Sean's Age of Worms


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Male, but you really don't want to know how to check gender on a beholder... Human. You just can't beat that extra feat and those extra skill points. Gamer 20 (specialist school - DMing)/Theater Tech 15/Writer 10/ Slacker 30

Okay, good. I'm happy with the pace we've set too. Carry on as you were...

Male Dwarf Wizard (Diviner) 1

"Death?!?" the dwarf almost chokes on his mouthful of mulled wine when the gnome utters his proclamation.
"Death? I would hope that's not in any of our futures for a long while."
"I know this is a happenstance meeting, but I sense the hand of fate at work here... and fate is not to be trifled with!"
After a dramatic pause, with much moustache stroking, the dwarf continues.
"I will let ye in on a secret, a secret that I think we all have a share in. Ye see, I've concluded from my divinations that something is afoot, something terrible, evil and vast. And it all has ties to this town as far as I can figure out. Now, I came here to explore the numerous cairns outside the town and was looking for ablebodied people to help me in my efforts, but I sense that there's more to my mission than just exploration, how ever grand that mission is in itself!"
"Even now, as we sit here, I feel the threads of fate tighten and knot around this very table. This could be the start of something grand... and mayhaps very dangerous!"
With that utterance a slight haze seems to come over the dwarf's eyes, just for a split second, then he takes a large gulp of his wine and seems to focus on the people around the table again... "Mmmm, great whine, no? Warms the body on a rainy day such as this."

Male Gnome Cleric 1

Dalzig smirks as Kharid frets over the mention of death. "Oh, I'm not talking about our deaths, though that could certainly be a possibility I'm willing to face." He slowly sips his wine as the unnamed dwarf goes on. "Now, my good dwarf, surely a disciple of death could help you explore these cairns?" Dalzig asks this with a wide grin on his face.

I'd rather not have a fight seeing as how I don't have any equipment... heh...heh...

All Greater Kahuna All

I was mostly just kidding


All Greater Kahuna All

Bump. Are we all on vacation, or early weekend?

Male Halfling Binder / 1
Kharid Thunderrune wrote:

"I will let ye in on a secret, a secret that I think we all have a share in. Ye see, I've concluded from my divinations that something is afoot, something terrible, evil and vast. And it all has ties to this town as far as I can figure out. Now, I came here to explore the numerous cairns outside the town and was looking for ablebodied people to help me in my efforts, but I sense that there's more to my mission than just exploration, how ever grand that mission is in itself!"

"Even now, as we sit here, I feel the threads of fate tighten and knot around this very table. This could be the start of something grand... and mayhaps very dangerous!"
With that utterance a slight haze seems to come over the dwarf's eyes, just for a split second, then he takes a large gulp of his wine and seems to focus on the people around the table again... "Mmmm, great whine, no? Warms the body on a rainy day such as this."

A hint of colour seems to return to Harlon's face as the half-orc apparently fails to acknowledge, or be bothered by the halfling's sneeze. Perhaps this type of accident is common and not frowned upon in orcish culture? Now feigning that nothing happened, he returns his attention to the discussion at hand. "Yes, yes, great wine, master dwarf... But... what is this evil you are talking about? I mean, Diamond Lake is full of evil, that I should know... but I don't think that what I've seen is the kind of evil that you're talking about..." Harlon shudders, starting to imagine the unimaginable. "And I don't like all this talk of death, Dalzig..."

I've been waiting for others to post replies...

Male Dwarf Wizard (Diviner) 1

"I... I, I seem to have forgotten my manners with all this talk about death and destiny. I profoundly apologize!"
"I'm Kharid Thunderrune, scholar of ancient works and a recent inducted novice member of The Most Respected Historical and Archeological Studies Society."
"I originally came here from Jhesail to explore the archaeological valuable cairns around the town and perhaps pick up a thing or two that might have been excavated from the mining operations."
"Soon after I arrived here, just a couple of weeks ago, I started to pick up ominous signs of things great and dark focusing its energies around this muddy town... and that's when I ran into all of ye in this fateful time."
"So, here's to this meeting being the start of something good!" With those words he gulps down the last of his wine.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1

Ah, sorry guys. I was waiting for others to check-in and didn't realize there was a second page to the messageboard...rend will update shortly

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Harlon Happytoes wrote:

Harlon's watery eyes stare in unconcealed surprise at the motley crew that has assembled around his table. Drinking mulled wine with a foreign dwarf is one thing... but drinking with a savage-looking, adventure-seeking half-orc with a religious penchant, and with a preaching gnome... what am I about to get myself into?! "Ummm... I don't know much about Kord," squeeks the halfling shyly. "And... what kind of adventure are you looking for? I mean... I'm not sure that I..." The youngster smiles feedbly at his companions, clearly uncertain of what he should be telling them. "Oh, I forgot to tell you my name... I'm Harlon Happytoes... from Greenfields, in easter Tynear... but this hole has been my home for the past two years..." He tries to stiffle a sneeze, but another loud gazumph! escapes his nostrils. He cringes at the realization that some of the spray has hit the half-orc's hand... "Sorry," he begs softly as his already...

Ignoring the halfling's bodily emissions Rend is used to living with orcs after all, Rend claps Harlon on the back, just a little too hard.

"You don't know about Kord!? Well, I'm sure we can do something about that! For starters, he's the god of strength and athleticism." Looking over the diminutive halfling, he continues, "I doubt you have it in you to become a disciple, but you would be well-served to begin a regimen of daily calisthenics and strength exercises. Your body is your temple and you will be rewarded with Kord's favor by honoring is as such."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Dalzig Berenbiddle wrote:

With this, Dalzig glares at Rend with his blue eyes, being the first time he even acknowledged Rend's presence. He says to Rend, "I don't know if I seek adventure, but if something is happening that involves magic or death, surely I must participate in it. For my Goddess, of course," he quickly adds in with a grin.

"I can't speak for magic, but I'm pretty sure things will die in our path. That's the plan anyway. If that serves your goddess, so much the better. As long as you don't do anything funny with the corpses...I've witnessed enough of that for a lifetime..."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Kharid Thunderrune wrote:

"I... I, I seem to have forgotten my manners with all this talk about death and destiny. I profoundly apologize!"

"I'm Kharid Thunderrune, scholar of ancient works and a recent inducted novice member of The Most Respected Historical and Archeological Studies Society."
"I originally came here from Jhesail to explore the archaeological valuable cairns around the town and perhaps pick up a thing or two that might have been excavated from the mining operations."
"Soon after I arrived here, just a couple of weeks ago, I started to pick up ominous signs of things great and dark focusing its energies around this muddy town... and that's when I ran into all of ye in this fateful time."
"So, here's to this meeting being the start of something good!" With those words he gulps down the last of his wine.

"The most respected study of what..." Rend asks in bewilderment. Still not getting that the dwarf is a spellcaster, he wonders out loud, "So, if there's no axe...where does he keep the sword?"

Male Human Rogue 1

Sorry, took a week long trip with no internet.
I follow the half-orc and sit down. I sigh to myself as Dalzig and Rend speak of gods and a slight smirk flits across my face as I think "A wanna-be priest of Kord and an evangelical gnome priest of the Ruby Sorceress in the same group. Entertaining but tiring." Aloud I say "Rend, I beleive what the dwarf is trying to say is that he doesn't have a sword. He has spells which, in my limited experience can be just as effective as a sword. I personally have no fear of death. I trust in luck and my own skills to keep me alive and if I die..." as I shrug.

Male Halfling Binder / 1
Kharid Thunderrune wrote:

"I'm Kharid Thunderrune, scholar of ancient works and a recent inducted novice member of The Most Respected Historical and Archeological Studies Society."

"I originally came here from Jhesail to explore the archaeological valuable cairns around the town and perhaps pick up a thing or two that might have been excavated from the mining operations."
"Soon after I arrived here, just a couple of weeks ago, I started to pick up ominous signs of things great and dark focusing its energies around this muddy town... and that's when I ran into all of ye in this fateful time."
"So, here's to this meeting being the start of something good!" With those words he gulps down the last of his wine.

"Good to know you, Kharid Thunderrune." Harlon, concern in his eyes, swishes the wine around in his cup. "What kind of signs have you seen? Wouldn't it be better to leave these dark things alone, to not pay them any attention?" The halfling's voice trails off, as if doubting his own line of questioning. Alot of good that did the folk of Greenfields... Ignore the troubles brewing in the east, the elders would say, lest the troubles come seeking you. Ignore them we did... and now we see what good came of that throughout Tynear... Then, backtracking after having meditated briefly on some unspoken words: "what can be done to stop these evil forces, Kharid? What makes you think that we" -- the halfling looks at the unlikely group assembled around the table -- "can do anything to stop them? And why should we? Let the world go to the Abyss... if you hadn't noticed, we're already there, and there's no way out... And places like Diamond Lake don't deserve to be saved..."

Harlon's pale skin starts to take on a crimson hue. "I'm just a carpenter's son... no, the son of a deceased carpen..." The last words come out mumbled, practically indecipherable. The gaunt halfling looks into the depths of his wine, downs the drink in one gulp, then slams the cup on the table with such force that even Rend can't avoid but raise an eyebrow. It is unclear whether the lad is about to break into tears or explode with violent fury, but the weak and fearful image initially projected by the halfling has temporarily been shed...

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Shamus Car'das wrote:

I follow the half-orc and sit down. I sigh to myself as Dalzig and Rend speak of gods and a slight smirk flits across my face as I think "A wanna-be priest of Kord and an evangelical gnome priest of the Ruby Sorceress in the same group. Entertaining but tiring." Aloud I say "Rend, I beleive what the dwarf is trying to say is that he doesn't have a sword. He has spells which, in my limited experience can be just as effective as a sword. I personally have no fear of death. I trust in luck and my own skills to keep me alive and if I die..." as I shrug.

" sword and no axe..." Rend wonders aloud. After a few moments, he appears to come to some sort of realization A warhammer! Of course! Not wanting to offend the dwarf by criticizing his choice of weapon, he keeps his thoughts to himself and addresses Kharid, "I finally understand, my friend. Nothing to worry about. To each his own, as they say."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Harlon Happytoes wrote:

"Good to know you, Kharid Thunderrune." Harlon, concern in his eyes, swishes the wine around in his cup. "What kind of signs have you seen? Wouldn't it be better to leave these dark things alone, to not pay them any attention?" The halfling's voice trails off, as if doubting his own line of questioning. Alot of good that did the folk of Greenfields... Ignore the troubles brewing in the east, the elders would say, lest the troubles come seeking you. Ignore them we did... and now we see what good came of that throughout Tynear... Then, backtracking after having meditated briefly on some unspoken words: "what can be done to stop these evil forces, Kharid? What makes you think that we" -- the halfling looks at the unlikely group assembled around the table -- "can do anything to stop them? And why should we? Let the world go to the Abyss... if you hadn't noticed, we're already there, and there's no way out... And places like Diamond Lake don't deserve to be saved..."

Harlon's pale skin starts to take on a crimson hue. "I'm just a carpenter's son... no, the son of a deceased carpen..." The last words come out mumbled, practically indecipherable. The gaunt halfling looks into the depths of his wine, downs the drink in one gulp, then slams the cup on the table with such force that...

Rend eyes the halfling for a moment, then breaks into a wide grin. "I know what you need, and it's not mulled wine. What you need is to kill a few gobbos! Always cheers me up, at least."

Male Halfling Binder / 1
Rend wrote:

Rend eyes the halfling for a moment, then breaks into a wide grin. "I know what you need, and it's not mulled wine. What you need is to kill a few gobbos! Always cheers me up, at least."

"Kill? KILL?! Are you mad?! I don't want to kill anybody... how would killing do me any good?!" That confirms it... I most definitely am in the wrong company, and if I stay much longer, I'll be in a mess from which I'll never be able to pull myself... The halfling slinks back into his chair with a worried look in his eyes. Smart move, Harlon. Keep pushing the half-orc like that, and you'll wind up dead before you know it... He looks intently into his wine cup with a profound sigh, evidently disappointed that he downed its contents in one gulp.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Harlon Happytoes wrote:

"Kill? KILL?! Are you mad?! I don't want to kill anybody... how would killing do me any good?!"

"What's wrong with killing? It's fixes a problem good, it does. I only kill bad folk, of course. But I never met a gobbo who didn't deserve it, that's for sure. Sneaky little bastards."

As the chit-chat dies down a bit, Rend begins to get restless. Oblivious to the reservations of some at the table, he decides that enough time has been spent talking, and that it's time to actually do something. In a sudden movement, he bangs the table a little too loudly with his fist, and stands up.

"Sounds like we're all in agreement. To adventure!" he cries, downing the last of his drink. Turning, he strides purposefully towards the door. Only when he's halfway there does he realise that nobody's following him and that he has no idea where he's actually going. Frowning, he turns back to the table, "So, uh, where to?"

Male Human Rogue 1

"It's raining and it'll be dark soon. I'm guessing that we should stock up on a some essentials, like food before heading out. Lets all get a good night's rest and then in the morning we can buy some supplies and head out sometime in the late morning or early afternoon. How does that sound to everyone?"

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Shamus Car'das wrote:
"It's raining and it'll be dark soon. I'm guessing that we should stock up on a some essentials, like food before heading out. Lets all get a good night's rest and then in the morning we can buy some supplies and head out sometime in the late morning or early afternoon. How does that sound to everyone?"

Shrugging, Rend turns to the barkeep, "How much for a room?"

"Well, for a handful of coppers, you can stay at Jalek's Flophouse across the street. If you perfer to stay in a room of some sort, rather than an open warehouse full of stinkining miners, and have a whole gold a night to spend on yer lodging, then there's the Able Carter Coaching Inn, just down the Vein, to the east a pace."

Male Human Rogue 1

I nod and turn to everyone else and ask "Well, shall we slum with the filth or shell out some gold? I personally would prefer to go the more expensive one. You get what you pay for, after all." as an after thought I add "Unless they're a cheating you of course."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Shamus Car'das wrote:
I nod and turn to everyone else and ask "Well, shall we slum with the filth or shell out some gold? I personally would prefer to go the more expensive one. You get what you pay for, after all." as an after thought I add "Unless they're a cheating you of course."

Rend shrugs. "I've slept near worse company than miners..."

Male Gnome Cleric 1

Dalzig quietly follows the rest of the conversation, nodding briefly at times.

Shamus wrote:
I nod and turn to everyone else and ask "Well, shall we slum with the filth or shell out some gold? I personally would prefer to go the more expensive one. You get what you pay for, after all." as an after thought I add "Unless they're a cheating you of course."

"I won't be needing a room, seeing as how I've been living in this dump for a while. If it's alright with you all, I'll meet you at wherever you find a place to rest."

Male Human Rogue 1

"Well, I'll be going to the Able Carter Inn. Lets meet up about eight tomarrow morning here. Then we can start getting whatever supplies we need and get an early start to the cairn." I say and leave the inn, headed toward's the Able Carter Inn.

As you're all getting ready to leave, Tirra the elf speaks up, possibly startling some of you. None of you had noticed that she'd quietly maneuvered over closer to your table.

"You're going exploring in the cairns? Which one? We're exploring the Stirgenest Cairn tomorrow."

She looks at you all expectantly. She's attractive and clearly knows it. She certainly likes to show off her attractiveness. But something about her bearing and demeanor hints at a much darker and more lethal side.


The Stirgenest Cairn was one of your top picks for potential discoveries. There are a couple others among your choices, including one known as the Whispering Cairn. The Whispering Cairn only just barely made your short list, and only then, at the last second, as you were on your way out of Jhesail, because you discovered an earlier Seeker expedition to the cairns never returned. The Whispering Cairn was on their exploration list. You've told no one that the Whispering Cairn was a possibility for you.


Like Dalzig, you've been here a while. Possibly longer than anyone else at the table. It was a few months ago that the vestiges started whispering to you, and you discovered that you could summon and bind them. About two weeks ago, the vague, hollow voices that whisper to you from beyond became more ominous -- they started whispering about how a new age was coming, and that you would all (presumably meaning all living things) be joining them (the vestiges) in darkness soon. About the same time, your frequent dark dreams changed as well. You've started dreaming about a cave of whispers, and a face made of rock that screams silently with the force of a hurricane wind. You also know that, while few people disturb the cairns, even fewer go to the Whispering Cairn because of the stories that children who get dared to spend the night there sometimes don't come back.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1

As Shamus prepares to head off to the inn, Rend jumps in "I'll go to the inn. Just saying I ain't fussy, is all. We'd probably have to take watches with the miners though, so I'd rather stay at the inn than split up..."

Tirra wrote:

As you're all getting ready to leave, Tirra the elf speaks up, possibly startling some of you. None of you had noticed that she'd quietly maneuvered over closer to your table.

"You're going exploring in the cairns? Which one? We're exploring the Stirgenest Cairn tomorrow."

She looks at you all expectantly. She's attractive and clearly knows it. She certainly likes to show off her attractiveness. But something about her bearing and demeanor hints at a much darker and more lethal side.

"Tired of throwing darts, are ya? Well, WE're going to the Stirgenest Cairns. And if you're planning to get there before us to steal all the loot, you got another thing coming."

Raising an eyebrow, Rend looks around before continuing, "Who were you planning on exploring with anyway? Seems like you're alone now, doesn't it?"

He pauses with a confused look on his face. Why did she come after us, just to play temptress? "Hey wait a sec, are you looking to join our group? If you can fight, maybe we can use you. Right now it looks like Kharid and I will be taking the brunt of the battle, and I think we could use another swordhand."

Tirra laughs at the suggestion.

"My companions are elsewhere at the moment, but if you were looking to join an adventuring troop.... Well, you look a little green, but a big strong lad such as yourself could probably pay his way humping gear until he learned the ropes.

"These rookies are like to leave you behind as a snack for whatever they're running from. If you carry our gear, we'll keep you alive. Otherwise we'd need to find somebody else to carry all the gear."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Tirra wrote:

Tirra laughs at the suggestion.

"My companions are elsewhere at the moment, but if you were looking to join an adventuring troop.... Well, you look a little green, but a big strong lad such as yourself could probably pay his way humping gear until he learned the ropes.

"These rookies are like to leave you behind as a snack for whatever they're running from. If you carry our gear, we'll keep you alive. Otherwise we'd need to find somebody else to carry all the gear."

Rend glares at the elf. "I do not adventure with cowards, and I am no one's pack mule. You'll do well to remember those two things. And I don't see exactly how your throwing knives are going to keep me alive anyway. I'll trust myself to Kharid's warhammer instead, thank you very much. Now, are you coming with us or not?"

Male Human Rogue 1

I step between Rend and the woman with a charming smile and say "Excuse me. May I point out that you look little more experienced then us, so you are as likely to meet a grisly fate as we. We are traveling together to explore a cairn for our own benefit. We shall fight our own fights, face our own challenges, and claim our own rewards, not carry the gear of our 'betters'. Thank you but we'll have to decline, with all due respect of course." in a voice dripping with sarcasm and the charming smile fades as I speak, becoming more of a sneer.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Diviner) 1
Tirra wrote:

"You're going exploring in the cairns? Which one? We're exploring the Stirgenest Cairn tomorrow."

She looks at you all expectantly. She's attractive and clearly knows it. She certainly likes to show off her attractiveness. But something about her bearing and demeanor hints at a much darker and more lethal side.

The Stirgenest Cairn... what unfortunate turn of events... hmmm, let's see if we can dissuade them and if not I might suggest one of the other options to the rest of our small fellowship... out of earshot of the elfling, of course.

"The Stirgenest Cairn you say? Alas, I fear ye might not have much luck with that. I heard a large group returned empty handed just a few weeks ago from there... But if ye want to go turn over some old stones again, be our guests, but don't say I didn't tell ye so!"

Male Human Rogue 1

Once we're away from the elf I ask "I trust you have another destination in mind, Master Thunderrune?"

Male Dwarf Wizard (Diviner) 1
Shamus Car'das wrote:
Once we're away from the elf I ask "I trust you have another destination in mind, Master Thunderrune?"

"Alas, to be honest I was going to suggest the very same cairn... however, unless we were to sneak out there like thieves in the night come first darkness, I fear that we'd be in for a competition we wouldn't necessarily come out on top of."

Making sure that the nosy elfling isn't poking around close by, he lowers his voice a bit. "There is another cairn that might be of interest, though. It's got some nasty rumours about it and might even be empty for all of that, but it's the next best bet as far as I can figure. The Whispering Cairn be its name."

Male Human Rogue 1

"The Whispering Cairn? I suppose that that's the best alternative; I hardly think it wise to go off to a mysterious cairn in the dark of night with her group arriving in thw morning, for they would certainly fight us and that's not what we need right now, is a wise course of action. We should set out for this Whispering Cairn as soon as we are able tomarrow."

Male Halfling Binder / 1
Shamus Car'das wrote:
"The Whispering Cairn? I suppose that that's the best alternative; I hardly think it wise to go off to a mysterious cairn in the dark of night with her group arriving in thw morning, for they would certainly fight us and that's not what we need right now, is a wise course of action. We should set out for this Whispering Cairn as soon as we are able tomarrow."

"The Whispering Cairn?!" Harlon strains his neck to look up at his towering companions, eyes are wide and voice quavering slightly. "I've lived in Diamond Lake for over a year now, and let me tell you, few people disturb the cairns, and with good reason. Even fewer go to the Whispering Cairn... there are stories of children who get dared to spend the night there sometimes... and don't come back. I don't think it would be safe, or wise, to go there. Best not to bother that which dwells in the darkness, especially if what Master Thunderrune says is true..." Harlon's expression becomes distant, ghost-like, as he utters that last sentence.

All Greater Kahuna All

Just FYI guys, I'm out of town, but occasionally able to log on. It shouldn't really be any different than normal, I just wanted to let you know, in case it was a while in between my posts. Great stuff so far, and soon we shall head out for the Whispering Cairn!

If the elf is slighted by Shamus' comment, it doesn't show in her face. She merely smiles, or perhaps smirks, and leaves you all to go on your way.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Kharid Thunderrune wrote:
Shamus Car'das wrote:
Once we're away from the elf I ask "I trust you have another destination in mind, Master Thunderrune?"

"Alas, to be honest I was going to suggest the very same cairn... however, unless we were to sneak out there like thieves in the night come first darkness, I fear that we'd be in for a competition we wouldn't necessarily come out on top of."

Making sure that the nosy elfling isn't poking around close by, he lowers his voice a bit. "There is another cairn that might be of interest, though. It's got some nasty rumours about it and might even be empty for all of that, but it's the next best bet as far as I can figure. The Whispering Cairn be its name."

"To the Whispering Cairn, then!" Rend exclaims, shrugging, "Whatever that is..."

Male Dwarf Wizard (Diviner) 1
Rend wrote:
"To the Whispering Cairn, then!" Rend exclaims, shrugging, "Whatever that is..."

"Shhh lad, keep yer voice down!"

Kharid looks around to see if anyone nosy nearby overheard.

All Greater Kahuna All


Make a Spot check

Male Dwarf Wizard (Diviner) 1

Spot Check (1d20-2=17)
Ohh, nice for someone who sucks at spot checks :-D

All Greater Kahuna All


That's a great spot roll for someone with a weak spot. However, you see only the usual traffic on the street for this time of day.

All Greater Kahuna All

I think we're good to fast forward to the next morning, if everyone's good with that.

Dalzig and Kharid, please post your spells memorized for the day when you next post.

Male Halfling Binder / 1

Spoiler for DM:

Leaving his new companions for the evening, Harlon makes his way back to the boarding house that he has called home off and on over the past year, in accordance with his fortunes. He quietly makes his way back to his room, careful to avoid his landlords and the other boarders. Once in his room, he draws up his favourite, badly worn blanket -- the one his mother gave him -- and curls up in a ball on his human-sized bed. His eyes stare out into emptiness, at a scene whispered in dreams. "Yesssss... soon, you will join us in the darknessss... all will join us in the cold emptiness beyond life, beyond death... the time is nigh..." The halfling shivers as the disembodied, sibilant voices echo in the corridors of his fragile mind. Down, down into a dark cave the voices lead him... their whispers all around, almost tangible... the whispering dark goes on forever... and brings him to a face carved out of the cursed rock, a face that screams soundlessly with the force of a hurricane wind... he is blown away, a helpless leaf on a demon's breath... the blackness seeps out of the cave, slowly engulfing the world beyond...

The halfling keeps on rocking, tears streaming from his eyes... I'm so afraid... Why me? Why are you showing me this? He feels for the whistle that hangs around his neck, and thinks about blowing on it. Will mother hear? No, Harlon, don't... if Kharid and the voices are right, then now is not the time... Instead, he reaches tentatively for his father's spear, propped up between his bed and night stand. Trembling, the lad strokes its point. Da', what should I do? Why did you leave me?

Harlon drifts in and out of dreams and nightmares... of his family... of the war in Tynear... of the refugee camps... of the doom that is at hand... He sees the woman whom he has dreamed of so many times since the voices started speaking to him... "Harlon, call on Malphas, the Turnfeather... he will guide you..." A sigil flashes in his mind...

It must be a few hours shy of midnight when the halfling wakes, and sits on the edge of the bed, feet dangling awkwardly. He lights his lamp, then carefully gathers his few possessions into his backpack. Harlon... be brave... you must go with Kharid and the others... It might be the only way to make the nightmares go away... To stop this darkness from devouring the world... to make sure you get to see mam and the bapkis again... And this party might be your opportunity to leave Diamond Lake once and for all... whether you survive the cairn or not...

To be continued in the next post...

Male Halfling Binder / 1

Spoiler for DM:

His gear packed away for the morrow's journey, Harlon grabs a piece of chalk, and, taking a deep breath, begins to trace the sigil that the woman had shown him in his dreams on the wooden floor. Malphas, the Turnfeather...

Although he could rush the tracing, the halfling takes his time, ensuring that each line and curve is drawn perfectly. Then, kneeling before the sprawling sigil, he begins to whisper: "Malphas... I, Harlon Happytoes, call thy name... I call upon the power of the Turnfeather... give me thine eyes, and I shall bind myself to you... come, Malphas, I beg thee... come Turnfeather, I implore thee..."

The furious fluttering of white doves explodes out of thin air into the room, startling the halfling. The birds flap noisily around the cell-like chamber, then fly away from each other and fade from view. In their place stands a handsome elf, clad in a nobleman's black garb, with pale skin, black eyes, and black feathers for hair. He smiles a black-toothed grin as he looks down upon the trembling halfling. "Malphas hears your request, Harlon Happytoes... and grants it...," croaks the sinister elf. A black, snake-like tongue flicks through his lips as he laughs a raucous laugh, eyes boring to the core of the halfling's soul. The elf's form begins to dissolve and meld into the worried halfling. Harlon exhibits a few mild convulsions, and appears ready to retch, but after a few moments spent doubled over in pain, he regains his composure. He looks at his hands, at his body... Everything looks fine... I think I'm alright...

The halfling looks out his window at night-shrouded Diamond Lake. There is little to see. Total blackness... like in the cave of whispers. The night wind seems to be picking up. Harlon sighs profoundly, then sets to erase the sigil with a cloth before getting some rest for the night.


The grey light of dawn filters through Harlon's room. He awakes with a start. What's that, at the window? He cautiously rises from his bed, to find a raven pecking intently at the pane. It looks at him with a knowing expression, cawing its mocking laughter, and then flies off. Time to meet the others... Yet where the bird was perched but moments ago, the halfling now sees his own reflection in the glass. His heart leaps into his throat. Oh no... my teeth... my tongue... they're black! Something must have gone wrong...

Binding check: 7 (d20 roll) + 1 (effective binder level) + 4 (CHA mod.) = 12. Given that the DC for success was a 15, this means that Harlon has become bound to Malphas for the next 24 hours, but that he has made a "poor pact." This means that Harlon's personality succumbs to Malphas's influence:

"While influenced by Malphas, you fall in love too easily. A kind word or a friendly gesture can cause you to devote yourself entirely to another person. Should that person reject you affection, your broken heart mends the moment another attractive person shows you some kindness. In addition, if you have access to poison, Malphas requires that you employ it against your foes at every opportunity." (Tome of Magic, p. 39).

Malphas grants Harlon the following powers:

1) Bird's eye view: at will, you can summon a dove or raven (Harlon will choose a raven) to aid your powers of observation. (Use the stats for a raven regardless of the creature's form). The bird appears perched on your shoulder. You have complete control over its actions, and you can see what it sees and hear what it hears. Use the bird's skill check to determine the results of its actions and observations (for example, Bluff, Search, Spot, Listen), but use your skill bonuses to derive information from its observations (for example, Knowledge, Sense Motive, or Spellcraft to identify a spell)... The bird cannot talk. You can have only one bird summoned at a time. It remains until you summon another dove or raven, mentally dismiss it (a standard action), or stop binding with Malphas.

2) Poison use: you are not at risk of poisoning yourself when handling poison.

3) Sudden strike: with your melee attack, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage anytime your target would be denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. This extra damage applies to ranged attacks only if the opponent is within 30 feet.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Sean, AoW PbP DM wrote:

I think we're good to fast forward to the next morning, if everyone's good with that.

Dalzig and Kharid, please post your spells memorized for the day when you next post.

Rend is ready for the fast-forward.

Male Halfling Binder / 1

Harlon is the first to reach the Feral Dog on the following morning. It seems as though it will be a chilly and overcast day. The halfling sits alone, hunched at the table where the party first assembled the day before, bundled tightly in his ragged green cloak and hood drawn so as to conceal his face. The odd hole in his cloak betrays the leather armour he wears underneath. A pack lays at his feet, and a spear rests between his knees. The skinny halfling holds his bony hands out to the warmth of the recently re-kindled hearth fire, but otherwise is still as a statue, lost in thought and doing his best to ignore the workers nursing their hangovers in the establishment. Ugh... the reek of stale beer, smoke, vomit and unwashed miner... what a way to start the day... I wonder if the others will show up? I'll give them a while more... if they don't turn up, guess I'll just have to go back to framing, and forget that yesterday's meeting and those evil dreams ever happened... and hope that Jeb and his gang won't be waiting for me... If the others do show up, do I bother telling Andras that I won't be working today? Hmmm... Ah, here they are... And to hell with Andras... he owes me...

When the first of his new companions approaches, Harlon pulls on his hood again, as if to make sure that he has drawn it as far as it will go. He nods a reserved greeting from its shadows. Please, don't notice, don't say anything...

Male Gnome Cleric 1


CLW x2
Detect Magic x1
Read Magic x1
Cause Fear x1
Cure Minor Wounds x1
Turn Undead x5
Death Touch x1 (SPA due to Death Domain)
Once the group disperses into the night, Dalzig races back to chatter with Allustan. A real adventure! After a while he lays down and goes to sleep.

Waking up promptly at midnight, Dalzig gropes for his dagger and retrieves it. Sitting on his knees, he prays to Death's Guardian to watch over him. He prays to The Stern Lady to keep those around him in line. He prays to the Ruby Sorceress to grant him the magic he desires. After an hour, he crawls back into bed.

Waking up again in the morning, Dalzig dons his suit of scale mail, straps on his dagger and belt pouch, and grabs hold of his shield. Finally, he pick up his morningstar and ties it at his waist. With a few words to Allustan, he proceeds out the door.

Stopping only to procure some basic scribing materials, in case he wants to share something with Allustan, he makes his way to the Feral Dog. Entering, he dully gleams like a little ball of metal. He makes his way near the fire and finds a seat. He scans the crowd for anyone looking like an orc, as he has forgotten all the other companions. After not finding the one he's looking for, he stares intently at the door.

Bought some parchment, ink, and inkpen.

Dalzig Berenbiddle wrote:
Once the group disperses into the night, Dalzig races back to chatter with Allustan. A real adventure! After a while he lays down and goes to sleep.

Allustan listens intently as you tell him of your planned adventure.

"Yes, yes. I've been meaning to research those cairns more. I believe they are older than most folk around here know. Please take notes. I'll be quite interested in anything you discover, Dalzig. Pay particular attention to any writings or symbols you find.

"How exciting for you, my friend. Have a care while you are exploring. Ancient tombs can be very dangerous places. More than one local youth has gone missing in those cairns over the years. I believe a young child even went missing in the whispering cairn not too long ago.

"I think this will be good for you. And I do believe this will help further the cause of the Ruby Sorceress, and your understanding of her and her church as well."

For the first time in your discussions with him, you feel that Allustan's comments about Wee Jas are genuine, and without condescension.

"Sleep well, young master Berenbiddle. I hope your companions prove as stalwart and brave as you. I look forward to hearing about your adventure."

Male Halfling Binder / 1

From the shadows of his hood, Harlon watches with shock and dismay as Dalzig and Shamus ignore him and sit at another table. What?! How many people of my size would they expect to find lurking about the Feral Dog at this hour of the day?! I'm sure that Dalzig saw me... They've forgotten me already... or they just don't want me... I knew they didn't want me... Why would some would-be warriors, a priest of death, and a scholar want to take a frail little halfling "boy" on their expedition, what good could I be to them... halflings are good only for cleaning the latrines of their human masters, for shining their shoes, for slavery and chattel, for crawling into small spaces to retrieve those diamonds and gold nuggests that would otherwise escape their greedy reach... to hell with them all!!! Uncontrollable anger flaring in his chest, the little man clenches his teeth, leaps from his chair and sweeps up his pack and spear in one motion, and then heads straight for the door, not giving the companions that might-have-been a second look...

On his way out he bumps into...

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Harlon Happytoes wrote:

On his way out he bumps into...

"Hey, little man, watch where you point that thing!" Rend says as he nearly impales his man-parts on the halfling's spear. "Aren't we meeting in here anyway? Where ya off to in such a hurry?" Seeing Dalzig and Shamus in the corner, he continues, "Looks like we've got a table over there. Let's go over. I have to ask Shamus something."

With that, he leaves the shocked halfling in his wake as he strides to the others and gets a frowning Shamus to read out a few random words scrawled on small pieces of parchment. Once he's satisfied, he motions for the stunned Harlon to join them and pulls up a chair, wondering aloud when breakfast will be served.

"Where's the dwarf? I hope he remembered his weapon today!"

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