Things in Life That Suck

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

Nebulous_Mistress wrote:

Tonight I had to convince my best friend of 14 years not to kill herself.

Over the phone.

I hope you're both alright. I know it can be traumatic for the person who talks down a friend.

The Exchange

Nebulous_Mistress wrote:

Tonight I had to convince my best friend of 14 years not to kill herself.

Over the phone.

Dang. I hope she takes strength from your friendship. I hope you talked her into getting some professional help, too. I was depressed in high school and the councilor I saw helped me overcome it.

RPG Superstar 2012

Nebulous_Mistress wrote:

Tonight I had to convince my best friend of 14 years not to kill herself.

Over the phone.

I assume you were successful. She's extremely fortunate to have you as a friend.

I'm also going to assume you're going to keep in contact with her, and, as mentioned earlier, encourage her to seek professional help.

Stay strong for the two of you.

Nebulous_Mistress wrote:

Tonight I had to convince my best friend of 14 years not to kill herself.

Over the phone.

Sadly this may not be over, by a long chalk. Once things seem so bad that someone takes that first look over the precipice, the thought is always there to come back in bad times down the road: 'Why didn't I jump last time? Maybe I should this time? Things weren't actually so bad last time, but they're much worse this time, aren't they?'

Please note that I use 'precipice' and 'jump' here as metaphors, not as assumptions or out of any knowledge of this particular situation.
I hope for you and your friend's sake that this is a low point she touches only once in your lives, and if not then she may well need your help and support every bit as much when things start to look as rough again in the future.

What good news there is that I see in this situation is that at least she talked with you about it, which gave you the chance to help her. Some people don't really talk to anyone about how bad things seem to them to be getting, and then one day they're simply not there any more.

My best wishes to your friend and you.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


So my wife needed a solid laptop to do her schoolwork on. After a lot of research and consideration, she decided on a MacBook Pro. Apple has really good customer service, and solid products. I shell out over $3000 for a nice 17 inch MacBook with all the things she'll need to get her bachelors/masters schoolwork done.

The GD Airport card starts acting up. We take it in to get checked. They send it in for repairs, and replace the antenna. Things are nice, even as we're FTWing over the 'fix'.

It starts messing up again. Not as often, but still a problem. We get ahold of them, and take it to the store, where they hold it for a week repairing it, replacing the Airport card and some other circuit board I don't remember.

The next day after getting it back, the card stops working. Reseting it fixes it for now, but daily it will drop the network, and require a restart. We can turn the card on and off, but nothing fixes it.

We call Apple, and what do they tell us?

'If your card was replaced, the problem isn't the card.' Wow. Your grasp of the obvious is amazing.

'It must be your network.' Really? My own MacBook, my netbook, my iPad, her iPad, her iPhone, my iPhone, and my Windows desktop can all connect to my Airport router, but it's my network?

I swear, we're done with this. So done. Here's to hoping MY MacBook is a little more reliable. Cause I'm not calling customer service for it.

Liberty's Edge

Negative epiphany:

I spent four years after high school working my ass off trying to get the money to get into a good school. I couldn't do it, and had to borrow money from my family (not going to list the dollar value--suffice to say that it's more money than I've ever seen in my life).

And now, I'm finding that I shouldn't even be here. I'm sick, frustrated, and wasting my time. I should have been a f!$#ing construction worker like all my high school friends. At least they're happy.

umm what was I going to post?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

i finally recovered from surgery, first mentioned here! on friday i had my first shower in ten weeks. woo hoo!

unfortunately, i'm still having my leg problems, first mentioned here. but at least now that i'm healed from surgery i can return to working on them.


  • Leeches
  • Mosquitoes
  • Octopuses
  • Ringworm
  • Those weird fish that latch onto shark and whales
  • Jawless Hookers
  • Vampires
  • Wannabe Vampires
  • Squid
  • People attempting to siphon fuel from a fuel tank using a tube
  • Dyson cleaners
  • Black Holes
  • Chest wounds that pierce the lungs
  • Limpets
  • Any portal bridging two environments where one environment is at a different atmospheric density to the other
  • Fleas
  • Cuttle Fish
  • Plungers
  • Those freaky tube things that the dentist puts in your mouth
  • Old ladies


    If this has been done all ready I have but one question:

    ''Did they use bullet points?

  • Huh? Huh? Huh?

    *shakes fist*

  • Liberty's Edge

    I'm a f%!+ing mess today. It sucks knowing exactly what you need to do to get your life straightened out, but being absolutely powerless to do so.

    Being killed by a fully autonomous robot would suck.

    AMEN to that brother!
    right there with you.

    on a side note; all learning is good; helps you get some perpective. Nothing wrong with being a construction worker; I have done it; working out in the weather all year can suck though.

    The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
    I'm a f@!!ing mess today. It sucks knowing exactly what you need to do to get your life straightened out, but being absolutely powerless to do so.

    RPG Superstar 2012

    Tensor wrote:

    Being killed by a fully autonomous robot would suck.

    Especially if you were its creator.

    Liberty's Edge

    New York State still hasn't sent me my absentee ballot. I KNOW the forms got in on time, so it's YOUR FAULT, New York.

    The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
    New York State still hasn't sent me my absentee ballot. I KNOW the forms got in on time, so it's YOUR FAULT, New York.

    I frakking hate that. There's no excuse for it. If you want to break some knees, I'm down.

    Liberty's Edge

    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    A young gamer (19) who played in one of the other groups at my weekly club blew his f@~*ing brains out with a shotgun a couple of weeks ago. We found out on Monday. Didn't know him well, but he seemed to be happy to me. Still processing this.

    Liberty's Edge

    Freehold DM wrote:
    The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
    New York State still hasn't sent me my absentee ballot. I KNOW the forms got in on time, so it's YOUR FAULT, New York.
    I frakking hate that. There's no excuse for it. If you want to break some knees, I'm down.

    Alright. I'll let you know once I get some information. I got the form this afternoon, a day and a half late.

    Liberty's Edge

    Paul Watson wrote:
    A young gamer (19) who played in one of the other groups at my weekly club blew his f%@!ing brains out with a shotgun a couple of weeks ago. We found out on Monday. Didn't know him well, but he seemed to be happy to me. Still processing this.

    F~&$. Really sorry, man. I know too many people, young and old, who've attempted or committed suicide. It shouldn't happen.

    The Exchange

    Paul Watson wrote:
    A young gamer (19) who played in one of the other groups at my weekly club blew his f@!&ing brains out with a shotgun a couple of weeks ago. We found out on Monday. Didn't know him well, but he seemed to be happy to me. Still processing this.

    My sympathies. We're all at the mercy of our neurochemistry.

    Scarab Sages

    Paul Watson wrote:
    A young gamer (19) who played in one of the other groups at my weekly club blew his f@~#ing brains out with a shotgun a couple of weeks ago. We found out on Monday. Didn't know him well, but he seemed to be happy to me. Still processing this.

    That really sucks. 20 years ago a really good friend of mine did the same thing. I don't think that you ever truly stop "processing".

    Paul Watson wrote:
    A young gamer (19) who played in one of the other groups at my weekly club blew his f~#%ing brains out with a shotgun a couple of weeks ago. We found out on Monday. Didn't know him well, but he seemed to be happy to me. Still processing this.

    Damn. I'm sorry.

    The Exchange

    I just need to vent this here where I know my sister won't see it: Her boyfriend is a total freeloading flake! I asked him every day for a week if he was coming with me to the job fair (we are both unemployed) so that we could carpool together in his car because my mom has to use mine to get to work. He assured me, yes, we'd carpool on Tuesday.

    The MORNING of the job fair, I wake up at a decent hour, get ready, make sure I have my resumes, etc...and half an hour before we're supposed to leave he's still asleep (I forgot to mention that he lives with us. I have NO CLUE what my parents were thinking!) There's about a half hour before we need to leave, so I knock on the bedroom door and ask if he's getting ready. He mumbles at me he's not going.

    Not. Going. I budgeted my time so that I didn't have to worry about the commute, and now, since he's not going, I have to take the bus, and (no surprise) I arrive 45 minutes after I'd intended to, when the lines are at their longest and many of the recruiters have run out of brochures, are on break, some have 20 minute waits at their tables, etc.

    GAD, I feel so resentful of this guy! On top of that, he has the gall to complain when he does the dishes after dinner. Oh no, it's not like he's living here with my sister rent free; it's not like I don't also do the dishes, as well as the laundry, and pick up after the dogs, look for work AND go to school.

    Okay, I just needed to vent.
    And I really am mindful that this doesn't suck a fraction as much as losing someone to suicide, as the poster above has.

    Liberty's Edge

    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    Thank you Mr Shiny, Brock, Moff, Freehold and Zeugma for the support. Really appreciate it.

    Zeugma wrote:

    I just need to vent this here where I know my sister won't see it: Her boyfriend is a total freeloading flake! I asked him every day for a week if he was coming with me to the job fair (we are both unemployed) so that we could carpool together in his car because my mom has to use mine to get to work. He assured me, yes, we'd carpool on Tuesday.

    The MORNING of the job fair, I wake up at a decent hour, get ready, make sure I have my resumes, etc...and half an hour before we're supposed to leave he's still asleep (I forgot to mention that he lives with us. I have NO CLUE what my parents were thinking!) There's about a half hour before we need to leave, so I knock on the bedroom door and ask if he's getting ready. He mumbles at me he's not going.

    Not. Going. I budgeted my time so that I didn't have to worry about the commute, and now, since he's not going, I have to take the bus, and (no surprise) I arrive 45 minutes after I'd intended to, when the lines are at their longest and many of the recruiters have run out of brochures, are on break, some have 20 minute waits at their tables, etc.

    GAD, I feel so resentful of this guy! On top of that, he has the gall to complain when he does the dishes after dinner. Oh no, it's not like he's living here with my sister rent free; it's not like I don't also do the dishes, as well as the laundry, and pick up after the dogs, look for work AND go to school.

    Okay, I just needed to vent.
    And I really am mindful that this doesn't suck a fraction as much as losing someone to suicide, as the poster above has.

    hands Zeguma a baseball bat You know what you have to do.

    Paul Watson wrote:
    A young gamer (19) who played in one of the other groups at my weekly club blew his f##@ing brains out with a shotgun a couple of weeks ago. We found out on Monday. Didn't know him well, but he seemed to be happy to me. Still processing this.

    I'd like to add something meaningful like the others, but I'm right out of wise stuff to say right now.

    Sometimes the mathematics of what's going on inside another person's head doesn't make much sense to anyone but them, though.
    My condolences.

    Liberty's Edge

    Paul Watson wrote:
    Thank you Mr Shiny, Brock, Moff, Freehold and Zeugma for the support. Really appreciate it.

    Not a problem. I almost ended up like your friend once, and it really shook me up. I try to help out people who've seen someone go like that, simply because it's hard to wrap your head around.

    Liberty's Edge

    Today was supposed to be the big illustration department trip to New York and the Society of Illustrators. Fifty people paid forty dollars each to book a charter bus that would leave today at 6:00 AM sharp. Everyone got to the bus stop, and waited. And waited. And waited.

    Finally, one of the professors in charge called the bus company, and found out that the charter service had never processed the paperwork. trip this year. I'm out forty dollars and five hours of sleep.

    Silver Crusade

    The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

    Today was supposed to be the big illustration department trip to New York and the Society of Illustrators. Fifty people paid forty dollars each to book a charter bus that would leave today at 6:00 AM sharp. Everyone got to the bus stop, and waited. And waited. And waited.

    Finally, one of the professors in charge called the bus company, and found out that the charter service had never processed the paperwork. trip this year. I'm out forty dollars and five hours of sleep.

    They're not refunding?

    Liberty's Edge

    Celestial Healer wrote:
    The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

    Today was supposed to be the big illustration department trip to New York and the Society of Illustrators. Fifty people paid forty dollars each to book a charter bus that would leave today at 6:00 AM sharp. Everyone got to the bus stop, and waited. And waited. And waited.

    Finally, one of the professors in charge called the bus company, and found out that the charter service had never processed the paperwork. trip this year. I'm out forty dollars and five hours of sleep.

    They're not refunding?

    I have no idea. I'm guessing no, based on the b*%+%y response to my professor's phone call.

    Liberty's Edge

    For the third time in three weeks, I'm sick. The first time, I had a headache so bad it gave me vertigo and made me nauseous. That one lasted a week. Then, I picked up the dry heaves and the shakes for another couple of days. Now, after another few days, my nose is leaking blood and yellow slime, and my voice is gone. What the f@!@.

    Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
    The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
    For the third time in three weeks, I'm sick. The first time, I had a headache so bad it gave me vertigo and made me nauseous. That one lasted a week. Then, I picked up the dry heaves and the shakes for another couple of days. Now, after another few days, my nose is leaking blood and yellow slime, and my voice is gone. What the f~#*.

    ugh. :-/

    allow me to recommend water, rest, nutritious food, mr shiny. i hope you feel better. :-)

    Silver Crusade

    The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
    For the third time in three weeks, I'm sick. The first time, I had a headache so bad it gave me vertigo and made me nauseous. That one lasted a week. Then, I picked up the dry heaves and the shakes for another couple of days. Now, after another few days, my nose is leaking blood and yellow slime, and my voice is gone. What the f~~#.

    Viruses get passed around college dorms even faster than sorority girls. Hope you feel better soon.

    Liberty's Edge

    Celestial Healer wrote:
    The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
    For the third time in three weeks, I'm sick. The first time, I had a headache so bad it gave me vertigo and made me nauseous. That one lasted a week. Then, I picked up the dry heaves and the shakes for another couple of days. Now, after another few days, my nose is leaking blood and yellow slime, and my voice is gone. What the f~~#.
    Viruses get passed around college dorms even faster than sorority girls. Hope you feel better soon.

    And sorority girls pass around an entirely different sort of virus.

    Trying to decide what I hate more: my job or trying to find another one.

    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    Some of my old college friends are doing this and swear by it. They've gotten their money back when they wanted it. It's an easy way to do good if you have even small amounts of spare cash (I know, who does?). But this is a way to make the world less sucky.

    Haven't read the entire thread, so this may have been mentioned.

    Cancer and chemotherapy.

    Those REALLY suck.

    The Exchange

    Zeugma wrote:

    I just need to vent this here where I know my sister won't see it: Her boyfriend is a total freeloading flake! I asked him every day for a week if he was coming with me to the job fair (we are both unemployed) so that we could carpool together in his car because my mom has to use mine to get to work. He assured me, yes, we'd carpool on Tuesday.

    The MORNING of the job fair, I wake up at a decent hour, get ready, make sure I have my resumes, etc...and half an hour before we're supposed to leave he's still asleep (I forgot to mention that he lives with us. I have NO CLUE what my parents were thinking!) There's about a half hour before we need to leave, so I knock on the bedroom door and ask if he's getting ready. He mumbles at me he's not going.

    Not. Going. I budgeted my time so that I didn't have to worry about the commute, and now, since he's not going, I have to take the bus, and (no surprise) I arrive 45 minutes after I'd intended to, when the lines are at their longest and many of the recruiters have run out of brochures, are on break, some have 20 minute waits at their tables, etc.

    GAD, I feel so resentful of this guy! On top of that, he has the gall to complain when he does the dishes after dinner. Oh no, it's not like he's living here with my sister rent free; it's not like I don't also do the dishes, as well as the laundry, and pick up after the dogs, look for work AND go to school.

    Okay, I just needed to vent.
    And I really am mindful that this doesn't suck a fraction as much as losing someone to suicide, as the poster above has.

    Maybe your parents should ask him for rent. You might find he finds some new girl to parasitise.

    Liberty's Edge

    Stress insomnia + cold medicine + spray-fix and printer ink fumes = hallucinations. Or maybe there really is an invisible man pacing outside my door at five in the morning.

    RPG Superstar 2012

    The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
    Stress insomnia + cold medicine + spray-fix and printer ink fumes = hallucinations. Or maybe there really is an invisible man pacing outside my door at five in the morning.

    As long as it's not Kevin Bacon...

    Dark Archive


    Assumptions suck a lot.

    RPG Superstar 2012

    Mikhaila Burnett wrote:


    Assumptions suck a lot.

    I assume there's a story here. Sorry, couldn't resist.

    I hope things get better for you, whatever your troubles.

    A 'modern business' which refuses to spare just two minutes of silence on Armistice Day to mark the sacrifices and tragedies of two world wars plus numerous other conflicts sucks.
    Yes this post is a little late in coming, but it's taken me a while to calm down. One of my grandfathers fought in Italy in WWII and though he came home afterwards - unlike all too many others - he wouldn't ever go back there after the war was over or speak of what he'd seen.

    Scarab Sages

    The fact that the Presidential Elections here in the USA are 2 years away, and people are already starting to discuss them ad nauseum.

    Charles Evans 25 wrote:

    A 'modern business' which refuses to spare just two minutes of silence on Armistice Day to mark the sacrifices and tragedies of two world wars plus numerous other conflicts sucks.

    Yes this post is a little late in coming, but it's taken me a while to calm down. One of my grandfathers fought in Italy in WWII and though he came home afterwards - unlike all too many others - he wouldn't ever go back there after the war was over or speak of what he'd seen.

    Wow - Have you notified your local Returned Services League or Veterans Associations.

    The RSL is a powerful organisation in Australia not good to piss them off... lots of bad press.

    Write to a letter to the editor in your local paper. You are in the UK - You have people serving overseas right now Afghanistan, Iraq to name a few places. That is highly disrespectful of that business..... mobilise your self and make sure that they show some respect.

    The 8th Dwarf wrote:
    Charles Evans 25 wrote:

    A 'modern business' which refuses to spare just two minutes of silence on Armistice Day to mark the sacrifices and tragedies of two world wars plus numerous other conflicts sucks.

    Yes this post is a little late in coming, but it's taken me a while to calm down. One of my grandfathers fought in Italy in WWII and though he came home afterwards - unlike all too many others - he wouldn't ever go back there after the war was over or speak of what he'd seen.

    Wow - Have you notified your local Returned Services League or Veterans Associations.

    The RSL is a powerful organisation in Australia not good to piss them off... lots of bad press.

    Write to a letter to the editor in your local paper. You are in the UK - You have people serving overseas right now Afghanistan, Iraq to name a few places. That is highly disrespectful of that business..... mobilise your self and make sure that they show some respect.

    I doubt the local paper would be interested, as the business in question is outside the area that they circulate in. I've thought about maybe writing to one of the national papers, but an added dimension to the suckitude of the situation is that I'm being compelled to associate with the business in question by the UK Department for Social Security as I've been unemployed for some time, and I'm concerned if I make too much of a fuss they [the DSS] will start messing around with me - which could take months to sort out. I'm sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place here... :(

    Meantime, a week from hell is kicking off, with appointments for sessions on 'how to find a job', my fortnightly trip to the job centre to sign on, a decorator making a mess of the house, and to finish things off the place being likely screamed down by the pair of exocet missiles that are my young nieces because they'll be staying here on their way to attend my grandmother's birthday.
    And I've just had about two hours sleep because of stress over the first of these wretched 'how to find a job' sessions of the week that I've been booked on, and sitting at the computer I can hear rain going pit-pat on the conservatory roof which unless it clears up pretty sharpish I'm soon going to be spending a lot of time walking through on my way to this wretched session....

    Charles Evans 25 wrote:

    A 'modern business' which refuses to spare just two minutes of silence on Armistice Day to mark the sacrifices and tragedies of two world wars plus numerous other conflicts sucks.

    Name them and shame them brother! Name and shame!

    Scarab Sages

    Someone broke into some lockers at the university, unfortunatly including mine. Since I only needed to copy some work in the library, needing perhaps 15 minutes time, I was stupid enough to leave my purse in my jacket in said locker.
    Not only did I lose all my papers and a bit of money, I also lost my student ticket which is never ever replaced, so I will have to pay about €400 for bus tickets untill the semester ends.

    I love this year. My harddrive crashed about mid march, my bike in May and again in September, I was sick for almost four month because of a healing resistant wound at my foot, my TV broke two month ago, my Computer Screen two weeks ago. I still haven't given back my brother the money he gave me to pay for last semester (which I didn't have due to these incidents) and I don't know where I will get the money to pay for the next.

    Looks like it will be some time 'till I buy any more pathfinder stuff...

    Liberty's Edge

    Waiting. Waiting really sucks.

    I posted for a position at work that fits perfectly with my skill set.

    The interviewing manager was impressed. She all but admitted that she wants me for the position.

    One of the other members of the department tracked me down and asked if I was applying for the position. She also stated that she hoped I got the position.

    Now I am waiting for the Division Manager to make the decision.


    Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

    a couple of weeks ago i found out my (long-term, temporary) job may be ending in the spring.

    i've been here almost two years, and it's been great -- this job saved me from financial disaster.

    now i'm really, really scared. just like i was two years ago.

    Cuchulainn wrote:
    Waiting. Waiting really sucks.

    hey, at least you have a good lead. that's something to be thankful for.

    messy wrote:

    a couple of weeks ago i found out my (long-term, temporary) job may be ending in the spring.

    i've been here almost two years, and it's been great -- this job saved me from financial disaster.

    now i'm really, really scared. just like i was two years ago.

    I'm with you.

    I've had a permanent position for the last 15 years, and will lose it in a few months.

    I have to give my company credit; I got many months of notice. However, my recent experiences going to job interviews have not made me optimistic; most of my skills are out of date.

    And I reluctantly decided that until my wife and I make some difficult financial decisions, I'd better stop buying certain luxury items. Like Paizo books. And other RPG equipment. :(

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