Gobbo's Savage Tide


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Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1
Anders Delymbir wrote:
Now how is our illustrious DM ever going to kill one of us if we don't let each other separate from the group, Eldin?

I'm on to him... I don't think he's really out to kill anybody - It's much more entertaining to force horror/sanity checks ;)

This group spends more time apart than together, lol.

Eldin turns the corner dashing down Monkey Street after the Lotus Dragon thief, and catches sight of the man once more. The thief stands in the middle of the plaza, looking about as if unsure of his next move and contemplating his options. The arrival of the determined cleric cinches the deal for the rogue, and he leaps bodily into the well in the center of the plaza, panicked screams echoing behind him!

The court consists of a well, the rear of several businesses (including the taxidermy hall), and yourself).

Anders missile cuts into the wounded man, downing him for good. Alone against the party, the final guild member loses his nerve and tumbles away from Terin, attempting to bully his way through Ardan. The thief rolls, but Ardan pins him to the wall through the shoulder with his cutlass. With a wince and a squeal of pain, the man’s nerveless fingers drop his weapon to the floor with a clatter (he’s not dead) .

Hmmm … was it a Lotus Dragon or the taxidermist I was chasing? Or are they, in fact, one and the same?

Whoops! Someone caught my flaw there (thanks). That was supposed to be Nemien tumbling down the well *cough.* Forgot to apostrophe Anders' as well...

With the Nemien-down-a-rabbit-hole scene (that I managed to screw up nicely), that will leave us with one thief behind Eldin on the street, and an injured and pinned thief next to Ardan.

(Terin up)

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4

The Beast turns and bolts out the door after the thief that is pursuing Eldin, a fierce roar leaving his throat as he pushes for speed.
The Beast will try to catch up to the thief before he gets to Eldin. Double move if needed (The beast moves at 50').

Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1

The readied attack eats my action this round - Seann up.

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)

Seann dashes after Terin, ready to provide backup.

Eldin Farstrider wrote:

Round 2 Init:

Lotus Dragons: 26
Terin: 21
Ardan: 14
Seann: 11
Anders: 7
Eldin: 6
Tyndal: 3

Init reposted from previous page. Anders is up.

The Beast -Terin wrote:
The Beast will try to catch up to the thief before he gets to Eldin. Double move if needed (The beast moves at 50').

Are we talking flying tackle here or what?

Male Human Sorcerer 2

Anders casts a silent image of a large, shadowy bird-demon standing behind him. It should be dark and indistinct, but very large, and surrounded by swirly shadow.

He walks up to the Lotus Dragon pinned to the wall.

"Tell us what we're facing. How many we're up against, and what we can expect. Or I'll finish my summoning and let my... ...friend... ...have his way with your soul."

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4
G'mork wrote:
The Beast -Terin wrote:
The Beast will try to catch up to the thief before he gets to Eldin. Double move if needed (The beast moves at 50').
Are we talking flying tackle here or what?

If I can move and attack I will try a trip attempt.

If not I will take that for an AoO when he tries to move away from me.

Eldin dashes over to the well and peers down it, seeing what he can see and listening for splashes – or thuds. Spot: 14+4 = 18. Listen: 5+4 = 9

“Well that was unexpected,” he murmurs.

Male Human Fighter 3

Tyndal looks out the door and then looks at his bulky armor, thinking about how it take him forever to catch up with the others. Then looks at Anders and the thief.

He walks toward the thief. "TALK NOW!"

Intimidate (1d20 5=20)

Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1

If you're waiting for me, Ardan will give the thief a chance to respond to Anders and Tyndal before doing anything... drastic.

Ardan wrote:
If you're waiting for me...

I think it's more you all waiting on me. Normally I post from work but it's been busy lately (end of the month / beginning of the next always is for us). Now that the roads are clear(er) of ice, I should be able to get home before me son wakes and update.

(sorry for the holdup)

Terin sprints after the remaining rogue, sweeping him off his feet before he is able to reach Eldin’s position. “Enough!,” he shouts. “Uncle, whatever, I give!”

Inside, the pinned man spills his guts (figuratively). Sweating through the pain, he asks, “What do you want to know? I’m just assigned here to defend Nemien, who is a guild friend. The lady says protect, we protect. Let me loose and I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. I’d have to leave town anyhow, they’d kill me for sure after I talk.”

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4

The Beast grabs the downed man by his collar with a growl and drags him back into the taxidermist's shop, giving sharp growls if the man starts to struggle.
Once inside he drops the man, allowing the others to watch him and jumps up on his hind legs placing a paw on either side of the other man's head and staring him in the eyes with his massive canines inches from his face. A soft menacing growl is echoing in his throat.

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)
G'mork wrote:
Inside, the pinned man spills his guts (figuratively). Sweating through the pain, he asks, “What do you want to know? I’m just assigned here to defend Nemien, who is a guild friend. The lady says protect, we protect. Let me loose and I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. I’d have to leave town anyhow, they’d kill me for sure after I talk.”

"Who's this lady you speak of?"

Seann Eoghan wrote:
"Who's this lady you speak of?"

"The Lady of the Lotus, Dragon Lady some call her. She runs the show, she calls the shots."

Did Eldin see or hear anything of import down the well?

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)
G'mork wrote:
Seann Eoghan wrote:
"Who's this lady you speak of?"
"The Lady of the Lotus, Dragon Lady some call her. She runs the show, she calls the shots."

"Dragon Lady, eh? Huh..."

A pause.

"Nope, got nothing..."

Seann seems more withdrawn than usual. Something's noticeably bugging him.

Eldin Farstrider wrote:
Did Eldin see or hear anything of import down the well?

Ah yes, thanks for reminding me!

About 40 feet below, you can see unmoving, brackish water, undisturbed but for the constant dripping from the pipes above. Something large and unseen turns over within the water, then all is still again.

Listen DC 5:

You do not hear an impact following the cessation of the screaming.

Listen: 5+4 = 9.

Eldin pushes away from the edge of the well and follows the beast back to the shop. “Taxidermy mishap,” he explains to any onlookers, nodding towards the beast. “We’re sorting it out.”

Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1

Ardan growls "You're going to have to come up with more than a made up name if you want to live - What about lieutenants, layout, any nasty surprises?" As Eldin returns "Any luck?"

Eldin shakes his head. “He jumped down the well,” he says. “I have a feeling he survived though. It may be some sort of escape route.”

I have the update ready to paste on the thumb drive, board keeps eating it. Will try again once we get to Ireland.

A passerby gives the returning party a wide berth, but appears more inclined to simply gawk than to run directly to the watch. The interior of the building reeks of taxidermy chemicals and burning flesh. Wisps of grey smoke rise slowly from the charred clothing of the dead thugs, remnants of Anders’ deadly bolts.

The pinned Lotus Thief, out of options, willingly provides you with the names of the guild subcommanders, Kersh Reftun, and none other than the elusive Vanthus Vanderboren. The surrendered thug is able to sketch a small but relatively comprehensive map of the guild, though upon observation, Penkus informs you that it is incomplete (”I don’t think he actually knows about the secret areas. These ones don’t look important enough.”).

“The well around the back,” Eldin asks the captured thief, “does it lead into your hideout?” He notes that the man’s map shows areas of water within the place, and recalls the dimly seen ripples of water down the well.

Eldin Farstrider wrote:
“The well around the back,” Eldin asks the captured thief, “does it lead into your hideout?”

The man replies affirmatively, pointing to a large open pool on the map (marked D9 for you).

Fiendish Symbiont

That's where we train the new bloods. We call it the Crucible.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

The beast becomes man once more....
They train Newbs there, it's called the crucible. *Penkus, what awaits in the 'Crucible'? Is that a way we should head?*

Fiendish Symbiont

"Croc. Big one too, but you seem pretty beasty yourself. I didn’t know I’d be pulling double shifts as a mutt’s eye!"

"It would get us there quicker, but there is a much safer route through the secret hall in the back here."

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)

"Why would you use a crocodile to train recruits? I guess the better question is how. Or maybe I don't even want to know..."

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

Crocs are a vicious predator. Their methods are brutal and quick. I would think the guild uses the croc or crocs as a kind of disciplinary device. Not much worse than being eaten by a large reptile that wants to twist bite-sized pieces off of you. Watch that once and you would try not break a rule again.

Male Human Fighter 3

Tyndal finishes stuffing the jackalope in his pack and looks at the map.

"I must need a drink, because this map makes no sense to me. Where are we currently on it? Is that below us?"

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)


Tyndal Maelglum wrote:
Tyndal finishes stuffing the jackalope in his pack

ROFL. Could come in handy!

Penkus informs Terin that you would be in the lower right corner if you use the back entrance of the Taxidermy Guild.

“We should probably get on the road,” comments Eldin. “Get moving that is. The taxidermist escaped down the well, so they may be on alert … although if they keep a big crocodile down there … perhaps not. Either way, they will not doubt be aware something is wrong sooner or later when this lot,” he gestures to the captured and dead thieves, “do not report. Speaking of which, what shall we do with our captive? Any benefit as a hostage or a guide do you think?”

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid 3 Experience points-3000

Leave him, we can turn him in to the watch when we finish down there or if he gets out he can make a run. I really don't think he wants to either cross us again or cross the guild again given the info he just gave us so freely. Vanthus and 'Dragon Lady' don't seem real interested in failed thieves.
Either way I doubt he is dumb enough to stay in town long.

Male Human Rogue 2/Swashbuckler 1

"I must agree with our traveling friend, the guild has likely been alerted - and sitting here waiting for them to come to us in force lacks appeal. If we know where the entrance is, we'd best get to it." Nodding to the captured thief, "I say let him go, he'll still be running a month from now if he knows what's good for him."

Alright, lets get him to confirm the location of the secret door, then let him go and get ready to enter. Anyone need healing before we go in?

Fiendish Symbiont

The thieves, upbeat at the thought of liberation and eager to take the first ship out of town, instruct you to walk to the end of the hall and look for the secret door to the right of the workroom.

“This just shows how far the guild has fallen under Vanthus’ guidance. In my day these two would have gutted each other rather than talk. Sad really. We don’t need them; you have me. Let’s stick them just for laughs.”

Male Human Fighter 3

"We want some kind of order as we head in? I'll be happy to go in front."

Tyndal checks his kit, readies his flail and shield.

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4

*No Penkus, I don't want any more blood in the shop here.*
Right behind you Tyndal. I want to be maneuverable and quick in these tunnels so I'm gonna stick with Beast-shape most of the time.
*Shifts into The Beast.*

M Human (Oeridian) Wizard (Transmuter) 1 / Favored Soul 2 (Lirr)

"I'm with you."

Seann cracks his knuckles and falls in behind Terin and Tyndal.

Moving out of the main showroom and into the hallway, the party meets with a series of largely identical doors. The first in the series of entrances lies directly to your left, while a right turn in the hallway brings you to two separate doors, lining the left edge of the hall before it turns ninety degrees to the right. At the end of this path lies a door to the left, and with Penkus’ help you easily outline the secret door located behind a large portrait of a city nestled within a volcano.

Male Human Fighter 3

"Hey, does Pinky know if any of these doors are trapped?"

If not, Tyndal will open the secret door.

Fiendish Symbiont

”Not much point in trapping or locking anything in a thieves' guild, except for practice.”

Male Wood Elf (+2str,+2dex,-2con,-2int) Druid/4

Terin shifts back to elf form "Not much point in trapping or locking anything in a thieves' guild, except for practice says the eye." then shifts back to The Beast.

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