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Some of my players aren't quite sold on the whole Golarion setting quite yet (didn't like the deities among other things), so I've been thinking about adapting RotRL to take place in Faerun.
I was thinking about placing Sandpoint in Impiltur and substituting one of the larger coastal cities for Magnimar. The Runelords themselves would be the remnants of the Nar Demonbinders in Narfell.
Hook Mountain will be in the Giantspire Mountains, the giants and dragons of later adventures will be coming from Narfell and the wilder parts of Damara. Xin-Shalast will likely be placed in the Icerim Mountains, the Great Glacier or another part of the Giantspire Mountains.
Obviously there won't be a Storval rise (I considered Thay, but it is far too densely populated), but I don't think that it will be too critical to the story...
As for the six most important gods I was thinking something along the lines of:
Erastil - Mielikki or Chauntea
Sarenrae - Lathander
Shelyn - Sune
Desna - No idea, Mystra maybe?
Abadar - Waukeen
Gozreh - Selune or Shaundakul
Anyone have any suggestions? Any weak points in my adaptation? Any general comments?

Arnwyn |

Yes, I'm going to keep an eye on this thread, too. I was going to wait to get most of the RotRL run before starting to adapt into my long-running FR game to get a better idea of what to expect. There's some pretty messy Varisia-only stuff going on in there.
IMO, the biggest flaw of the Pathfinder series looks to be that it's not like the (superior, IMO) Dungeon mag APs in terms of adaptability - there is simply way-ay-ay to much of that "Varisia" nonsense that hurts the AP. Regardless of the protests of the Paizo staff, Pathfinder will be considerably difficult to adapt. That's a big strike against it, AFAIC.
Hopefully this thread will show that my fears are unfounded.

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Considering how ruined Faerun is going to be come 4E, a fresh campaign setting is just what a lot of us want. I'm just hoping that Paizo finds a way to give the Iconics some life with fiction as well as give us a lot of non-Adventure Fluff.

Arnwyn |
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Considering how ruined Faerun is going to be come 4E,
Heh. That's a very good point.
So far, I'm considering it being in the Shining South - Estagund or Durpar looks best. The reason is that it's sparsely detailed down there (with the only information appearing in FR16 Shining South and 3.5 Shining South) and thus much easier to put lots of the info from RotRL in with as little alteration as possible. Further, the towns and cities down there don't have maps, so Pathfinder helps in that regard too - instant maps for undetailed cities and towns!
For example, the nice (small and appropriate!) regional map in Burnt Offerings of the area around Sandpoint is at a nice 1" = 2 miles or so, so the entire map can be put into the above regions I mentioned with not even a smudge on the map of Faerun.
The whole Thassilblahblahblah empire gunk could be an ancient state of Raurin/Imaskari Empire, in the Giants Belt Mountains north/northwest of Durpar (which will also help with the upcoming Pathfinder adventure featuring stone giants).

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Okay, my group has finally started "Prince of Demons", which means we should be ready to get going on RotRL by early November.
I'm definately placing the campaign in Impiltur. Ilmwatch will take the place of Magnimar, and Sandpoint will be on the coast north of Ilmwatch.
The Runelords will be a remnant of Narfell's ruling inner circle. Since I have no idea how important the Storval rise will be to the campaign I currently plan to just toss the whole thing and just use the "Nar Upland" instead.
The Shoanti Barbarians become the Nar horsemen, and the Varisians become Rashemi (it seems to fit with their "mystic background"). The majority of humans in the area are Chondathan, Damaran, Illuskan and Vaasan.
Using the information about Impilturs most important religions from page 202 of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting I have decided to use the following gods for Sandpoints temple:
Erastil - Chauntea (Because of the large numbers of farmers in the area)
Sarenrae - Ilmater (He is an important god in Impiltur, so he gets to replace Lathander)
Shelyn - Tymora (Sune does not seem to have a very strong presence in the area, but Tymora does. I'll just pray the whole "goddess of beauty" thing isn't important)
Desna - Mystra (mostly because Desna was supposed to be popular in Thassilon. Mystra has been around for millennia after all, it isn't much of a stretch to assume she was worshipped in Narfell)
Abadar - Waukeen (a good fit, plus she is important in Impiltur)
Gozreh - Valkur (I put more emphasis on the water aspect and chose to go with Valkur, he is also important to Impiltur)
Hook Mountain and the Fortress of the Stone Giants will be in the Giantspire mountains. I haven't decided on where to place Xin Shalast yet, but it will probably be in the Great Glacier.
Notes on Burnt Offerings:
Nualia is a worshipper of Eltab. I couldn't really find a god that fit Lamashtu and decided to play up the fact that Lammy used to be a demon. And since Eltab has a lot of history in this part of Faerun it isn't much of a stretch (Eltab was summoned by Nar Demonbinders originally anyway) to assume he has a shrine in the area.
The Kaijitsus are from Kara-Tur and travelled to Impiltur by crossing the Golden Way like many before them.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock is a Mulan from Mulhorand.
Orik Vancaskerkin is an outlaw on the run from the authorities in Mulmaster (Riddleport).

bunk283 |

How is your game going? I know this is a late post but it might help. Dragon had a lot of information on Impiltur in issue 346. I was also wondering how you handled the whole sin aspect of th AP? Impiltur seems to be a pretty shiny paladin country. How did you fit in the Hellknights? Durprar also seems like a really good idea. Shoanti barbarians from the Shaar... If you could provide more explanation on the Durprar idea that would be wonderful. This would fit in great since one of my players would like to be a gold dwarf warmage. Anymore ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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How is your game going? I know this is a late post but it might help. Dragon had a lot of information on Impiltur in issue 346. I was also wondering how you handled the whole sin aspect of th AP? Impiltur seems to be a pretty shiny paladin country. How did you fit in the Hellknights? Durprar also seems like a really good idea. Shoanti barbarians from the Shaar... If you could provide more explanation on the Durprar idea that would be wonderful. This would fit in great since one of my players would like to be a gold dwarf warmage. Anymore ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Due to various reasons the game hasn't started yet. Probably won't get off the ground before christmas. It might be even longer if things don't cool down at work. I'm still trying to talk my players into trying out Golarion, and I think they've become more interested because of more information being available (the world map outline REALLY helped), I will post more notes as soon as I get the time to look through Skinsaw and Hook Mountain properly.
In response to your questions:
The sin part likely won't play a big part in my campaign, I'll probably downplay the whole thing and say it was an esoteric form of magic developed and practiced by Narfell's ruling inner circle.
The Hellknights won't really be a problem as they don't seem to play a very large part in Rise of the Runelords, if I do need to use them I will probably replace them with a knightly (non-religious, non-paladin)
order under the command of Impiltur's regent.
Durpar wasn't my idea so someone else will have to answer that.
Thanks for the heads up about Dragon 346. I'll be sure to look into it.

KaeYoss |

I second the "to the Hells with the Realms" motion. Give Golarion a chance. I mean, if they prefer the FR gods, wait until 4e is done with the big mass deicide (Helm, Vhaeraun, Cyric - more or less - Kiaransalee, Selvetarm, Mystra, several dwarf deities, the duergar deities, lots more)....
And if you want to play it in the "Good Old Realms" you got your work cut out for you: You have to "translate" Pathfinder to fit a world you have no support for, instead of using the stuff as written (less work for you) and playing in a world that will see lots of support.
If they're not convinced yet about the deities: Have they seen the Desna article?

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Hhhmm... after just having expressed my ongoing devotion to the FR setting in a different thread, I am still curious how to convert RotRl to FR.
After all the previous adventure paths were meant for a Greyhawk like setting and still there were people interested in conversions for the FRs.
Did anybody try a conversion already?
I am currently not DMing but RotRL will definitely be the next campaign and I would like to adapt it to the FR.
Your points are valid: The realms will undergo drastic changes. But my campaing will (as much as RotRl) stay 3.5e for a while. So I don't worry about any FR changes upcoming with 4e.
Thanks for your input!
If 4e and 4e-FR disappoint me, Golarion will get more than a chance - but until then I am set for the realms.
Good point about the hell knights and the sin motif: But isn't there any 'forgotten' faith that could fit in? After all we are talking about the *forgotten* realms. ;-)

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Ok, time for an update.
It looks like my group won't be playing through RotRL any time soon as we've agreed to play through "Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk" first, and I'll probably insist upon Golarion after we've run through Castle Greyhawk...
Regardless, I might continue this conversion if there seems to be an interest in my notes.
Skinsaw Murders Notes:
This module is simple enough that it will be run largely as is (with the above notes). The Skinsaw Cultists are greedy, power-hungry worshippers of Cyric. They've been killing off the rich and powerful in the hopes of taking their places. They believe Xanesha is a powerful arcane devotee of Cyric (and she is content to let them believe that).
Hook Mountain Massacre Notes:
Hook Mountain is in the Giantspire Mountains.
Turtleback Ferry is a largely independent (though still part of Impiltur) town, serving as a crossing point across "Great Imphra's River".
Great Imphra's River flows from "Demon's Crossing", an ancient dam in the Giantspires decorated with dozens of leering demon faces (a popular motif during the time of Narfell)...
Black Magga is a rare breed of aquatic demon summoned by Karzoug into the lake created by the dam to serve as a guardian. It has been largely dormant since the fall of Narfell, but has been fully awakened by the inept banging of the Ogres. Karzoug presumed that the beast would still be in the dam lake, but didn't bother pointing this out to Lucrecia as he didn't think it would be relevant...

Chalkboard Sonata |
I'm considering dropping RotRL on the coast of the Western Heartlands. My players are not huge realms buffs, so a little rearranging of distances and positions is fine by them (They know that Candlekeep, Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep are all somewhere on the Sword Coast, but I'm sure they wouldn't notice if any was moved closer or further away). I haven't read much on Varisia except what is printed in PF 1-3, so some of my conversions might conflict with established canon, but I'm alright with that.
I'm planning on placing Sandpoint somewhere on the mid-south Sword Coast. Windsong Abbey (I just saw it on the map, I'm not sure if it's important) will become Candlekeep. Korvosa, which I've only read a small amount about, will be replaced by Athkatla, Skullport seems to make a servicable replacement for Riddleport. I haven't yet decided if I want Baldur's Gate to function as Magnimar, or if I want to make Magnimar a city in its own right.
When it came to deities, I was not too concerned for a direct analogue, as I don't think specific deities or churches play a huge part in this adventure. I mostly just choose some of my favorites (Or the deities of PCs) to be in the temple at Sandpoint. So some fit with their Pathfinder counterparts, some don't, but I think altogether, the FR pantheon captures most of the important aspects of the Sandpoint gods in one way or another.
Erastil -> Chauntea
Iomedae -> Torm
Sarenrae -> Lathander
Shelyn -> Shaundakul
Desna -> The Goddess (A homebrewed amalgamation of Mystra, Tymora and Selune)
Abador -> Helm
Gozreh -> Silvanus
Since the Western Heartlands is so sparsely detailed (at least to my limited knowledge) it seemed like a great place to drop the Path in whole-hog.
Anyway, just thought I'd add to the thread in case anyone is looking for more examples of Realms conversions. Not sure it'll help anyone, but its here just in case.

gaborg |

Regardless, I might continue this conversion if there seems to be an interest in my notes.
Keep it up man, this is exactly what I had in mind. We are all very keen on a Conan like barbaric, plains roaming, horse riding, no spellcaster (!!!), Chtulhu mythos like adventure in Narfell. Thanks for this info. I will also add my ideas later on.
Where could I find more info on Narfell besides the Unapproachable East and the FR sourcebook?

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I'm considering dropping RotRL on the coast of the Western Heartlands. My players are not huge realms buffs, so a little rearranging of distances and positions is fine by them (They know that Candlekeep, Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep are all somewhere on the Sword Coast, but I'm sure they wouldn't notice if any was moved closer or further away). I haven't read much on Varisia except what is printed in PF 1-3, so some of my conversions might conflict with established canon, but I'm alright with that.
I'm planning on placing Sandpoint somewhere on the mid-south Sword Coast. Windsong Abbey (I just saw it on the map, I'm not sure if it's important) will become Candlekeep. Korvosa, which I've only read a small amount about, will be replaced by Athkatla, Skullport seems to make a servicable replacement for Riddleport. I haven't yet decided if I want Baldur's Gate to function as Magnimar, or if I want to make Magnimar a city in its own right.
When it came to deities, I was not too concerned for a direct analogue, as I don't think specific deities or churches play a huge part in this adventure. I mostly just choose some of my favorites (Or the deities of PCs) to be in the temple at Sandpoint. So some fit with their Pathfinder counterparts, some don't, but I think altogether, the FR pantheon captures most of the important aspects of the Sandpoint gods in one way or another.
Erastil -> Chauntea
Iomedae -> Torm
Sarenrae -> Lathander
Shelyn -> Shaundakul
Desna -> The Goddess (A homebrewed amalgamation of Mystra, Tymora and Selune)
Abador -> Helm
Gozreh -> SilvanusSince the Western Heartlands is so sparsely detailed (at least to my limited knowledge) it seemed like a great place to drop the Path in whole-hog.
Anyway, just thought I'd add to the thread in case anyone is looking for more examples of Realms conversions. Not sure it'll help anyone, but its here just in case.
Getting one started myself.
I am placing Sandpoint roughly 120 miles north of Waterdeep on the Sword Coast. Waterdeep fills in for Maginmar, Luskan for Riddleport, probably Baldur's Gate or Athkatla will be Korvosa. Haven't read much on Windsong Abbey, but Candlekeep seems reasonable.
Icewind Dale, Spine of the World, Sword Mountains, and Thay, and the Shadow Thieves will probably figure into the equation at some point.
As for the Thassilonians, I equated them with a subsect of Netheril, although that required some retooling of the empire's reach into Illefarn. Not a huge deal, since it is ancient history.
What I need to know is other major locations in Runelords that figure into the story, so I can plan where to put them.
Oh, list of gods that have come up so far:
Abadar = Amaunator
Desna = Selene
Erastil = Chauntea
Lamashtu = Lamashtu!
Sarenrae = Lathander
Shelyn = Sune
Gozreh = Silvanus