Heathansson wrote: Double entendre. I hear Smurfette uses a double entendre when it's late at night.
Poster makes vague complaint about perceived obscenities and vulgarities on public board where poster's young children could see them if poster irresponsibly let them surf without supervision.
Post that exists solely to test something.
Witty introduction.
Long, adjective laden explanation as to why this is the only post left that poster feels comfortable reading.
Expression of regret about the decline in moral character of society.
Post attempting to bring conversation back around to orignal topic of conversation, but failing miserably by using several unrelated anecdotes. Waits expactantly for reply and flaming.
Additional post for testing. Offhand comment about rolling site and leaving for four-day holiday weekend.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Mothman wrote: 4th edition is mentioned. Outraged comment about position taken regarding 4th edition...
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Implies a relationship between OP and Hitler...
Invocation of Godwin's law. Relieved declaration that thread is finally dying.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Complains about thread jacking that happened days ago...
Takes several dieties names in vain beginning with Crom and working through many literary references leaving out only the Hindu Diety of Consciousness.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Hoping to be the first post on page 10...
Edit post complaining that it did not work.
Points out that thread is some 38 posts away from page 10.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Goes on rant about nick pickers...
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Goes off topic and describes in great detail his groups last gaming session. Is degrading toward players who did not go the way he thought they should...
Self-aggrandizing discourse perpetuating the undead and difficult-to-kill nature of this thread.
Posts self-aggrandizing discourse criticizing self-aggrandizing discourse without grasping the inherent irony of the post. Randomly flames and mocks previous posts without any apparent sense, order, or purpose.
Quotes obscure 18th-century French philosopher.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Garjen Soulhammer wrote: Posts self-aggrandizing discourse criticizing self-aggrandizing discourse without grasping the inherent irony of the post. Randomly flames and mocks previous posts without any apparent sense, order, or purpose.
Quotes obscure 18th-century French philosopher.
Claims that obscure 18th-cnetury French Philosopher is an ancester and takes offense to inappropriate us of the quote.
Over reaction to flames.
Dead Horse wrote: Driver? glue factory please.
Poster cuts and pastes rambling, nihilistic heavy metal lyrics in a misplaced attempt to capture the essence of this thread.
Confused question, zaaaaap with rubber chicken.
Poster is now blaming Eric Mona and Paizo for the inclusion of Tieflings in 4e, based on the fact that the AOW Adventure path featured Tieflings in it's Iconic art per issue of said path. Poster also hopes this sparks a outrageous flame war of epic porportions
that causes the PostMonster General to finally kill this thread.
Adds reply which includes several points already made by previous posters, showing that this poster hasn't bothered to read all 8 previous pages of posts.
Finishes off with another comment which shows detachment in an effort to appear aloof and cool.
Makes some pointless comment based on previous three posts.
Uses word "smurf" for no apparent reason to randomly alter avatar.
Surprised off-topic post, asking whether using the word "smurf" in your post alters your avatar.
Pointless post affirming the above.
Post berating previous posters using words like "noob" and chastising him for not noting that other uses of the word "smurf" did not change a person's avatar. This indicates that the poster has been reading more closely than he previously let on, thus ruining his attempts to appear aloof and cool. Poster however remains in ignorant bliss of this fact and continues to act in such a manner.
Poster realizes that using the word "smurf" DID in fact change his avatar to which he cries "haxxors!"
Joy at the return of the Generic Post. Starts campaign - "Generic Post 4eva."
Whimsy Chris wrote: Joy at the return of the Generic Post. Starts campaign - "Generic Post 4eva." Expresses mock outrage with pun about mixing something awesome like Eva with 4e. Makes some vaguely apologetic statement to explain that he doesn't actually know what 4e looks like yet and how it isn't fair to bash it.
Makes use of url command sneak to convert his avatar to a smurf without the word showing up in his post.
Poster is sickened by GameMastery Associate Editor's attempt to send fellow community members to a pornographic anime site, via his link of the word Eva.
Wallows in his own self pity while sucking his thumb, while snuggling into a blanket he had since he was three years old.
Tobus Neth wrote: Poster is sickened by GameMastery Associate Editor's attempt to send fellow community members to a pornographic anime site, via his link of the word Eva. Realizes this was not a well-timed use of that link, as the anime site in question has redone its traditional skin to show... well... more skin.
Sticks up for NGE nonetheless.
Cat noise. For no other reason but that the poster can. Three syllables of a laugh.
Declaration of approval for previous post.
Cosmo wrote: Bad joke.
** spoiler omitted **
Cthughua is a huge ass.
Shamelessly admits now he is forever addicted to anime pornographic material.
Yells at cat for suddenly appearing.
Remembers fondly the Ultra-man, Space Giants, Johnny Sokko and Marine boy from the 70's. Wishes he could return to that golden era.
Thanks for the Memory jolt Mike
Tobus Neth wrote: Shamelessly admits now he is forever addicted to anime pornographic material.
Yells at cat for suddenly appearing.
Remembers fondly the Ultra-man, Space Giants, Johnny Sokko and Marine boy from the 70's. Wishes he could return to that golden era.
Thanks for the Memory jolt Mike
Neku-nekus. ^_^
Mike McArtor wrote: Whimsy Chris wrote: Joy at the return of the Generic Post. Starts campaign - "Generic Post 4eva." Expresses mock outrage with pun about mixing something awesome like Eva with 4e. Makes some vaguely apologetic statement to explain that he doesn't actually know what 4e looks like yet and how it isn't fair to bash it. Explains how getting 4e out of 4eva shows an unhealthy obsession with 4e threads.
Says smurf to lighten the mood.
Threadjack: long winded decrial of the commercialization of Christmas.
Insincere apology for threadjack. Poster suggests that thread was meaningless anyway. Poster questions the intelligence of everyone who has ever posted on this thread.
Takes a much needed respite from 4e threads. Brings up obscure movie reference to see if anyone can identify it.
Post that attempts to exercise a part of the system nobody notices, but everybody cares if it's not working.
Additional post for testing.
Posts something non-sequitor simply because he saw the thread was near the top again.
Wonders what Gary was testing.
Uses the Hidden Smurf Technique to have a blue avatar.
Post for testing the new synchronization mesh, which also points out that Mike's "hidden [redacted] technique" isn't very hidden.
Naive comment about longevity of certain threads. Further musings on own naivete. Some navel gazing. Concluding comment expressing hope about future of such entertaining threads.
Gary Teter wrote: Post for testing the new synchronization mesh, which also points out that Mike's "hidden [redacted] technique" isn't very hidden. Uses Internet slang to express humor in Gary's post.
Indication of contempt for pointless silly word games, without apparent awareness of the irony of posting in thread.
Ross Byers wrote: Indication of contempt for pointless silly word games, without apparent awareness of the irony of posting in thread. Points out irony to previous poster using long-winded post with "colorful" language.
Posts lyrics from a song by the band Pixies which, in his mind alone, succinctly summarizes and comments on the entire thread.
Really he just likes the Pixies and thinking of himself as smart.
Larry Lichman wrote:
Points out irony to previous poster using long-winded post with "colorful" language.
Rubber and glue rebuttal. Continued obliviousness, flavored with pretension.