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Off-Topic Discussions

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Ecstatic expression regarding the lengthing of thread to yet another page.

Liberty's Edge

Axe-grinder wrote:
Smug rejoinder that previous poster has simply proved his point.

Mocking reminder about the intent to never return to the thread. Suggestion of a mental disorder, or perhaps brain damage.

Equally smug comment about success in baiting the above poster to make them look like a fool, failing to notice that oneself is also looking like a total fool.

Liberty's Edge

Snarky comment about length of thread and not-so-secret smugness at snagging the top spot on a new page.

Scarab Sages

Equally snarky comment vis-à-vis previous poster and sheep.

Assertive testimonial in defense of sheep and the negative light in which they are too often cast.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
Equally snarky comment vis-à-vis previous poster and sheep.

Insulted response, followed by an attempt at making fun of it with a remark about other animals. Subtle suggestion of unhealthy practices in this vein on the previous poster's part.

Self-aggrandizing proclamation.

Liberty's Edge

andLich wrote:
Assertive testimonial in defense of sheep and the negative light in which they are too often cast.

Suggestion that the above is actually because the poster has a personal stake in seeing interaction with sheep widely accepted.

Further insulting remarks suggesting possible reasons for this to be true. Sweeping generalization about people and sheep.

Suggestion that earlier posters engage in bukkake with ruminant farm animals followed by string of obscene onomatopoeia representing the sound of a farmer and his favorite sheep.

Then a sickening paragraph discussing zoophiles and bestiality.

Concludes with repeated suggestion that earlier posters engage in bukkake with ruminant farm animals revealing poster to know just a little too much about the topic.

Liberty's Edge

Attempt to derail the thread from ruminants and activities involving them by loudly complaining about flaws in 3.5, hypothesized flaws in 4e, and how 2e was so much better.

The Exchange

Kassil wrote:
Attempt to derail the thread from ruminants and activities involving them by loudly complaining about flaws in 3.5, hypothesized flaws in 4e, and how 2e was so much better.

Questions poster's parentage and apparently "damaged" state for saying the 2E was better than 3.5E. Cites various THAC0 and demi-human level cap rules as fuel to my observation without any concern for accuracy.

abbreviated sign-off

Long-winded and rambling post decrying modern politics and a desire to return to a more fundamentalist lifestyle, all by way of attempting to grab the thread by its horns and wrench it back onto its original intent and meaning.

Finishes by restating original poster's observation in own words ending with " Thoughts, anyone?"

Sovereign Court Contributor

Sudden angry request for thread to be locked to keep it out of the 'hot topics,' which only serves to make loyal thread posters post more.

Liberty's Edge

Short post marvelling at the number of posts on a seemingly innocuous subject.

Even shorter post echoing previous post.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Continues to post in thread contrary to claim that thread should be locked. Decides to go back and read entire thread.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Lengthy post agreeing with original poster.

Scarab Sages

Incongrous diatribe.

The Exchange

Much conjecturing on the roots of the word "diatribe". Snarky comment alluding to a certain Lycan-poster and his possible roots within that "tribe".
smiley with tongue out
no signature this time, to be different.

Snarky comment about the overuse of the word, "Snarky".

Liberty's Edge

Mixed-together post of multiple quotes, with a pretense of civility because one is not double-posting. This time, anyway.

Fake Healer wrote:
Kassil wrote:
Attempt to derail the thread from ruminants and activities involving them by loudly complaining about flaws in 3.5, hypothesized flaws in 4e, and how 2e was so much better.

Questions poster's parentage and apparently "damaged" state for saying the 2E was better than 3.5E. Cites various THAC0 and demi-human level cap rules as fuel to my observation without any concern for accuracy.

abbreviated sign-off

Snide comment using the common complaint of 3.5 being too much like a video game, coupled with a suggestion that the above poster is a 'roll-player' rather than a role-player.

Garjen Soulhammer wrote:

Long-winded and rambling post decrying modern politics and a desire to return to a more fundamentalist lifestyle, all by way of attempting to grab the thread by its horns and wrench it back onto its original intent and meaning.

Finishes by restating original poster's observation in own words ending with " Thoughts, anyone?"

Suggestion that there apparently isn't any thought in the poster's mind, hence why the request for the thoughts of others. Attempt at being sarcastic and funny that fails at both.

Rambling Scribe wrote:
Lengthy post agreeing with original poster.

Short response that calls the poster a clueless fool.

Whimsy Chris wrote:
Snarky comment about the overuse of the word, "Snarky".

Snarky and sarcastic reply that verges on "STFU, n00b".

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Post in which all of the "S" characters in a company and/or brand name have been replaced with dollar signs.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Post in which all of the "S" characters in a company and/or brand name have been replaced with dollar signs.

Suggestion that there is an antipathy to the idea of consumerism/free trade here.

Thread degenerates into a lot of posts involving smurfs

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Thread degenerates into a lot of posts involving smurfs

Lengthy diatribe about smurfs being communists bent on undermining the quality of life in the free world, backed up by poorly-thought-out logic and evidence so filmsy that it makes rice paper look like adamantite.

EDIT: Later sees a smurf in place of own avatar and throws a total fit accusing anyone and everyone of being in on a communist conspiracy to try to drive him mad.

EDIT: Later edit apologizing for the accusations, once the medication has kicked in.

Scarab Sages

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Thread degenerates into a lot of posts involving smurfs

Notes distain of blue-skined, three-apple tall knobs... Declaration that Wuzzles are superior in order to altar avatar.

EDIT: Dammit!

Expression of disdain for the meaninglessness of this thread.

Liberty's Edge

Assertion of the dubious, and indeed, dodgy nature of the lineage of all the other posters to the thread, except for any who might be in agreement with oneself.

Debates Smurfs vs Snorks at length.

Blank post.

..-. .-.. .- -- . ... | -.-- --- ..- | .- .-.. .-.. | .. -. | -- --- .-. ... . | -.-. --- -.. . | ..--.. |

mwbeeler wrote:
..-. .-.. .- -- . ... | -.-- --- ..- | .- .-.. .-.. | .. -. | -- --- .-. ... . | -.-. --- -.. . | ..--.. |

Poster suggests that previous two posts are evidence that thread has degenerated beyond resurrection.

Kruelaid wrote:
Poster suggests that previous two posts are evidence that thread has degenerated beyond resurrection.

Stick a fork in it; we're done baby!

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:
mwbeeler wrote:
..-. .-.. .- -- . ... | -.-- --- ..- | .- .-.. .-.. | .. -. | -- --- .-. ... . | -.-. --- -.. . | ..--.. |
Poster suggests that previous two posts are evidence that thread has degenerated beyond resurrection.

Suggestion that if the other poster doesn't like it, there's a virtual door over there and if they move quickly it won't hit them on the way out.

Attempt to revive an earlier tangent of discussion.

Poster is dejected but posts again anyways because poster is a masochist.

The Paizo Parrot wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Poster suggests that previous two posts are evidence that thread has degenerated beyond resurrection.
Stick a fork in it; we're done baby!

Long rambling post about the beauty of chaos in action and how this whole thread is a long spiral into entropy.

Fumbled attempt at trying to be nihilist.

Kruelaid wrote:
Poster is dejected but posts again anyways because poster is a masochist.

Observation of poster's masochism, followed by a suggestion to seek professional help.

Scarab Sages

Zen-like rumination on Paizo and its role in maintaining the cosmic balance opposed to the ruinous behemoth that is WotC-Hasbro.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
Zen-like rumination on Paizo and its role in maintaining the cosmic balance opposed to the ruinous behemoth that is WotC-Hasbro.

Insulting description of the above poster as a 'raving fan' who should go get their head checked, followed up by a lame attempt at seeming fair by claiming that this is just one's "two cents".

Scarab Sages

Anarch wrote:

Long rambling post about the beauty of chaos in action and how this whole thread is a long spiral into entropy.

Fumbled attempt at trying to be nihilist.

Echoes similar thoughts without the nihilism, then expresses amazement that the thread did not die a week ago and that such a simple idea as a "generic" post exhibits such enthusiastic and creative results. Manages to work in a comment about pirates, ninjas, cookies and crossbows (cookie crossbows...hmmm...maybe a weapon that lauinched disks. Do those exist?).

Scarab Sages

Kassil wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Zen-like rumination on Paizo and its role in maintaining the cosmic balance opposed to the ruinous behemoth that is WotC-Hasbro.
Insulting description of the above poster as a 'raving fan' who should go get their head checked, followed up by a lame attempt at seeming fair by claiming that this is just one's "two cents".

Disparaging supposition (with a hint of extreme paranoia) that poster just might be an employee of aforementioned ruinous behemoth, sent here to infiltrate the Paizo community and disrupt its harmonious structure.

Scarab Sages

Aberzombie wrote:
Disparaging supposition (with a hint of extreme paranoia) that poster just might be an employee of aforementioned ruinous behemoth, sent here to infiltrate the Paizo community and disrupt its harmonious structure.

Attempt at calming paranoia involving a statement abouts rights to free speech and that not everyone has to like the same companies... then echoes thoughts in the exact same way, claiming that it's all right for me to do it due to being medically paranoid.

kessukoofah wrote:
Anarch wrote:

Long rambling post about the beauty of chaos in action and how this whole thread is a long spiral into entropy.

Fumbled attempt at trying to be nihilist.

Echoes similar thoughts without the nihilism, then expresses amazement that the thread did not die a week ago and that such a simple idea as a "generic" post exhibits such enthusiastic and creative results.

Snooty emphasis on fact that, technically, it has not actually been a week since this thread was first begun. Haughty intimation that poster should get his facts straight.

Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
Snooty emphasis on fact that, technically, it has not actually been a week since this thread was first begun. Haughty intimation that poster should get his facts straight.

Smarmy post supporting previous post, to no real effect, except perhaps to establish "smarmy" as the new "snarky."

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Wandering troll

Old wounds reopened, salt poured in.

Nazi paladins are mentioned.

kessukoofah wrote:
Manages to work in a comment about pirates, ninjas, cookies and crossbows (cookie crossbows...hmmm...maybe a weapon that lauinched disks. Do those exist?).

Simple post directing prior poster to back issue of Dragon magazine in response to the question posed.

EDIT: Edited post wondering whether specificity of back issue references destroys the "General" unspecificity of the thread thereby creating a tear in the time/space continuum dooming us all.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Jacks thread with another long winded synopsis of what is wrong with 4e, citing fictional sources.

Generalization that all WotC employees have been replaced by pod people.

General reminder that there is a special area specifically for 4e threads. Request to get back on topic.

Follows with a lengthy discussion on the new Pathfinder setting, specifically naming conventions for the Kazakhstan analog country (for make benefit of glorious D&D games tabling).

The Exchange

Amazing spot-on post that bears an astounding amount of insight into the original, thereby bringing the discussion fully back onto topic.
A snarky line wondering why a certain one-eyed overseer hasn't issued warnings against some of the threadjacking that has occured on this thread. Inquiries into the status of said Overseer's salary, with a slight inference to do his job.
A quick wrap up with a "LOL" to lessen the sting of the last comment.

back to the typical initial signature.

Scarab Sages

Larry Lichman wrote:
Generalization that all WotC employees have been replaced by pod people.

Speculation that above statement might, in fact, be an insult to pod people.

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