Things in Life That Suck

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The Exchange

Snorter wrote:

That sucks.

My response to anyone in this position would depend on, firstly, is she a gamer?
In your case, IIRC, she is.
Is the Con a regular event for her?
Again, IIRC, it is.
What nobody wants, and nobody should have to put up with, is a non-gamer spouse, deciding to gatecrash an event, to point at the geeks, and say "Look what I had to put up with".

Secondly, is the new guy the cause of the split? Is he aware of the fact she's still legally married? Is he aware you'll be there?
If the answer to all three is yes, then he's a douche, and should stay away. If any of the answers are no, then he may be as uncomfortable with the whole thing as you, and not appreciate being used as some kind of trophy. You can tell a lot from how someone treats their ex, and if she starts playing mind games, he can reevaluate whether he wants anything to do with such nonsesnse.

Hi Snorter,

Yeah she's a gamer and a regular at the con.
She's never actually said the reason for the split (but I don't think he's the cause). Yes he knows she is still married and must know that I will be there. It is most probable that she wants to come to the con and is just bringing him along. I'd like to believe that she's not playing mind games but I also know that she doesn't take the feelings of others into consideration.

The Exchange

Wintergreen wrote:
Snorter wrote:

That sucks.

My response to anyone in this position would depend on, firstly, is she a gamer?
In your case, IIRC, she is.
Is the Con a regular event for her?
Again, IIRC, it is.
What nobody wants, and nobody should have to put up with, is a non-gamer spouse, deciding to gatecrash an event, to point at the geeks, and say "Look what I had to put up with".

Secondly, is the new guy the cause of the split? Is he aware of the fact she's still legally married? Is he aware you'll be there?
If the answer to all three is yes, then he's a douche, and should stay away. If any of the answers are no, then he may be as uncomfortable with the whole thing as you, and not appreciate being used as some kind of trophy. You can tell a lot from how someone treats their ex, and if she starts playing mind games, he can reevaluate whether he wants anything to do with such nonsesnse.

Hi Snorter,

Yeah she's a gamer and a regular at the con.
She's never actually said the reason for the split (but I don't think he's the cause). Yes he knows she is still married and must know that I will be there. It is most probable that she wants to come to the con and is just bringing him along. I'd like to believe that she's not playing mind games but I also know that she doesn't take the feelings of others into consideration.

I suspect she is playing mind games, and probably always has - I've met women a bit like that. The fact she won't tell you what is happening is a bit of a giveaway - keep you hanging, keep you guessing, while she does her own thing. And it's not a very nice way to treat someone.

The question is whether you also want to get involved in the game. If it was me (and I know it isn't, so feel free to disregard) I would simply not let them come, so I can be fairly sure of having a decent time at the con that I put my blood, sweat and tears into. Maybe it isn't very magnanimous, but if she's dumped you (without explanation) and gone off with another guy it doesn't really seem unreasonable. You can't be friends with everyone, under all circumstances - that way lies madness, or a sainthood.

The Exchange

Wintergreen wrote:

Sucky things: No job, going through a divorce where she won't talk with me about it and I have to move out of my current place soon but here's something I want other people's opinion on.

I set up and run the PaizoCon UK Pathfinder Convention and this year my (not quite yet) ex-wife has asked if she can attend with her current partner.

She has asked for your permission. Under those circumstances, 'No' is a perfectly acceptable answer.

The Exchange

Thanks everybody. I guess I'm just after some reassurance that if I say no that I'm not going to seem like a malicious jerk letting his personal situation impact on the convention.

I'll wait for her response before making a final decision though.

Scarab Sages

If this is all making the prospect of the Con unbearable, or at least unpleasant, is there anything you can delegate to others to organise?

I don't think it's written anywhere that organising a whole Con, and dealing with the issues on the day, should be the sole responsibility of one person.

We know for a fact that at least one other Venture Captain intends to come, as well as plenty of veterans who've done the con circuit for years.
We also know that attendance will most likely be higher than last year.
It's certain that events will have to be split over multiple rooms.
There's a lot to be said for splitting the Venture Captain duties, to ensure each room has at least one designated contact who knows the itinerary, who's playing what slot, can hand out pregens to newbies, explain the xp and prestige, etc.
You don't have to be in the same room as anyone you don't want to.

The Exchange

Snorter wrote:

If this is all making the prospect of the Con unbearable, or at least unpleasant, is there anything you can delegate to others to organise?

I don't think it's written anywhere that organising a whole Con, and dealing with the issues on the day, should be the sole responsibility of one person.

We know for a fact that at least one other Venture Captain intends to come, as well as plenty of veterans who've done the con circuit for years.
We also know that attendance will most likely be higher than last year.
It's certain that events will have to be split over multiple rooms.
There's a lot to be said for splitting the Venture Captain duties, to ensure each room has at least one designated contact who knows the itinerary, who's playing what slot, can hand out pregens to newbies, explain the xp and prestige, etc.
You don't have to be in the same room as anyone you don't want to.

Thanks Snorter, yeah there are people I can delegate to and there are enough rooms to distribute people around but still I know that my emotions will be running high just knowing that they are around and feelings don't always go with rational thought. My commitment is totally to making sure the con goes well, but I know from previous experience that I can make sure the con runs smoothly even when I'm hurting.

Wintergreen wrote:
Snorter wrote:

If this is all making the prospect of the Con unbearable, or at least unpleasant, is there anything you can delegate to others to organise?

I don't think it's written anywhere that organising a whole Con, and dealing with the issues on the day, should be the sole responsibility of one person.

We know for a fact that at least one other Venture Captain intends to come, as well as plenty of veterans who've done the con circuit for years.
We also know that attendance will most likely be higher than last year.
It's certain that events will have to be split over multiple rooms.
There's a lot to be said for splitting the Venture Captain duties, to ensure each room has at least one designated contact who knows the itinerary, who's playing what slot, can hand out pregens to newbies, explain the xp and prestige, etc.
You don't have to be in the same room as anyone you don't want to.

Thanks Snorter, yeah there are people I can delegate to and there are enough rooms to distribute people around but still I know that my emotions will be running high just knowing that they are around and feelings don't always go with rational thought. My commitment is totally to making sure the con goes well, but I know from previous experience that I can make sure the con runs smoothly even when I'm hurting.

It seems that you're going to be the better person, and say it's ok because you'll be in different rooms. In that case I think it's really important to have as many friends there as you can, she's going out of her way to be nasty and make you feel uncomfortable, so she should get the same treatment. Yes, I know it's mean and nasty, but it'll just be your friends being friends. Then again that could just be the type of friend I am :o

Ps. It's better if you've got lots of female friends, no one can be as mean as us ladies when someone is nasty to our friends.

The Exchange

Cassey wrote:

It seems that you're going to be the better person, and say it's ok because you'll be in different rooms. In that case I think it's really important to have as many friends there as you can, she's going out of her way to be nasty and make you feel uncomfortable, so she should get the same treatment. Yes, I know it's mean and nasty, but it'll just be your friends being friends. Then again that could just be the type of friend I am :o

Ps. It's better if you've got lots of female friends, no one can be as mean as us ladies when someone is nasty to our friends.

Ha, ha. Thanks. That made me smile.

At present I'm still waiting for a proper answer from her (having asked her why I should let them/what she would do in my place). I get the impression she would rather not come than actually give me an answer. But if she does come up with answer then I'll probably say it's okay. But I'm not sure I can follow your advice though as I'm not sure they'd pick up on things enough to be uncomfortable ;) But I'll certainly have plenty of friends there.

My ex-'s older sister went into the hospital for pnemonia and she had a blood clot that started in her lungs and went to her heart. Her brother will be pulling the plug soon. What sucks is this a person that I respected and admired, despite her not being the most people friendly person in the world. (~grins~ Granted, she did not think much of me, but I have changed a lot since then.) I had wanted her to have a good life and I owed her big time for helping me, my ex-, and my ex-'s kids out. ~sighs~ R.I.P. Angela. You will be missed.

Sharoth wrote:
My ex-'s older sister went into the hospital for pnemonia and she had a blood clot that started in her lungs and went to her heart. Her brother will be pulling the plug soon. What sucks is this a person that I respected and admired, despite her not being the most people friendly person in the world. (~grins~ Granted, she did not think much of me, but I have changed a lot since then.) I had wanted her to have a good life and I owed her big time for helping me, my ex-, and my ex-'s kids out. ~sighs~ R.I.P. Angela. You will be missed.

Sorry to hear that, Sharoth. :(

Unfortunately it comes in threes. My wifes aunt passed away the day after my good friend lost his younger brother to a freak heart attack. Poor man was only 26 and leaves behind a 24 yea old widow. Just awful on all counts.

The Exchange

Other people's problems really put my own in perspective and show what a supportive community we have here. I'm sending out positive thoughts to you all and hope I haven't annoyed anyone by discussing my trivial problems.

Wintergreen wrote:
Other people's problems really put my own in perspective and show what a supportive community we have here. I'm sending out positive thoughts to you all and hope I haven't annoyed anyone by discussing my trivial problems.

Your problems are not trivial, I could not imagine being in your situation, I would be absolutely heartbroken. I hope everything works out well for you, and have a fun CON. :D

@Freehold & Sharoth:Sorry to hear about your loss. :(

Sharoth wrote:
My ex-'s older sister went into the hospital for pnemonia and she had a blood clot that started in her lungs and went to her heart. Her brother will be pulling the plug soon. What sucks is this a person that I respected and admired, despite her not being the most people friendly person in the world. (~grins~ Granted, she did not think much of me, but I have changed a lot since then.) I had wanted her to have a good life and I owed her big time for helping me, my ex-, and my ex-'s kids out. ~sighs~ R.I.P. Angela. You will be missed.

Some good new. Angela came out of her coma and is talking. I have no idea how coherent she is, but she might make it through this. If not, at least she will have a chance to make peace with my ex-, her kids, and her brothers.

Wintergreen wrote:
Other people's problems really put my own in perspective and show what a supportive community we have here. I'm sending out positive thoughts to you all and hope I haven't annoyed anyone by discussing my trivial problems.

All I can say is that your problems are not that easy to deal with either. In some ways, I actually have an easier time dealing with this issue than you do with yours. I am just glad that you can come here and vent / ask for advice. Good friends (even if we are a long way away) make life worth living and help with the burdens of life. I wish you the best on this issue and hope that it turns out well.

The Exchange

Sharoth wrote:
Wintergreen wrote:
Other people's problems really put my own in perspective and show what a supportive community we have here. I'm sending out positive thoughts to you all and hope I haven't annoyed anyone by discussing my trivial problems.
All I can say is that your problems are not that easy to deal with either. In some ways, I actually have an easier time dealing with this issue than you do with yours. I am just glad that you can come here and vent / ask for advice. Good friends (even if we are a long way away) make life worth living and help with the burdens of life. I wish you the best on this issue and hope that it turns out well.

Right back at you mate.

I never cease to be amazed at how kind people can be even when their going through rough times. And it is awesome how people can be friends and help even when they are so far apart and have never actually met face-to-face. (Hmm, maybe this sort of thing belongs in the good things thread!)

And I got a response about the con - she thinks that Pathfinder Society is all about encouraging players so I shouldn't turn anyone away but she then points out that she was only asking if I'd accept a booking and she hasn't said if they want to attend! I've said that I would probably accept a booking if they wanted to attend. So I'll wait and see what happens next.

Over a year of unemployment after graduating with a dual Bachelor of Arts degree.

Sharoth wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
My ex-'s older sister went into the hospital for pnemonia and she had a blood clot that started in her lungs and went to her heart. Her brother will be pulling the plug soon. What sucks is this a person that I respected and admired, despite her not being the most people friendly person in the world. (~grins~ Granted, she did not think much of me, but I have changed a lot since then.) I had wanted her to have a good life and I owed her big time for helping me, my ex-, and my ex-'s kids out. ~sighs~ R.I.P. Angela. You will be missed.
Some good new. Angela came out of her coma and is talking. I have no idea how coherent she is, but she might make it through this. If not, at least she will have a chance to make peace with my ex-, her kids, and her brothers.

Yay for good news, I hope she makes it.

MaxBarton wrote:
Over a year of unemployment after graduating with a dual Bachelor of Arts degree.

It does suck, I've been unemployed for 18 months now :-/ Just keep on looking and applying, oh and maybe some volunter work will help lift your mood.

Liberty's Edge

Getting a heart transplant and, after five years of no issues, finding out the anti-rejection medicine I take for the heart has destroyed my kidneys. Now I need a kidney transplant. At least I'm already on the right medicine.

normanak wrote:

Getting a heart transplant and, after five years of no issues, finding out the anti-rejection medicine I take for the heart has destroyed my kidneys. Now I need a kidney transplant. At least I'm already on the right medicine.

~winces~ Ouch! I am so sorry to hear that. Hopefully you get a new kdney soon.

Scarab Sages

Sharoth wrote:
normanak wrote:

Getting a heart transplant and, after five years of no issues, finding out the anti-rejection medicine I take for the heart has destroyed my kidneys. Now I need a kidney transplant. At least I'm already on the right medicine.

~winces~ Ouch! I am so sorry to hear that. Hopefully you get a new kdney soon.

+1. Hope things go well.

Liberty's Edge

Been having a string of non-life-threatening, yet incredibly aggravating health problems--first, a upper/lower-respiratory infection that landed me in the hospital for a day (and has taken until this week to go away); then, bruised tendons in both wrists from getting hit with a bad block while sparring; and now a herniated L5 disk that's making my leg go numb. This is ridiculous.

Liberty's Edge

Hospitals. Hospitals suck.

A week ago, I messed up my back doing martial arts, and by the weekend I felt like I was going to snap in half at the waist, and my right leg had stopped working. The university health center is CLOSED on the weekend, so I had to wait until Monday. They made me wait three hours to tell me that I had to go to the hospital. When I got to the ER, I had to wait another three hours until I was actually admitted. After that, I had to wait another two hours for an MRI, and three more to get the results.

It could have been worse--they thought I had a ruptured disc, but it turned out to be a severe muscle tear that had gotten inflamed and was pinching off my sciatic nerve. So, no surgery--just a bottle of anti-inflammatory drugs that make Advil look like sugar water. Still, an ENTIRE F#!+ING DAY wasted for a 15-MINUTE PROCEDURE is stupid as all s~@*.

Also, I'm not complaining, but why the hell do they keep people on their parents' insurance until they're twenty-six?

Liberty's Edge

Discovering your girlfriend is looking for a girlfriend and that her boyfriend knows and approves.

Further discovering that the guy she's calling her boyfriend isn't you.

Liberty's Edge

ShadowcatX wrote:

Discovering your girlfriend is looking for a girlfriend and that her boyfriend knows and approves.

Further discovering that the guy she's calling her boyfriend isn't you.

That's pretty f~!%ed. My condolences.

Returning to things you once loved (like gaming) and recognizing how things have changed; considering how those changes affect your perception of that love; and concluding that you do not like those changes.

That sucks.

As ever,

Just about at breaking point here. Things seem to have plunged in the last few days to new depths of suckitude not seen since December when I almost stepped out into the road and waited for a car to hit me.
At the very least how I feel is negatively impacting some of my posting. Just had to self-flag an earlier post over on the Ask James Jacobs thread, and another poster's reply to it.
Au revoir.

Scarab Sages

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Just about at breaking point here. Things seem to have plunged in the last few days to new depths of suckitude not seen since December when I almost stepped out into the road and waited for a car to hit me.

At the very least how I feel is negatively impacting some of my posting. Just had to self-flag an earlier post over on the Ask James Jacobs thread, and another poster's reply to it.
Au revoir.

I hope things will get better soon.

Take care!

The Exchange

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Just about at breaking point here. Things seem to have plunged in the last few days to new depths of suckitude not seen since December when I almost stepped out into the road and waited for a car to hit me.

At the very least how I feel is negatively impacting some of my posting. Just had to self-flag an earlier post over on the Ask James Jacobs thread, and another poster's reply to it.
Au revoir.

Hope it's not too long a break from these boards Charles and that things start to pick up soon.

> lightsabers <

> lightsabers <

~grumbles~ The fender bender that occured last Monday must have done just enough damage to force me to deal with my neck troubles. ~sighs~ Now to find a doctor who deals with this stuff. Just what I need, another bill.

Liberty's Edge

Discovering that one of the people you care most about is a heroin addict.

Liberty's Edge

ShadowcatX wrote:
Discovering that one of the people you care most about is a heroin addict.

F*%@, that's bad. I remember finding out about one of my friends when I was in high school. Not good at all.

Liberty's Edge

I hate doctors. They can't figure out things for s~@~.

Seriously, over the past few years, I've been diagnosed with so many conflicting chronic diseases (for many of the same complaints) that I don't even know which end is up. I've put asterisks by the ones that aren't complete and total b@~$$~~#.

In chronological order (mental):
- Clinical depression
- Paranoid schizophrenia
- Autism
- Asperger's syndrome
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Attention deficit disorder*
- Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- Affective anxiety disorder
- Bipolar disorder

In chronological order (physical):
- It's all in your head, kid
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Influenza
- SSRI discontinuation syndrome*
- Osteoarthritis
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease*
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Lyme disease


The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

I hate doctors. They can't figure out things for s$*~.

Seriously, over the past few years, I've been diagnosed with so many conflicting chronic diseases (for many of the same complaints) that I don't even know which end is up. I've put asterisks by the ones that aren't complete and total b*#+$#@%.

In chronological order (mental):
- Clinical depression
- Paranoid schizophrenia
- Autism
- Asperger's syndrome
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Attention deficit disorder*
- Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- Affective anxiety disorder
- Bipolar disorder

In chronological order (physical):
- It's all in your head, kid
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Influenza
- SSRI discontinuation syndrome*
- Osteoarthritis
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease*
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Lyme disease


That sucks. Sounds like Magic 8 Ball medicine.

Emperor7 wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

I hate doctors. They can't figure out things for s$*~.

Seriously, over the past few years, I've been diagnosed with so many conflicting chronic diseases (for many of the same complaints) that I don't even know which end is up. I've put asterisks by the ones that aren't complete and total b*#+$#@%.

In chronological order (mental):
- Clinical depression
- Paranoid schizophrenia
- Autism
- Asperger's syndrome
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Attention deficit disorder*
- Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- Affective anxiety disorder
- Bipolar disorder

In chronological order (physical):
- It's all in your head, kid
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Influenza
- SSRI discontinuation syndrome*
- Osteoarthritis
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease*
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Lyme disease


That sucks. Sounds like Magic 8 Ball medicine.

+1 Lots of doctors drop the ball. I know someone who had cancer for around seven years, saw doctors regularly, and no one caught it until she was getting checked by a doctor to participate in a clinical trial for fatigue and other issue.

I hope you can find someone who knows what the hell they are doing.

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

I hate doctors. They can't figure out things for s@%@.

Seriously, over the past few years, I've been diagnosed with so many conflicting chronic diseases (for many of the same complaints) that I don't even know which end is up. I've put asterisks by the ones that aren't complete and total b$***&$&.

In chronological order (mental):
- Clinical depression
- Paranoid schizophrenia
- Autism
- Asperger's syndrome
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Attention deficit disorder*
- Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- Affective anxiety disorder
- Bipolar disorder

In chronological order (physical):
- It's all in your head, kid
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Influenza
- SSRI discontinuation syndrome*
- Osteoarthritis
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease*
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Lyme disease



I just found out a good friend of mine has breast cancer. It's probably the same kind Diane had, and she has probably had it for years already. They have even refereed her to some of the same specialist that Diane went to. It's bad news that revives very painful memories.

Scarab Sages

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

I hate doctors. They can't figure out things for s@%%.

Seriously, over the past few years, I've been diagnosed with so many conflicting chronic diseases (for many of the same complaints) that I don't even know which end is up. I've put asterisks by the ones that aren't complete and total b~%**@#+.

In chronological order (mental):
- Clinical depression
- Paranoid schizophrenia
- Autism
- Asperger's syndrome
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Attention deficit disorder*
- Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- Affective anxiety disorder
- Bipolar disorder


That sounds bad. Good Doctors are hard to find (and by good I mean actually being able to talk to their patients and explain symptoms and diagnoses to them - I heard that may even help to verify a diagnosis :(.

Still, mental diseases are pretty hard to diagnose, its easier to tell if a heart or a kidney isn't working like it should or if a mind isn't working like it should (we humans are a pretty diverse bunch, it's hard to find a baseline). The last few years piled symptom upon sympton, diagnosing often pretty small differences from the perceived norm as treatable diseases (abot 80% ADD diagnostics...).
Looking at your "diagnoses" perhaps I can offer a heplful perspective (not as in diagnosing you but in keeping an eye on what your doctors are doing)

- Bipolar disorder and clinical depression are easy to confuse, especially if the doctor doesn't know about/doesnt care to inquire about the manic phases of the disease

- Paranoid schizophrenia as as symptom, not as a disease is often part of a depression or depressive phase and vice versa

- Autism in a mild for is nearly undistiguishable from mild Asperger's syndrome. Depending on whose data you trust (see my part about piling up neglegtable symptoms) between 1.2% and 0.04% (pretty big difference, isn't it) have Asperger's syndrome...differences from the percieved disease...figures...

- Schizoaffective disorder

- Attention deficit disorder* and attention deficit hyperactive disorder, see above...

- Borderline personality disorder - I love it, psychiatrists use this a lot for percieved symptoms that are not quiet psychoses, including symptoms from drug abuse. There IS a clear borderline personality, but that is a pretty strong and rare symptom, most of the time it just means "diffuse mental issues, no clear diagnosis"-

- Affective anxiety disorder is part of most mental disorders/problems with the notable exception of a sociopathic disorder.

Good luck getting help, either from your friends, youself or a good (see above) doctor. Take care.

Scarab Sages

Bitter Thorn wrote:
I just found out a good friend of mine has breast cancer. It's probably the same kind Diane had, and she has probably had it for years already. They have even refereed her to some of the same specialist that Diane went to. It's bad news that revives very painful memories.

Damn, that has to hurt. Keep strong. May the Outcome of this surprise you...

feytharn wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I just found out a good friend of mine has breast cancer. It's probably the same kind Diane had, and she has probably had it for years already. They have even refereed her to some of the same specialist that Diane went to. It's bad news that revives very painful memories.
Damn, that has to hurt. Keep strong. May the Outcome of this surprise you...

Thanks Feytharn! It looks like it may not be cancer!

Scarab Sages

Bitter Thorn wrote:
feytharn wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I just found out a good friend of mine has breast cancer. It's probably the same kind Diane had, and she has probably had it for years already. They have even refereed her to some of the same specialist that Diane went to. It's bad news that revives very painful memories.
Damn, that has to hurt. Keep strong. May the Outcome of this surprise you...
Thanks Feytharn! It looks like it may not be cancer!

I'm knocking on wood right now.

Chinatown Fair, the Manhattan's oldest arcade, is no more. I will miss you, my friend. pours a bubble tea on the sidewalk

Liberty's Edge

People don't plan things these days. When I ask when something will be delivered, when I can start work, when you can meet me, or something else to that effect, "I'll call you sometime" is not an acceptable answer. I cannot sit around staring at my telephone for days on end. I have a life outside of being left holding bags. F+&@ all of you who do this.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
People don't plan things these days. When I ask when something will be delivered, when I can start work, when you can meet me, or something else to that effect, "I'll call you sometime" is not an acceptable answer. I cannot sit around staring at my telephone for days on end. I have a life outside of being left holding bags. F@#@ all of you who do this.

I feel this pain.

After three years with my current employer as a "permalancer" (i.e. full time but no benefits, reported as a freelancer) they've given me a staff position. And that's great, but it also means that my best friend who works and lives with me is having his hours cut down to 25 per week. So I feel a bit guilty and worried since I a. want him to do well (as in not starve) and b. need him to be able to pay his half of the rent.

Liberty's Edge

A friend's labor that is rapidly approaching 24 hours.

Cut down in suckiness by an epidural but still not happy happy fun time.

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
People don't plan things these days. When I ask when something will be delivered, when I can start work, when you can meet me, or something else to that effect, "I'll call you sometime" is not an acceptable answer. I cannot sit around staring at my telephone for days on end. I have a life outside of being left holding bags. F%+~ all of you who do this.

This again.

I'm currently out four weeks' pay because of people forgetting to do paperwork. I know paperwork sucks, but actually doing it means that you can have employees that, you know, can actually come to work and s@@@.

Instead of sitting on their asses waiting for phone calls.

Go f~$% yourselves.

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