Teemuu |

Hi there, I've gathered, reedited and posted most of my Shackled city campaign logs and death counts. Some of these appear in other threads, some on my yahoo group.
Basically the campaign is set in a world named Grom. Its a 20 year old ( on and off) campaign semi based off Mystara. I wanted to preserve most of my campaign background with out changing the campaign too much so I set this in an area called the western free league ( some place no one visits ) . The campaign is ran every other week, and is enjoyed ( or inflicted heh) on 5-8 players.

Teemuu |

Shackled City in Grom
Chapter 1 : 6 deaths. 1 by inter party combat ( the rogue killed the
wizard after he shot the cleric) 3 by acid pool ( how many 1's can a
party roll on their climb checks before someone decides to take 10) 1
monk got impaled by the stone spike thing and the goliath barbarian
got killed by the skulk infected by the vanishing. The monk was almost
killed by the rest of the party after an argument/duel over the
clerics magic kama .
Chapter 2 : 3 deaths/ or MIA . 3 party members were infected by the
wererats. They were all locked up by Alek Tercival to be cured on the
full moon, but the ranger escaped. The rogue and the beguiler were
cured, but the ranger came back and abducted the rogue. The Goliath
dragon shaman smashed the infected rangers head in though.( what's non
lethal damage?) Later after entering Drakthar's way. They fought an
army of goblins , and eventually faced Drakthar who dominated the
above dragon shaman. The rest of the party ran for it as soon as the
dwarf fighter realized it was a vampire.
Chapter 3 . 3 deaths . The party thrashed the hillmen and alleybashers
with some well placed colour sprays. They sent a scout to recon the
rest of the inn. When they saw a pack of baboons and Tongueeater they
ran and hid in the stables till either The baboons left or Alek
Tercival arrived. =p Pretty cowardly in my opinion but it probably
saved them from a few more character deaths. The party seems to have
developed a healthy fear of were creatures and baboons (in previous
campaigns I used a creature called the rock baboon from the DD rule
cyclopedia which resulted in many player fatalities ) Lost the dwarf
fighter to the skulvyn water demon thing after he was dominated by the
kopru to fight it. Then lost the above dwarf's wyrmling pet white
dragon to the crazy goliath red dragon shaman (He's been itching to
kill that thing for awhile) . Lost the Goliath dragon shaman in the
battle with the red head chick (he was knocked into negs, she told the
party to back off or the goliath gets it..well you can guess the rest)
. Beguiler was killed by the dino after the orc fighter ( replacement
of the dwarf fighter ) used him as a human shield. Npc elven cleric
paragon went insane.
Chapter 4. 6 deaths 1 MIA. Beguiler charged the fiendish umberhulk so
he can color spray it , and was promptly confused and torn shreds.
Dwarven cleric tried to rescue beguiler but was confused and torn to
shreds.( he's been the longest lasting character so far.) Surprisingly
nobody died to gotrod, the cyro hydra, or ashuuna . The ashuuna fight
actually lasted the full 100 rounds then her time was up. But alot of
that was spent by the party recovering with the dragon shaman's
healing aura, and the use of a wand of cure light and 2 clerics
healing. The party's damage output is very poor but their general ac
and healing power is quite impressive. The 3rd lvl npc fighter and the
npc warmage both died though, but I'm not counting those guys heh.
Dhlort recruited the halforc fighter and the beguiler ( they both had
dragon blood ) and made them both fight for his favor. In the end ,
the half orc got lucky splattered the beguiler and then Dhlort took
off with the victor never to be seen again ( for now anyways.) The
weakened party lost the dragon shaman and the dwarven cleric to the
big fish cleric in a massive 4 hour brawl. Finnaly Zenith killed the
brand new rogue who just joined the party (welcome to the campaign!)
Chapter 5 . 4 deaths. Half the party seemed to want to incite a riot,
the other half wanted to calm down the mob. Some chaos ensued but no
one got hurt. When the half orc bar was burning down , most of them
just watched and then the spectators ran away as soon as the fire
elementals popped up. Amazingly they decided to go find their buddy
Alek Tercival , and through some stroke of luck they journeyed to Red
Gorge ( although there was some debate about searching the Lucky
monkey?!? ) They survived most of the encounters relatively unscathed
although the giant sloth almost squished the new cleric. They lost the
elven fighter and the halfling ranger in the fight against the 4
giants mainly due to the elven fighters refusual to retreat and get
healing, and really poor healing rolls by the clerics and the giants
last minute critical club strike on his face. Later on the dead forge
halflings next character was some elven , who foolishly tried to stand
up to the heavily muscular super giant ( or was he abandoned? same
difference heh). Later still , when the party had the show down with
the half fey green hags, the elven rogues next character, a bewitching
human woman warlock, was confused and started blasting the cleric.
The duegar psychic warrior would have none of that , and quickly put
his brand new magic lightning sword through her.
Current party composition . human dragon shaman ( drow was
reincarnated because they started to run out of cash) human cleric of
mirrodin , human sorcerer , assimar paladin , tiefling paladin ,
duegar psychic warrior
Cohorts include duegar cleric, human bard/cleric/marshall, baby red

Teemuu |

Chapter 5 . 5 deaths. Half the party seemed to want to incite a riot,
the other half wanted to calm down the mob. Some chaos ensued but no
one got hurt. When the half orc bar was burning down , most of them
just watched and then the spectators ran away as soon as the fire
elementals popped up. Amazingly they decided to go find their buddy
Alek Tercival , and through some stroke of luck they journeyed to Red
Gorge ( although there was some debate about searching the Lucky
monkey?!? ) They survived most of the encounters relatively unscathed
although the giant sloth almost squished the new cleric. They lost the
elven fighter and the halfling ranger in the fight against the 4
giants mainly due to the elven fighters refusual to retreat and get
healing, and really poor healing rolls by the clerics and the giants
last minute critical club strike on his face. Later on the dead forge
halflings next character was some elven , who foolishly tried to stand
up to the heavily muscular super giant ( or was he abandoned? same
difference heh). Later still , when the party had the show down with
the half fey green hags, the elven rogues next character, a bewitching
human woman warlock, was confused and started blasting the cleric.
The duegar psychic warrior would have none of that , and quickly put
his brand new magic lightning sword through her.
Afterwards the party discovered the cursed fountain , which produces
the toxin that warps peoples minds . This toxin apparently caused the
incident between Grom and Kalidon and caused Sir Tercival to make his
foolish challenge to Skellerang , which resulted in Cauldron marching
to Red Gorge. The party promptly drank and bottled as much of this
stuff as possible and even levied a drinking charge on a wandering tax
collector. Later they cornerd the last half fey green hag and her
spell weaver skeleton minions. The minions proved to be very resilent
but lacked any decent damage threat. Svikki proved herself to be the
number one healer in the party. The fight would have been a cakewalk
but several members were dominated/eyebiten/suggested. This caused
several near deaths for the party, but finally the Aasimar paladin
whacked the delusional members with his adamant hammer. The party
found some sort of mystic staff , which they presented to the aassimar
The next day they discovered a strange room with strange patterns on
the floor and an apparent mirror portal. Some characters bravely went
through, but were subjected to several hit and run attacks by
creatures called nerra, ( creatures from the plane of mirrors).
Eventually they crossed over several hundred miles to the south east
into the sind desert . Where they found Alek Tercival. At that
point a powerful pincer armed, giant dog headed man popped in and
started laying an ass whooping to the party. The party promptly
confronted this threat with their tried and true tactics ( I run
through the tunnel and summon my horse, I run through the tunnel and
jump on the horse, ext)The duegar and the brave Tercival fought
against the demon and both were slain in the end. Tercival's shattered
body seemed possessed by a strange voice warning the characters to
stay away from Cauldron and seek the smoking eye. Then in his last
ounce of will he told the party " Say goodbye to Ka...." then he
passed away. His possessions were then promptly descended on by the
party. I didn't hear anyone actually burying him so I assumed Svikki
did it.
In the hall of mirrors, they met a young and hungry half elf named
Sorgus Onei ( not One Eye) who asked the characters aid in rescuing
his mother behind a portal behind the dunes. He claims to be the son
of Sorgus Onei and is currently being chased by insect lizard
dimensional raiders named Xill. *note Sorgus Onei is the name of a
legendary figure of Grom , kind of like Hercules or Gilgamesh is in
our world. He comes from a time before Grom, between the age of dawn
and the Age of Empires.
Current party composition . human dragon shaman ( drow was
reincarnated because they started to run out of cash) human cleric of
mirrodin , human fighter cleric , assimar paladin , tiefling
paladin/paragon/cleric , human sorcerer tax collector,
Cohorts and allies include duegar cleric, human bard/cleric, baby red
dragon, ice mephit familiar, a huge fiendish centipede, and about
20-25 hired bullies/thugs

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(*note at this point my players have been lagging behind the recommended character xp. So this is a side quest , using some of my favorite monsters . The not so fearsome Xill, and the Achaierai )
0 deaths. Shackled City sidetrek Icemountain Lake
The party of brave adventurers ( or murderous cutthroats and thugs if
you prefer) have gathered together outside the ruins. There they
lament and quickly forget about their friend's (Alek Tercevial) death.
After a chance encounter with a lone staff wielding knight, they
determine they are somewhere in the Sind Desert several hundred miles
away from anywhere. The half elf they met (Sorgus Onei or Sargas
Kiops) the previous day told them that his mother's house is beyond
the hill and she was being attacked by Xill. The characters agreed to
help, and gathered their wits and henchmen and proceeded to the hill.
At the hill, they discovered several unconscious nomads and camels. A
quick check by their super talented healer ( <-- sarcasm alert) it was
determined that they were infected by Xill eggs. Before anyone could
formulate a plan, a monstrous Sandworm attacked the party's henchmen.
It quickly dispatched a half dozen of them before the lethargic party
members mounted a defense. During the fight, the heroes and cowards
of the party were quickly made aparent.
Sargas or Sarge opened a portal on one of the egyptian rocks in the
ruins. The party encountered not Xill, but strange looking humans
with spears riding upon giant scorpions. A brief skirmish occured and
the guards were easily routed.
The party determined that they were in some sort of Demiplane
aproximately 10 miles in radius. They also discovered ruins which
appeared to be honoring old gods named Ptah, Ra, and Geb. Someone
suggested that the sandworm might have been sent against them by Set.
Forging on , the party encountered a band of xill assaulting Sarge's
house, and more of the strange humans watching them. The party
attacked the strange humans and were quickly met by a fireball to the
face. After a vicious fight, where the bard, and the sorcerer were
feebleminded, the party was victorious over what appears to be some
magic using tiger man.
Unable to enter the house, the party rested in Sarge's guest house,
and the next day proceeded to the inn, where they met 2 dire chickens.
The chickens infected 4 party members with insanity , but luckily
they had a magic banner that dispelled the effects. After rescuing
the guardian of the demiplane, the party was given instructions on how
to get medical aid in a dimension called carrigmoor.
Will the party explore this strange new world? Will the party
remember their original quest? Will sir Tercival ever get a decent
burial?? Stay tuned in two weeks for these answers and more.
Current party composition, half orc fighter/paladin, aasimar paladin,
tiefling rogue paladin, human dragon shaman, human barbarian, fighter,
ranger, human cleric, human cleric/fighter
Cohorts duegar paladin, human bard, huge band of thugs and goons.
(*note some of the cohorts and players had their classes changed due from phbII rules. After much complaining of course heh)

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(*note Carrigmor is from the Monte Cook Supplement :Beyond Countless Doorways. Highly recommended if you like planescape and that type of stuff)
(*note there are a lot of references to all half elves being overweight in my campaign, because several players in the past rolled overweight on their half elves while doing random traits. So all the players gleefully claim half elves are not 1/2 human 1/2 elf but a whole human with 1/2 an elf stuck on , heh.)
The liberators of Icemountain Lake were exploring the dead city of
Carrigmor, when suddenly one of their own went on a berserk rampage.
The knight they met in the middle of the sind dessert attacked the
swiftblade tax collector and his army of thugs. The swiftblade
quickly beat a hasty retreat and ran to the rest of the party members.
Explaining the situation as quickly as he could, the staff wielding
knight ( hmm a moonknight perhaps?) attacked the swiftblade raining
heavy staff blows onto his head. Stunned by this quick turn of events
, the party was suddenly attacked by dark skeletal demons.
The demons dispatched several of the townsfolk and assistant tax
collectors in quick succession. The party was quickly overwhelmed by
the the demons. Most of their buffs and defensive spells were quickly
dispelled, and the demons proved cunning in their use of flanking and
teleporting maneuvers . The party would have been doomed if it
weren't for the intervention of an old and mysterious spell caster
named Karuophon. Karuophon quickly dispatched several of the demons
with disintegrates and fireballs, buying the party breathing room to
vanquish the bad guys. After the melee, the swiftblade laid slain,
and the knight quickly ran through and apparently suicided himself in
atonement for this deed. Karuophon claimed that the party was chosen
by the prophet of the Smoking eye. (Presumably the deceased Alek Tercival)
Sargas left the party after being spooked by the fighter clerics
command of spiders. Muttering something about "mother warned me about
women like that" . The Cleric of Nirrodin found a sanctuary and
atoned her spiritual ways and embraced the path of the swanmay.
Karuophon waited at the market square , while the party divided their
loot using Nabisco's Law. ( The leader gets all the good stuff) After
several days of shopping , training, reincarnating, and general
whining , the adventurers met Karuophon and blindly followed him to
the plane of Occipitus, with hardly any questions regarding his
motives or their safety (the sign of true adventurers , or was it the
sign of dumb people )
On Occipitus they encountered a massive skull spitting out large gouts
of plasma and flame that seemed to take on a life of its own in the
sky. Making their way to what appeared to be a large cathedral, the
party's scout ( the swanmay druid) was ambushed by half bear half owl
creatures ( the dreaded Bowl, or some call them owl bears.) The
druid was grappled by 2 of the mangy beasts while the rest charged the
rest of the party. The gnoll/flind barbarian was overwhelmed by the
beast and was trapped until the swiftblade grew him to the size of the
creatures. The poor druid meanwhile changed into a swan , and found
herself being torn to shreds. After a vicious fight , the party
emerged victorious.
The dragonshaman , fearful of another sneak attack, ordered the druid
to scout the area for more monsters and treasure. Being completely
oblivious to her surroundings the beautiful swan may flew into the air
where she promptly gained the attention of one of the previously
mentioned balls of flaming plasma. She quickly flew and landed behind
Karuophon , the plasma ball followed and engulfed them both in an
unholy explosion. The druid laid slain ( her goose was cooked) and
Karuophon was almost blasted into oblivion as well.
After some healing, the party found Bruce McDunn as a prisoner of the
Owl Bears. The humble dwarf wore a platinum face plate to disguise
his identity but it was clear who this mighty hero was. The remaining
adventurers finally made it to the ruined cathedral . There they
encounter 2 hideous monsters. They had the facial features of elves,
but their lower body was swollen to a monstrous size, and they waddled
on tiny legs, and suspended themselves from webs. These creatures are
known in grom as "Half elves " - most likely a spider/garden breed.
A fierce magical fight where lightning , fire , and webs were
exchanged, but the party once again proved victorious over these
hideous "half elves" .
Currently the adventurers are in the entrance of the Cathedral ,
awaiting their reinforcements before making their next sortie .

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While the main group of the party was recovering from the battle with
the fiendish half elves (similar to regular grom half elves except
with extra legs ), the rest of the party was making their way to the
fallen cathedral. The other party members included the tiefling
paladin, the war priestess, and various members of the Grom tax
collection unit. During their trek, they encountered a pack of giant
hunting cats. They quickly scrambled through the ruins, using the
rough terrain to hamper the large cats movements. They still lost a
few tax collectors , but they managed to fight their way to the cathedral.
After that brief and deadly skirmish, the party boldly journeyed
deeper into the building seeking the test of the smoking eye. They
encountered a large room with giant flaming snake man and his smaller
flaming snake man cohorts. The noble giant flaming snake man summoned
a huge fire elemental and lobbed several fireballs and fire walls at
the party. Meanwhile an alluring leathered wing demoness scattered
some of the weaker willed members of the party. The fight saw the
loss of even more tax collectors and mounts, and even the war
priestess was thought to have been slain ( though a valkyrie saved her
in time) The assimar paladin was cheap shotted a few times while
unconscious but managed to stay on his feet.
Exploring the upper parts of the temple, the party found a few
treasures , and some exploding books. The war priestess was once again
apparently slain by a flight of exploding books but her Valkyrie
saved her again. Finding stairs they descended into a dark room
where the proctor of the first test, an ornately armored mummy,
awaited them. The mummy told them through one door lied a bebilith (
a monstrous spider demon) and through another door an avoral guardinal
( a hawk man celestial) . Go through one and slay the creature then
venture through the opposite door.
The party immediately began arguing whether a bebilith is in fact a
demon, a spider, a tannari, a construct .....With that unresolved they
decided to fight the "evil outsider" instead of fighting the celestial
( what sane party with paladins would slaughter an innocent guardinal
celestial? That would be just as bad as slaughtering a tribe of hound
archons or something )
(* note in the other campaign I play in, our party indeed slaughtered a tribe of hound archons. In our defense , we thought they were gnolls. It wasn't until after we couldn't charm them, protection from evil, their celestial giant bee guardians, and their use of holy symbols that we put two and two together .)
The room they entered was a spider web filled room ( but obviously not
the bebiliths web since they aren't spiders, maybe he contracted the
webbing out to those half elves earlier) filled with dangling bridges
suspended by the web. A fierce fight with the spider and its venom (
obviously he had apply poison skill) resulted in the aasimar paladin,
and the war priestess's death. The valkyrie was unable to save her a
third time due to some strange interdimensional lock on the room.
The first test was passed and Bruce McDunn was given a strange lantern
to lead them to the second test. The mummy told them they were most
wise indeed. Always "take care of rivals before dealing with enemies
" The party reunited with their companions who were unable to enter
upstairs. There they split their group up. One to recover from their
injuries with the bebilith the other to continue to the plain of cysts .
On the plane of cysts they encounter what appeared to be many
treasures hidden in the cysts. Karuophon their guide cautioned
against looting them, for it would be a grave sin to rob the tombs of
fallen celestials. Meanwhile a wayward baby dragon was seen in the
distance digging stuff up. ( burying bones perhaps?) Bruce McDunn
encountered some strange teleporting traps on the plain. The party
tried a few times to figure out what was going on, but were
interrupted by a large abyssal multi legged alligator beast. The
creature with its evil hate filled eyes immediately turned svikki and
the swiftblade to stone. The mighty gnoll barbarian stood his ground,
and fought the creature toe to toe. During this great fight, the
dragonshaman was also turned to stone, while the gnoll (who was too
far away from the haste spell by the sumo wrestling wizard ) was
promptly eaten as well. Bruce McDunn had to step in and bravely fight
the beast, while being healed by the newest member of the party , the
halfling cleric Dorcas. After this blood soaked battle of attrition
the party consisted of 3 stone statues, Karuophon, Bruce McDunn, Sumo
wizard, Dirty Pete, Adrianne and Dorcas the cleric.
Karouphon planeshifted the mobile party members to a hellish planes
town called Ribcage. There they avoided the denizens ( they seemed to
know and respect Karophon's power) and purchased a few magical
scrolls. They returned and un petrified the party . Regrouping once
again they continue their way deeper into Occipitus and bravely go to
encounter the party rending terrors that await.
Party Deaths so far : 31 ( war priestess, gnoll barbarian and assimar
paladin) the lack of a real dedicated cleric/healer is really starting
to show.
Current party : Tiefling paladin, dragonshaman, sumo wizard,
swiftblade, dwarf paladin/ranger
Cohorts/followers/companions : human bard, duegar paladin, halfling
cleric , ice mephit , Old Sorcerer guy .

Teemuu |

After the disastrous encounter with the abyssal basilisk, the brave(?)
party regrouped with their reserve members. Kaurophon the mysterious
sorcerer , was woefully disappointed by the party's current
performance and gave the group 2 magic healing wands. Fortifying
themselves with new courage and gear , they proceeded to follow the
mighty Bruce McDunn through the field of cysts. After being
mysteriously teleported to the beginning of the field they deduced (
perhaps even correctly) that they must gather around the bearer of the
lantern ( given to them by the mummy at the cathedral). After spying
a golden sword in one of the cysts, the party spent (wasted?) an hour
or two digging up some cysts for treasure . They saw a large metallic
spider digging a hole, but wisely decided to avoid it. Later they saw
what appeared to be a large feathered serpent weakly moving in a cyst.
Once again they avoided this encounter, possibly dooming this
celestial creature to an eternity in the abyss. Finally they
encountered a band of thugs/cultists digging up and defiling dead
angel graves. Once again they wisely (or is it cowardice?) avoided
these denizens. At last they made it to the end of the field, there
they encountered another mummy who told them that they passed the
second part of the test. The mummy directed them to the great skull
in the center of the plane, to take the test of sacrifice.
Journeying to the great skull, ( kind of like the one in Grom) they
passed through a large forest. The forest it self was quite bizarre,
strange almost animal like plants would bend out of the partys path or
interpose itself between them. As the group made their way through
this strange forest, a dragon as black as night circled and sprayed
the party with acid. The battle was hard fought, and the bard
Adrianne almost fell except for the heroics of the brave Bruce McDunn.
The party was fortunate in having a black dragon shaman with them,
without her protective auras they would have taken more grievous
wounds. The dragon managed to escape with the body of Bruce though,
adding another brave soul to the book of heroes.
Once more the party regrouped after the loss of their leader. They
finally reached the great skull, and proceeded to climb up the slopes.
They encountered an angel with black feathered wings pinned to the
ground by large metal poles . He identified himself as Saureya the
fallen Deva, and he seemed to have some history with Kaurophon.
Saureya revealed that the plane was once under the command of the
recently ( for the abyss anyways) deposed demon lord Adimarchus , and
the test of the smoking eye is a way to select a new successor for the
plane. The Deva provided few answers but introduced two new
fodde...err adventurers for the group. A brave barbarian and a steady
archer. After a brief period of questioning the party found the slime
covered entrance to the skull and entered. The group worked their way
into the skull, and heard a noise. The barbarian ran forward,..right
into two hasted giants. The barbarian was quickly taken down,
Kaurophon and the sumo wizard quickly stepped up and blasted the
giants with cones and lances of cold. The giants retaliated with
massive swings felling both arcane casters. The group also discovered
a cat man wizard supporting the giants. After a fierce fight, the
monsters were defeated and the party victorious. The party had 3
down, but miraculously recovered the 2 casters.
The group can sense they are near the end of their journey through
Occipitus . What other creatures seek the test of the Smoking Eye?
Will there be anymore guardians that have been placed by Adimarchus?
Party deaths so far :33 (dwarf paladin and half orc barbarian)
Current party, arcane archer, dragon shaman, gnome swiftblade,
tiefling paladin, and sumo wrestling wizard.
Cohorts,followers,allies: Karuophon the sorcerer, ice mephit,
halfling cleric, Duegar paladin, human bard .

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After the party defeated the catman and his giant guards, there was
some debate of whether they should rest or proceed forward . On one
hand, there was a chance another group might be closer to passing the
test then they were, on the other hand , the party wasted a lot of
time already , so it might not have made a difference. They looked to
their default leader ( the dragonshaman )for guidance and decided to
press onwards.
Up the spiraling tunnel they went, till they found a room with a
throne and smashed clay jugs all around it. The party suspected some
shenanigans , so no one was brave enough to enter the room. From
their vantage point they saw stairs behind the throne, leading further
up, so they decided to step forward. 2 berserk clay men stepped
forward and went into overdrive , pummeling the party. First the orc
fighter stepped forward and took a few shots to the face, then the
dragonshaman stepped forward and was almost pummeled to the ground,
finally the tiefling paladin advanced , and also took a beating. The
party was confident that their clerics and their close wound wands
would turn the tide, but was shocked to find all their wounds were
cursed and can not be healed. A simple fight of attrition suddenly
turned to a bitter fight to the end. The dragonshaman's breath
weapons turned the tide, but in the end , the tiefling paladin and
herself suffered grievous unhealable wounds.
Once again there was debate whether to rest or push forward, and once
again they decided to press onwards. After a short trip up the
spiralling tunnel, they met an old paladin and his beefy mage cohort.
The party was suspicious of the old man, but the sumo wizard welcomed
the muscled mage. (At this point the 2 mages were amongst the
strongest members of the party) With their new allies the party
pressed forward , ready to meet whatever challenges await.
Near the top of the skull, they found an old cavern with a strange
pulsating glow within. The icemephit, the 2 wizards and the tiefling
paladin all gathered forward to examine this effect. Suddenly a dire
chicken appeared and black inked the party. The party was thrown into
confusion, as fiendish dire wolves, howlers, fiendish apes, and
elementals started to appear and fight the party. The battle was
fierce, and deadly. Karuophon accidentaly blasted the dragonshaman
during the fight, thinking her to be already dead, but Svikki the ice
mephit used a scroll of revivify to save her. After 5 or 6 rounds of
constant summoning, and fighting, the ever alert tiefling noticed a
creature within the black energy, and struck at him with the holy
staff Alakhast. The tiefling should have been dead or unconscious but
with Bruce Willis like endurance he stayed on his feet. After several
rounds of beating the armored lich used some sort of planar spell to
escape his assailants. Once again the party was victorious and
strangely enough no one died !
Finally the party reached the top of the Skull, into the eye socket
itself. There they encountered another golden armored mummy ( or
perhaps the same one) who congradulated the party and told them their
last test. Sacrifice a party member to the glowing vortex! Karuophon
suddenly disappeared and an unholy ( blasphemous even ) word was
spoken. This caused everyone in the room except the gnome swiftblade
and the ice mephit to be stunned or paralyzed. The gnome sought
Karuophon to ask for his help, but quickly realized that the half
fiend sorcerer was responsible for this attack. The invisible
karuophon then begun to telekeneticaly take the stunned and paralyzed
party and was ready to throw them in the pit. For what seemed like an
eternity the stunned party was hovering over their doom. For some
reason , the half fiend decided against tossing them all to their
dooms. Muttering something about saving his life earlier ,and seeing
things in a different light, the sorcerer plane shifted. ( a future
ally perhaps? or another member to the long list of villains that got
After the party recovered a bit, there was some debate about who
should be sacrificed to the vortex to presumably save Cauldron ( but
more importantly to be heir apparent to Occipitus ) The tiefling ,
dragonshaman, and orc barbarian would have none of this , and they and
their cohorts left the room. Seeing his opportunity the gnome
swiftblade tried to use magical suggestions on the new paladins
cohort. He resisted the spell and launched a fireball into the
remaining party members. A fight between the old paladin with his
cohort mage , vs the sumo wizard, the gnome swiftblade , and the
arcane archer ensued. The ice mephit flew to a corner and begged the
combatants to stop, but to no avail. Since the party used most of its
spells, most of the duel consisted of the sumo wizard using his
mighty tripping and grappling manuevers vs the muscular mage. ( a
mighty wizard duel indeed) In the end however, the sumo wizard fell to
a volley of magic missiles to the face, the paladin was shot by the
arcane archer, and the muscular mage was speared by the gnome swift
blade. The gnome tried to toss the paladin into the vortex but his
frail body and small size failed him. ( and nobody gave him a hand )
The sumo wizard recovered , and once again the party was at a loss of
how to proceed. After 10-15 minutes of bickering who was gonna be
sacrificed, the sumo wizard said "to hell with this" and jumped into
the vortex.
A few seconds passed, and the wizard was reformed with a missing eye,
and awesome magical powers. Seeing the transformation, the arcane
archer merrily jumped into the vortex as well. At last, things didn't
go nearly as well for him. A wandering halfling sorcerer came upon
the party and also ran in and jumped into the vortex. Never to be
seen again.
Deaths 35( arcane archer, and halfling sorcerer)
Current party members human dragonshaman , tiefling paladin, orc
fighter, sumo wizard, really old human paladin
Cohorts,allies, and hanger ons: duegar paladin, human bard, halfling
cleric, human wizard, ice mephit

Teemuu |

Return to Cauldron
After the ascension of the party wizard to possible heir to Occipitus
, the party gathered itself anew and planeshifted back to the prime
material plane. They were a bit off on their destination and ended up
randomly of all places back in the demonskar. Fearful of another
attack by Nabathorn the glabrezu , the party was pleasantly surprised
to find a lost druid. The druid was in turn shocked to see a band
made up of tieflings, mephits, and some fat guy with a smoking eye.
After a brief tense moments the druid agreed to escort the hapless
group back to Cauldron ( better they stay there then in his forest ).
A few days went by and they returned to Cauldron, witnessing the
effects of the war between Skellerang and Red Gorge. They returned to
the Church of St Cuthbert, and told the sad tale of Alek Tercevial to
the high priestess Jenya. Saddened by the news she repeated the tale
to Cauldron's lords and the war was stopped. They also informed
Ambassador Karen of Alek's fate. The duegar paladin astutely surmised
that the ambassador was with child, most likely Sir Tercivals. ( Or
she just gained a lot of weight eating Cauldron pot pies )
Celebrating their new wealth , and a victorious return from the Abyss,
the party slacked off and went carousing at their favorite bar. They
were also over joyed hearing of the fate of their rivals, the
Stormblades. Apparently they were ambushed deep inside a lava tube
and were mercilessly beaten and one of their members slain. Such
incompetent adventurers! Who would get ambushed so easily?
Almost on cue, 3 invisible assassins ambushed the party and proceeded
to blast them with ice spells, silence spells, and two handed swords
to the face. Dorcas, the halfling cleric cohort was the first to
perish from a two handed sword sneak attack. The new druid shape
changed to a bird and almost fell but later realized that he healed a
bit from shape changing and flew to the second floor of the inn.
Summoning dire badgers to attack the assailants. Later, mini diablo (
the sumo wizards improved quasit familiar ) foolishly tried to fly
past the invisible two handed sword wielding assassin and also fell.
The brave dragon shamaness and her trusty side kick the duegar
paladin, also fell. Magnus the mage, and his mistress the old
knight, (cough *cougar* cough) were in a separate room at the time of
the initial attack, after hearing the commotion he polymorphed into
the most frightening thing he could think of. A Unicorn! The hapless
wizard was stuck in the room, and unable to cast spells. Eventually
he squeezed into the main room and realized it was a dumb form to
take, reverted back to his wizard form. The only thing stopping the
party from getting completely wiped out , was the gnome swift blades
constant casting of web. The assassins dispelled it a few times, but
after they ran out of dispels, they decided that the lack of mobility
would make them easy prey and magically transported out of there.
After the attack, the party lost their leader the dragon shamaness , 2
henchmen and a familiar .
Fearing another attack they retreated to the Church of St Cuthbert,
and asked Jenya for aid. The party gathered enough funds to purchase
enough powdered diamond to resurrect the duegar, and reincarnate the
dragon shaman ( who was originally a drow, then a human, and now a
half orc) . Dorcas and the quasit were left slain , by the Sumo
wizard. They drew up a list of enemies who wanted to see them slain,
and found out of the 18 bad guys who they have fought since they came
to Cauldron 12 of them remained alive.
For the readers enjoyment I will list the dead and alive bad guys that
the party summarized.
Enemies that were alive : Duegar slaver in the gnome ruins, bug bear
vampire, halfing wizard in the kopru ruins, Triel in the kopru ruins,
Erniyes in the fishman caves, Dhlort the black dragon, 1 fey hag,
Nabathorn, Kaurophon, succubus in the abyss, Noble salamander in the
abyss , liche in the abyss
Slain Enemies : Undead gnoll priest, high fishman cleric, 2 fey
hags, rakshasa , zenith (captured and turned over to lord Vhalantru)
They deduced that their enemy was probably wasn't from the abyss or
else they would have targeted the smoking eye wizard instead.
Stumped, they began asking around Jenya , Maavu the merchant, ext.
Unable to find answers they were contacted by a shady character
claiming to know information for a price of 2500gp. Once again, the
party attempted to scrape together what little funds they had .
During this time, a huge commotion was heard outside.
When the party investigated they saw a hulking half dragon, half cow
man smashing up stalls demanding to see the ones that chased off the
"Dragon father" . The old knight, calmed the beast down and told him
that they will find answers for him in 3 days, and that he should
leave town. Dazzled by her diplomatic prowess the creature
reluctantly started walking away. Not liking to see treasure leave
one of the party ( the name of the miscreant escapes me) shot an arrow
at the creatures back, prompting a brawl to break out in the streets.
The creature took down the knight in 3 blows, and was easily smashing
the party to bits. The tiefling paladin tumbled into his range and
used his mighty strength devotion to sunder the beasts chain. It took
several attempts, but eventually he succeeded. After that he was
easy prey for the greedy adventurers, who descended and looted his
corpse like a plague of locusts.
Finding 1700 gp on the slain half dragon's corpse the party easily got
their 2500 gp in place and sent their leader to meet with the
informant. He told her that the answers they seek like in the Church
of Wee Jas. After returning with this information to the party, they
quickly made plans to assault the temple with vengeance ( and loot in
mind). The gnome swiftblade protested since Wee Jas was his diety
and told the party he would investigate first. After several fail
attempts by the old knight, the gnome found out that the church was
under renovations and had an appointment with Ike Iverson (second in
charge of the church) in the morning. When he got there, the doorman
didn't acknowledge his appointment, but the gnome insisted claiming
information about assassins and such. Hearing this they let him
in..then locked the door.
Finding himself surrounded by halforcs and giants, the gnome and his
familiar polymorphed into eagles and flew to the ceiling of the
cathedral. The giants and half orcs unsure which was which threw
rocks and fired crossbows and managed to kill the familiar . Sensing
trouble the rest of the party ran up to the cathedral with their
battering ram ( Yes they brought their own battering ram!) and broke
the door down. After a brief one sided fight, the party slew the
defenders and prepared themselves to assault the church of Wee Jas.
Current party composition: Half Orc Dragon shamaness , tiefling
paladin, gnome swiftblade, sumo wrestling wizard, old knight , human
Cohorts , familiars , allies : Ice mephit, duegar paladin, human
bard/ranger, human wizard, band of tax collector thugs, medium
elemental(new), dwarf cleric(new)
Character deaths 1 (total 36) although 2 cohorts and 2 familiars did
die horribly this session.