...however, would it enhance the games to pick up one of these sourcebooks? Especially since certain people will be willing to unload their 3.X series of books at LOW, LOW PRICES!!! Hahaha!


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
We just didn't have room to list several of the other domains in the Player's Guide, alas, but since all those domains are relatively easy to find (and free, of course, if you have access to the SRD) I felt it was a better choice to include them and broaden the deities a bit.

And for those without the SRD, here's one of the best resources for SRD info...

I use it A LOT when I see something I don't recognize, usually saves me a lot of searching.

When that fails there's...

Which indexes all of Wizard's books so if it's not SRD, you can find where it was published by Wizards. :)

Additional Domains
Artifice Domain
Granted Power
Gain +4 bonus on Craft checks. The character casts conjuration (creation) spells at +1 caster level. (Those with access to both the Artifice and Creation domains cast conjuration [creation] spells at +3 caster level.)

Artifice Domain Spells
Animate rope
Wood shape
Stone shape
Minor creation
Major creation
True creation
Prismatic sphere
Charm Domain
Granted Power
The character can boost his or her Charisma by 4 points once per day. Activating this power is a free action. The Charisma increase lasts 1 minute.

Charm Domain Spells
Charm person
Calm emotions
Charm monster
Dominate monster
Community Domain
Granted Power
Use calm emotions as a spell-like ability once per day. Gain a +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks.

Community Domain Spells
Greater status
Telepathic bond
Heroes’ feast
Mass heal
Creation Domain
Granted Power
Cast conjuration (creation) spells at +2 caster level. (Those with access to both the Artifice and Creation domains cast conjuration (creation) spells at +3 caster level.)

Creation Domain Spells
Create water
Minor image
Create food and water
Minor creation
Major creation
Heroes’ feast
Permanent image
True creation
Darkness Domain
Granted Power
Free Blind-Fight feat.

Darkness Domain Spells
Obscuring mist
Armor of darkness
Summon monster V (only summons 1d3 shadows)
Prying eyes
Power word blind
Power word kill
Glory Domain
Granted Power
Turn undead with a +2 bonus on the turning check and +1d6 to the turning damage roll.

Glory Domain Spells
Disrupt undead
Bless weapon
Searing light
Holy smite
Holy sword
Bolt of glory
Crown of glory
Liberation Domain
Granted Power
The character gains a +2 morale bonus on all saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.

Liberation Domain Spells
Remove fear
Remove paralysis
Remove curse
Freedom of movement
Break enchantment
Greater dispel magic
Mind blank
Madness Domain
Granted Power
The character gains an Insanity score equal to half his or her class level. For spellcasting (determining bonus spells and DCs), the character uses his or her Wisdom score plus his or her Insanity score in place of Wisdom alone.

For all other purposes, such as skills and saves, use Wisdom minus Insanity in place of Wisdom.

Once per day, the character can see and act with the clarity of true madness. Use the character’s Insanity score as a positive rather than a negative modifier on a single roll involving Wisdom. Choose to use this power before the roll is made.

Madness Domain Spells
Lesser confusion
Touch of madness
Bolts of bedevilment
Phantasmal killer
Maddening scream
Nobility Domain
Granted Power
The character has the spell-like ability to inspire allies, giving them a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Allies must be able to hear the character speak for 1 round. Using this ability is a standard action. It lasts a number of rounds equal to the character’s Charisma bonus and can be used once per day.

Nobility Domain Spells
Divine favor
Magic vestment
Discern lies
Greater command
Storm of vengeance
Repose Domain
The Repose domain is similar to the Death domain, but is granted by good-aligned deities whose clerics are barred from casting evil spells.

Granted Power
The character may use a death touch once per day. The death touch is a spell-like ability that is a death effect. The character must succeed at a melee touch attack against a living creature (using the rules for touch spells). When the character touches, roll 1d6 per his or her cleric level. If the total at least equals the creature’s current hit points, it dies.

Repose Domain Spells
Gentle repose
Speak with dead
Death ward
Slay living
Undeath to death
Wail of the banshee
Rune Domain
Granted Power
Free Scribe Scroll feat.

Rune Domain Spells
Secret page
Glyph of warding
Explosive runes
Lesser planar binding
Greater glyph of warding
Instant summons
Symbol of Death
Teleportation circle
Scalykind Domain
Granted Power
Rebuke or command animals (reptilian creatures and snakes only) as an evil cleric rebukes or commands undead.

Use this ability a total number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma modifier.

Scalykind Domain Spells
Magic fang
Animal trance†
Greater magic fang
Animal growth†
Creeping doom (composed of tiny snakes)
Animal shapes†
†Affects ophidian or reptilian creatures only.

Weather Domain
Granted Power
Survival is a class skill.

Weather Domain Spells
Obscuring mist
Fog cloud
Call lightning
Sleet storm
Call lightning storm
Control winds
Control weather
Storm of vengeance

Everyone always forgets the Mind domain, but it's in the SRD too.

Mind Domain

Granted Power: Gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. Gain a +2 bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.

Mind Domain Spells

1. Comprehend Languages
2. Detect Thoughts
3. Telepathic Bond, Lesser
4. Discern Lies
5. Telepathic Bond
6. Probe Thoughts
7. Brain Spider
8. Mind Blank
9. Weird

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