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Writes a two page post decrying misuse of threads, accidentally deletes it and then replaces it with a short rant flaming everyone on this thread (except self) and blaming Gary for the original deletion.

(ED: Then jubilantly congratulates self in an editorial remark for bringing useless thread to a new page.)

(ED: In a second editorial mocks other poster for coming in second)

Liberty's Edge

Delights in tipping thread over to next page

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Mothman wrote:
Delights in tipping thread over to next page

Laughs at previous poster's misfortune in having his delight snapped away by a post that slipped in ahead of his.

Liberty's Edge

Adds that, additionally, pirates carouse, drink, and go wenching, whereas ninjas just stand around and scowl like vulcans.

Liberty's Edge

Fatespinner wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Delights in tipping thread over to next page
Laughs at previous poster's misfortune in having his delight snapped away by a post that slipped in ahead of his.

Cries. On the inside.

Dark Archive Contributor

Heathansson wrote:
Adds that, additionally, pirates carouse, drink, and go wenching, whereas ninjas just stand around and scowl like vulcans.

Notes that scowling and drinking (which ninjas also do, but in moderation) are not mutually exclusive.

Drops hints of being a happy drunk and that posters should send alcohol.

Provides Paizo's mailing address.

Disregarding of the flow of the discussion to reply to a single throwaway remark made a page earlier. Reply is overly long-winded and detailed, causing a severe but temporary threadjack.

Liberty's Edge

Adds that pirates keel haul, force plankwalking, and make scalawags fight it out on the Dead Man's Chest.
In addition, pirates have lotsa fun drinking songs, one of which was paid homage by the Beastie Boys.

Makes an unassailable argument with the tacit point that pirates have an AP in Dungeon magazine; ninjas don't.

Silver Crusade

Points out that a celestial could easily take on a ninja and a pirate at the same time.

kahoolin wrote:
Disregarding of the flow of the discussion to reply to a single throwaway remark made a page earlier. Reply is overly long-winded and detailed, causing a severe but temporary threadjack.

Replies indignantly with equally long winded and detailed comment even though self was never involved in earlier throwaway remark. Concludes by inadvertently appealing to a racial trope. Offends everyone and is warned by Gary to discontinue or Gary will close the thread.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Remarks that the purpose of the Ninja is to flip out and kill people.

Shares story about a ninja who flipped out and killed an entire town just because some kid opened a window.

Comments about "real ultimate power" and once again invokes the Stormwind Fallacy...

Liberty's Edge

Kelvar Silvermace wrote:

Remarks that the purpose of the Ninja is to flip out and kill people.

Shares story about a ninja who flipped out and killed an entire town just because some kid opened a window.

Comments about "real ultimate power" and once again invokes the Stormwind Fallacy...

Points out that "all your base are belong to us."

Adds an "Arrr." then off to gloat.

Somehow turns thread into discussion on gun control.

Feels guilty and tries to pathetically steer back on to topic.

Liberty's Edge

Decides that guns are a great subject. Tries to steer the previous poster in that direction; he started the threadjack, he'll pay the butcher's pound of flesh....

Dark Archive Contributor

Points out that ninjas don't care if there are gun control laws but how totally hosed pirates would be in such situations.

Liberty's Edge

Quotes the best. T shirt. Ever.

"Ninja schminja, can't karate chop a bullet."

Attempts pithy summary of many views previously posted as thinly veiled excuse to launch into wordy sharing of a beloved old character's exploits, which prove totally lame out of context and garner more smirks than smiles. Fully ignored by subsequent posters, much to this poster's frustration and chagrin upon not being quoted multiple times.

Dark Archive

Originally began a post about how and why ninjas are lame.

Quickly changed the post when an arrow struck his computer desk with a picture of a ninja holding his dog hostage attached to it.

Decides ninjas are the best.

Tells everyone else they are too.

Hopes to get his dog back now.

moleculo wrote:
Fully ignored by subsequent posters, much to this poster's frustration and chagrin upon not being quoted multiple times.

An inaccurate written history of ninjas, which is completely irrelevant to the quote given.

Enormous late post which tries to address all the main themes of the thread so far. Unfortunately poster is in the southern hemisphere and finds the thread inactive save for three other Australians, and a handful rogue Americans and Europeans who aren't making much sense due to the fact that they should really be in bed by now. Poster resolves to return tomorrow, and process repeats...

Liberty's Edge

A previous poster pops into thread to say g'day to a fellow Australian, adding nothing to the topic of conversation (apart from a little alliteration).

Canadian in the same time zone as the Aussies makes the sort of derisive generalization about Americans that Canadians are well known for making.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

kahoolin wrote:
Enormous late post which tries to address all the main themes of the thread so far. Unfortunately poster is in the southern hemisphere and finds the thread inactive save for three other Australians, and a handful rogue Americans and Europeans who aren't making much sense due to the fact that they should really be in bed by now. Poster resolves to return tomorrow, and process repeats...

Obligatory response to the post that identifies the poster as one of the self-same Americans who isn't making much sense and should probably be in bed by now. Actually, it's only 11pm here in Arizona. Not very late by my standards.

Points out it's 1:05 AM now, but is still up due to suffering from some cabbage induced insomnia. Tries again to say something thread relevant, but realizes everything has been said already so decides to spend a few lines of text acting like a complete fanboy of anything Paizo has ever done or produced.

Dark Archive

Acts indignant about the Canadian response and calls for a trade embargo of all things RPG related to foreign countries.

Totall BS rant that has nothing to do with the topic (e.g. the styles)

Scarab Sages

Outlandish missive followed by preposterous quotation.

Yet another string of obscenity followed by ranting over the cost of 3rd edition supplements on gaming shelf. Various complaints about well known gaming company.

Obscene overture toward small woodland animals.

The Exchange

Vicious and scathing post extolling the virtues of treating animals well, followed by an off-color joke about sheep and farmers being intimate. Standard sideways winking smiley face follows.

stereotypical initials here.

Scarab Sages

Generic observation regarding men wearing skirts and their known affiliation with aforementioned sheep.

moleculo wrote:
Attempts pithy summary of many views previously posted as thinly veiled excuse to launch into wordy sharing of a beloved old character's exploits, which prove totally lame out of context and garner more smirks than smiles. Fully ignored by subsequent posters, much to this poster's frustration and chagrin upon not being quoted multiple times.

Ponders aloud as to why initial post no longer shows on thread, necessitating shameful self-quoting. Harbors suspicions of persecution by shadowy ninja organizations and global conspiracies afoot on Paizo boards.

Condescendingly chides previous poster's belief in so-called "shadowy ninja organizations and global conspiracies". Calmly assures general public that there is no such thing.....

...while closing door of closet containing Secret Cabal Membership robes.

Invites any ninjas or pirates on the boards to send erotic photos of themselves in their ninja and pirate outfits.

Posts email address.


Dark Archive Contributor

DangerDwarf wrote:
Hopes to get his dog back now.

Releases dog.

Aberzombie wrote:
Generic observation regarding men wearing skirts and their known affiliation with aforementioned sheep.

Feigns righteous indignation, pointing to his last name as his obvious Scottish heritage.

Makes a men-wearing-skirts-love-sheep joke.


Vitriolic complaint about cultural insensitivity supported with quotations from Edward Said. Explanation of the uniqueness of poster's culture and marginalization of everyone else's.

Vikramendra Rajanigandha wrote:
Vitriolic complaint about cultural insensitivity supported with quotations from Edward Said. Explanation of the uniqueness of poster's culture and marginalization of everyone else's.

Ignorant inquiry as to what Edward said. Slander of all non-American countries, filled with exclamations such as, "U.S.A! U.S.A!", "America Rawks!", and "Love it or leave it, man!"

Final statement that poster doesn't have time for "you people" and that he's got to "go wax his board."

Finishes with, "Peace out!"

Misspelled and obsequious comment directed to Paizo staffers who may read this thread.

The Exchange

Mike McArtor wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Generic observation regarding men wearing skirts and their known affiliation with aforementioned sheep.

Feigns righteous indignation, pointing to his last name as his obvious Scottish heritage.

Makes a men-wearing-skirts-love-sheep joke.


Post a comment taking an affirmative stance while belittle those without the confidence and wherewithal to wear non-bifurbicated apparel.

Insert much snarkiness and light-hearted ribbing about the OPs small shoe size and the relation to other small parts.

[maniacal laughter] Goes here [/maniacal laughter]

avatar initials, again

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Jacks thread with long-winded five paragraph essay on the evil of WotC and 4th Edition.

Inserts $ where appropriate during post.

Misspells "Rogue" repeatedly.

Term of agreement written in folksy patois rendered vague and meaningless by the fact that it is utterly unclear to what prior post respondent is agreeing.
Followed by at least two strings of ellipses and three emoticons.

Jumps in to conversation on the 4th page of the thread, without bothering to read the last 3 pages, agreeing with the original poster and wondering what all the fuss is about.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32


Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32


Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

the thread

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

in order to

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advance to

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

the next

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